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Chapter 227: Demons from the Sky

Liu Yun was still talking, but Xu Chenzhou interrupted him and expressed his doubts.

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's question, Liu Yun hesitated, as if he wanted to say something but stopped. ,

Xu Chenzhou glanced at him coldly, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned the White Bone Palace again.

The moment he saw the White Bone Palace, Liu Yun's soul trembled constantly, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

"I say, I say, don't put me in there again, that kind of torture is really unbearable.

This secret was also told to me by my master before I carried out this mission, and ordinary sect disciples are not qualified to know it at all.

The Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter in Xu Mo Ran's hand now only has the entry part.

The real Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter is kept in the sect's treasure house.

In addition to the qualifications for cultivation, those who want to practice the real Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter also need to be granted the Supreme Forgetfulness Seal passed down by the predecessors.

Only with the help of the power of the Supreme Forgetfulness Seal can the practitioner slowly erase the emotions in his heart.

And ask The problem lies in the Supreme Forgetfulness Seal.

The emotion of the Supreme Forgetfulness Seal actually includes the two categories of emotion and thought. In the process of cultivation, practitioners will gradually comprehend the realm of no emotion and no thought.

Emotion and thought are different. Emotion is emotion. Joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, worry, fear are emotions. Thought is thought, and also obsession. For example, the yearning for relatives, the feelings for friends, the feelings for the sect, and the desire for survival are more specific emotions.

Every time you break through a level, you can forget an emotion and abandon a thought.

So after breaking through to the sixth level, in addition to the four emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness mentioned above, There will be four thoughts left.

Only by completely abandoning these four emotions and four thoughts can one surpass the ninth level and achieve the supreme realm of the Heavenly Venerable.

According to the records left by the predecessors who have practiced the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter for many years in the Supreme Creation Sect, this longing is generally a desire for survival, a remembrance of relatives, a lover, a desire for transcendence, a cherishment of the sect, etc., and there are very few transcendental ones.

In order to ensure that the disciples who practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter can always be used by the sect, the sect has made some changes to the Supreme Forgetfulness Seal.

After the Supreme Forgetfulness Seal is planted in the mind, it will constantly affect the consciousness of the practitioner, and will keep Protecting the sect is preserved as one of the four thoughts, and under the restraint of the Supreme Forgetfulness Seal, this thought will be left to be cut off at the end.

Think about it, the practitioners who practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter are emotionally indifferent, and even the desire to survive disappears at the end of the practice, leaving only the cherishment of the sect. Isn't this the most useful puppet, risking their lives, not afraid of any difficulties, as long as it is beneficial to the sect, they will go through fire and water without hesitation.

Okay, I have explained everything you want to know, give me a quick death. "

After saying that, Liuyun closed his eyes and waited for Xu Chenzhou to kill him.

But Xu Chenzhou still didn't do it, he vaguely felt that there was still something untrue in what Liuyun said.

Liuyun said that the method used by the Supreme Creation Sect to control the disciples who practiced the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter was to cherish the obsession of the sect.

But that's not right.

Didn't Liuyun just say that Xu Mo Ran had the possibility of breaking through to the Supreme Heavenly Venerable realm by practicing the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter.

Cultivating to the Supreme Heavenly Venerable realm means that Xu Mo Ran has killed all the four strongest and four thoughts, and has completely cultivated to the highest realm of Supreme Forgetfulness.

In this case, how can the elder monarch and minister control Xu Mo Ran through the obsession of cherishing the sect.

Xu Chenzhou did not rush to ask the question in his heart: "I just said that if you hide something, I will definitely not show mercy. In this case, you can go in and think about what you have not explained."

After that, Xu Chenzhou waved his hand and threw Liu Yun into the White Bone Palace again.

A full hour passed, and inhumane sounds came from the White Bone Palace. At the beginning, Liu Yun's screams were full of energy, and gradually became hoarse as time passed. In the end, only a few hums were left.

Xu Chenzhou then called him out of the White Bone Palace again.

"Tell me, what did you just hide? Tell me honestly and I can give you a quick death."

Liu Yun lowered his head, his soul was almost dissipated, and his expression was extremely depressed.

"What I just said is just the normal process.

In fact, the Supreme Creation Sect has been established for so many years, and has also accepted many disciples who can practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter.

But people are different, and those disciples only have the qualifications to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter.

Even if they work harder, it is difficult for them to break through the eighth level and practice to the ninth level, not to mention surpassing the ninth level and breaking through to the fruit position of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

So controlling them only requires the regular process.

