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Chapter 225: Fixing the Earth, Water, Wind and Fire, and Stepping on Chaos

Just as the two were taking action, Xu Chenzhou had already fully comprehended the Immortal Sword. He slowly stood up and looked at the jade sword in Li Xuangang's hand with a serious look.

Because he faintly sensed a dangerous aura from this small item.

It seems that this small sword is the trump card of Li Xuangang and Liuyun.

Xu Chenzhou reached out and touched the Qinglian Sword hanging on his waist, thinking in his heart whether to pull out the Qinglian Sword and kill the two people before they were ready to use the jade sword.

But after thinking about it, he put down the Qinglian Sword in his hand.

From their previous conversation, we can know that these two people are just minions, and they are not considered to be any role in the Supreme Creation Sect. The real mastermind behind the scenes is the elder Junchen they mentioned.

The real enemy has not yet made a move, and Xu Chenzhou feels that it is not worth it for him to expose his trump card for these two minions.

You have to know that as long as you make a move, you will leave traces. Whether it is the satellites in the sky or the various magical skills of the Supreme Creation Sect, it is very likely that you can trace the source through his moves and restore the scene of the battle.

Although Xu Chenzhou is not afraid of exposing his trump cards, he still has to keep a few more trump cards to be safe.

And the current situation is far from the point where the Qinglian Sword needs to be used.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not just watch. He put one hand behind his back, and the four-color light flowed on his palm. In an instant, a huge mixed hole appeared in his hand.

After getting the Four Symbols Seal, Xu Chenzhou became more adept at controlling the Five Elements Mixed Hole. He no longer needed to accumulate power for a long time, and it could condense into shape in an instant.

He pushed forward fiercely, and the huge four-color mixed hole frantically absorbed everything around it. The ground, which had been sealed by the cooled magma, began to vibrate continuously under the absorption of the four-color mixed hole. One after another, magma gushed out from the ground and was drawn into the four-color mixed hole.

The terrifying four-color mixed hole approached Li Xuangang and Liuyun, and the strong suction made them unable to control their bodies.

The countless rubble and trees swept up by the four-color mixed hole also crashed into the two people's body protection Qi under the strong rotation force. Then there were loud noises one after another.

Li Xuangang saw Xu Chenzhou's actions and showed a ferocious smile on his face.

"Good boy, you have quite a few tricks. You used the Five Elements Great Mixed Hole very beautifully. You are indeed a martial arts genius.

If I had known that you had such a high talent for martial arts, I would never have let my brother find trouble with you.

After all, a genius like you cannot be contained in a small Tiancheng City, but it is too late to say anything now.

I advise you to surrender obediently. Even if a fifth-level extraordinary warrior uses the Five Elements Great Mixed Hole in front of me, he can't do anything to me. What can you do with your Four Color Mixed Hole? It's just a dying struggle.

I even took out this chassis. Do you still think you can go back alive today?"

While speaking, Li Xuangang fiercely inserted the jade sword into his half-transparent body.

As the jade sword was inserted, the half of Li Xuangang's crystal-like body suddenly began to sink inward, just like a jellyfish exposed to the sun. In an instant, only a layer of crystal clear skin and flesh remained.

A black aura emerged from the jade sword, and then whispers came from nowhere.

"Taishang eliminates disasters, Wuji relieves misfortunes, burns the body and kills lives, Tianzun blesses."

This voice is extremely distant, as if it came from the ancient times, giving people a sense of vastness and antiquity.

With the emergence of this black air, the speed of the four-color mixed hole in the void is getting slower and slower. Under the entanglement of the black air, the four-color vortex gradually slowed down.

As the speed of rotation slowed down, the four-color vortex that was originally mixed into a ball floated out strands of energy flows of different colors like pulling out silk and peeling cocoons. They gathered in the air and turned into four different energy flows of gold, earth, water and fire, and then were absorbed into the black air.

However, despite this, the four-color mixed hole was still rotating in the air, constantly absorbing the power in the air, trying to counter the suction of the black air.

This sound was repeated over and over again. As the sound was repeated, the transparent half of Li Xuangang's body became more and more shriveled, and even fell off from Li Xuangang in the end.

At this time, Li Xuangang looked very strange. He only had half of his body, one eye, half of his lips, and even his brain was exposed to the air and kept beating, but his face was filled with an excited smile, as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

He opened his mouth slowly, and his mouth opened and closed. From the side, you can see the movement trajectory of his upper and lower jaws.

