All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 224 That Thing

Xu Chenzhou spent quite a while on this sorting out.

He had to strike while the iron was hot and fully comprehend the Immortal Sword before the memory in his mind faded.

After all, the Immortal Sword was not a simple magical power. Its essence was quite subtle. Even if Xu Chenzhou had more than a dozen cultivation systems in the heavens and the worlds as knowledge reserves, and the spiritual cores of two peerless geniuses as assistance, he still had to spend a lot of effort to figure out this magical power.

In fact, he still had many ways to obtain this magical power.

For example, he could capture these two people and interrogate them directly, or let his sister learn from her teacher and then pass it on to him.

But there were also many troubles. A magical power of this level was already the foundation of the Supreme Creation Sect, and there must be various restrictions on it to restrict disciples from secretly passing it on.

Otherwise, if someone came and captured the disciples of the Supreme Creation Sect, they would be able to obtain the magical power of the Supreme Creation Sect from them. How could it maintain its position as the overlord of the Blue Water Star?

The most important thing is that Xu Chenzhou understands that the magical power he finally comprehends by using this method to comprehend the magical power must be different from the original version of the Supreme Creation Sect, and it will be more suitable.

He opened the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique, allowing the two people from the outside world to attack, and devoted himself to the comprehension.

Anyway, with the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique, the two people from the outside world can't hurt him at all unless they show some new skills.

Although his extraordinary martial arts cultivation at this time is only the fourth level, his extraordinary martial arts is completely different from that of ordinary martial artists. There are too many cultivation systems from other worlds mixed in it. With so many cultivation systems working together, the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique he holds up is enough for him to calmly take on the magical attack of the half-step sixth level.

Even if Li Xuangang beats the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique to the point of being broken, he can recover his energy by eating spiritual fruits and remain completely invincible.

Li Xuangang and Liuyun tried for a while, but because they couldn't do anything about the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique, they just stared at Xu Chenzhou outside the bell-shaped gas shield, waiting for Xu Chenzhou to go crazy.

But they waited and waited, but nothing happened.

Xu Chenzhou didn't even show any signs of his luck falling to the bottom, let alone going crazy.

He closed his eyes and rested in the bell-shaped gas shield, looking calm and at ease.

Half an hour passed before the two began to notice something was wrong.

Li Xuangang turned his head to look at Liuyun, his eyes full of confusion: "What's wrong with this kid, why hasn't he gotten into trouble yet?"

Liuyun was also confused: "I don't know either, unless this kid has a treasure that can suppress his luck, or has learned some magical power that can suppress his luck, then he can ignore the magical power of the sword that kills the immortals.

But how is this possible? Treasures that can suppress luck are all treasures in the Taishang Creation Sect, and even teachers are not qualified to own them.

Not to mention the magical power that can suppress luck, even my Taishang Creation Sect only has one magical power with such power, and this magical power can only be learned by the sect master's lineage, and ordinary disciples don't even have to think about it."

Hearing this, Li Xuangang's face changed, and a trace of desire flashed in his eyes: "Could the magical power you are talking about be one of the three major sect-suppressing immortal methods of the Taishang Creation Sect, the Taiqing Xuanhuang Demon-Suppressing God Tower? It is said that the immortal cultivator who has practiced this magical power can With this magical power, you can be immune to all laws, never fall into disaster, be eternal and free, and stay in the world forever. "

Liuyun nodded: "It is this method. Even if you, the Wuji Immortal, can learn this magical power, you will have the opportunity to suppress your own luck with this magical power, cut off the connection with your teacher, and then regain your freedom, and even embark on the path of cultivating immortals again.

But I advise you not to think about it. Even my master can't learn this wonderful method. How can you, a mere slave, be qualified to peek.

But then again, I have seen the master perform this immortal method once. Just now, the bell-shaped gas shield of this kid was surging with a lot of dark yellow aura, which was very similar to the aura color on the Taiqing Xuanhuang Demon God Tower of the master. Could it be that this kid really has a magical power that can suppress luck? "

Before Liuyun finished speaking, Li Xuangang's eyes surged with greed. He stared at the bell-shaped gas shield next to Xu Chenzhou, his eyes full of desire.

