All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 232: The Son of God

Xiao Nannan was extremely careful in her movements. With the help of the Breath Containment Technique, she walked on the battlefield like a ghost.

Every time a group of Yuhua Divine Dynasty soldiers died, Xiao Nannan's aura would become stronger.

This is the terrifying part of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art. It feeds on fighting and becomes stronger through killing.

And the most terrifying part of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art is that it can improve the qualifications of the practitioners. The more talented the opponent is, the more it can promote the evolution of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art.

These 11111 ordinary soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty are not geniuses, and have not yet brought out the strongest part of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art.

Because of her brother's experience and what these soldiers did just now, Xiao Nannan was merciless to these soldiers, and every shot was a sure kill.

During the hunting process, Xiao Nannan tried all the tricks given by the group friends.

The most useful one was the Nine-Turn Bewitching Immortal Powder given to him by Han Li. The effect of this bottle of poison powder was really amazing.

There was a mountain outside a Yuhua camp, and on that mountain, the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty were densely distributed.

Almost every five or six kilometers, there was a group of soldiers carefully searching for Xiao Nannan's whereabouts.

Because this mountain is not only very close to the crime scene, but also has a very steep terrain with many hiding places, which is one of the most likely places for Xiao Nannan to hide.

It becomes extremely difficult to hunt these soldiers in such a place.

Because the distance between these soldiers is too close to each other, the slightest movement can easily be discovered by others.

Whether it is the God-shaking Talisman given to Xiao Nannan by Xu Chenzhou or the battery-shocked bomb given to Misaka Mikoto, they are not suitable for use here, because they will make a little noise and be easily discovered.

But there are nearly three hundred soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty on this mountain, and Xiao Nannan is unwilling to let go of this piece of fat meat.

So Xiao Nannan sneaked into the peak of this mountain. Near the peak, there are about ten teams working hard to check all suspicious places and search for Xiao Nannan's location in a carpet-like manner.

But no one knew that the little girl they had been thinking about was hiding beside them.

Xiao Nannan's plan was very simple. First, she sensed the flow of air and became familiar with the direction of air flow. Then she found the best position and finally scattered the Nine-Turn Immortal Powder along the wind outlet.

The use of the Nine-Turn Immortal Powder was quite particular. Every time it was used, it must be kept away from the sun. The amount of medicine needed should be taken from the bottle, and no more should be taken.

Because this kind of poison powder is extremely easy to evaporate in the air, especially in a strong light and high temperature environment.

Since it was the first time to use it, Xiao Nannan was not sure how much medicine powder to use.

She thought about it and finally decided to be steady.

So Xiao Nannan wrapped the bottle mouth with a black cloth and poured out one-tenth of the medicine powder from the bottle. Then Xiao Nannan waved her hand casually, and the yellow medicine powder scattered into the air and instantly merged into the air, flowing in all directions along the wind flow on the top of the mountain.

And Xiao Nannan was watching this scene with great interest.

As the powders scattered, the ten groups of soldiers near Xiao Nannan fell to the ground one after another.

After a while, thirty soldiers of the Divine Dynasty fell into a deep sleep under the effect of the Nine-Turn Bewitching Powder.

Han Li's bottle of medicine was indeed not exaggerated. The medicine was extremely powerful. Ordinary Dao Palace cultivators could not defend it without being prepared.

Xiao Nannan did not hesitate. She controlled the grass sword in her hand and beheaded the unconscious soldiers one by one, and then used the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art to absorb all their cultivation.

And after the action, Xiao Nannan found that there was another surprise. The medicine of the Nine-Turn Bewitching Powder was far more terrifying than she had imagined. She used only one-tenth of the amount to bewitched these ten groups of Divine Dynasty soldiers, but she did not expect that this one-tenth of the Nine-Turn Bewitching Powder would make all the soldiers of the Divine Dynasty on half a mountain fall into a deep sleep.

As the breeze blew, the roars of birds and beasts that were originally heard from the forest stopped abruptly. Under the push of this breeze, the Nine-Turn Immortal Powder was blown all over the hillside.

Xiao Nannan roughly counted and found that there were at least more than a hundred soldiers of the Divine Dynasty lying in front of her.

What else can be said? Take advantage of his illness to kill him, and directly use the grass character sword energy.

After fully understanding how terrifying the Nine-Turn Immortal Powder in her hand was, Xiao Nannan became even more excited.

With this bottle of medicine in hand, Xiao Nannan was confident that she could take down all the soldiers of the Divine Dynasty on this mountain.

