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Chapter 235 I don't need a sword to deal with you

Xiao Nannan seemed very calm about Pu Yunqi's shock. She said softly: "You brought these soldiers to Nanli Star just to kill me. If that's the case, what's so strange about me killing them all in advance?"

Pu Yunqi was shocked and speechless. Is this a question of whether it's strange or not?

He brought 10,000 troops this time.

This is a 10,000-strong army. It's not just a bunch of cats and dogs. How can he be calm when more than 9,000 died?

It's too outrageous that they all died in just half a day. Even if it's more than 9,000 pigs, it would take a while to kill them.

And each of his soldiers is a cultivator with cultivation.

If these 10,000 cultivators are arranged in formation under his command, they are enough to fight against the saints of the fourth realm of immortals.

Although these cultivators did not form a military formation when they went out to search just now, they also cooperated with each other in groups of three.

Such a configuration is not easy to kill.

Even if Pu Yunqi took action himself, with his cultivation level at the Xiantai realm, he was not sure that he could kill more than 9,000 soldiers without alerting anyone.

You must know that his soldiers are not randomly matched. In a group of three, there must be a soldier with strong divine perception. In addition, the positions of these soldiers are also very particular. Not only must there be a five-meter interval between each other, but there must also be a soldier who must always pay attention to special situations around him during the march and be ready to send signals for help at any time.

So to do this, not only must you have a strong cultivation level to kill three Taoist monks in one move, but you must also be fast enough, otherwise you will definitely be discovered.

Anyway, Pu Yunqi thought he couldn't do it. It's not difficult to succeed once, but it's simply too difficult to succeed thousands of times in such a short time!

Pu Yunqi's heart was extremely painful. This 10,000-strong army was his team, and it was also the biggest trump card in his hand as a reserve son of God.

To train such a strong army, the resources consumed are not few. Even as a reserve son of God, he can only support such an army at most.

What Xiao Nannan did undoubtedly wiped out the foundation of his power, leaving him with no power to rely on in the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

His eyes slowly turned blood red, staring at Xiao Nannan: "You killed my soldiers, just like destroying my brothers and sisters, and also destroyed my future. The hatred between you and me is irreconcilable.

Today I must kill you, and take your head back to see the emperor, so that I can eliminate the hatred in my heart."

Although Xiao Nannan's actions shocked Pu Yunqi, he recalled Xiao Nannan's terrifying breath-holding method and vaguely understood why Xiao Nannan had such a terrifying record, so he no longer feared Xiao Nannan in his heart.

It was just relying on the secret method to take advantage of the opportunity when the soldiers were scattered to attack, so that so many soldiers could be killed.

Although it was still terrifying even so, Pu Yunqi thought that if he could also have such a breath-holding method, he could also achieve such a record when the soldiers were searching separately.

In fact, Pu Yunqi was right. The biggest contributor to Xiao Nannan's success was indeed this breath-retaining method from the prehistoric world.

Otherwise, even if Xiao Nannan could kill three people with one sword, she would have been discovered long ago.

Xu Wenxiu, who was standing next to him, was also stunned by what happened. Although he didn't have a jade pendant in his hand, he roughly guessed what happened.

After all, Pu Yunqi's performance was too obvious. Xu Wenxiu's brain turned very quickly, and he guessed what happened from Pu Yunqi's performance.

But at this time, Xu Wenxiu's face did not show panic, but looked at Xiao Nannan with surprise.

"Master Pu, be careful when you attack later, and remember to capture her alive.

We must take her down and bring her back for interrogation.

This person is only three years old, but she has such a terrifying cultivation. In my opinion, she must have a secret.

She must have inherited the ancient emperor, or she must have eaten a treasure.

If we can get her secret, it should be enough to make up for the loss of 10,000 soldiers."

What Xu Wenxiu said made Pu Yunqi's eyes light up. It was indeed true. He had practiced for so long and had never heard of anyone's behavior improving so quickly. This woman must have a secret, which is worth exploring.

Pu Yunqi acted very decisively. After figuring out how to recover the loss, he no longer hesitated.

A large golden handprint appeared in front of Pu Yunqi. Under the shining golden light, countless runes were reflected, evolving into a chain of laws, carrying an extremely terrifying force and slapping the little girl.

"Just surrender!

I have entered the Xiantai realm, while you are still in the Siji realm. The difference between our cultivation is like heaven and earth. If you don't surrender quickly, I will tear you into pieces!"

