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Chapter 226 Four Elephants Slaying God

Li Xuangang and Liuyun looked at the figure that broke through the chaos, as if they saw a god or demon, and were so surprised that they couldn't help themselves.

Especially Li Xuangang, at this moment, his eyes were filled with fear, because this sword was already his trump card.

After using the Supreme Elimination Sword, he sacrificed half of the body of Wujixian before he used this move that was comparable to the seventh-level peerless attack.

All things in the world return to their origin and turn into earth, water, wind and fire, evolving chaos infinitely and obliterating everything.

This level of attack has reached the level of law. Even if ordinary practitioners are much stronger than him, if they don't touch the level of law, they can't break this move.

He deeply understands the value of Xu Chenzhou's move.

A palm stretched out without a trace of fireworks can fix the earth, water, wind and fire, and a foot breaks the ups and downs of chaos.

He seems to be the king of chaos, the god of the four symbols, and the existence that controls the law.

Being able to do this shows that Xu Chenzhou's understanding of the Four Symbols Law has reached perfection, even more profound than their master, the elder Junchen.

Xu Chenzhou slowly stepped out of the chaos, and the earth, water, wind and fire behind him were all under his control.

"You slashed me with a sword in the past. If it weren't for the talisman given by my sister to protect me, it would have been difficult to dodge that sword.

Today, I will also return a sword to you. From now on, our grudges will be eliminated and we will have nothing to do with each other.

With the stars and the sky as the sheath, the sun, the moon, the mountains and rivers as the meaning, the chaotic energy as the shape, and the earth, water, wind and fire as the spirit.

This sword is called the Four Symbols Slashing God."

After Xu Chenzhou finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved it. The chaotic energy in the sky condensed into a gray sword energy, slashing towards Li Xuangang's body from top to bottom.

This sword looks light and casual, without any smell of fireworks, and even the surrounding environment is not affected at all.

But after this sword strike, only half of Li Xuangang's body was left, but he instantly melted into the chaotic energy, turned into smoke and dissipated in the air.

This sword is the sword technique that Xu Chenzhou learned from Li Xuangang's attack just now.

It must be said that strong comprehension is willful.

With the spiritual core of the peak Zhang Sanfeng and Hong Yi as a blueprint for learning, Xu Chenzhou slowly realized the way of thinking of these geniuses.

At this time, the wisdom of the three people seemed to be intertwined and all used by him.

Li Xuangang's sword was extremely exquisite. With one sword, the power evolved into earth, water, wind and fire, and the chaotic energy was derived from the surging.

There are some exquisite points in it, which are not even in the Four Symbols Seal.

But this is also normal. After all, the Four Symbols Seal that Xu Chenzhou got only has the entry-level skills, and many of the profound changes are not mentioned.

However, Xu Chenzhou only lacked these subtle changes. He had already laid a solid foundation for the Four Symbols Law. Seeing this sword at this time was like a revelation, and he instantly understood how the earth, water, wind and fire could evolve into the chaotic energy.

Based on this, Xu Chenzhou realized another sword. In return, he directly used Li Xuangang as the person to test the sword.

Liuyun, who was standing by, saw this scene with a trace of horror in his eyes.

Although Li Xuangang sacrificed his half body that belonged to the Wuji Immortal, the remaining half of his body still had the realm of half a step to the sixth level. Such a person is almost undefeated unless he encounters a sixth-level God and Demon-level extraordinary person.

But Li Xuangang was chopped into nothingness by Xu Chenzhou's sword in front of him.

However, despite this, Liuyun still did not give in or beg for mercy. Instead, he sat cross-legged with a lazy and casual look on his face.

"Although I am not a good person, I have only one advantage, which is that I am not afraid of death.

I know I am not your opponent. You can kill me if you want. I will never fight back."

After saying that, Liuyun actually closed his eyes in front of Xu Chenzhou.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou just smiled lightly.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed forward. Countless thoughts jumped out of his mind and formed a net of light in the void.

This net spread between heaven and earth, covering dozens of kilometers in an instant, and then he suddenly threw a net into the air, directly trapping a transparent human-shaped object in it.

Xu Chenzhou stretched out his hand and the net flew in front of him.

And the transparent figure in the net kept struggling. The violent struggle made the net composed of Xu Chenzhou's thoughts float in the air.

Xu Chenzhou stared at the transparent figure calmly, without saying a word, just watching him tossing quietly.

After about ten minutes, the transparent figure in the net finally quieted down.

