All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 230 The Emperor's Decree

Xu Chenzhou stood up and waved to Xu Mo Ran, then left the reception hall. He had explained everything he needed to explain, and it was time to leave.

Xu Mo Ran stared at Xu Chenzhou's back, reluctant to leave, until Xu Chenzhou's figure completely disappeared outside the door, Xu Mo Ran retracted his gaze and left the hall.

At this time, several classmates sitting at another table with Xu Chenzhou whispered: "Was that person just now Xu Chenzhou?

It has been almost three years since Xu Chenzhou graduated, and I haven't seen him once.

"I don't think so. Although the face looks a bit similar, there is still a big gap between him and Xu Chenzhou."

Only Jiang Chuchu looked disappointed, with a wandering look: "It's him, I know the person sitting opposite him, that person is his sister,

To be honest, he has changed a lot, if I didn't know his sister, I'm afraid I wouldn't recognize him."

A female classmate next to him almost had stars in her eyes: "Indeed, Xu Chenzhou has changed a lot, he has become so handsome.

Although becoming a super warrior will indeed make you more handsome and beautiful, this is the first time I have seen such a big change like him.

If Chuchu hadn't confirmed it, I wouldn't have believed it.

What a pity! If I had known earlier, I would have taken the initiative to go over and say hello to him. "

Xu Chenzhou is really handsome now. His facial features are very three-dimensional, as if they were chiseled by a knife and an axe. His foundation is quite good. In addition, Xu Chenzhou also ate the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit. After the Yijing marrow washing, his skin became extremely white. In addition, his temperament has also undergone a huge change after practicing. All these combined make Xu Chenzhou's current appearance described as stunning.

The attitude of the three male classmates on the side was not so friendly to Xu Chenzhou.

A male student wearing a white shirt and a middle-parted hair said with a bad face: "What's the use of becoming handsome? It's so unkind.

I noticed that his eyes glanced at us several times. He must have seen us. After all, we have been classmates for three years. He didn't even say hello when he met us. He didn't take us old classmates seriously at all.

Why would you greet such a heartless and ungrateful person? "

Another boy in overalls nodded: "I bought water for him in the past, but he doesn't know how to be grateful. What's so great about being a super warrior? Chuchu, your status is not higher than his."

With a bang, the palm and the table made a crisp sound, and a huge noise came, interrupting the boy's words.

Jiang Chuchu's face turned cold as ice, and a chill raged in her eyes like autumn water.

Her eyes swept across the faces of the two male classmates, like a knife, making them take a step back involuntarily.

"I don't like to hear people say bad things about Xu Chenzhou in front of me. If it happens again, don't blame me for turning my face and being ruthless. "

The two male classmates were obviously very afraid of Jiang Chuchu. When they heard her say that, they not only did not refute, but they did not even dare to look up. They kept their heads down and responded.

After scolding the two male classmates, Jiang Chuchu looked at the vast night outside the reception hall, with thoughts churning in her eyes.

On the other side, Xu Moyan, who had just walked out of the reception hall, also silently dispersed the seal in his hand and put his hand back into his sleeve.

However, although Xu Moyan dispersed the seal in his hand, two wisps of cold air still floated out of his hand and attached to the two male classmates.

With her Jindan stage cultivation, it was simply unacceptable to say bad things about her brother at such a close distance. Want to live.

If it weren't for her brother's classmate being sensible, it wouldn't be so easy when it was her turn to take action.

But even so, she had to make these two guys suffer.

Although these two strands of cold air would not really hurt the two people's bodies, they could make them weak, dizzy and have diarrhea.

This training camp was very strict. Without a doctor's certificate, they were not allowed to rest for minor illnesses. It was undoubtedly a painful thing to participate in the training project in such a state.

It barely satisfied Xu Moyan.

Xu Chenzhou actually heard the two classmates' slanderous words about him. After all, Compared with Xu Moyan, his cultivation is more profound. With his current cultivation of Taoism, he can feel it in his heart if someone says his name within a hundred miles.

However, he doesn't care about such trivial matters. These people can look at him however they want, just don't run in front of him and get in the way.

He has a lot of things to do, so he doesn't have time to waste on these boring people.