The figure of Xiao Nannan flashed, and disappeared in the underground prison in an instant. The speed was so fast that Pu Yunqi could hardly see it clearly.

With a bang, the golden handprint hit the ground, and smoke and dust rose in an instant. Several cells collapsed directly, and the whole earth began to tremble.

The heavy city wall on the ground shook with the earth, and a huge crack appeared in the center of the wall, which could not withstand the terrifying shock.

Pu Yunqi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Little mouse, you run quite fast! But can you run out of my palm?"

While speaking, Pu Yunqi's whole body was shining with divine light, and two huge wings stretched out from his back.

The wingspan of these wings was about 40 to 50 meters, and they were composed of red-gold silk threads. At the intersection of each feather, there were runes flowing continuously.

He was the son of God of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and he naturally practiced the Great Emperor's Scripture [Yuhua Tianjing] taught by the Yuhua Emperor himself.

Although he had not yet obtained the complete practice because he was still a preparatory son of God, its power could not be underestimated.

The most powerful part of the Yuhua Tianjing was its speed. People who practiced this practice could condense energy light wings outside their bodies and then use them to fly.

If the cultivation was strong enough, the speed of the light wings could even exceed the speed of light. Of course, Pu Yunqi's current cultivation was far from enough to exert the true power of the Yuhua Tianjing.

After releasing the pair of golden wings, Pu Yunqi gently waved his wings.

Everything that touched the wings was destroyed by the powerful energy, and turned into dust scattered in the air.

The huge prison collapsed in an instant, and could not bear the destruction of the golden wings.

Then Pu Yunqi flew out from the ground at a very fast speed, and his figure turned into a golden dotted line that cut through the sky and rushed to the direction where Xiao Nannan fled.

Xiao Nannan did not intend to fight, but just flew rapidly in front, leaving ripples one after another.

But no matter how fast Xiao Nannan was, how could she be faster than Pu Yunqi in the Xiantai realm.

What's more, Pu Yunqi practiced the Yuhua Tianjing passed down by the Yuhua Emperor, and his speed was even faster than the world.

The two of them quickly left the sky above the city and came to a wilderness.

While flying, Pu Yunqi kept talking all kinds of trash, which was nothing more than asking Xiao Nannan to surrender quickly and surrender.

More than 9,000 soldiers under his command died in an untimely manner, which made Pu Yunqi extremely angry. He wanted to catch Xiao Nannan immediately and torture him severely.

But what Pu Yunqi didn't expect was that Xiao Nannan didn't run away after arriving in the wilderness.

The little girl stood in the air leisurely, her white clothes fluttering in the wind, and her temperament was as cold as a lonely moon.

The wind messed up her hair, but it only added a free and easy temperament to the little girl. Although she was still young, this scene made Pu Yunqi feel as if he really saw a fairy coming to the world.

But then Pu Yunqi shook his head again, what fairy?

The little guy in front of him was a ruthless character. He killed more than 9,000 people and remained calm. It would be more appropriate to say that he was a demon than a fairy!

"The devil finally stopped running! That's more than 9,000 lives, and they all died in your hands!

You are guilty of heinous crimes, and you deserve death. Today, I will grind you to dust to ashes to relieve my hatred.

But if you are willing to surrender, I can spare your life."

Pu Yunqi stared at Xiao Nannan with a fierce look on his face, as if he wanted to tear Xiao Nannan into pieces and eat her flesh and sleep on her skin.

Pu Yunqi still wanted to capture Xiao Nannan alive, because he also agreed with what Xu Wenxiu said. Xiao Nannan's ability to practice so quickly meant that she must have a huge secret. If he could get these secrets, he would definitely be able to soar to the sky.

Xiao Nannan shook her head: "I have no objection to you calling me a female devil, but I don't admit that you are guilty of heinous crimes.

I have already told you just now that the reason I want to kill you is because the purpose of your coming to this planet is to kill me.

People who kill people will be killed, so what crime have I committed?

Not only will they die, but you, as their leader, will die even more."

The most important reason why Xiao Nannan wanted to lead Pu Yunqi to this wilderness is to kill Pu Yunqi here.

He didn't want to fight in the city, one because the underground prison was too small for her to exert her true strength, and the other was that Xiao Nannan didn't want to accidentally hurt the people in the city.

After all, Pu Yunqi was a master of the Xiantai realm, and his cultivation could not be taken lightly. Even Xiao Nannan was not sure of winning.

