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Chapter 234: A thought turns into a dragon

Pu Yunqi looked at Zhou Yuqi with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, you still have many things that you haven't explained clearly?

When you explain everything clearly, it won’t be too late to talk about whether you want to die or not! "

After finishing speaking, Pu Yunqi began to ask Zhou Yuqi in detail about all the details of the little girl's action that day, such as the exercises she used, the magic weapon she held, etc.

After asking everything clearly, Pu Yunqi waved his hand.

A look of relief appeared on Zhou Yuqi's face, and he could not wait to end his life.

Looking at Zhou Yuqi's appearance, Pu Yunqi didn't express any emotion at all. He said to the interrogator: "Okay, now that he has confessed, this kid is useless. Please help me clean the tail of my hand.

But don't kill this family yet, I can still use them if I keep them. "

After finishing speaking, he turned to Zhou Yuqi, but there was only a sneer on his face: "Want to die? How can there be such a beautiful thing? Since you have been selected as a miner, then go to Yingluo Planet to mine.

Otherwise, you know exactly what the consequences will be.

If you die, I will let your whole family be buried with you! "

Pu Yunqi knew how much Emperor Yuhua valued Yinghuo. Although Zhou Yuqi was just a miner, it could still be regarded as a contribution, and the meat of mosquito legs was also meat.

Hearing this, Zhou Yuqi felt a little desperate: "Sir, didn't you say that as long as I tell the truth, you would let my family go?"

Pu Yunqi couldn't help but smile, then pointed at the interrogator and said: "It's him who promised to let your family go, not me.

This is my territory, so naturally my words will count.

As long as you do a good job on Yinghuo Planet, I won't embarrass your family.

Don't worry, I have never broken my personal promises. You can trust me completely. "

After listening to what Pu Yunqi said, Zhou Yuqi felt extremely desperate. He already understood the consequences of going to Yinghuo Planet, but how could he refuse when his whole family's lives were in front of him?

Zhou Yuqi lowered her head and said blankly: "Sir, I understand. I will definitely listen to you. Don't hurt my family."

Upon hearing this, Pu Yunqi showed a satisfied smile on his face.

He stepped forward and stroked Zhou Yuqi's head: "Good boy, if you obey, you will be a good boy!"

After doing all this, Pu Yunqi waved his hand and the interrogator took the family away.

The interrogator naturally did not dare to disobey the order of preparing the Son of God, and quickly tied up the seven members of the family and sent them to the nearby prison.

Pu Yunqi did not leave here, but instead discussed the newly obtained intelligence with Xu Wenxiu.

Until now, Pu Yunqi still couldn't believe it all: "Wenxiu, do you believe what this child said?

The person who massacred several military camps of the Yuhuashen Dynasty was actually a three-year-old girl?

How could this be true!

And even if she really did it, how are we going to find her?

The soldiers had been searching the place where the incident occurred for so long, but still no useful information was sent back, indicating that this person had already left here and was hiding somewhere.

And this little girl is different from the other two. She is an orphan and has always been dependent on her brother. Apart from her brother, she does not have any other relatives or friends.

Luring her out through friends and family is simply not going to work. "

Xu Wenxiu shook the folding fan, her eyes kept moving, and she was lost in thought.

After a long time, he opened his eyes: "I would rather kill the wrong person than let him go.

This time things are really too big.

So these three people have to be looked for. Until the suspicion is eliminated, those three people are still suspects.

It's just that before, the boy and the old man were more suspicious than the little girl, but now the little girl is the biggest suspect.

And it is not impossible to lure out this little girl. Although she is completely different, she is not completely without worries. I have two strategies.

The first strategy is to use the children she saved that day!

If she had really massacred the Yuhua camp because of these children, it would have been impossible for her to stand idly by.

But I'm not very sure about this strategy. After all, no one knows what this person's real motivation is?

The second strategy is a bit more troublesome.

According to information, the little girl and her brother depended on each other, and they had a deep relationship.