But Xu Mo Ran is different. She has the most suitable qualifications to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter among all people since the establishment of the Supreme Creation Sect.

After breaking through to the Heavenly Venerable realm, practitioners can comprehend the realm of Supreme Forgetfulness. Being ruthless and thoughtless is just a process rather than a result. Supreme Forgetfulness is the ultimate achievement.

The real Supreme Forgetfulness is not to become a robot without any emotions, but to seem to forget emotions but actually have emotions, and everything is in the heart and follows the law of nature.

So my master has made preparations. He spent a lot of money to trade with the Seed Demon Clan and painstakingly found a secret treasure, the Heavenly Seed Demon Seal.

My master is the elder who is in charge of the Sutra Library of this generation. As long as Xu Mo Ran starts to practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter, he will take the opportunity to plant the Heavenly Demon Sound into her heart. As Xu Mo Ran's cultivation grows, his will will be able to plant into Xu Mo Ran's heart and control Xu Mo Ran all the time. Even if he achieves the Heavenly Venerable, he cannot escape his control.

This matter is kept secret by the master and no one is told.

The reason why I know this is that many preparations for this transaction were completed by me.

And I happened to see the records of the Demon Clan in the classics, so I can guess what the master wants to do. "

Xu Chenzhou could feel that this time Liuyun completely and unreservedly told Elder Junchen all of his plans.

After knowing Elder Junchen's plan, Xu Chenzhou also felt a chill on his back.

Because he did not expect that Elder Junchen's plan would be so vicious.

The reputation of the Heavenly Demon Seal in the Star Domain World is simply thunderous.

Because it is related to a shocking case, it can be said to be the most painful lesson since the establishment of the Star Domain Alliance.

The Heavenly Demon Seal comes from an alien race, the demon race, which is one of the strongest forces in the Star Domain World together with the human race in the Star Domain.

He couldn't figure out how Elder Junchen was qualified to obtain such a rare treasure as the Heavenly Demon Seal. This thing is really too precious.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but feel a little cold in his heart. First, the Tianji Clan attacked the people. The Star Alliance has invaded the Star Alliance territory. Now even the Demon Race has begun to get excited and make waves. It seems that this change is not simple.

One million years ago, the Star Alliance had not yet completely established itself in the Star Alliance world. At that time, in order to consolidate its position, the Star Alliance went to war with the three major alien races at the same time.

These three alien races are the Demon Race, the Black Armor Race, and the Heavenly Dao God Race.

That battle was the most intense battle in the history of the Star Alliance.

The flames of the war burned the wilderness of the universe. Every planet in the Star Alliance territory was constantly attacked by alien races.

Countless life planets were destroyed in this war and turned into a wisp of smoke in the universe.

As for the casualties of the human race, let alone, it is not enough to count them in billions, and the blood dyed the entire universe red.

Under the scale of the universe, the lives of ordinary humans are really too precious. eyes.

Of course, the human race in the Star Domain was not always beaten. If that were the case, there would be no Star Domain Alliance today.

In the endless blood and tears, heroes kept standing up to fight against the alien races, and some even led their armies to counterattack into the alien races, spreading the flames of war across half of the universe.

At that time, there were ten most outstanding heroes, known as the top ten masters of the human race in the Star Domain. They each led an army to fight against the alien races.

In the course of the war, these ten heroes gradually formed an alliance and formed the prototype of the Star Domain Alliance, the Star Domain Alliance.

With the establishment of the Star Domain Alliance, the power of the human race in the Star Domain became stronger and stronger, and even organized a counterattack force to beat the three major alien races into a panic.

The confidence of the human beings in the entire Star Domain world was high during that time, They all shouted slogans of counterattack and joined the Star Domain Alliance.

The entire human force was extremely united, risking their lives, and wrote countless chapters of blood and songs.

But just when everything was thriving, tragedy happened.

In order to launch a general attack on the three alien races, the ten heroes held an unprecedentedly powerful meeting.

At this meeting, many stars gathered, and almost all the elites of the human race gathered at once. They contributed all their wisdom and discussed how to completely eliminate the threats of the three alien races and let humans truly gain a foothold in the star domain world.

Just as everyone was discussing fiercely, the most powerful of the ten heroes, Tiandaosuimie Li Xuanchang, suddenly rebelled. He secretly smeared the Sansheng Devouring Dao Water collected from the Nine Nether Abyss on the bodies of the other nine heroes.

This water is the most yin and evil thing in the universe. Once it is contaminated with this thing, even the supreme figures who have broken through to the ninth level will be weakened by 50% of their combat power, and it is extremely difficult to remove it.