Fighting in the city, Xiao Nannan could not guarantee that she could control her power and not cause too much damage.

Xiao Nannan originally had no good feelings towards the people of Yuhua Divine Dynasty, and the purpose of these people coming to Nanli Star was to kill her, so when she saw them for the first time, Xiao Nannan had already decided to kill them all, not letting any of them go.

Pu Yunqi was somewhat speechless after Xiao Nannan's words, and he naturally knew that those who kill people will be killed.

But the Great Emperor Yuhua is the strongest existence in the time period of the Zhatian Universe.

Of course, this is after excluding the two old shady people, the Immortal Emperor and the Emperor.

In the past ten thousand years, the Yuhua Divine Dynasty has suppressed all enemies in the four seas and eight wastelands, and the four directions have surrendered and the strong have bowed their heads. It can be said to be the most powerful violent agency in the entire universe.

So Pu Yunqi has long been used to being arrogant and domineering, so how can he accept the fact that he is the reason.

But he didn't know how to refute Xiao Nannan, so he pointed at her and said, "Don't talk nonsense to me. If you don't surrender, I'll kill you today."

Hearing his words, Xiao Nannan was not afraid at all, she just clapped her hands and said, "Okay! Okay! Okay, it should have been done long ago! Why are you hesitating? If you want to do it, then do it."

While talking, the two figures shot out like lightning, and a fierce battle broke out in the air.

The incident was completely beyond Pu Yunqi's expectations. As a master of the Xiantai realm, he did not quickly take down Xiao Nannan.

Pu Yunqi, who practiced the Yuhua Tianjing, was as fast as lightning, but his speed was fast, and Xiao Nannan's speed was not slow either.

Although Xiao Nannan was a little slower than him overall, this speed difference was not enough for him to break through Xiao Nannan's defense.

Every move Pu Yunqi made was a special move. Countless golden feathers floated between his moves, and he used the killing secret technique of the Yuhua Tianjing, the Falling Feather Divine Fist.

Countless divine rays appeared on his arms, and the red law chains loomed in the air, condensing into extremely terrifying birds.

Faced with such a fierce attack, Xiao Nannan did not dodge or avoid. It's not like you are the only one in the Yuhua Divine Dynasty that has secret techniques, right?

Countless flames condensed in the sky, and complex runes flowed in each flame. These runes seemed to gather together according to some special rules, and turned into an extremely terrifying phoenix.

The phoenix uttered a clear cry in the air, which shook the four fields and the eight wildernesses, and was extremely terrifying.

This phoenix and countless fierce birds evolved from the Falling Feather Divine Fist fought fiercely in the air, and the terrifying fluctuations caused the whole earth to tremble.

For a while, the two of them fought to a draw, and it was difficult to tell who was better.

This made Pu Yunqi feel very incredible, because he had entered the secret realm of Xiantai.

The cultivation system of the world of Zhantian, the realm of Xiantai is the turning point. Once you enter the Xiantai, you will embark on the road to immortality. You can be called a half-step great power. You are no longer an ordinary person. You have begun the process of transforming from a mortal to an immortal, which is far from being comparable to the cultivators before the Xiantai.

And the three-year-old girl in front of him, who has not even reached the realm of dragon transformation, can fight him head-on, which makes Pu Yunqi doubt his life.

Moreover, during the fight, he found that although the girl in front of him was young, the energy contained in her body was extremely terrifying.

Pu Yunqi only felt that his hands became extremely sore, and they were somewhat numb from the huge force of Xiao Nannan.

In just three minutes, the two had fought for more than a thousand moves, and the battle reached the nine heavens. Even the clouds in the sky had been wiped out by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

As the battle between the two became more and more intense, Pu Yunqi gradually gained the upper hand.

After all, he was a cultivator in the realm of Xiantai. Not only did he have a long breath, but his magical powers were more exquisite than Xiao Nannan.

During the fight, Pu Yunqi suddenly noticed that there was a green sword hanging on Xiao Nannan's waist. The hilt of the sword was engraved with a clear and handsome green lotus, which looked very extraordinary.

Just looking at Pu Yunqi made him feel a little flustered, as if the sword could threaten his life.

Pu Yunqi asked tentatively while fighting: "You are about to lose, but the sword hanging on your waist should be a good magic weapon, why don't you use it."

When Xiao Nannan heard Pu Yunqi's question, she just smiled lightly: "I won't lose, and why would I need a sword to kill you!"

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