If this is really the case, her brother is her weakness. If she can bring her brother back from the Yinghuo Planet and use this as a threat, this will definitely attract this person to show up and help Lord Pu officially become the Son of the God of Eclipse.

After hearing Xu Wenxiu's idea, Pu Yunqi showed a satisfied expression on his face.

Sure enough, he was right to keep Xu Wenxiu with him all year round. This person can really make suggestions at critical times.

However, although Xu Wenxiu's idea was good, there were some difficulties in executing it.

"Wenxiu, it is not a simple matter to take people away from Yinghuo Planet. You also know how much the Shen Dynasty attaches importance to the matter on Yinghuo Planet. Don't say that I am just preparing the Son of God now, even if I have already Even if you become the official Son of God, you have no right to bring people back from there.”

Xu Wenxiu was still waving his fan: "This is too simple, we don't really need to get his brother back.

We just need to spread the news that her brother has returned from Mars, and then find a boy of similar age and appearance to dress up as her brother, and then we will definitely be able to lure her out."

The two were still thinking about how to find the little girl's whereabouts. At this moment, Pu Yunqi suddenly felt that something was wrong with the surrounding environment.

It was really too quiet. Only the sound of the anklets rubbing against the floor from the prison next to it could be vaguely heard.

The original prison should be full of groans and screams, accompanied by the whipping sound and the soldiers' harsh scolding, but the prison at this time But it was so quiet that even the cicadas outside the window could be heard clearly.

It seemed that all the soldiers busy in the prison had been captured by some kind of dark and terrifying force.

Pu Yunqi could feel that only Xu Wenxiu and himself were left by his side.

Pu Yunqi was shocked.

Being able to kill people under his nose without being discovered by him, this skill of hiding the breath was really scary.

If this person wanted to kill him, Pu Yunqi really had no confidence that he could avoid this level of assassination.

The person who took action was naturally Xiao Nannan.

After she killed almost all the 7,000 soldiers in the wild , and then went into the city to look for the remaining soldiers.

After the swallowing just now, Xiao Nannan's cultivation has risen sharply. Every Yuhua soldier is a ten-fold tonic pill for her. With such a terrifying effect, Xiao Nannan will not let go of the soldiers who enter the city.

This city is not the first city Xiao Nannan has cleared, but the fourth city she has passed through on her killing journey.

The Yuhua Divine Dynasty soldiers in the previous cities have now completely become the nourishment for Xiao Nannan's cultivation.

Xiao Nannan walked and killed all the way. So far, the number of Yuhua Divine Dynasty soldiers who died in her hands has exceeded Nine thousand people!

Pu Yunqi and Xu Wenxiu stayed in the dark prison. His consciousness was like a wild python, swimming around and exploring the surrounding environment, but the feedback sent back was empty, nothing, as if there were only him and Xu Wenxiu in the world.

This terrible and strange silence gradually made Pu Yunqi's heart stretch out a sense of fear.

The flickering lights in the prison also made him more upset.

Just then, a childish voice came from outside the prison.

"I heard that there are two people here who are thinking about my whereabouts and trying every means to invite me here.

They also want to find someone to pretend to be my brother. They are really brave."

As the voice fell, a little girl in white slowly walked into the prison.

At this time, Xiao Nannan had a trace of anger on her face and looked at the two people in the prison.

"I was thinking that if you two could bring my brother back, I would keep you two alive!

I didn't expect that you two are so timid but incompetent that you can't even rescue people from Yinghuo Star. You are really useless. "

Xiao Nannan is a little angry now. She actually came here a long time ago. Before Zhou Yuqi betrayed the news, she came here to hunt down the remaining soldiers.

After hearing Xu Wenxiu's second plan, Xiao Nannan couldn't help but applaud him. She had already planned that if they could really bring her brother out of Yinghuo, she would hide first and wait until her brother returned to Nanli Star before rescuing him.

It's a pity that these two people don't have the authority to do this.

Since they don't have the authority to do this, why do they say so much? Isn't it just fooling people?