Liuyun was not much better. After he finished his guess, he was shocked by himself. But the more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was really similar. The aura surging above the bell-shaped air shield was exactly the same as the aura of the Taiqing Xuanhuang Demon Suppression Tower.

This also made him look fierce. If he could get the secret method to suppress his luck, he would soar to the sky from now on, and no one could suppress his momentum of rise.

Li Xuangang's voice was low: "But even if this kid really has this kind of magic, we can't do anything to him.

This turtle shell is too hard, and it also has the effect of suppressing luck. Even our sword of beheading immortals has no effect on him.

Moreover, he can also take medicine to restore his energy. I don't know what the pill is. After taking one, the kid was already exhausted, but he was revived immediately with full blood. This is simply too foul."

In fact, the pill that Xu Chenzhou took was not a rare thing.

This pill was made by Han Li, who collected many pill recipes after his last travels.

The recipe for this elixir was also obtained at that time. This elixir was called the Great Rejuvenation Pill. It was originally just a rejuvenation elixir in the golden elixir stage. After being eaten, it can speed up the recovery of the infuriating energy in the body.

But the problem is that Han Li used too much material when refining the elixir.

Under the influence of the time acceleration law of the chat group, the Sky Palm Vase can produce one and a half drops of towering creation liquid every day, which makes Han Li's planting business develop in full swing. Ordinary elixirs are simply worthless to him. carry.

So when refining the medicine this time, he directly doubled it. The prescription said to use ten-year-old green spirit grass. Han Li shook his hand and directly used a hundred-year quality. The prescription said to use hundred-year red fire grass. Han Li directly It is of the thousand-year level, so the rejuvenation pills produced are extremely powerful.

Once a pill is taken down, the energy in the body moves as fast as a rocket, and you can return to the third level of Qi in the blink of an eye.

Coupled with the blessing of Xu Chenzhou, who has the basic body-building technique of the Origin-level Kung Fu Star Alliance, the digestion speed can be increased again, so that such a strong recovery effect can be achieved.

However, this is also the purpose of Han Li refining the Great Rejuvenation Pill. The reason why he prepared such a ruthless material is to leave a trump card for his friends. They can use this pill to quickly restore the energy in the body when encountering danger.

Xu Chenzhou naturally heard the discussion between the two of them in the air shield. He didn't say much, just smiled slightly and continued to immerse himself in understanding.

The Xuanhuang Exquisite Body Protection Technique is a reward given to Xiao Yang Chan by the ancient law of heaven. It contains a trace of the law projection of the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. This object is originally the most powerful treasure that suppresses luck in the ancient world. Even the monstrous weather of the human religion It can suppress a person's luck. Although Xuanhuang Ling's body protection technique only has a trace of charm, it is more than enough to suppress a person's luck.

As long as the difference in strength is not too big, Xu Chenzhou will be invincible after using the Xuanhuang Exquisite Body Protection Technique. It is simply a fantasy for the two of them to overcome the protection of Xuanhuang Qi and reduce his luck.

In their battle at this level, using this magical power is just like cheating.

However, Xu Chenzhou also understood that the reason for this was also because the cultivation levels of Li Xuangang and Liu Yun were too low.

Although Li Xuangang is half-step to the sixth level, he relied on crooked ways to break through. His foundation is frivolous, and his magical powers are just for beginners, so he is just a showman.

He can still defeat ordinary fifth-level extraordinary beings with his realm, but when he encounters a true sixth-level master, he is completely vulnerable.

Sixth-level gods and demon warriors have begun to come into contact with the power of laws, and the Xuanhuang Exquisite Body Protection Technique is not the real Xuanhuang Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. Facing the power of the law level, the Xuanhuang Exquisite Body Protection Technique may not be able to protect him completely every time. .

After some time, Li Xuangang and Liu Yun tried various methods, but they were still unable to break through Xu Chenzhou's turtle shell.

At this moment, Li Xuangang suddenly showed a ruthless look on his face. He turned to look at Liuyun, his eyes full of temptation: "Otherwise, we use that one?"