Xu Chenzhou slowly said: "Well, face the reality, you can't run away!

I have heard of the reputation of the immortal cultivator for a long time, and the soul leaving the body is not a new thing, how can I not be on guard."

The transparent figure could no longer speak at this time, but he could communicate with Xu Chenzhou through the fluctuations of the soul.

"If you are just a super warrior, it is useless even if you know people.

The strength of the super warrior lies in his body and true qi. The super warrior who has not achieved the sixth level cannot touch the level of the soul.

But I didn't expect you to be such a powerful psychic. I fell into your hands this time. If you want to know anything, just ask."

Xu Chenzhou's eyebrows moved when he heard this. This person actually thought he was a psychic, which was quite interesting.

He was obviously practicing the Yangshen Taoism.

However, it is true that the performance of psychics in the star world has some similarities with that of Yang Shen Dao.

Xu Chenzhou had seen Abbot Tiancan take action before. The giant Buddha was indeed very similar to the Yang Shen Taoist method. They were both composed of the power of human souls.

But this is not very important. Regarding the relationship between psychics and Yang Shen Taoism, he will naturally explore it carefully when he has time later, but what is important now is to get information from Liu Yun.

The reason why Xu Chenzhou didn't kill Liu Yun immediately like he killed Li Xuangang was to keep him here and ask him some questions.

Xu Chenzhou glanced at Liuyun's soul, his eyes were extremely cold, revealing a murderous intent: "Stop talking nonsense, I will ask you and answer the next thing. If there is even a word that is wrong, I will definitely let you understand. What is the real Shura hell?”

At this time, Liuyun's Yang Shen was already paralyzed in the dragnet like a salted fish: "You ask, my skills are not as good as others, I just want to die quickly, just don't torture me, I will tell you whatever you ask."

However, Xu Chenzhou could tell at just one glance that this person's behavior was wrong.

He really just wants a quick death, but it's not certain whether he will be as honest as he said. If he doesn't suffer some hardships, I'm afraid there will be more to hide in the future.

Xu Chenzhou reached out and made a move, and countless thoughts gathered together and an illusory palace of bones appeared in front of him.

"I don't believe you will tell the truth, so I'll give you a little pain first."

As he spoke, several white flames floated out of the Bone Palace, and the soul wrapped directly in Liuyun floated into the palace.

In an instant, one after another, piercing screams were heard in the Palace of Bones. The sounds were extremely resentful, like cuckoos weeping blood.

This Bone Palace is not simple, it is an evil method that Hong Yi obtained when he searched for classics from all over the world.

It is itself a Tao method used by the Buddha White Bones to torture the enemy and ask for secrets. The enemy who is taken into the White Bone Palace will reappear in a physical body and then undergo various tortures in the White Bone Palace.

There are eighteen levels of hell in the Palace of Bones, and each level has endless instruments of torture. And because the object of torture is the soul, there is no need to worry about the death of the person being tortured. Therefore, the punishment in the Palace of Bones in Pagoda can be described as cruel and inhumane, without leaving any trace behind. hand.

Repeat this for nine rounds to overcome this difficulty.

And every level of hell has its own difficulties.

Xu Chenzhou is as harmonious as the spring breeze to his friends and relatives in the Star World or to his friends in the group.

But his methods of dealing with enemies are not so harmonious. As long as he is sure to be his enemy, he will use them without hesitation no matter how vicious the means are.

Xu Chenzhou listened quietly to the screams coming from the Palace of Bones. After about half an hour, he reached out and summoned Liu Yun's spirit out of the Palace of Bones.

At this time, Liu Yun's eyes were no longer as lazy and carefree as before, and his eyes were filled with the joy of surviving the disaster.

Xu Chenzhou looked at him and said calmly: "How about the great hero who is not afraid of death? Have you surrendered this time?

You've only been in for half an hour just now, and I'm afraid you haven't even finished half of the Sword Mountain Hell. There are seventeen more levels of hell like this in my Bone Palace. "

Liu Yun looked up at Xu Chenzhou, and even the fluctuations in his soul became extremely weak: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced, no matter what you ask, I will say it."

At this time, he was still afraid, because Xu Chenzhou's bone palace was definitely the most evil among all the supernatural powers he had ever seen.

As a disciple of the Taishang Creation Sect, Liuyun is well-informed, and he understands the extraordinary inheritance on the Aqua Blue Star.

But even among the most evil sects on Aquamarine, there is no such horrific method of punishment.

