All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 229 The storm is coming

Xu Chenzhou walked into the reception hall, which was located at the outermost part of the Purple Dragon Army camp. It was about 500 square meters. The reception hall was filled with tables and chairs, which were specially used to receive visitors.

As soon as he entered the reception hall, Xu Chenzhou looked around and took in the environment here.

What Xu Chenzhou didn't expect was that the environment here actually made him feel familiar.

There were red slogans on the plain walls, yellow stools and black tabletops, and the simplicity of the military was everywhere. It looked a bit similar to the military camp where he had military training in his previous life.

The soldier who led him in said as he walked: "Don't be fooled by the large area here. Usually at this time, it is crowded here, and there are parents coming to visit everywhere. Some people even queue for two or three hours just to see their children.

But today you chose a good time. The road happened to be blocked, so you are the only one in this training hall, which seems a bit deserted."

Xu Chenzhou nodded. It was true. If he hadn't fought with the disciples of the Supreme Creation Sect, it would have been difficult for him to meet Xu Mo Ran here. He would have to wait for at least an hour.

The training plan launched by Tiancheng City this time was very grand, and all junior and senior high school students in the city had to participate.

Tiancheng City is a prosperous metropolis with about 170,000 to 180,000 junior and senior high school students.

Although the area of ​​the Purple Dragon Army's barracks is very large, it certainly cannot accommodate such a large number of students for training.

In fact, the students who were collectively trained this time were scattered in more than a dozen training bases around Tiancheng City, and the Purple Dragon Army's barracks were just one of them.

But even so, the Zilong training base can accommodate 12,000 students. With such a large number of students, the number of parents who come to visit every day will not be less than 300, so it is naturally overcrowded.

While Xu Chenzhou was still thinking, a figure ran in from the other end of the training hall like a butterfly flying through flowers, and threw himself into Xu Chenzhou's arms in a few steps.

There was a hint of blame in Xu Mo Ran's tone: "Brother, you are so busy, and I am not a child. There is no need to come to see me specially. Anyway, there are only a few days left for training."

Xu Chenzhou lowered his head and touched Xu Mo Ran's hair. This little girl always speaks insincerely.

He clearly saw that the little girl's eyes became misty with tears, but Xu Chenzhou naturally would not expose his sister's words.

On the surface, Xu Chenzhou was concerned about Xu Mo Ran's life in the training base, and kept asking about his well-being, but behind the scenes, Xu Chenzhou directly began to communicate with Xu Mo Ran. This method of communication can only be used by those who have cultivated the Honghuang Immortal Dao to the Jindan realm or above. It is to transmit messages through the resonance between two Jindan, which is extremely safe in the star field world.

"I came to you this time for a serious matter. Let me tell you, there are two Taishangzao today.

Xu Chenzhou did not hide anything and told Xu Mo Ran everything that happened today. This matter is related to the safety of his sister. Xu Chenzhou will not be careless about such things.

Originally, Xu Mo Ran had a happy smile on her face when she saw her brother coming to find her, but as Xu Chenzhou spoke, the smile on Xu Mo Ran's face gradually began to converge, becoming as cold as a glacier. A trace of murderous intent flashed in her eyes, which was extremely terrifying.

At the same time, she also began to communicate: "Brother, you are not hurt, right? They are a half-step sixth-level and a fifth-level peak master.

This is too much bullying. I have also heard from my master that the so-called elder Junchen does hold a lot of power in the Supreme Creation Sect.

But I didn't expect that he would actually send a fifth-level and a half-step sixth-level to deal with my brother on this planet where gods and demons don't exist. "

Xu Chenzhou stood up and turned in front of Xu Mo Ran, letting him take a closer look.

"Don't worry, with their mediocre skills, how can they hurt your brother?"

Xu Mo Ran was completely relieved after hearing this, and only then did she feel scared.

This incident was too dangerous. Fortunately, her brother's strength exceeded everyone's imagination, so he could survive the ambush of the Supreme Creation Sect. Otherwise, Xu Mo Ran would definitely feel guilty for this matter for the rest of his life.

This made Xu Mo Ran feel even colder. If Xu Chenzhou really died, as long as she could avenge Xu Chenzhou, with her personality, she would definitely practice the Supreme Forgetting Love Chapter without hesitation, and then she would fall into the hands of her enemy.