This scene shocked all the participants, because they knew very well that their friend Tiandao Yunmie Li Xuanchang was definitely not such a person, and with his character, he would never become a traitor.

But that's what happened. All nine heroes were hit. In addition to the nine heroes, hundreds of human martyrs were also weakened.

In addition, Tiandao Sunmie Li Xuanchang's army suddenly transformed, shed their human bodies, and turned into the supreme masters of the three alien races.

Although the human race has been as powerful as the three alien races combined after its rise, the nine heroes have been weakened by 50% of their combat power at this time, and Tiandao Sunmie Li Xuanchang has rebelled. As one grows while the other grows, the balance of power is instantly reversed.

That battle was extremely tragic. Countless human heroes risked their lives to block the masters of the three alien races, buying time for the nine heroes to recover.

Two of the nine heroes, the Red Dust Fairy Dugu Yu and the Ghost Face Martial God Shangguan Cang, sacrificed themselves, using secret methods to sublimate themselves to the extreme, bursting out unprecedented combat power, burning everything they had, and beheading several masters of the three alien races.

Yinji Tianxu Alsport also used the secret method of mutual destruction, connecting his soul and life with the Heavenly Dao Meteorite Li Xuanchang, then dug out his heart and threw it into the center of the Nine Nether Abyss, and the two of them completely dissipated together.

Under the weeping and bloody songs of these people, this great change was settled, and the number of masters who died in the three alien races was not inferior to that of the human race, which gave the human race the possibility of counterattack.

The people who survived learned from their mistakes and abandoned the original loose structure of the Star Domain Alliance. Instead, they established a highly centralized Star Domain Alliance and vigorously developed the power of the human race. In the end, the six surviving heroes led the human race to defeat the three alien races. Among them, the Xuanjia tribe was even directly exterminated, and the Zhongmo tribe was also beaten to shrink in a small star field, and its power was greatly weakened. Only the Tiandao God Clan relied on its powerful strength to resist the offensive of the human race, and in the following million years, it kept rubbing against the human race and became one of Pan Heng’s biggest rivals in the human race.

After completely defeating the three alien races, the six surviving heroes discovered the truth of this tragedy.

The culprit of this tragedy is the demon-seed race. The demon-seed race does not have a physical form in the real world. They are more like a kind of existence living in the spiritual world. From a certain perspective, they are somewhat similar to the outer demons in Xu Chenzhou's cognition.

But the demon-seed race is far more terrifying than the outer demons, because they can not only hide in people's hearts, but can even invade people's thinking will, cognitive existence, and even Tao fruit cultivation.

The outer demon-seed seal is the treasure of the demon-seed race, and it is extremely difficult to refine.

After being hit by this thing into the body, it will take root in the depths of a person's soul, or even in the depths of cultivation. Turned into an invisible shadow.

The person who was planted with the outer demon seal will not be aware of it at all, and there is nothing unusual in normal times.

However, every time the cultivator's cultivation increases, the demon-seed seal will also grow. It is like a vine parasitic on an old tree. The more luxuriant the old tree grows, the better the vine grows.

When the old tree grows into a towering tree, the vines that absorb nutrients from it also grow into a huge monster that covers the sky.

There is a trick to this outer demon seal. The lower the cultivation level of the person who is planted with the outer demon seal, the better the effect of the outer demon seal.

If the person who is planted with the outer demon seal has achieved the god and demon level, then he can break free from the shackles of the seal by his own power after cultivating to the heavenly master.

But if the outer demon seal is planted before the god and demon level, then even after becoming a heavenly master, he will still be controlled by the outer demon seal.

Because as the cultivator struggles with his cultivation, the power of the outer demon seal is also growing.

During the years of war with the human race, the demon race had long discovered the infinite potential of the human race, and they were afraid that one day the human race would truly rise.

So they made early arrangements, selected ten young men with extraordinary qualifications from the human race, planted the outer demon seal, and then guided them to grow step by step.

Among them, the other nine boys died in the chaos of war, and only one boy grew up. The refugee boy was Li Xuanchang, the Heavenly Dao.

And the most sinister thing about the Demon Clan was that they never used the power of the Heavenly Demon Seal to control Li Xuanchang from beginning to end. It was not until the human race held a counterattack meeting that they united with the three major alien races to attack together.

First, with the cooperation of Li Xuanchang, they killed all the forces he belonged to, and then appeared in the venue of the counterattack meeting in the skins of these human heroes.

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