"Xu Chenzhou, I paid such a great price, you can't run away this time.

The Supreme Sword of Eliminating Disasters is a magical power that the predecessors got inspiration from the Supreme Spiritual Treasure Sutra of Eliminating Disasters, one of the three major secret methods of the Supreme Creation Sect.

This magical power is very evil, and it allows practitioners to sacrifice their own luck, body, and even everything in exchange for power.

This sacrifice is a sacrifice from the level of existence. Everything sacrificed will disappear completely and can never be restored.

So after the sacrifice, the user can get extremely powerful power and use attacks that exceed the current realm of the sacrificer."

Liu Yun on the side also said: "It is your honor to experience this magical power.

Because the cost of using this magical power was too high, it was shelved by the senior masters of Taishang Good Fortune Sect after it was created.

It wasn't until a senior understood the secret method of making Wujixian that this magical power had the opportunity to flourish.

Because for a creature like Wujixian, as long as the soul is immortal, every part of the body can be replaced at will, and the best part is that after being refined into Wujixian, these later replaced body parts can blend seamlessly with his original body. They were identical to the originals, so they could use these later replacement body parts for sacrifice.

And to Wujixian, it doesn't matter even if the concept of body existence is sacrificed. Anyway, he can just refine a new body and put it on. This also allows Wujixian to use the Taishang Disaster Eliminating Sword to sacrifice without restraint. sacrifice.

It's a pity that Li Xuangang is still a novice Wuji Immortal after all, and still retains half of his body. If it were the old Wuji Immortal in the sect, he could even sacrifice his entire body except his head, using a weapon comparable to the peak of the seventh level. attack.

And this is one of the real trump cards of my Supreme Summoning Sect. "

While the two were talking, Li Xuangang's attack was finally completed.

Following Li Xuangang's sacrifice, the small jade sword on his shoulder emitted a bright light, and then a ball of extremely dazzling light erupted from the small sword, making people dazzled by it.

As the light emitted, the first thing that bore the brunt was the Five Elements Mixed Hole in mid-air, which collided with this light immediately.

As the two forces collided, Xu Chenzhou could no longer maintain the flow of power inside the Five Elements Cave in mid-air. Four powers with different attributes collided violently, and the turbulent flow of energy without any rules allowed him to The power in the Five Elements Cave exploded instantly, creating an earth-shaking and extremely terrifying explosion.

A huge mushroom cloud rose, and terrifying explosive waves surged in all directions, overwhelming countless surrounding mountains.

A large expanse of extremely flat ground appeared around the terrifying hole. The vast white land reflected the sunlight, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance, as if the terrain here was not the mountains in the south but the Gobi Desert in the northwest.

And this was the result of Xu Chenzhou's deliberate control. The moment he couldn't control the four-color mixed hole, he had already used the control skills of the four elephant seals to forcibly disperse about three layers of conflicting forces. After all, his move was too powerful, and This place is too close to the city. If it explodes, it will definitely hurt the residents of Tiancheng City and my sister who is training at the training base.

After dispersing the four-color mixed hole, the dazzling light continued to fly forward and arrived in front of Xu Chenzhou in an instant.

The point pointed by the sword's edge was exactly between Xu Chenzhou's eyebrows.

The terrifying light carried extremely powerful power and hit Xu Chenzhou's protective aura.

In an instant, the most terrifying bell ringing spread throughout the wilderness.

The hanging black-yellow auras shattered into strands of strands and floated down from the mid-air under the impact of the colorful light.

The bright bell-shaped gas mask also shattered with a bang like shards of glass.

It seemed like a golden rain was falling all over the sky.

But Xu Chenzhou did not panic at all. He had already held three large rejuvenation pills in his mouth. At this time, he swallowed hard, and the three pills slowly fell into his stomach along with his throat. The effect of the alliance's basic body-building skills instantly restored a large amount of the energy in his body, allowing him to build up a strong bell-shaped air shield in front of him.

Li Xuangang, who was in the distance, saw this scene, but his eyes did not waver at all. Instead, he became even more excited: "Okay, okay, this magical power of yours is really good. It can only suppress luck, but also has such a strong defense. I am simply amazed. Breathtaking.

