All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 237 The Ship of Fortune Comes Across the Border

If we only talk about the cultivation of the Heaven Covering Method, there is still a certain gap between Xiao Nannan and Pu Yunqi.

After all, no matter how deep Xiao Nannan's foundation is, there is still a natural chasm between the cultivators of the Four Extremes Realm and the Immortal Realm, and it is extremely difficult to cross it.

Even Ye Tiandi in the Four Extremes Realm has no way to compete with the cultivators of the Immortal Realm.

But if the cultivation of the Perfect Method is added, the gap between Xiao Nannan's power and Pu Yunqi becomes much smaller.

In addition, the Grass Sword Art and the Immortal Sword Intention are both magical powers that are extremely focused on killing. Xiao Nannan's sword combines the exquisiteness of the two supreme sword magics, and the sword energy emitted is even more terrifying.

In fact, Pu Yunqi's Feather Seal also has mysterious features, but it becomes insignificant in front of the Grass Sword Art and the Immortal Sword Intention.

Let alone the Immortal Sword Intention, the Grass Sword Art alone can crush Pu Yunqi.

Emperor Yuhua was just a cultivator who had not even achieved the status of a True Immortal. If he was converted into a Perfect Method, he would be a Supreme. How could he be compared with the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass, which was considered a giant among the Immortal Kings?

The magical skills he created were naturally far inferior to the Grass Sword Technique of the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass.

So when Xiao Nannan slashed with this sword, she actually severely injured Pu Yunqi with one sword.

The wound on Pu Yunqi's chest and abdomen not only could not heal, but also kept getting worse.

The seals of his hands kept changing, and he even burned the source of life, allowing his life form to keep moving closer to the True Immortal.

With his efforts, bursts of divine light appeared in his flesh, and even the blood on the wound turned golden, as if it had evolved into another kind of life.

But even with such an amazing change, it didn't work at all.

The aura of annihilation on Xiao Nannan's sword energy was like a thorn in the bone, biting his wound tightly, and no matter what method he used, he couldn't get rid of it.

This made him feel extremely panicked.

He couldn't understand why the little girl in front of him could strike such a terrifying sword when she was just an ordinary cultivator in the fourth extreme realm.

He had only seen this kind of attack with the realm of law when the saints in the fourth realm of immortality attacked.

"It seems that I can only wait until I return to the Yuhua Divine Dynasty and spend merit points to ask the ancestors of the Saint King level to treat me.

Hateful! How noble the ancestors of the Saint King level are. I don't know how much merit it will cost to ask them to treat me. I may not be able to fill in all my merits this time.

If I want to make up for the loss, I can only get it back from this little girl."

Pu Yunqi's face showed a strong hatred, and he wished that he could pull out the little girl's tendons and bones.

"Little girl, you forced me to do it, don't blame me for being cruel."

As he spoke, Pu Yunqi pushed with both hands, and a purple furnace was pushed out from his chest and abdomen.

The furnace appeared in the air, triggering all kinds of signs. The clear sky turned purple, and then thousands of purple air fell, carrying unspeakable dignity.

"Purple Cloud Furnace, suppress him for me!"

With Pu Yunqi's action, the furnace came in front of Xiao Nannan, and directly suppressed Xiao Nannan with thousands of purple air.

Xiao Nannan was not panicked in the face of such a scene. She turned her hands up and down like a wheel, and then six light balls like big worlds appeared around her. There were thousands of scenes in the light balls, and the time light rain behind her kept sweeping down. In an instant, the universe was born and destroyed, and the world came to an end.

Each light ball contains a treasure technique. The Caozi Sword Technique, the Luan Clan Treasure Technique, the Hou Clan Treasure Technique, and the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique are all top-level secret techniques.

Xiao Nannan naturally used Shi Hao's signature fighting secret method, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art.

Except for her average physique, Xiao Nannan's other cultivation talents are at the level of full points, so the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art is naturally not difficult for her.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art allows people to use six different magics at the same time, like a wheel turning, endlessly.

The six halos kept rotating in the sky, constantly colliding with Pu Yunqi's furnace.

But this furnace was made of unknown material, extremely solid, and Xiao Nannan's magical power could not hurt it at all.

The thousands of purple airs that fell were dancing wildly in the sky, each of which seemed as light as a feather, but extremely tough. With the blessing of the fierce burning of the furnace fire, they kept brushing towards Xiao Nannan's body.

The power of these purple airs was so great that even the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Art could not stop it. Fortunately, with the existence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, the six light balls around Xiao Nannan kept rotating, and the six magical powers cooperated with each other, which barely blocked the attack of the purple air.