She changed two positions and sprinkled one-tenth of the Nine-Turn Immortal Powder on each of them.

As the powder blended into the wind, under the effect of the powder, the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty on the mountain fell into a deep sleep.

Facing these sleeping soldiers, Xiao Nannan showed no mercy. Under the flow of the terrifying sword energy, streams of blood gushed out, and heads fell to the ground. The originally beautiful mountains and forests were now stained with blood, as terrifying as the pagoda hell.

Of course, after these people died, Xiao Nannan would naturally not waste their bodies. Under the flow of the black energy, the power of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art was fully activated, plundering all the essence in their bodies and turning them into dry bones on the ground. Soon these people were devoured by her and turned into her own cultivation.

In the process of devouring, Xiao Nannan also found that many soldiers were carrying cultivation resources.

Many soldiers are actually lonely and alone, so where else can they put their money if not on their bodies?

Xiao Nannan was naturally not polite. She first picked out some cultivation resources that were suitable for swallowing, and then put the other cultivation resources into the storage ring.

This version of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art seems to have similar effects to the Heaven Devouring Demon Art in the original timeline, but in fact the core is completely different, and it is more evil than the original Heaven Devouring Demon Art.

The original Heaven Devouring Demon Art can only swallow people, while this version of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art can not only swallow people, but also swallow things, mountains, rivers, trees, the universe, and the stars.

However, after research, everyone in the group found that although the Heaven Devouring Demon Art can swallow everything, as long as it exists, it can be used as cultivation materials, but most of the things are useless.

For example, the most common sand, soil, wood, and stone, the energy contained in these things is actually not much. Swallowing these things for cultivation can certainly increase the speed of cultivation, but there is a premise, that is, a large amount of consumption is required to supply cultivation.

Xiao Nannan calculated that with her current cultivation level, if she continued to devour ordinary substances, she would have to completely devour an ordinary mountain every seven days of cultivation, and it would only speed up her cultivation by one percent.

It was simply tasteless to eat, but a pity to throw it away.

However, these cultivation resources snatched from the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty were different. They were all items containing abundant energy. Devouring them for cultivation was no less than directly devouring the bodies of the soldiers.

In particular, the special product of the world of the Covering Heaven, the divine source, was a magical tool for accelerating cultivation. Every time a piece of divine source was swallowed, Xiao Nannan could feel that she had become stronger.

As Xiao Nannan devoured more and more soldiers of the Divine Dynasty, her power became stronger and stronger.

In the dark, Xiao Nannan felt that she had finally touched the ceiling of the Dao Palace realm.

In fact, with Xiao Nannan's cultivation speed, she could have broken through to the fourth level long ago.

But after joining the chat group, Xiao Nannan already knew how high the sky was and how thick the earth was, and how long the cultivation system of the world of the Covering Heaven was.

The most important thing was that Xiao Nannan knew who her enemy was.

Although what he wanted to do most now was to rescue his brother, after rescuing his brother, Xiao Nannan did not want to let go of Yuhua Dynasty.

Although the emperor of Yuhua Dynasty was old, he should not be underestimated.

Of course, Xiao Nannan was not afraid of Emperor Yuhua at all. She was very sure that she would be able to beat this emperor in the future.

However, Emperor Yuhua was approaching the end of his life, and he would do it himself without Xiao Nannan's help.

But Xiao Nannan did not want Emperor Yuhua to die peacefully, because of Emperor Yuhua's conspiracy, she was forced to separate from her brother, and now her brother was in danger at any time.

For this matter, Xiao Nannan wanted to kill Emperor Yuhua with her own hands.

This difficulty was not low, after all, the emperor who had merged the Heavenly Heart Seal in the world of Zhatian was absolutely the supreme existence.

When Emperor Yuhua was still alive, there was no second Heavenly Heart Seal waiting for him to merge in the world of Zhatian.

This meant that she had to fight against the emperor without being an emperor.

In the world of Heaven-shaking, there are many cultivators who can compete with the Great Emperor from ancient times to the present. For example, the Great Saint Body is said to be comparable to the Great Emperor.

But in fact, every Great Emperor has the ability to suppress the nine heavens and ten earths when he is at his peak. He is definitely the strongest of his generation, otherwise he would not have the title of Great Emperor.

Even those alternative Taoists, or Great Saint Body, are only sure to compete with the Great Emperor without being defeated. It is too difficult to really defeat the Great Emperor before becoming an emperor, or even kill the Great Emperor. From ancient times to the present, there are not many cultivators who can do such a great feat.

