All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 231 Welcome to the Hunting Time

Pu Yunqi waited for a while, but still did not see any movement below, which made Pu Yunqi's face reveal a trace of anger.

"Okay, okay! If you don't accept my toast, I will not be polite.

Pass my military order, the army will disperse, three people in a group, search the sky and the earth, and spare no cost, and must find this person for me."

Pu Yunqi did not notice that Xiao Nannan was actually under his nose at this time, and the distance between him and him would not exceed 500 meters.

It's just that Xiao Nannan's breath-retaining method is too advanced, almost turning herself into grass, wood and stone, so he couldn't notice it.

Xiao Nannan lay on the top of the mountain and observed these soldiers of Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

With Pu Yunqi's order, tens of thousands of soldiers emerged from the cloud city behind him.

All these soldiers flew in the sky, arranged in neat teams, and the powerful momentum emerging from their bodies condensed into a huge Peng bird that swallowed the sky and the earth.

The ability to fly means that these soldiers have almost reached the Dao Palace realm, and are the real elite of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

Xiao Nannan also noticed that some of the soldiers even reached the fourth level. There are not many of these soldiers, probably only a hundred, and they should be the leading officers.

Seeing so many fat sheep, Xiao Nannan couldn't help but show an extremely expectant expression on her face. This is an extremely delicious meal for her.

Especially when she heard Pu Yunqi's order to disperse the army into groups of three, Xiao Nannan's little face showed an expression of excitement.

There is such a good thing. This uncle of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty is a very good person. He was afraid that she would eat too much in one breath and have indigestion, so he specially dispersed the food so that she could chew it slowly.

Under Pu Yunqi's military order, these neatly arranged armies instantly dispersed into small teams and landed on the ground.

These soldiers first locked the search range in the mountains and forests around the Yuhua camps that were killed by Xiao Nannan.

Their methods of investigation were extremely rough. They first scanned with their eyes, and then used their magical powers to bombard any place that might be unusual.

And Xiao Nannan also saw that innocent passers-by nearby would be taken away immediately and subjected to harsh interrogation if they were discovered by these soldiers.

Some passers-by were of noble status and could prove their innocence with tokens, so they could barely keep their lives.

But some untouchables without status were not so lucky.

Next to the cave where Xiao Nannan was hiding, a couple who went up the mountain to collect herbs were caught by the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

The leading soldier held a spear against the couple's chest and questioned them coldly.

"Who are you, where do you live, what are you doing here, do you have anything that can prove your identity?"

The leading man was so scared that he almost peed, but he didn't dare not answer the question of the ferocious soldier in front of him, so he could only say tremblingly: "Reply to the general, I am a villager from Hujia Village at the foot of Tianfeng Mountain. My mother suddenly fell ill. A doctor told me that I needed the Bingxin grass on Tianfeng Mountain to cure her, so I took my wife to the mountain to find Bingxin grass. I hope the general will show mercy and let me live."

The wife next to him also kowtowed and pleaded for her husband.

But the soldiers of Yuhua Divine Dynasty were unmoved, and they whispered softly: "Villagers, does that mean you don't have any tokens on you to prove your identity?

That's good, no need to torture them carefully, just kill them with one knife!"

After that, he pierced the heart with a spear, strung the young couple together, and then threw them out like garbage.

The little girl was stunned by this scene.

However, this place is too close to Puyun Banner. Xiao Nannan is not sure that she can kill without being discovered, so she can only leave here silently.

In order to find Xiao Nannan, these soldiers of Yuhua Divine Dynasty are unwilling to let go of any possibility and completely become cold-blooded executioners.

Of course, in addition to the soldiers searching in the wild, many soldiers also entered the nearby cities to interrogate door to door and search for Xiao Nannan's whereabouts in detail.

Xiao Nannan will naturally not miss such a good opportunity. If the 10,000 soldiers of the Dao Palace Secret Realm gather together to form a military formation, the power will be extremely terrifying. It is difficult for her to compete with her current cultivation.

But it is different if they are scattered. Three Dao Palace monks are nothing to Xiao Nannan now.

The group members are all making rapid progress, and Xiao Nannan is naturally unwilling to lag behind. After comprehending the sword intent of Zhuxian, Xiao Nannan's killing methods are unmatched among the monks of the same realm in the world of Zhantian.

