All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 236: The Green Lotus Sword Slashes the Feathered

When saying this, Xiao Nannan's eyes were extremely confident, as if she was the one who had the upper hand at this time.

When Pu Yunqi heard Xiao Nannan's words, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He, a half-step great power, was actually looked down upon by a little Bei in the fourth extreme realm.

What a shame.

The sword on Xiao Nannan's waist was indeed extraordinary, but so what? As the prepared son of God of Yuhua Divine Dynasty, didn't he have a treasure that could compete with it?

The fierce light in his eyes became extremely blazing, and his moves became more ruthless, exerting the full power of the Falling Feather Divine Fist.

The true energy in his body evolved under the law of the Falling Feather Divine Fist, and changed into one after another different fierce birds, whistling out and rushing towards Xiao Nannan.

Faced with this terrifying offensive, Xiao Nannan was not surprised at all. She also had many trump cards. The fist in his hand changed and he no longer used the magical power of the Luan clan.

Facing a group attack, the treasure of the roar clan is more useful!

The shadow of the divine roar appeared behind Xiao Nannan, and with a long roar to the sky, it emitted one huge sound wave after another, which kept colliding with Pu Yunqi's fierce birds, causing one gorgeous firework after another to appear in the air.

Although there were many fierce birds evolved from the Falling Feather Divine Fist, they were nothing compared to the roar clan's magic. The sound wave attack was originally good at facing siege. The powerful sound waves were transmitted in the air, and the thunder-like sound shocked the four fields, and the birds fell to the ground like rain.

But Pu Yunqi was not panicked at all. He turned his fist and pinched countless seals with his hands. Then, as the divine light flowed, the birds that fell to the ground seemed to have taken aphrodisiacs. Their bodies suddenly became larger, and their feathers became shiny. They actually flew towards Xiao Nannan despite the sound wave attack.

After all, there was still a gap between the two people's cultivation. Even if the roar clan's magic was extraordinary, it could not make up for the gap between the two. Countless terrifying birds broke through Xiao Nannan's sound wave defense circle and flew to Xiao Nannan's side.

Pu Yunqi looked very proud, as if he had seen the scene of capturing Xiao Nannan alive: "My Falling Feather Fist is a fighting magic power taught by Emperor Yuhua himself.

Back then, he used this magic power to kill tens of thousands of enemies, and completely destroyed the once powerful Beidou Tianmen, becoming famous in one battle.

When practiced to the extreme, it can evolve thousands of birds. With my cultivation, each bird evolved can have the power of the Dragon Mirror, and these birds are lifelike and can also have the magical power of their own race.

At critical moments, I can also burn my cultivation to make these birds more ferocious.

With your cultivation in the Four Extremes Realm, even if your magical power is extraordinary, how can you intercept my birds."

But at this moment, Xiao Nannan, who was standing in the air, turned around, and her body changed into a hairy, spirited Xiaotian God.

Runes flashed and twisted on the body of the God Howler one after another. These runes seemed to be engraved in the flesh, and they condensed powerful power. With countless runes gathered, another terrifying roar sounded out of thin air.

This time the roar was no longer pure sound waves, but mixed with purple thunder.

The sound and thunder condensed and converged together, completely indistinguishable from each other. The sound was like thunder, and the thunder was like sound. With a bang, feathers fell all over the sky.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Nannan couldn't help but murmured softly: "It seems that if you want to exert the true power of the Heaven Covering Method, you still have to find some magical powers belonging to the Heaven Covering Method. Although the magical powers that Brother Shi Hao taught me can barely be promoted by the Heaven Covering Method, they are still not as good as the Perfect Method."

It turned out that when Xiao Nannan used the secret technique of the Roaring Clan, she had been using the Heaven Covering Method, but just now Xiao Nannan abandoned the Heaven Covering Method and turned to the Perfect Method, which brought out the true power of the Roaring Clan's secret technique, combining thunder and sound waves to roar and smash the countless birds evolved by the Puyun Banner.

Xiao Nannan's initial method of cultivation was the Perfect Method. Later, after obtaining the Yuhuatian Sutra from the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, she began to practice the Heaven Covering Method concurrently. So to be honest, Xiao Nannan's cultivation of the Perfect Method is even better than the Heaven Covering Method.

As for the Youth Version of the Devouring Heaven Magic Art, in fact, strictly speaking, it does not belong to the Heaven Covering Method, and of course it does not belong to the Perfect Method.

This version of the Heaven Devouring Demonic Art was deduced by the chat group members. It integrates the cultivation systems of various worlds. Its main function is to absorb all things in the world and enhance one's own cultivation. Everyone can practice it. It is more like an auxiliary secret method.