Seeing this scene, Pu Yunqi showed a smile on his face.

"This purple cloud furnace is the greatest opportunity I have ever had in my life.

I was gifted when I was young, and I had many adventures. When I was seven years old, I accidentally fell off a cliff, but I didn't die. Instead, I found a ball of exquisite purple air in the depths of the canyon.

Later, after I joined the Yuhua Divine Dynasty, I learned the Divine Dynasty's weapon refining method, and was fortunate to obtain a saint-level magic weapon. Then I refined that ball of exquisite purple air into it, which made it so powerful.

Even if you are a genius with amazing magical powers, you are just a wild boy after all, and you don't have enough foundation. How can you compare with me?

Hahahaha! Hurry up and surrender, and then tell me all your secrets. In this way, I can still leave you a complete corpse, and then bury you with your brother who is mining on Mars, which can be regarded as a worthy death!"

As Pu Yunqi spoke, the power of his Purple Cloud Furnace became even stronger.

He injected almost all of his true essence into the Purple Cloud Furnace, and under his push, the exquisite purple air filled the entire sky like clouds.

At this time, the people watching the battle in the chat group could no longer sit still after seeing this scene.

Lu Mingfei (school beauty killer): "Group leader, do you know where this exquisite purple air comes from? How can it be so powerful!"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I don't know too much. I don't remember the existence of this substance.

But this is also normal. The world of the Heaven-shaking World is so big. The records in the book I read back then are just a drop in the ocean.

Looking at the appearance of this thing, it should be the same type of substance as the Mother Qi of All Things used to cast the Mother Qi of All Things Cauldron.

As for which one is stronger between the exquisite purple air and the Mother Qi of All Things, we have to compare them to know."

Luo Feng (martial arts apprentice): "The Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things that is said to be able to crush a world with a breath?

This thing is so powerful, isn't Xiao Nannan in danger?"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "That's not the case. The reason why the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things is so terrifying is still in its owner.

When Ye Fan cast the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things, he not only incorporated the nine tripods made of nine kinds of mother gold, but also added the fragments of the green tripod. In addition, his supreme cultivation that shocked the ancient times was the reason why he refined the Mother Qi of All Things Cauldron. The Wumu Qi Ding is a supreme immortal weapon.

This Pu Yunqi is just a cultivator of the first level of immortality. Even if he obtains a natural treasure like Linglong Ziqi, he cannot bring out the true potential of this material.

In my opinion, his method of refining this furnace is very crude. Linglong Ziqi and the furnace not only do not promote each other, but also conflict and hinder each other.

However, even if the fight continues like this, this is a saint-level magic weapon after all. Xiao Nannan will probably not be able to use it except the Qinglian Sword. Pu Yunqi's opponent. "

Yang Chan (Nuwa's disciple): "But it's a bit of a waste to use the Qinglian Sword for a mere magic weapon of a saint in the world of Zhatian.

The Qinglian Sword contains the projection of the law of the Qingping Sword and a trace of the sword intention of Teacher Tongtian.

This sword is extraordinary when it is unsheathed, and it may attract the attention of many powerful people. "

Yang Chan sighed slightly. After she knew about Xiao Nannan's situation, she immediately sent the Qinglian Sword that she had just taken back from Xu Chenzhou to Xiao Nannan through a red envelope.

But Yang Chan didn't want Xiao Nannan to be forced to use the Qinglian Sword.

Because this sword is good, it was cultivated by Tongtian Sect Master after birth. It has no spiritual intelligence. Unlike the innate spiritual treasure, it will not be able to conceal itself. Once it is unsheathed, its aura cannot be restrained. At that time, it will definitely cause great turmoil in the world of Zhatian.

Even if it is really used, it must be used on a hard point. A mere half-step powerful person is really not worthy of the Qinglian Sword unsheathed.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "There is no way. The time for everyone to practice is still too short. Although the cultivation of group members has improved at an amazing speed with the help of group chat, there are still many shortcomings that cannot be made up.

If Xiao Nannan had a sword of the same level as that stove at this time, with her cultivation of the grass character sword, she would never be suppressed so badly."

Hearing Hong Yi's words, Yang Chan sighed again. If she had known that this would happen, she would have gone to Uncle Yu Ding's room before leaving Yuquan Mountain and took away the sword he hung on the wall. Anyway, the sword was just for decoration.

And with Uncle Yu Ding's cultivation background, even if it was a decorative sword, it would not be an ordinary item, and it would definitely not be weaker than that stove.

Now it's very embarrassing. She is in the Nuwa Palace, and the Nuwa Saint also knows that she has the Qinglian Sword to protect her, so she has no intention of giving her other treasures, and there is no place to look for a sword.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "In that case, why not just use Didi as a substitute? If he dares to bully our little girl, let's kill him together."