Xu Chenzhou sensed the fluctuations in his soul and knew in his heart that Liu Yun must be really scared this time: "In this case, you should tell me who the monarch and elder are behind you, and why he is so persistent in letting Mo Ran practice Taishang. Forgetting Chapter."

Liu Yun lowered his head and began to answer Xu Chenzhou's question like he was pouring beans out of a bamboo tube: "

Elder Junchen is my master and one of the four deacons and elders of the Taishang Creation Sect.

Among the Taishang Creation Sect, apart from the sect leader, the four deacons and elders have the most power, and they are also candidates for the sect leader.

And my master is the most promising person among the four deacons and elders of this term to become the next leader of Taishang Good Fortune Sect.

And your sister’s master, Elder Shuyu, is also one of the four major deacon elders. "

"So, your master is trying to compete for the position of the sect leader, so he forces my sister to practice the Supreme Forgetting Chapter?"

Liu Yun shook his head silently: "That's not the case. Elder Shuyu is highly respected among the Taishang Creation Sect. If he participates in the competition for the next sect leader, he will indeed become a strong rival of my master.

It's just that the elder of the Book Prison has always been like a wandering cloud and wild crane, and he doesn't participate much in the management of the sect, so in fact he has no conflict with my master.

The reason why my master wants Xu Moran to practice the Taishang Wangqing Zhang is actually because the Taishang Wangqing Chapter is too important to the Taishang Creation Sect.

You should know that the path of cultivation for us immortal cultivators is to integrate with heaven and earth, go along with it, and use the power of heaven and earth for our own use.

It's like whether one has the qualifications to cultivate immortality is determined by heaven. The more people are favored by heaven and earth, the faster their cultivation speed will be.

Those who practice the Supreme Forgetting Chapter are among the people in the world who are most favored by heaven and earth.

Once the practitioner starts to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter, he will immediately be blessed by the luck of heaven and earth, and his practice speed will advance by leaps and bounds.

Every practitioner who practices the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter can at least practice to the eighth level.

If he can truly forget about love, he may even have the hope of breaking through to the ninth level and becoming a Heavenly Venerable.

And your sister has an extraordinary talent in practicing the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter. Master can see at a glance that he definitely has the hope of truly forgetting love. "

Listening to Liuyun's words, Xu Chenzhou nodded silently. He had long discovered that there was something wrong with the way of cultivating immortals in this world.

Whether it was the prehistoric world or the mortal world, although most of his immortal cultivators followed the will of heaven when they cultivated, the realm they cultivated was indeed their own.

It was not like the immortal cultivators in the star field world, whose progress in realm was almost entirely dependent on the gift of heaven and earth.

Xu Chenzhou had seen information about a sixth-level immortal cultivator who was rejected by heaven and earth and instantly lost most of his magical powers. He was so helpless that he couldn't even beat a fourth-level extraordinary warrior.

And this is why almost all the immortal cultivators in this world can cultivate smoothly to the level of The reason why there is a high probability of breaking through to the fifth level and the sixth level.

After all, every immortal cultivator has the blessing of the heaven and earth, and is the biological son of this heaven and earth, while the extraordinary warriors are like stepmothers, like grass, cut and grown again, so there is a huge gap.

At this time, what Liuyun said further aggravated Xu Chenzhou's doubts about the way of immortal cultivation in this world.

Liuyun looked at Xu Chenzhou in deep thought and continued: "You should also know that after practicing the Supreme Forgetting Emotions Chapter, the cultivator will gradually lose emotions. After achieving the sixth level of extraordinary and becoming a god and demon, he will even lose most of his feelings for the outside world, whether it is a lover, friend, or parent and master.

Only four emotions are left: joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness. After each breakthrough, one emotion will be abandoned again until the ninth level is cultivated, and only the last emotion is left.

And the fewer emotions a person has, the easier it is to control.

A ninth-level combat power is extremely important to the Supreme Creation Sect, not to mention that your sister still has the hope of achieving the status of Tianzun.

Once your sister breaks through to the realm of Heavenly Venerable, the Supreme Creation Sect will be able to become the overlord of the cultivation world and have a pivotal position in the Star Domain Alliance.

And my master, as the next leader of the Supreme Creation Sect, will naturally be able to gain endless benefits. "

Xu Chenzhou was a little confused when he heard this, something was wrong.

Didn't my sister say that although people who practice the Supreme Forget Love Chapter will be indifferent to emotions, they will still protect the people they cherish in their hearts? How come Liuyun said that it became forgetting everything?

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