All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 228 Anyone who dares to show his teeth will be killed

Recalling this past event, a trace of fear flashed in Xu Chenzhou's eyes. Fortunately, he learned about this from Liu Yun today, otherwise it would definitely lead to a catastrophe in the future.

Although he had already taught Xu Moran the Yuxu Qi Refining Technique, he had originally planned to let Xu Moran practice the Supreme Forgetfulness Chapter.

Because he has studied it before, there is no conflict between the two worlds' paths to immortality. On the contrary, there are many places where they can complement each other and make progress together.

Of course, what Xu Chenzhou asked Xu Moran to practice was definitely not the original Taishang Wangqingzhang. After studying the three pictures of Taishang, Xu Chenzhou had already discovered that the cultivation path of Taishang Wangqingzhang of Taishang Creation Sect had already gone astray.

The Supreme Being Forgets Love. Only after all emotions have been wiped out can one break through to the Heavenly Lord, and then gain love again, thereby realizing the realm of Supreme Being Forgetting Love.

But after everything fell into desolation, the flower that regenerated from the dead tree was no longer the original flower after all.

Even if this kind of cultivation path breaks through to the realm of Tianzun, it will only give birth to a new flower on Xu Moran's corpse.

After studying the Three Pictures of Taishang and communicating with Zhang Junbao and others, Xu Chenzhou had long understood how to correct this twisted path of cultivation.

But even so, Xu Chenzhou must obtain the entire Taishang Wangqing Chapter before he can make improvements.

And this also gave the monarch, ministers and elders an opportunity to take advantage of.

Xu Chenzhou can break the obsessional control of the Supreme Forgetting Seal with a wave of his hand. After all, the cultivation path that truly follows the Supreme Way will not be controlled by mere obsessions.

But this is different with the Heavenly Seed Demon Seal. The Heavenly Seed Seed Demon Seal of the Seed Demon Clan is extremely hidden. Unless there is a Heavenly Master who carefully investigates it, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to discover it.

Moreover, its efficiency is so strong that it can even control the destruction of Li Xuanchang by Tiandao. It is also easy to control Xu Moran.

Originally, the elders of the monarchs and ministers only had to wait for Xu Moran to come to the door. Fortunately, he did not hold back, and Xu Chenzhou discovered his conspiracy.

Liu Yun watched Xu Chenzhou lost in thought, his soul trembling constantly, as if he was still unable to extricate himself from the painful memories.

He kept kowtowing to Xu Chenzhou: "Sir, have mercy, sir, have mercy, please grant me a death!"

However, Xu Chenzhou was not in a hurry to kill him. He asked him carefully about all kinds of information about the Supreme Creation Sect, including the backgrounds of the monarchs, ministers and elders, the techniques they practiced, etc.

Liu Yun told everything he knew, and completely sold everything he knew.

But it is a pity that Elder Junchen has a very deep mind and does not reveal many trump cards even in front of his close disciples, so Xu Chenzhou doesn't know much from Liu Yun.

In addition, all the inheritances of the Taishang Creation Sect are prohibited by the heavens. Even if Liuyun is afraid of the White Bone Taoist Palace, he can't complain about it. Even the soul-searching method is prohibited by the heavens of the Taishang Creation Sect. It has no effect at all.

But this is normal. Any major sect with a long heritage will use various methods to ensure that its inheritance is not leaked. Especially for a dominant force like the Taishang Good Fortune Sect, inheritance is even more important.

This is not only to prevent the skills from being stolen by other forces and exposing their weaknesses, but also to protect the disciples in the sect.

Because of the existence of this kind of heavenly prohibition, other people will not attack the disciples because they want to obtain the inherited skills of the Supreme Creation Sect.

In fact, the Taishang Creation Sect uses more than just heavenly prohibition methods to protect the inheritance of its own skills.

After asking for all the information he wanted to know, Xu Chenzhou nodded.

"Since you are so cooperative and I am not a bad person, I will send you on your way!"

As he spoke, Xu Chenzhou's palm lit up with blazing fire and turned into a monstrous fire dragon.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yun also showed a look of relief in his eyes.

After experiencing the torture in the White Bone Dao Palace, he really didn't want to live for a second. Those kinds of punishments were really terrible. He always stayed awake during the torture. Even if he was shattered to pieces one second, his body was still alive the next second. To be able to recover as before and then be punished again is a torture that even a really tough person cannot bear.