Zhang Junbao sat cross-legged in the Guo Mansion, surrounded by black and white clouds. His body swayed, and he stretched out his hand to straighten the Taoist crown on his head, then rolled up his sleeves to reveal two white jade arms, looking impatient.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "It's not impossible, but let's try my method first.

Although I don't have a good sword that can match that furnace, I have no shortage of magic weapons.

I want to see whether his exquisite purple air is powerful or my good fortune is powerful."

While speaking, Hong Yi stretched out his hand and pushed, and the Good Fortune Boat that was originally suspended above Yujing City instantly became ethereal and disappeared in the Yangshen world.

Hong Yi uploaded the designated red envelope [One Good Fortune Boat]

Although the little girl has not yet passed the tribulation and become a ghost fairy, after such a long period of practice, her Yangshen Taoism cultivation is not low, and she has also differentiated dozens of thoughts.

So she also had an idea and kept paying attention to the group. The moment she saw the red envelope, Xiao Nannan immediately clicked to receive it.

In an instant, a great creation that was extremely magnificent, extremely vast, extremely mysterious, and seemed to be able to survive all disasters appeared in the air.

Above the huge ship, countless gray and hazy auras of good fortune were hanging, changing into various shapes and rippling in the void.

And Xiao Nannan stood on the deck of the good fortune, looking down at the purple cloud furnace and Puyun flag on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Pu Yunqi completely collapsed. He really couldn't understand why the enemy in front of him could repeatedly use means beyond his cognition.

What exactly is this boat in front of him? Why is it so great and magnificent?

The state of mind that transcends everything makes Pu Yunqi feel trembling just by looking at this great creation!

Moreover, the boat of good fortune doesn't look like a creation of this world at all. There is no structure he is familiar with on the boat. The endless gray mist rippling on it contains infinite mysteries, which makes Pu Yunqi even have an impulse to sit down and realize the truth.

But he also knew that it was not appropriate to do this now, so Pu Yunqi did not stop his attack.

The huge wound on his chest is constantly eroding his vitality. If he can't take down Xiao Nannan as soon as possible, even if he can go back alive, he will probably leave a Taoist wound that can never be healed, affecting his future prospects.

Purple clouds and mists filled the purple cloud furnace, and these clouds and mists turned into purple streaks that extended toward the boats in the air.

On the boats, streaks of good fortune fell one after another, entangled with the purple streaks.

But what made Pu Yunqi despair was that the exquisite purple qi was no match for the gray streaks, and it was defeated by the gray streaks.

Although the good fortune could not completely erode the exquisite purple qi, it could push her back into the purple cloud furnace.

In fact, with Xiao Nannan's Taoist cultivation, it was difficult to truly bring out the mystery of the boat of good fortune.

So long before sending the red envelope, Hong Yi cut off his thousands of thoughts and turned them into pure thoughts as fuel for the boat of good fortune.

As long as Xiao Nannan moved her mind, the good fortune could hit wherever she pointed, which was very intelligent.

Moreover, Hong Yi did not completely abandon these thousands of thoughts. When Xiao Nannan returned the Boat of Fortune to him later, he could take them back by refining them again.

After losing the Purple Cloud Furnace, Pu Yunqi still wanted to resist. He condensed the Feather Seal with both hands again and entered the Feather State again.

Xiao Nannan jumped down directly from the Boat of Fortune. Although the power of the Boat of Fortune could suppress Pu Yunqi's card faster, Xiao Nannan wanted to defeat this opponent in the Xiantai realm with her own strength to test her combat power.

The two started fighting again. This time, Xiao Nannan did not hold back. Every sword was made with full strength. She used the Grass Sword Art as an introduction to integrate the cultivation of the two systems of Covering the Sky Method and Perfect Method.

Pu Yunqi was not a match for Xiao Nannan in this state in his heyday, not to mention that he had a shocking Dao injury on his chest and abdomen at this time.

Even though Pu Yunqi had already sublimated to the extreme, allowing his blood to evolve into a red-gold color, and his eyes emitted a dazzling light like the sun, as if he was a god descending to the world, and even the barrier of the second realm of immortals began to shake, he was still no match for Xiao Nannan.

The sword energy of the grass sword technique was extremely sharp. Xiao Nannan's sword energy was released continuously, directly cutting off Pu Yunqi's limbs, leaving only a body and a head.

Then Xiao Nannan looked down at Pu Yunqi, and then slowly said: "Now, who wants to surrender? Who wants to leave a whole body?"

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