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Chapter 233 Your men? Kill them all!

Beside Pu Yunqi stood a middle-aged scholar wearing a wide robe and a bronze hair crown.

The scholar looked to be in his early thirties, with a mustache and a folding fan in his hand, which he gently waved.

Pu Yunqi turned to the scholar and asked softly, "Mr. Xu, who do you think is more suspicious among the three missing persons?"

He was Xu Wenxiu, Pu Yunqi's most trusted military advisor, who always kept him by his side for advice.

This person has a characteristic, which is to show off his literary demeanor.

No matter what the weather is like, whether it is hot or cold, Xu Wenxiu will carry a folding fan with him and take it out from time to time to wave it gently.

Xu Wenxiu looked confident at this moment, still waving his folding fan in his hand: "Commander, in my opinion, the most suspicious of the three must be the old man.

To be able to fight the entire Yuhua camp head-on, this person's cultivation is at least at the peak of the four extremes, and he is definitely a master.

As far as I know, many practitioners will live in seclusion in the world when they are old, and such people almost always appear in the image of old men. This person's information seems to be just an ordinary woodcutter, but in fact he is likely to be a master who hides his identity.

The second is the young man, and The person least likely to have committed this murder is the three-year-old girl.

If we follow this line carefully, we will definitely find her trace. ”

Pu Yunqi frowned slightly: “I don’t think so. According to the intelligence, the old man is just an ordinary woodcutter. According to the information obtained by the soldiers, there is no big problem with his life trajectory. The reason for his disappearance is probably that he was attacked by a ferocious beast while chopping wood in the mountains, so that his body was not found.

On the contrary, I think the young man is more suspicious.

As the old saying goes, don’t despise the poor young man.

According to the information in the intelligence, The boy's brother was taken away by the Divine Dynasty seven years ago, and the officer who handled the matter at the time left a record. The boy also has the qualifications to practice, but he is far inferior to his brother, so he was not selected by the Divine Dynasty.

But how can we tell clearly about the things in this world?

It is important to know that things change over time.

With the means of those ordinary soldiers, the qualifications detected may not be accurate. Maybe the boy has a hidden physique, and he encountered an opportunity after his brother was taken away, and he has soared to the sky since then.

But you are right about one thing, that is, the three-year-old girl There should be no suspicion.

Her brother was taken away three months ago, which is too short a time.

The soldiers who checked at the time also carefully investigated that the little girl had no talent and no cultivation.

Even if she had a hidden physique, or even a congenital Taoist body, it would be impossible for her to cultivate all her skills in such a short time and do such a big thing.

However, your suspicion is not impossible. In this case, I will notify the soldiers to follow these two lines and investigate carefully. "

After receiving Pu Yunqi's order, the soldiers who entered the major cities of Nanli Star to search immediately took action.

They controlled all the relatives of the two suspects, and then followed the clues to check all the suspicious information around. If there was anyone who was suspicious, they would immediately arrest him in the prison and torture him, and not let go of any possibility.

As the search and arrest operation progressed, the involvement of the incident became more and more serious.

Pu Yunqi's death order would rather kill the wrong person than let him go.

If it was in a place like Beidouxing, Pu Yunqi would never dare to act rashly. There are many sects and families, masters are hidden, and there are even several great emperors' magic weapons.

There, unless the emperor Yuhua comes in person, there is really no one in the Yuhua Dynasty who is sure to suppress Beidou.

As for Nanlixing, Pu Yunqi doesn't take it seriously at all. This is the territory of Yuhua Dynasty. The local forces are no different from lambs to be slaughtered to him.

The soldiers act on the principle that they can wrongly accuse 10,000 people, but they can't let the real murderer go.

So people are constantly being arrested and thrown into prison. No matter who you are, as long as you are suspected, you can't escape a beating.

Such behavior has caused complaints from the people, but public opinion is always linked to fists. In a world with extraordinary power, public opinion is not a force that can determine the direction of things.