Fortunately, none of this happened.

Even so, she still hated the elder Junchen.

Xu Mo Ran said hatefully: "When my master comes back, I must let that old man Junchen give me an explanation."

Xu Chenzhou scratched her nose: "What's the point of relying on the master.

Besides, your master and he are both the four great deacons and elders of the Supreme Creation Sect, so they have some friendship.

The forces are intertwined and difficult to sort out. Even if he dotes on you, he can't tear his face with them for you.

To be honest, if you really want to teach him a lesson, you have to rely on yourself.

With the immortal cultivation method I taught you, as long as you practice well, it won't take long for him to be your opponent. When the time comes, it's up to you to decide whether to kill or chop him. "

Hearing this, Xu Mo Ran's heart was full of fighting spirit. Since his brother had such high expectations of her, he naturally couldn't let his brother down.

Then Xu Chenzhou asked Xu Mo Ran in detail about the details of this collective training.

As Xu Mo Ran talked, Xu Chenzhou's face became more and more gloomy.

Because the training items this time are really weird.

First of all, the military training this time is very strict, and there are even 5 death quotas every day.

Then there are too many categories of this training. Not only physical training is required, but also military posture training. In addition to these two regular trainings, there are many side trainings, such as how to cooperate with the army's formation, how to survive in the wilderness, and how to escape the pursuit of aliens.

These various trainings are combined together, and they are simply trying to train all the students to be masters of escaping the wilderness, and the kind of survival masters who can handle the chaos of war with ease.

Shuilanxing doesn't even know where to get 50 virtual diving cabins.

Each class is a group, and they take turns to enter the virtual diving cabin to experience it.

In the virtual diving cabin, the trainees can enter a planet occupied by a tribe in person, and then survive on this planet with difficulty. Once they die, they will fall out of the virtual diving cabin, and those who survive the longest will receive rewards.

This made Xu Chenzhou feel a little chilly. The war had just started, and the top leaders of Water Blue Star had already planned to train the new generation on how to survive in a war-torn planet.

Before the battle, they were considering what would happen after the defeat. This made Xu Chenzhou feel vaguely that the planet he was on was not Water Blue Star, but France Star.

The only explanation Xu Chenzhou could think of was that the top leaders of Water Blue Star knew that the war was likely to affect Water Blue Star.

While Xu Chenzhou and Xu Mo Ran were chatting, many students walked into the reception hall one after another.

And the door of the Purple Dragon Training Camp gradually came with noisy sounds.

It turned out that the parents who were stopped by the Administration Bureau rushed over.

They were stopped by the Administration Bureau before and were not allowed to take that road. Some parents chose to return by the original road, while some parents chose to wait.

Not long ago, the Administration Bureau confirmed that the two powerful men close to the level of gods and demons outside the city had ended the battle, so they opened the road for these parents to come and visit their children.

Xu Chenzhou didn't care about these students and parents. Anyway, he had the transmission factor of Jindan resonance, and no matter how many people were around, it would not affect the conversation between him and Xu Mo Ran.

But as they chatted, Xu Chenzhou suddenly saw a narrow smile on Xu Mo Ran's face.

"Brother, look who that is?"

Xu Mo Ran winked in front of him, and his eyes were focused on a girl not far away.

Xu Chenzhou looked over along Xu Mo Ran's line of sight. There sat a youthful girl with twin ponytails, extremely beautiful, oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and a pair of eyes that cut water. When her eyes opened and closed, a river of spring water rose and fell, with all kinds of style.

Since it was rest time, there was no need to wear the uniforms required by military training. At this time, the girl was wearing a black woolen plaid shirt, which looked quiet and elegant. Moreover, Xu Chenzhou's keen sense of smell could also feel that the girl was smelling a fragrance of purple buds.

Memories slowly emerged in Xu Chenzhou's mind. This girl was Jiang Chuchu, his junior high school deskmate. The relationship between the two was quite good in junior high school.

Because the original owner wanted to break through to the realm of extraordinary warriors and inherit the martial arts school as soon as possible, the original owner's academic performance was actually not satisfactory. His grades were so bad that even the teacher didn't want to take care of him anymore.