And Xu Wenxiu and Pu Yunqi were surprised. There was such a good thing!

Just now, they were still worrying about how to find this little girl?

And now she came to their door.

She looked only seven years old.

But she was dressed in white and her temperament was like a fairy, giving people a feeling of being independent from the world.

The moment he saw Xiao Nannan, Pu Yunqi had an epiphany that the little girl in front of him was definitely the real murderer of this big case.

Xiao Nannan's temperament was very special, and she had a domineering aura that only a master who was absolutely confident in himself could have. Cultivate this momentum.

And for some reason, the little girl in front of him was clear and pure, and although she had not grown up yet, she was already extremely beautiful. However, the moment he saw him, Pu Yunqi still felt a little chilly, as if he had encountered some peerless beast and felt a murderous aura that could shock his soul.

This feeling was like a rabbit seeing a tiger, as if it had encountered a natural enemy.

However, although he was frightened by the little girl, Pu Yunqi quickly regained his confidence.

No matter how smart the little girl in front of him was, and how amazing her talent was, she could never be his opponent.

You have to know that Pu Yunqi, as the candidate son of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, is not a vegetarian.

As one of the most talented geniuses in the entire Yuhua Divine Dynasty, he has a special physique of the innate fire spirit body. Not only that, he also has the innate Qilin arm, which can emit extremely terrifying Qilin divine fire, burning everything and destroying the sky.

Among all the candidate sons of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, his combat power is among the best.

The most important thing is that he climbed up and broke through the door ten months ago and entered the realm of the immortal platform.

Pu Yunqi's cultivation level can naturally feel that the little girl in front of him is still in the realm of the Four Extremes Secret Realm.

Although there is only one realm of dragon transformation between Siji and Xiantai, the combat effectiveness of the two is definitely not the same.

But this is also normal. If Pu Yunqi's combat power is not high enough, how can the Yuhua Dynasty dare to send him to solve such an important matter as the massacre of the camp?

But even so, Pu Yunqi still felt very shocked.

My dear, if he remembers correctly, this little girl has only been practicing for three months. She has been cultivating from scratch to the Four Extremes Secret Realm in three months. This is such a terrifying speed of cultivation. I am afraid it is the legendary one. Physical fitness cannot do this either.

After correcting his mentality, Pu Yunqi looked down at the little girl!

“Not bad, good courage!

How dare you appear in front of me.

Don't think that you can act arrogantly in front of me just by killing a few soldiers.

The gap between you and me cannot be erased no matter how hard you try! "

Hearing what Pu Yunqi said, the little girl tilted her head in confusion, and then said: "Oh, just a few soldiers, do you think I haven't killed enough?

Okay, I'll kill all the remaining hundreds of people first and then come to you! "

After the little girl said these words, Pu Yunqi fell into deep thought for a moment.

What is this little girl talking about? What do you mean by killing all the remaining few hundred people?

Could it be that in addition to the murder a few days ago, the little girl also committed other crimes?

An extremely cold chill surged in Pu Yunqi's heart, because a terrifying guess popped up in his mind.

His trembling hands reached for the jade pendant at his waist.

With this jade pendant, he can contact all the team captains, that is, the officers in the Four Extremes Secret Realm.

Because he had been busy chasing clues in the city, Pu Yunqi had not contacted the officers who were searching for traces of the little girl in the wild.

In order to verify his guess, Pu Yunqi finally started to contact them.

Chen Guangcai and Feng Rulin are still well. . . . . . .

The message he sent out was like a mud cow drowning in the sea without receiving any response.

It was only then that Pu Yunqi was really panicked!

He looked at the little girl with great anger, and his face collapsed: "Why can't any of the soldiers searching for you in the wild be contacted? What exactly did you do?"

The little girl tilted her head and looked at Pu Yunqi: "Oh, so you don't know. You thought you already knew that they were all dead."



How can this be? !

The people of Puyun Banner were all dumbfounded. These were thousands of people. They were not just cats and dogs. How could they all be dead?

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