Liu Yun was startled by Li Xuangang's suggestion. He said with some fear: "You must be crazy to use that. That thing was left to us by the teacher as a trump card. Only the Supreme Creation Sect is unable to do so." Only strong enemies will allow us to use it. You have to use it for a fourth-level warrior. If the teacher finds out, he will never let us go."

Li Xuangang said viciously: "Wealth and wealth are in danger. A magical power that can suppress luck is placed in front of you. You are still hesitant. Are you a man? You don't even dare to fight."

Liu Yun let out a sneer: "You dare to fight, but after fighting, you end up in this situation. If your teacher hadn't given up that old face, knelt in front of my master and kept kowtowing to plead for you, you would have become the Wuji Immortal." No chance."

Li Xuangang was unmoved. The look he looked at Liu Yun at this time no longer held the resentment before, but was full of longing: "Liu Yun, if I remember correctly, you are under the sect of Elder Junchen. Ranked fifth, there are four talented senior brothers above you, and they have all reached the sixth level now.

In addition, Elder Junchen took in a new disciple some time ago, and I heard that he is a genius that is rare to see in a hundred years.

Being of the same generation as these people, I’m afraid you are under a lot of pressure! "

Li Xuangang observed Liu Yun's expression as he spoke. It wasn't until he saw a complicated expression on Liu Yun's face that he breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Elder Junchen has an extraordinary status in Taishang's Creation Sect, and he is the most powerful one." Opportunity to become one of the candidates for the next goalkeeper.

If the elder Jun Chen can become the next sect leader, then he will definitely choose one of you to be the next sect leader for training, so that he can completely control the Supreme Creation Sect in his hands.

Guess what advantages you have compared to these senior brothers and junior brothers to make the monarchs, ministers and elders choose you as their heir.

But it will be different if you accompany me this time to get this magical power that can suppress luck. With the magical power that can suppress luck in your hand, many dangerous opportunities in the Taishang Sect of Creation will be like this to you. Only in this way can you keep up with the progress of other brothers and sisters, and then have the possibility of becoming the next leader of the Taizaohua Sect.

As for the responsibility for using that thing, we both bear it. At worst, we will find some old guys from the martial arts association to kill them later, saying that they were in the same group with Xu Chenzhou, and they were all protecting Xu Chenzhou at that time. task so we used that.

In this case, although the elders will still punish us, they will definitely not take our lives.

It's just a physical pain, what's the big deal. "

Hearing Li Xuangang's analysis, Liuyun's eyes flickered, and he was already tempted.

What Li Xuangang said did make sense. If it was to kill a fourth-level person, the elders would definitely be furious and think that they were not doing a good job. But if they could find a few more old guys to take the blame, then everything would make sense.

In addition, among the several secret realms controlled by the Supreme Summoning Sect, there are many evil lands that reduce luck, and these places are where opportunities gather. If Xu Chengzhou's magical power that can suppress luck can be obtained, then These evil lands that ordinary disciples avoid can become his back garden.

With this as capital, he has the hope of catching up with those senior brothers and then strive for the opportunity to become the next master of Taishan Zaohua Sect.

As a disciple born in the common people, Liuyun understands the principle of slowing down one step and slowing down every step better than anyone else.

The magical power of suppressing luck is too important for him to give up.

He finally nodded, looked at Li Xuangang with determination and said: "In this case, I will listen to you and use that. "

Seeing Liuyun nod, Li Xuangang's face also showed a relieved expression.

If he could get the magical power to suppress the luck, he would have the opportunity to rely on this magical power to break free from the shackles imposed on him by the Supreme Life and Death Void Bliss Curse, which was too important for him.

Li Xuangang reached into his arms and took out a small jade sword from his arms. The sword body of the small sword was grayish white like human bones, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable. There were dense talismans engraved on the sword body, and eight big characters were engraved in the center of the small sword: Wuji eliminates disasters, Taishang relieves misfortunes.

As soon as this small sword was taken out, an extremely cold breath filled the air, as if it was a yin energy coming from the Nine Netherworlds.

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