But that’s fine. The more subtle the magical power you display, the greater my harvest will be later.

These are all mine, all mine! "

Liu Yun on the side was a little worried. He turned to look at Li Xuangang: "Just hold back, his second bell-shaped air mask is about to break again. If you exert such great force, he will be beaten to death later." ”

Li Xuangang shook his head and said: "Why are you worried? I have my own sense of discretion.

At that time, the senior realized that the Taishang Disaster Eliminating Sword was not for sacrificing himself. If he could sacrifice himself, he could also sacrifice his opponent.

Therefore, the initial appearance of this sword is actually to sacrifice oneself to kill the enemy, and then sacrifice the enemy to replenish the consumption, so that fighting can support fighting, and the more fighting, the stronger.

It's just that the senior made a small mistake when he first realized the sword. The technique of sacrificing oneself was too evil. Even the essence of existence would be sacrificed together and could never be recovered. That's why this sword skill was Put it away in a high cabinet.

This change of mine was taught to me by the senior Wujixian from the Taishang Creation Sect. They developed it by using this sacrificial characteristic. It can be said to be our Wujixian's special sword technique.

This sword has a name: to reopen the world and recreate the world.

A slash of the sword can surge earth, water, wind, and fire, creating chaos.

Using heaven and earth as a furnace and all things as carbon, sacrifice everything of your opponent and refine it into a heaven and earth elixir to plunder your opponent's magical powers.

However, this sword also has a shortcoming, that is, it can only sacrifice and plunder one magical power, but this is enough.

Although the other magical powers that this little thief just showed are exquisite, they are not as valuable as the magic method that can suppress luck. As long as we can get this magical power, everything we have done will be worth it. "

Just as the two were talking, the rainbow-colored light around Xu Chenzhou also changed at this time.

The rainbow-colored light was seen rotating around Xu Chenzhou, gradually splitting from one into four. The four lights kept surging in the void, pulling the power between heaven and earth, and turned into four different colors of auras of earth, water, wind and fire, which kept surging around Xu Chenzhou.

Fire burns the sky, water settles all things, wind and clouds surge, and the earth is immersed.

In an instant, the three thousand meters of land around Xu Chenzhou actually presented a scene when the world was first opened. The four energies of earth, water, wind and fire were extremely violent, and kept surging and sweeping everything around Xu Chenzhou.

With the earth, water, wind and fire The fire surged, and gray breaths emerged from it, entangled with each other and turned into a chaos that wrapped Xu Chenzhou in it.

Even though Xu Chenzhou was still holding on to the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique at this time, he still felt that as the four breaths surged, his body seemed to be transformed into a part of the chaos along with the four breaths.

After all, the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique was not the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. Facing this scene like the beginning of the world, it could not be invincible.

If ordinary practitioners saw this scene, they would definitely fall into despair.

This terrifying scene of the surging earth, water, wind and fire, and the ups and downs of the chaotic energy, even the seventh-level practitioners who could already control the laws could not stand invincible. I dare not say that I can handle it calmly.

Li Xuangang saw Xu Chenzhou surrounded by the chaotic aura, the earth, water, wind and fire kept surging, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He won this round.

Even in his mind, he had begun to imagine that after he got the magical power to suppress the luck, he would use this magical power to get rid of the identity of Wujixian, return to the path of cultivation, and then break through the levels to reach the top.

But at this moment, he saw an incredible scene.

Xu Chenzhou, who was surrounded by the surging earth, water, wind and fire, retracted the bell-shaped air cover into his body, and then he stretched out his left hand, and the white jade palm penetrated into the surging earth, water, wind and fire in front of him without any defense.

These two palms were so straight Passing through the flames that burn everything, the water that corrodes everything, and the wind that rolls everything.

Those terrifying attacks carrying infinite power could not leave even the slightest scar on these palms.

These palms slowly clenched in the chaotic and disordered space. With Xu Chenzhou's movements, the surging earth, water, wind and fire between heaven and earth actually slowly settled down. The flames were no longer so hot, but became warm and warm, and the water flow was no longer bone-piercing and cold, but became long and distant.

Then Xu Chenzhou slowly walked out of it, and the earth, water, wind and fire all flowed around him, turning into his clothes. With every step he took, the chaotic energy also rose and fell with his rhythm, and surrendered to his feet.

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