The monstrous fire dragon rolled over Liuyun's soul, burning him into wisps of blue smoke in an instant.

However, the green smoke did not dissipate immediately. Instead, it condensed together in mid-air, and then an extremely vicious voice came from within.

This was the last echo left after the resentment in Liu Yun's heart was gathered and his soul was gone.

"The Taishang Creation Sect is not something you can compete with. It is not my teacher's will to let Xu Moran practice the Taishang Forgetfulness Chapter. You absolutely cannot stop it.

Just wait, the teacher will help me take revenge. He will rip out your bones, peel off your skin and cut off your marrow. I will wait for you to come down and accompany me in Jiuyou Cold Prison. "

After saying that, this wisp of green smoke drifted into the wind without any residue left.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou didn't say anything, but shook his head slightly.

This person really thought that after his soul was gone, Xu Chenzhou would be unable to do anything to him.

The dispersion of the soul does not mean that there is no trace left. The death of the soul is a tyranny, and the dispersion of the soul is a residual. In fact, among the Taoism of the prehistoric world, there is a Taoism that gathers the remnants of a person whose soul has been dispersed and condenses it into a reverberation.

But this man was just a small person after all, and Xu Chenzhou didn't bother to argue with him.

As for the last words he said, Xu Chenzhou didn't take them to heart.

After he was reincarnated into this world, Xu Moran has been taking care of him silently, doing laundry, cooking and housework for him. He has long regarded Xu Moran as his real family.

Whoever dares to attack Xu Mo Ran, he will kill.

So what if it is the Supreme Creation Sect? If they dare to show their teeth in front of him, then just destroy them, why bother to take it to heart.

However, Xu Chenzhou still cares about the Heavenly Demon Seal.

Because he always feels that there is a big secret involved.

The Supreme Creation Sect is indeed the overlord on the Blue Water Star, but it is not a powerful force in the entire Star Domain Alliance.

The Star Domain Alliance's immortal cultivation forces are divided into two systems, Taoism and Demonism, among which Taoism occupies the orthodoxy of immortal cultivation forces.

The most powerful among the Taoists are the three immortal sects, commanding all the cultivators in the world, and no one dares to disobey them.

Under the three immortal sects are the Five Palaces, Seven Sects, Nine Palaces and Thirteen Islands. Each of these sects also has a Heavenly Master sitting in charge, and their power is also very large, which can influence the direction of the entire Star Domain Alliance.

Further down are the three thousand branch sects. These sects do not mean unorthodox sects. They refer to the powerful forces like the Supreme Creation Sect that can occupy a planet and become the overlord, radiate the surrounding star fields, and have an eighth-level cultivator in the sect, which can dominate one side.

So in fact, the Supreme Creation Sect is not ranked in the entire Star Alliance.

The Seed Demon Clan is a great enemy to the entire Star Alliance. Although this clan was defeated by the predecessors of the Star Alliance and trapped in a small star field.

However, this clan is invisible and intangible, and it is really difficult to wipe it out. After so many years of development, it has quietly accumulated strength and gradually recovered its strength.

For the Star Alliance, the Seed Demon Clan is a great enemy that cannot be underestimated.

The Heavenly Seed Demon Seal is considered a treasure among all the demon clans, and it is a treasure with strategic significance. Even the masters of the Seed Demon Clan find it very difficult to obtain it. Elder Junchen is only an elder of the Supreme Creation Sect, one of the three thousand side sects. What qualifications does he have to collude with the Seed Demon Clan to obtain such a treasure?

Unless the elder Junchen was able to obtain the outer demon seal, it was not his own ability.

He thought he had obtained the outer demon seal, but in fact this outer demon seal was a chess piece dropped by the demon race on the blue water star.

If this is the case, it is simply terrifying to think about it. The inside story of the war between the Tianji clan and the Star Domain Alliance is already confusing, and then the demon race also secretly dropped a chess piece in it, and the plum fell, and Xu Moyan was also involved.

Xu Chenzhou felt a little headache.

But it is useless to think so much now, and he can only respond to the moves.

With the chat group as a backing, his cultivation progressed at an astonishing speed. When those alien races really attacked them, he didn't know what realm he had cultivated to.

After sorting out the matter, Xu Chenzhou first returned the Qinglian Sword to Xiao Yangchan, and then silently took out a magnetic levitation motorcycle from the storage ring he carried with him.