The Heaven Covering Method and the Perfect Method are two cultivation systems that are inherited from the same lineage. The founder of the Heaven Covering Method is Emperor Shi Hao of the Wilderness.

And the system that Shi Hao first practiced was the Perfect Method.

So these two cultivation systems have many similarities, and even the energy they cultivate is extremely similar. Specifically, in terms of magical powers, they can even be used interchangeably.

For example, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art was originally a magical power of the Perfect Method. In the original timeline, Shi Hao used the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art to fight against all directions. It was one of Shi Hao's strongest fighting magical powers.

Later, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art gradually became the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist under the evolution of time, and became the fighting magical power of the Heaven Covering System. Emperor Ye Tian also learned this fist method and defeated enemies from all directions with it, becoming famous in the starry sky.

However, the secret techniques of the Roaring Clan and the Luan Clan are different from the Six Paths of Reincarnation. After all, they are products born under the perfect law system and have not evolved over time, so the perfect law is still the most suitable for them.

Xiao Nannan had used the two magical powers of the Heaven-Covering Method before, and although she could barely use them, there were many subtleties in them that she could not perfectly display, which was why she was at a disadvantage.

However, this was also intentional by Xiao Nannan. With her current cultivation level, it is difficult to meet people on Nanli Star who can make her use her full strength. Although the group members in the group can be her opponents, because they are too familiar with each other, they have no intention of killing each other, and they always feel that something is missing during the battle.

Now it is rare to meet a touchstone of the Xiantai realm, so Xiao Nannan must make good use of it and hone her fighting skills.

After roaring and knocking down countless birds, Xiao Nannan's eyes finally became serious: "You are worthy of being a half-step great power in the Xiantai realm, but if you are only at this level, you are destined to become the nourishment for my cultivation today.

If you have any trump cards, take them out quickly, otherwise you will have no chance to use them again."

Pu Yunqi's eyes showed a look of shock, because he could no longer understand how Xiao Nannan did this.

"My abilities are naturally more than that. You should be careful.

Transforming into a beast, changing into a myriad of forms, I am becoming more and more interested in the ancient scripture you are practicing."

Although the cultivation methods of the Perfect World and the Heaven-shaking World come from the same source, there are also significant differences between them.

After the cultivation methods of the Perfect World reach a certain level, they can be changed into a myriad of forms according to different magical powers. For example, when No. 10 was fighting with Shi Yi, he once changed his body into a unicorn and a lion to fight.

But the cultivation methods of the Heaven-shaking World cannot do this.

This should be because the origin of the cultivation methods of the Perfect World is the runes in the treasure bones. With beasts as teachers, magical powers in this area are naturally derived.

While speaking, Pu Yunqi formed an extremely twisted seal with both hands, and formed a pattern with both hands that looked like a lotus flower in full bloom. If you look closely, every knuckle is entangled with each other.

Then his hands kept shuttling in the air, changing the shape of the seal, sometimes like an orchid, sometimes like a vase, and sometimes like a lion.

As the seals changed, the size of the wings behind him also increased, directly covering half of the sky. When the wings were spread, white feathers filled the sky, blocking the clouds, the sun and the moon.

"The world is rolling, life and death are hateful, everything is suffering, and I will ascend to heaven."

As his hand seals changed, Pu Yunqi's body also showed an aura that seemed to transcend the world, as if he would be transformed into a fairy in the next moment.

The wings that covered the sky and the sun also burned rapidly in an instant, changing into streams of light that sank into Pu Yunqi's body.

His body burned with terrifying flames, which were formed by the aggregation of extremely powerful energy. Driven by these energies, his speed became extremely fast, as if he had touched the speed limit.

The figure passed through the void, and even the void could not withstand this speed. It was torn apart by him and showed black lightning.

Pu Yunqi's speed was very fast, so fast that Xiao Nannan could not react, and he came in front of her in an instant.

His fist with countless white feather flames hit Xiao Nannan in front of him. With a loud bang, a faint bell-shaped air shield blocked Pu Yunqi's fatal blow.

But the power of this punch was too strong and fierce. Under the impact of the terrifying force, the bell-shaped air shield in front of Xiao Nannan also cracked and turned into countless fragments, floating like smoke in the air.

"How are you going to block my Feather Seal?"

The Feather Seal is different from the Falling Feather Divine Fist. It is one of the five great magical powers that Emperor Yuhua really has at the bottom of the box. Only the real high-level people of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty have the opportunity to learn it.