So Xiao Nannan is not in a hurry to break through, but wants to develop the Dao Palace realm to the extreme before breaking through, and sublimate to the extreme. Only when the foundation of each realm is firmly consolidated, she can be sure to go back and attack the emperor.

At this time, Xiao Nannan has already felt that the Dao Palace realm is no longer a secret for her, and she has completely cultivated it to the extreme.

In this case, there is no need to stay.

Xiao Nannan took a step forward, her nonchalant look was no different from usual, but her body had undergone earth-shaking changes. In an instant, her cultivation level broke through again, and she advanced from the Dao Palace realm to the fourth level in one fell swoop.

Although she was just a little girl, Xiao Nannan at this time already had a shadow of the future independent and ruthless female emperor.

On the other side, Pu Yunqi slowly fell from the sky after announcing the military order.

As he fell, the emperor's decree also slowly fell from the sky.

Pu Yunqi raised the emperor's decree with both hands with a respectful look on his face, carefully put it into the dragon blood gold nanmu box, and then put the wooden box into the storage ring.

Then Pu Yunqi stood there, closed his eyes, and silently waited for news from the soldiers.

As the preparatory son of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, he attached great importance to this action, which was related to whether he could successfully become the official son of the god.

Because the incident on Nanli Star had already reached the heavens, making Emperor Yuhua extremely angry.

This is not to say that Emperor Yuhua cares about the lives of the soldiers. To him, these soldiers are nothing. If they die, they die. It's no big deal.

But the problem is that this time someone broke into the Yuhua Divine Dynasty’s military camp and slaughtered the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and even slaughtered all the soldiers in the entire military camp.

This is a naked provocation, which is simply a slap in the face of the Yuhua Emperor.

You must know that the Yuhua Emperor has entered his old age at this time, which is the most sensitive time. The lion is old and the wolves are watching him.

The dark restricted area, the alternative enlightened ones, and many sects and families are waiting for him to show his flaws. Once he shows the posture of aging, the consequences will be disastrous!

Many of the ancient emperors encountered misfortunes in their later years. At this time, he would never show any signs of defeat.

Because once he showed fatigue, the wolves around him would rush up without hesitation and divide him up and eat him.

Someone slaughtered the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty. If he could not catch this person, then there is no doubt that it was sending a signal to the outside world that the Yuhua Emperor was no longer good and the Yuhua Divine Dynasty had begun to decline!

You can prepare to divide the meat and eat it.

In order to maintain the dignity of the Yuhua Dynasty and to maintain his own face, the Emperor Yuhua issued a death order after learning about this matter, and he must catch the culprit.

As the son of God in the Yuhua Dynasty, Pu Yunqi volunteered to take on this task in order to leave a good impression in front of the Emperor Yuhua and smoothly become a regular.

In his eyes, this rebel was indeed very mysterious. He slaughtered so many soldiers of the Yuhua Dynasty and even killed several Yuhua camps without leaving any information about his appearance.

But Pu Yunqi believed that with the 10,000 elite soldiers he brought, the rebels would have nowhere to hide.

As long as they are people, they will have a background, and if they have a background, they will leave clues.

In addition to searching all over the mountains and plains for the hiding places of the thugs, the soldiers he brought also used various methods to check all possibilities.

The most effective way is to start with those who may have a grudge against the soldiers of the Yuhua Dynasty.

As one of the candidate sons of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, he naturally knew the recent actions of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty and the fate of these people after being sent to the Yinghuo Star.

Once the family members of the genius learned the truth, they would inevitably feel resentment and take revenge.

Moreover, Pu Yunqi was basically certain that this bloody case was definitely committed by the family members of the genius, because apart from them, Pu Yunqi could not think of anyone else who had the motive to do this.

Long before he came to Nanli Star, he had obtained a list from Yinghuo Star, which recorded the information of all the miners from Nanli Star.

He had already sent this information to several confidants, and these confidants were also checking all the suspicious people one by one.

Pu Yunqi held a jade talisman in his hand, which could help him communicate with his confidants, and it was considered a sound transmission prop.

He frowned and browsed the information in his hand.

Through the investigation of his confidants, the suspicion of these genius families had basically been cleared.

They all have sufficient alibis, and the testimonies provided by the neighbors and friends are also very clear, which can be completely matched one by one.

In addition, their cultivation is not enough to commit such a murder.

The only doubtful point is that there are only three people, and these three people have disappeared, and have not appeared for a long time.

These three people are a three-and-a-half-year-old girl, an old drunkard, and a teenager of sixteen or seventeen years old.

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