With her current cultivation at the peak of the Dao Palace, killing ordinary Dao Palace monks is like cutting melons and chopping vegetables.

The only difficulty is that it is easy to kill them, but it is difficult not to attract the attention of others.

After all, these searching monks are in groups of three. Unless three people can be killed in one strike, it is difficult to restrict them from passing on information.

The monks in the Dao Palace realm react very quickly. Just a blink of an eye is enough for them to react and sound the alarm.

Even Xiao Nannan can't guarantee that there will be no mistakes. Each sword can kill three Dao Palace monks at the same time.

If her whereabouts are exposed too early and she is surrounded by 10,000 Dao Palace realm monks, she may have no choice but to call for group resources.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nannan couldn't help but feel a little fortunate. Fortunately, the group leader brother didn't call for group resources just now.

Otherwise, if she made a mistake, it would be difficult.

After all, the cross-border function of the chat group can only be used once every three days. After the group leader brother used up the quota, she had no more to use.

But how to kill them cleanly and neatly?

Xiao Nannan was a little distressed.

Seeing this little girl in distress, the group members immediately began to give her advice.

How to kill people without making a sound, such a simple thing, how could it be difficult for many old shady people in the group.

Han Li (the genius doctor of Qixuanmen): "Xiao Nannan, are you struggling with how to kill them quietly?

This is simple. The last time I went out, in addition to looking for the recipe of the healing elixir, I also spent a lot of money to buy a few drug dealers.

After my research and improvement during this period of time, I finally have a few bottles of finished products.

This bottle of poison powder is what I have refined during this period of time. It not only integrates the essence of those prescriptions, but also combines the alchemy knowledge of other worlds. The most important thing is that I got a Jingzhe Years Flower from the prehistoric world from Xiao Yangchan, which can be called The strongest poison powder I made.

This poison powder is colorless and tasteless, with extremely strong medicinal properties. Once it is blown by the wind, the fragrance spreads ten miles away. People who inhale this poison powder will immediately lose consciousness and pass out in ten seconds.

I have done experiments with Shi Hao. This bottle of poison powder has a certain effect on the little guy's beast-like body. As for these ordinary Taoist monks, they will definitely be confused one by one.

And they will not feel anything before they faint, so you don't have to worry that they will react within these ten seconds and sound the alarm. "

Han Li uploaded [Nine Turns Bewitching Immortal Powder].

Xu Chenzhou looked at the bottle of poison powder uploaded by Han Li and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Han Lao Mo, Han Lao Mo, I didn't expect that you, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also start playing with poison.

Han Li was not very active in the group. After killing Doctor Mo, Han Li did not follow the original plot to go to a larger sect to cultivate immortals. Instead, he hid in the Qixuan Sect. Except for a few times when he would go to the market in the cultivation world to exchange resources, most of the time he was a farmer planting various spiritual herbs and medicines, and quietly practicing and researching various means to deal with enemies.

In Xu Chenzhou's impression, Han Li was lurking and watching group friends chatting most of the time. Unexpectedly, he was doing something big in silence and actually plunged into the research of poison.

But to be honest, this is indeed a professional match. With the Palm of Heaven Bottle in hand, Han Li can get any poisonous grass he wants, and he can cultivate any poisonous grass he wants.

In addition, there are resources from all the heavens and worlds as reserves. Once Han Li's way of using poison is truly formed, I am afraid that even immortals can be knocked down directly with a bottle of poison.

Moreover, Han Lao Mo himself is known for his steady way. Now that he can use poison, it is simply more stable.

Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but think of Han Li's future adventures in the world of immortal cultivation. [An ordinary-looking cultivator frowned, retreated behind everyone, and then flicked his sleeves, spreading a colorless and odorless poisonous smoke throughout the secret realm. In a moment, everyone in the secret realm fell down, leaving only the ordinary-looking cultivator who was still awake. He quietly took away all the benefits and then left. ]

This scene was so beautiful that Xu Chenzhou didn't dare to watch it.

In addition to Han Li, many group members also took out their own tricks to trick people.

For example, Yang Chan gave Xiao Nannan an invisibility talisman. After the invisibility talisman was pasted, Xiao Nannan's body would disappear into the void. In this way, even if the soldiers issued a warning, no one could lock Xiao Nannan's specific location.