Xu Chenzhou's mind controls his body to drive the motorcycle, and the rest of the sea of ​​consciousness is constantly deducing and comprehending the skills.

These thoughts work together, some study the next cultivation direction of extraordinary warriors, and some are sorting out different In the cultivation system of the world of the heavens, some are comprehending the Four Symbols Great Dao, and some are comprehending the sword intent of the Immortal Slayer. Of course, most of the thoughts are now perfecting the two magical powers he has just comprehended, the Immortal Slayer Sword and the Four Symbols Slayer God.

This is the most powerful part of the Taoist cultivation system in the Yangshen world. It can do many things at the same time and split itself from one person into countless people, which greatly enhances the efficiency of group members' cultivation.

This is also the reason why Yangshen Taoism is regarded as a compulsory system for group members in the chat group.

The cultivation system that group members can learn is vast, and there is countless knowledge waiting for group members to absorb and digest for their own use.

And the ability to divide the mind and multitask perfectly meets the needs of the chat group members.

This is also the reason why the chat group members have not practiced for a long time, but have mastered so much knowledge and even have the ability to deduce the exercises.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou has another thought in the chat group and is hanging out with the silly group members.

This has become Xu Chenzhou's habit. Most of the time, he will leave a thought on standby to talk with the group members in the group and answer their questions.

The group is discussing the sword of immortals used by the two people from the Supreme Creation Sect.

The group live broadcast function allows all group members to observe the details of this magical power as if they were there.

Xu Chenzhou can see the mystery of the sword of immortals, and other group members naturally notice it.

However, their understanding of the three pictures of the Supreme is not as profound as Xu Chenzhou, so they have not yet fully understood the mystery.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "The magical powers of the Supreme Creation Sect are very interesting. From the magical powers that the group leader has shown us, it can be seen that although the inheritance of the Supreme Creation Sect comes from the Tai Taishang lineage, it is not conventional, but has all kinds of fantastic ideas."

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "Junbao is right. The artistic conception of these magical powers is indeed similar to the inheritance of the Supreme Dao that I have obtained.

But speaking of it, there is also the Supreme inheritance in the group leader's world. Isn't it a bit too much that there are worlds with the Supreme inheritance in the group now?"

Hong Yi's eyes showed a thoughtful look. As far as he knows, more than half of the worlds in the group now have the shadow of the Supreme.

There is the Supreme Saint in the prehistoric world, the Supreme Dao in his world, the Supreme Creation Sect in the Star Domain World, the Supreme Emperor in the Covering Heaven World, the Heavenly Guardian World, the Dragon Clan World, and even the Academy City have the legend of the Supreme.

Such a high probability of appearance makes Hong Yi feel a little horrible when he thinks about it carefully.

Looking at Hong Yi's question, Xu Chenzhou wanted to type an answer, but gave up after thinking about it carefully.

According to the thinking of earthlings, it is normal for the Supreme Saints to appear frequently in the worlds of these novels, because these novels were originally born in the Chinese civilization, and the Supreme Saint is another hurdle that the Chinese civilization cannot get around.

But now the heavens and the worlds are clearly in front of him, so before he figured out the reason, he naturally couldn't use the thinking of earthlings to explain this matter.

Just when everyone was discussing very lively, Xiao Nannan suddenly opened the group live broadcast.

The time acceleration function of the chat group will fully correspond to the cultivator.

Spending ten days in the group space, the body of the group members will actually go through ten days of time.

This kind of time flow rate acting on the body is not a big deal for other group members. After all, life span is no longer a big deal after joining the chat group.

Especially in the immortal cultivation system, the life span of the cultivator will become extremely long, as long as the sky and the earth.

Moreover, they can easily obtain various longevity pills, and there is no need to worry about life span.

However, for a few little kids who have not grown up yet, this time acceleration still has some effect.

So although Xiao Nannan is not yet 4 years old, his actual age is close to 6 and a half years old.

In addition, Xiao Nannan has practiced the Perfect Method and the Heaven-Covering Method, and the effect of the Nine Yuan Mysterious Spirit Fruit Yijing Marrow Washing, which also makes her body develop more rapidly.