After performing the Feather Seal, the practitioner will enter the Feather state, and the life form will change. Whether it is the body or the spirit, it will be infinitely close to the True Immortal, with faster speed and stronger strength, and can break through its own limits and reach an unprecedented height.

Pu Yunqi's voice came, he did not hold back at all, and took advantage of the moment when Xiao Nannan's body protection magical power was broken, Pu Yunqi punched again and again.

However, Xiao Nannan is not a pushover. After so many bloody battles, Xiao Nannan has already turned the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique into an instinct. Every time the bell-shaped gas shield is broken, she will condense a new bell-shaped gas shield again in an instant.

However, even so, under Pu Yunqi's wild attack, Xiao Nannan is still a little overwhelmed. As the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique is constantly recreated, Xiao Nannan's face becomes a little pale.

Although the Xuanhuang Cyclic Body Protection Technique is powerful, it also has a disadvantage, that is, it consumes a lot of energy. After all, no matter how powerful the skills are, it is impossible to generate energy out of thin air. The defense of the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique is so strong, naturally there is a price.

The terrifying light and flames penetrated the void, and even a trace of energy that overflowed could destroy everything. Whether it was sand, soil, grass, or trees, all the debris was shattered into ashes in front of this energy, and the ground within a hundred miles was flatly three inches lower.

Pu Yunqi's speed was simply too fast. After all, he was a powerful being at the Xiantai realm. His combat power was even more terrifying after he entered the Yuhua state. Every punch he threw had the power to carry mountains and cross seas. Even the Xuanhuang Linglong body protection technique could not block such a fierce attack. If he continued to defend like this, Xiao Nannan would be doomed to fail.

However, attacking without defending has never been Xiao Nannan's style. How can a ruthless person who can create the Heaven-Devouring Demonic Art be a coward who can only defend.

Just as Pu Yunqi broke another bell-shaped air shield, an extremely terrifying sword intent surged from Xiao Nannan's body.

This sword energy was not the Caozi sword technique, but more similar to the Qinglian sword in Xiao Nannan's hand.

The sword energy carried a terrible artistic conception of destroying everything, annihilating the universe, and bringing everything to an end.

Then her eyebrows lit up, and a Qinglian sword energy gushed out from Xiao Nannan's eyebrows.

The sword energy came so fast and so strong that even Pu Yunqi, who had entered the state of feathering, could not react in time.

He only had time to tilt his body slightly, and the feathering sword energy had already slashed him.

A huge scar appeared on his body from the left chest to the right abdomen, almost splitting his body in two with a sword.

What's even more terrifying is that there are waves of black aura lingering on Pu Yunqi's wounds. This aura reveals the terrible artistic conception of corruption and decay, which not only prevents his wounds from healing, but also keeps decaying and turning into pieces of rotten meat.

The strongest technique that Xiao Nannan practices is always the Grass Sword Technique.

And unlike other techniques, the Grass Sword Technique is Xiao Nannan's fundamental technique, and she attaches great importance to it.

During the time she joined the chat group, in addition to practicing, Xiao Nannan only did one thing, which was to evolve the Grass Sword Technique into an existence similar to the Six Paths of Samsara Fist and create a magical version of the Heaven Covering Method.

But this is really too difficult. After all, the Grass Sword Technique is the fundamental technique of the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass, one of the Ten Evils. With Xiao Nannan's current cultivation and vision, it is really difficult to do this.

But in fact, as a ruthless female emperor who can create the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art and practice the Chaos Body with a mortal body, she can definitely be regarded as a top three existence in the Heaven Covering World in terms of talent alone.

Although Xiao Nannan was still young at this time and had no way to fully exert her true wisdom, with the knowledge of the heavens and the world as a supplement, Xiao Nannan still researched some things.

The turning point of the matter was that Xiao Nannan comprehended the Zhuxian Sword Intention through the Caozi Sword Art.

There is an inexplicable connection between the Caozi Sword Art and the Zhuxian Sword Intention, and Xiao Nannan was inspired by this and found the possibility of making the Caozi Sword Art evolve into the supernatural power of the Heaven Covering Method.

Not only that, after Xiao Nannan successfully comprehended the Zhuxian Sword Intention, she was able to use the Zhuxian Sword Intention as a link, and at the same time integrate her Heaven Covering Method and Perfect Method, integrating these two different cultivation systems into a supernatural power, exerting a power far superior to the sum of the power of the two cultivation systems.

But for some reason, the sword energy emitted by this method is neither the Caozi Sword Energy nor the Zhuxian Sword Energy, but rather a bit similar to the feeling of the Qinglian Sword in Yang Chan's hand, so Xiao Nannan simply gave this move a new name called Qinglian Sword Energy.

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