Xiao Shihao handed Xiao Nannan a piece of black wooden stick. According to Xiao Shihao, this piece of wooden stick was a treasure that he used to hit people with clubs. It was a good treasure that he snatched from a family in the Void God Realm. It was made of the arm bones of a strange beast called the Spirit Beast. One hit with the stick could shock the soul of a person. If the cultivation was not enough, he would not be able to think for more than ten seconds. It was the best choice for hitting people with clubs.

Xu Chenzhou naturally contributed several Yin-Yang treasures that he used to hide in the bottom of the box.

Most of these Yin-Yang treasures were collected by his two senior brothers, and some were exchanged by him in the treasure house of the Warrior Association.

Because the power system of the Star Domain World is very complicated, the sources of these Yin-Yang treasures are also different.

For example, the two senior brothers helped him purchase the chemical poison Black Fish No. 2 at a high price on the black market. One drop can stun a hundred frost mammoths. Although the medicinal power is not as good as Han Li's Nine Revolutions Immortal Powder, it wins in quantity.

For example, the God-shaking Talisman from the psychic, once it falls, will produce a spiritual vibration, and all enemies within the range will be in a state of shock and unable to move for a short period of time.

The strength of this God-shaking Talisman is not very high, and the spiritual vibration it produces is also very hidden. If you encounter an enemy with a particularly strong will, then it can only shock him for a moment. It is not enough to use it against masters and has no effect at all.

However, it can only be used to deal with these ordinary Yuhua Divine Dynasty soldiers who have just entered the Dao Palace Secret Realm. Even if you encounter those soldiers with a particularly strong will, Xiao Nannan's grass sword intention is enough to kill all the soldiers in a moment.

In fact, he usually prefers to crush them head-on when fighting, but more skills are better.

Maybe there will be a situation that requires him to sneak in, and then he can use these methods.

However, Xu Chenzhou touched his nose again when he thought of this. To be honest, if he really had to sneak in, he would probably prefer to use his invincible skills to crush the enemy directly with his personality.

After all, when he played Assassin's Creed, his favorite perfect sneak attack was to kill all the enemies in the base.

Even Misaka Mikoto, who was usually the most upright, uploaded dozens of electromagnetic shock bombs with some embarrassment.

This battery shock bomb was a weapon she made using the power of electromagnetic manipulation. When it exploded, it could instantly emit strong light and electricity to attract the enemy's attention, and at the same time paralyze the body of the enemy who didn't have time to dodge.

She made these electromagnetic shock bombs mainly for her sisters to defend themselves. Of course, Misaka Mikoto kept some on herself.

This thing is actually quite useful, especially when suddenly throwing it out in battle to attract the enemy's attention, and then waiting for an opportunity to launch a truly powerful attack.

With her current power level, the electromagnetic shock bombs created by the monks in the Ballistic Palace Secret Realm are definitely not immune to its attack.

Originally, Misaka Mikoto was the kind of decent psychic who didn't even want to use weapons, and only used coins from the arcade to launch the super-electromagnetic cannon. She only liked to fight head-on.

But after joining the chat group, she also learned some bad things under the influence of group members. She could not use these little tricks, but she couldn't do without them.

Xiao Nannan happily accepted the gifts from the group members, and then she turned her head to look at the Yuhua Divine Dynasty soldiers who were searching for his traces all over the mountains, her eyes full of impatience.

With these treasures, the hunting time has come, and none of you can run away!

Xiao Nannan started to act. She quietly approached the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty while holding her breath, and then threw out the Zhenshen Talisman given to him by Xu Chenzhou. Under the influence of an almost imperceptible psychic explosion, the three soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty fell into a brief state of unconsciousness.

Although they quickly came back to their senses with their own willpower, a cold sword light had appeared in front of them at this time.

As the sword energy of the Cao-shaped sword gesture swept across the sky, the three soldiers in golden armor were cut in half in an instant, their bodies broken, and large streams of blood gushed out from their abdomens, dyeing the ground scarlet.

Then another black air flashed by, and all the remaining essence and energy in their bodies were plundered. The bodies of the three soldiers withered instantly, then aged, and finally turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

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