This suspension motorcycle is naturally his favorite car. In addition to the magnetic suspension supercar, Xu Chenzhou also equipped himself with a magnetic suspension motorcycle.

Although he can also fly with a sword, it is too ostentatious.

Before setting off, Xu Chenzhou had already expected that the taxi would definitely not be saved, so he put the magnetic suspension motorcycle he bought in the storage ring early.

This storage ring was purchased by Han Li. He hid his identity and sold a bottle of elixir he refined at an auction, and then used the earned spirit stones to buy more than a dozen storage rings, and then distributed these storage rings to each group member.

In fact, the red envelopes in the chat group are far better than storage rings as storage props. Not only are they unlimited in capacity and will not be damaged, but they are also very safe.

But there is a bad thing about red envelope storage, that is, it is very inconvenient to store and access. Every time you store an item, you must first send it to the group members, and then trouble the group members to send it back.

Although the group members in the group naturally don’t care about such trivial matters, sometimes it is also troublesome to store too many things.

In addition, there are some private items that are not suitable to be sent as red envelopes.

So Han Li put so many storage rings in the group.

Anyway, some unimportant and trivial things are stored in the storage ring, and those really important things will be stored through the chat group red envelope.

In fact, the storage ring in the mortal world is just a transitional product. The space is really small and can't hold many things.

The real high-quality storage treasures still have to look at the prehistoric world, but the environment that Xiao Yangchan is in now is too high-end. It's either on Yuquan Mountain or in Nuwa Palace. There is really no place to get so many storage treasures in a short time.

Xu Chenzhou rode the magnetic levitation motorcycle and drove towards the training base. Since he was here, he went to see how his sister was doing.

It was still noon when Xu Chenzhou went out, and now the moon is on the branches. This battle really took a lot of time. Of course, the main reason for this is that Xu Chenzhou spent too much time comprehending the sword of beheading immortals.

Under the moonlight, Xu Chenzhou galloped in the wilderness. The surrounding environment had been destroyed in the battle between him and Li Xuangang.

However, what made Xu Chenzhou feel a little strange was that the three of them had caused such a huge destruction outside the city, but no one came to investigate.

Logically speaking, even if their battle was outside the city, it would still violate the provisions of the city security law, and the city security patrol department would definitely intervene.

However, Xu Chenzhou thought about it carefully and understood why no one came. On the one hand, it was because the ambush was planned by the Taishang Good Fortune Sect. They must have already greeted the people from the city's security patrol department.

On the other hand, the commotion they made was really too big. The earth was turned upside down and the earth sank. This scene was infinitely close to a battle between sixth-order gods and demons.

On this aqua star where gods and demon-level extraordinary beings are recruited, naturally no one dares to come and meddle in other people's business.

The road conditions along the way were extremely bad, with rugged gravel everywhere, but he was riding a maglev motorcycle, so he didn't feel any bumps no matter how bad the road conditions were.

Soon, he arrived outside the training camp.

This training camp was originally the residence of the Purple Dragon Army, but now it is temporarily set aside for students to train.

In the evening, it is the visiting time of the training camp. Many parents gather here every night these days. However, Xu Chenzhou found that the entrance to the training camp was deserted, with only a few soldiers guarding it.

Xu Chenzhou had just arrived at the entrance of the training camp when several soldiers looked at him with extremely surprised eyes.

The leading soldier quickly walked up to him: "Why are you so brave? It's already like this outside the city, but you still dare to come here.

Moreover, we have already contacted the city to seal the road, but you are still able to break through, which is amazing. "

The soldiers behind him also looked surprised: "Fortunately, those two immortals who came from nowhere have just finished fighting. Otherwise, if you were involved in their battle, you would have to shed your skin even if you didn't die."

Only then did Xu Chenzhou realize that he was the mastermind behind the lack of parents coming to visit tonight.

He made so much noise that the city's administration even took action and blocked the road to visit the training camp.

Xu Chenzhou raised the package in his hand: "Aren't you in a hurry to send something? My sister said that she didn't bring a lot of important things. As a brother, I naturally can't neglect it."

The soldier walking in front said with a helpless face: "Okay, okay, they're all here, hurry up and register. It's not too early now. They have been training very hard these days. Let's finish the visit as soon as possible." Let the children rest early.”

Xu Chenzhou nodded, and after registering, he followed the two soldiers into the reception hall at the entrance of the camp to wait for Xu Moran.

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