At this time, Xiao Nannan looks like she is almost eight years old, with soft black hair scattered around her waist, gently fluttering in the wind.

She is wearing a white feather dress, a pink belt around her waist, and holding a bright golden spear in her hand. Countless divine rays flow on the spear, and runes flash.

Xu Chenzhou looked at this little guy who was gradually growing up. Her delicate little face can already preliminarily see the beauty that will overwhelm the country in the future.

However, something strange happened in the sky behind Xiao Nannan. The originally blue sky turned red, as if someone's blood was spilled in the sky, dyeing the whole sky red.

Xiao Nannan (Yuhua Killing God): "I felt uneasy when I woke up this morning, and felt that something bad was going to happen.

Then the sky suddenly turned red just now.

The one who could cause this strange phenomenon is probably someone from the Yuhua Divine Dynasty. I feel that they are coming."

Xiao Nannan's words had just been posted in the group, and the sky immediately changed again.

I saw a golden light breaking through the clouds, and the red clouds in the sky were dispersed by this golden light. A yellow paper one foot square slowly fell from the sky.

As the paper fell, its volume became larger and larger, as if it was infinite and madly expanding until it blocked the sun and the sky.

But the magical thing is that even if the sun was blocked, the sky and the earth did not fall into darkness, because this golden light that broke through the clouds came from that piece of paper.

The words on the yellow paper slowly lit up one after another, and each word flashed with a thousand-foot light.

Xu Chenzhou carefully identified the font on the yellow paper in the dazzling light.

These words were written in a language of the world of the Covering Heaven, not Chinese characters, but Xu Chenzhou had spent time studying the language of the world of the Covering Heaven in order to learn the skills of the world of the Covering Heaven, so he could understand what was written on it.

There were ten words written on the huge yellow paper.

Emperor Yuhua has issued an order to cut off the connection between heaven and earth!

Xu Chenzhou could feel that there was no magical power or secret method attached to these ten characters, and they were just written casually by Emperor Yuhua.

However, with his status as an emperor, writing these ten characters itself carried a terrifying power.

As all the ten characters lit up, a terrifying aura rose from the yellow paper, and then an illusory figure appeared in the universe.

The size of this figure could no longer be described in words. Looking up at the sky from the planet, one could only vaguely see the lines on his palm.

The figure stretched out his left hand, grasped the planet vaguely, and then held the entire planet in his palm.

In an instant, Xiao Nannan could feel that the space around the entire Nanli Star had been blocked by this palm. If she did not break this phantom, there would be no way to leave Nanli Star.

Then another huge voice sounded from the sky.

"Listen up, residents of Nanli Star. I am Pu Yunqi, the special envoy of Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

Nanli Star is the territory commanded by Yuhua Divine Dynasty, but some people dared to massacre soldiers of Yuhua Divine Dynasty on Nanli Star, and even emptied several Yuhua army camps. Such crimes are insane.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Yuhua was furious and sent me here to capture the rebels.

With this imperial decree, the entire Nanli Star has been blocked. You are now in a situation where there is no way to go up to the sky and no door to enter the earth. You have fallen into my control.

If you don't want to suffer, I advise you to show up quickly and surrender, so that you can still keep a whole body. Otherwise, after I catch you, I will skin you alive and kill you by slow slicing."

With the voice, a figure slowly appeared in the sky. This figure was wearing a golden armor with a radiant light, holding a sword in his hand, and exuding a terrifying aura from head to toe, as if he was an immortal from the nine heavens.

Pu Yunqi waited for a moment, but didn't hear anyone's response, which made him look a little impatient.

"Don't think that I can't find you if you hide from me. I tell you that you are dead this time. Your actions have completely angered Emperor Yuhua. Even those people in the dark restricted area can't protect you.

This time I brought a full 10,000 troops. With these people, I must find you even if I turn the entire Nanli Star upside down."

Pu Yunqi in the sky spoke majestically, as if those who obey me will prosper and those who disobey me will perish. But he didn't know that when he said that he brought 10,000 troops, the little girl on the ground showed a look of surprise.

She licked her lips, and then looked at Pu Yunqi in the sky with a burning gaze.

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