But no matter how the soldiers of the Dynasty investigated, they still couldn't find the whereabouts of the two missing people, or even the slightest evidence that they might have committed this bloody crime.

It was not until a soldier followed the clues and arrested a teenager and tortured him in a cell that the clues were found.

According to the arrested teenager, his neighbor's child Zhou Yuqi was once taken away by the soldiers of the Yuhua Camp, but suddenly ran back a month ago and moved away with the whole family.

Pu Yunqi was very surprised after knowing this. He felt that he had grasped the key to finding the truth.

Although the family moved away, what was the point of moving? As long as they were still on Nanli Star, they could not escape the control of the Yuhua Dynasty.

Soon, the soldiers of the Yuhua Dynasty arrested all the family members and took them to the camp.

A family of seven, grandparents, father and mother, two sisters and Zhou Yuqi who ran back were all locked up in the prison.

The interrogator took Zhou Yuqi out alone, tied him with iron chains, and then placed a piece of torture instrument on the long table in front of him.

There are pliers as thick as wrists, long and thin iron sticks, a pair of scissors that look blunt, and an extremely sharp dagger.

There were stains of blood on these torture instruments, which made people feel spine-chilling.

He stared at Zhou Yuqi's detailed torture.

“Boy, why were you able to come back when you were taken away by the soldiers of the Divine Dynasty.

According to the time information, the time when you were taken away happened to be when something happened at Yuhua Camp.

What you saw and what you encountered that day, tell it well, otherwise you will not suffer any good consequences. "

The interrogator thought that he had set up such a formation, and this kid must have attacked directly.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yuqi was very harsh. Not only did she not say a word, but she spat directly in the face of the interrogator.

After being rescued by the little girl at the beginning, Zhou Yuqi once felt afraid of the little girl.

After all, he was just a young man who had never experienced fighting. He had never seen those murderous gods.

In addition, I was already frightened at the time, so I only had an instinctive reaction.

But later he carefully recalled what little Nannan had said when he questioned the soldiers of Yuhuashenchao during the battle, and he finally came to his senses.

It turns out that this Yinghuo planet is not the paradise they imagined where they can get ahead, but hell.

That little girl was their savior, and she killed an entire Yuhua Shen Dynasty camp for them.

This made Zhou Yuqi's sense of the little girl go from extreme fear to seeing her as the goddess who saves him.

So in the face of the interrogator's fierce approach, Zhou Yuqi never thought of betraying her little girl.

The interrogator had never been wronged like this before. He was very ruthless. The red-hot iron was directly applied to Zhou Yuqi's body. With the sound of squeaking, waves of meaty smell came, leaving a trail of traces on his body. A hideous wound.

But he never opened his mouth, just stared at the interrogator who was torturing him.

Seeing how stubborn the child was, the interrogator also challenged him.

Fingernails were pulled out with iron pliers, the door was covered with wet paper, the soles of the feet were pricked with iron needles, and one feast after another was brought directly to the table.

But the response given to them was just a spittle.

But faced with such a scene, the interrogator did not get angry. He just waved his hand and arranged for his men to arrest six of Zhou Yuqi's relatives and hang them on a wooden frame in front of him.

"Boy, if you don't speak up, I will punish your family again after you have just been tortured.

If you are willing to tell the truth about the matter, not only will I not punish you, but I will also give you a generous reward. From now on, you will be rich, wealthy, and well-dressed."

Zhou Yuqi's family is an ordinary farmer, and they have never seen such a battle before.

His grandparents were very old and had gray hair. They were so frightened by this scene that they fainted.

Next to him were two sisters who were scared to death.

The two little girls were only teenagers. How had they ever seen such a hellish scene?

His mother kept crying: "Ah, my son, please do it quickly!

Mom is not afraid to suffer with you, but it really hurts my heart to see you suffer!

After you came back that day, no matter how I asked you, you didn't tell me what happened. You just told me to move quickly.

Mom knows that that man was very kind to you that day and saved your life. But now, if you don't say anything, our whole family will be dead. "

Only his father had the same expression on his face as Zhou Yuqi, staring at the interrogator fiercely, but listening to the cry of his wife beside him, he could not say anything.