Only Jiang Chuchu took the trouble to make up lessons for the original owner at that time, summarizing the knowledge points, and then explaining them to him one by one. If it weren't for Jiang Chuchu's tutoring, I'm afraid that the original owner would not even graduate from junior high school.

However, the original owner was also a warrior with iron bones, and he didn't get Jiang Chuchu's tutoring for free. In junior high school, Jiang Chuchu's personality was extremely weird, and he dressed very rustically, with thick black-framed glasses, pigtails, and freckles all over his face, which looked very rustic.

So she was often bullied by others in the class. Every time Jiang Chuchu was bullied, the original owner would stand up and beat up those who bullied his tutor. Over time, no one dared to bully Jiang Chuchu anymore.

In the eyes of the original owner, the relationship between the two was mutually beneficial. The original owner protected Jiang Chuchu from being bullied, and Jiang Chuchu tutored the original owner so that he could graduate smoothly.

So after graduation, Xu Chenzhou never contacted Jiang Chuchu again, and Jiang Chuchu didn't know why, and didn't contact Xu Chenzhou either. The two lost contact and never met again.

But now Xu Chenzhou, as a time traveler, naturally couldn't be as simple as the original owner.

He accepted the original owner's identity and integrated the original owner's memory, but he was not the original owner after all, so he could naturally see Jiang Chuchu's feelings for Xu Chenzhou in his memory at a glance.

He could share all the details of the original owner's memory, but he knew clearly that these memories were other people's experiences, not his own, so these memories allowed Xu Chenzhou to always analyze what happened in the past from an outsider's perspective.

But what does this have to do with Xu Chenzhou? The two of them haven't met or communicated for too long.

Xu Chenzhou didn't accept the original owner's interpersonal relationships completely. Whether it was his sister, Chen Mutou, or his two senior brothers, Xu Chenzhou only gradually regarded them as people he valued after personal contact.

Xu Mo Ran saw Xu Chen Zhou's dull eyes, and knew that Xu Chen Zhou was recalling his affairs with Jiang Chu Chu, so Xu Mo Ran stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Xu Chen Zhou's eyes: "Alright, alright, come back to your senses quickly, the ugly duckling has become a white swan after not seeing it for a few years, how is it, do you regret not taking decisive action to take it down directly!"

Xu Chen Zhou turned around and glared at Xu Mo Ran, then said: "These are all old rotten things, we haven't been in touch for many years, why mention him again.

I'm talking to you about business, don't make trouble.

Next, if you want to contact people from the Supreme Creation Sect, you must inform me in advance, so that I can protect you.

I'm about to leave, you are training here and be careful, if you have anything, just send me a message, I will be there at any time."

After that, Xu Chen Zhou stood up and was about to turn around and leave.

Xu Mo Ran muttered, "We were so familiar with each other back then, and it's rare for us to meet, why don't you even say hello?"

While he was talking, several figures came out and sat next to Jiang Chuchu, all of them were Xu Chenzhou's junior high school classmates.

These junior high school classmates had bullied Jiang Chuchu before, but now for some reason, they surrounded Jiang Chuchu in a way that everyone was surrounding her.

It was obvious that these people were now following Jiang Chuchu's lead.

Seeing these familiar junior high school classmates, Xu Chenzhou didn't have the slightest intention of saying hello.

He inherited the body of the original owner, so he would naturally help the original owner to block his karma.

For the original owner, the most important thing was to take good care of his sister and keep the family's White Crane Martial Arts School, and Xu Chenzhou had already done these two things.

In addition to these two obsessions, the original owner's remaining obsessions were imprinted on Chen Mutou and his two senior brothers.

And Xu Chenzhou had already made proper arrangements for these.

Of course, in the process of getting along with his sister, Chen Mutou, and two senior brothers, Xu Chenzhou had already regarded them as his real relatives and friends.

As for what kind of karmic relationship these junior high school classmates were, the original owner didn't care, and Xu Chenzhou didn't care even more. He was very busy and didn't have the time to brag with them.

Among this group of people, only Jiang Chuchu had some weight in the original owner's heart, but the two had not been in contact for three years, and this little weight was extremely thin. In this case, it is better to forget each other.

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