Facing such a battle, even a steely person can't stand it.

Zhou Yuqi's eyes became softer and softer. He didn't even cry after suffering such inhuman torture just now, but now his face was filled with tears.

"Mother, mother, my son knows, I will recruit him, don't worry, you will be fine."

Upon hearing this, the interrogator showed an excited expression on his face and clapped his hands.

"Okay, okay, if you are willing to say it, you are a good boy. As long as you say it, I promise to let your whole family go."

Hearing this, Zhou Yuqi's father let out a long sigh. If only he and his son were arrested, it wouldn't matter even if he died with his son, but now.

On the other side, Xiao Nannan had already killed almost all the Yuhua Shen Dynasty soldiers who were searching for his traces in the wild.

After breaking through to the Four Extremes Secret Realm, those soldiers who were still in the Dao Palace Secret Realm were no longer a problem for Xiao Nannan. Even if the three of them hugged tightly, Xiao Nannan could kill them all with a casual Cao Pheasant Sword Qi. .

In other words, the officers in the Four Extremes Secret Realm had a chance to block the little girl's attack.

But the little girl has various props from the resources of her friends, and with the secret attack, even if she meets the leading officer of the Four Extremes Secret Realm, it will only be an extra step of procedure.

Of the 10,000 soldiers brought by Pu Yunqi, more than 3,000 people went to various cities to search for clues, and the remaining 7,000 people were searching for the little girl's whereabouts in the wild.

Of these 7,000 soldiers, except for a few who did not encounter Little Nannan because they were in a relatively remote area and had good luck, almost all the others had died in Little Nannan's hands, and all of them had transformed into Little Nannan to practice the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Technique. of resources.

And luckily, two of these soldiers have special physiques. Although they are not very strong physiques, they still made the progress of Xiao Nannan's practice of Chaos Body improve a lot.

However, Pu Yunqi did not notice anything strange, because his attention was now entirely focused on the soldiers searching in the city.

After catching Zhou Yuqi, the interrogator had sent him a message to find clues, so he was rushing to Tianwen City with Xu Wenxiu where Zhou Yuqi was.

The moment Pu Yunqi arrived, Zhou Yuqi was just giving in.

This iron-willed young man was crying and telling the information he knew.

Tears fell across his face, mixed with the blood on his face, turning bright red, and dripping to the ground.

The salt in the tears brought waves of burning pain when it passed through the wound, but he seemed not to feel it.

He spoke very slowly, with a long interval between each word, so slowly that the interrogator wanted to whip him a few more times.

But he was stopped by Pu Yunqi.

However, he did not hide anything, and he really told all the information he knew.

But as he spoke, Pu Yunqi's face showed a look of doubt.

Could this kid be playing me, saying he wanted to confess, but actually giving false information?

You tell me, the person who killed several Yuhua camps was actually a little girl of four or five years old?

What a joke.

Do you think I am a fool and therefore easier to deceive?

Whose little girl of four or five years old can do such a thing?

Unless it is an old monster who has regained his youth, or a direct descendant of the emperor's family who holds the family's inherited magic weapon, it is possible to do it.

But how could such a person target these ordinary camps?

Even if it is to test the emperor Yuhua, there is no need to do it personally.

It is really unnecessary.

If they really want to do it, they should let their men do it, and there is no need to dirty their own hands.

But looking at Zhou Yuqi's expression, it doesn't seem like he is acting. When talking about the little girl, he has been tortured and bruised all over, but his eyes suddenly show amazing spirit.

And Pu Yunqi also recalled the information he had just received. There are indeed three missing persons among the families of geniuses, one of whom is a three-year-old girl, which is only slightly different from Zhou Yuqi's confession.

After saying everything, Zhou Yuqi looked at Pu Yunqi coldly.

"I have told you everything I know. You promised me just now that I will confess everything I know, and you will let my family go.

As for me, I betrayed my benefactor and I don't want to live anymore. Just kill me!"

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