All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 238 Emperor Yuhua is coming?

Pu Yunqi lowered his head, the light in his eyes dimmed, and he no longer had the arrogance he had at the beginning. He seemed to have accepted his fate and did not answer the little girl's question.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The winner lives and the loser dies. He can climb to the position of preparing the son of God in the Yuhua Divine Dynasty. He understands this truth better than anyone else.

The boat of creation is suspended in the void, like a monument, and thousands of creation gases hang down to firmly control the Ziyun furnace.

For monks in the Sendai realm, having their limbs cut off is not a very serious injury, and it will not cause them to lose all their fighting power. Some strong men can even continue to fight with their unyielding will after their heads are cut off, until they are burned. It takes everything to fall.

However, the sword energy used by Little Nannan to cut off Pu Yunqi's limbs contained the true meaning of supreme annihilation. The black energy at the wound where she cut off gnawed at Pu Yunqi's body, so Pu Yunqi, who had his limbs cut off, no longer had any The ability to resist.

The little girl said calmly: "Tell me honestly the secret scriptures of the Yuhua Shen Dynasty that you have mastered, and I can give you a pleasure. Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

The little girl is in short supply of the training scriptures of Zhetian World, and the Yuhua Body Refining Chapter plundered from the soldiers of the Yuhua Camp has long been unable to meet her needs.

This scripture is a training method specially created by Emperor Yuhua for the soldiers of the Yuhua Divine Dynasty. It contains 60% of the mysteries of the Yuhua Scripture.

In the world of Zhetian, it is actually a pretty good cultivation method, but how could the little girl be satisfied with this?

What she usually comes into contact with are the top scriptures in all the worlds. Even the Ascension Scripture, the little girl, doesn't take it seriously, let alone this simplified version of the Ascension Body Training Chapter.

Moreover, the Feathering Body Refining Chapter she plundered from these soldiers could only be practiced to the Four Extremes Secret Realm.

This was what Xiao Nannan later found out from the squad leader-level soldiers. The first ordinary soldiers could only practice the Feathering Body Training Chapter to the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea.

This is completely unable to meet the cultivation needs of little Nannan. She has reached the peak of her Feathering Body Refining Chapter and is in urgent need of follow-up techniques.

After hearing what the little girl said, Pu Yunqi raised his eyes slightly, full of tangles. After thinking for a while, he nodded.

"Okay, I will teach you the cultivation techniques, not only the Feathering Heavenly Scripture, the Falling Feather Divine Fist, but I can also teach you the Feathering Seal.

But I have one condition, that is, after you learn it, you must let me live. Otherwise, no matter how much you torture me, you will never get the Ascension Scripture from my mouth. "

The little girl nodded, with cold eyes: "I can promise you, as long as you hand over the scriptures to me honestly, I promise that I will not kill you. If you violate this oath, I will never be able to find my brother in this life." whereabouts."

After receiving the assurance from his little girl, Pu Yunqi moved his consciousness and poured out a dragon blood golden nanmu box from the storage bag.

"The Feathering Scripture is contained in this wooden box. It must recognize the power of my spiritual consciousness before it can be opened, otherwise it will directly self-destruct.

I will give you the Feathering Scripture first. As for the Luo Feather Divine Fist and the Feathering Seal, I will dictate it to you later. "

As he spoke, Pu Yunqi used his soul power to slowly open the wooden box.

Inside the wooden box, there was a piece of golden paper, which looked particularly conspicuous.

Seeing this piece of paper, the little girl instantly realized something was wrong. The piece of paper contained some kind of Ascension Scripture. It was clearly the emperor's decree used by Pu Yunqi to seal off the Nanli Star.

The little girl's thinking speed was so fast. The moment she realized this, she sent out dozens of cursive sword intents to slash at Pu Yunqi's body.

The sword energy advanced rapidly in the void, and white traces appeared in the cut void, which could not be dissipated for a long time.

The powerful sword energy penetrated all obstacles and slashed towards Pu Yunqi. Just a trace of the aftermath of the overflow turned all the surrounding rocks, vegetation and trees into powder.

It was clear that he was in a desperate situation, but Pu Yunqi did not panic at all. The moment he took out the Emperor's decree, his face instantly calmed down, and he no longer had the fear before.

With the control of his spiritual power, the yellow paper instantly grew in size and actually shrouded Pu Yunqi in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the little girl thought that Pu Yunqi was trying to block her sword energy with the help of the yellow paper, but she didn't expect that the yellow paper was cut into yellow pieces that were scattered all over the sky in an instant in front of the little girl's sword energy. fragments.

Pu Yunqi, who was hiding behind, was hit by several sword energies again, leaving a series of dark wounds on his body, and the terrifying artistic conception of death spread on it, eating away at Pu Yunqi's body.

But Pu Yunqi's face showed a confident smile.

The origin of this piece of yellow paper is not ordinary. It is the decree of the earth written by Emperor Yuhua himself. It contains a trace of Emperor Yuhua's soul power. It is precisely because of this that this yellow paper has such terrifying power. With a few A single big character can completely connect heaven and earth and block all exit channels from Nanli Star.

There is a connection between this emperor's decree and the Yuhua Emperor, and the Yuhua Emperor can sense it the moment the decree is destroyed.

This is exactly Pu Yunqi's purpose. He wants to rely on the connection between Emperor Fazi and Emperor Yuhua to summon the arrival of Emperor Yuhua.

Of course, even if the Feathered Emperor comes, it is impossible for him to come in his true form. At most, he can use the remaining soul power in the decree to descend an incarnation.

But this is enough. The great emperor suppresses the past and present, and dominates the world. One incarnation is enough to suppress everything.

In fact, this is the only way out. If Pu Yunqi was not forced into a desperate situation, he would never want to use this trick.

He is just a reserve son of God, a half-step great power in the realm of Immortal 1. He can still be arrogant in ordinary sects, but what is he in the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

With his status, what qualifications does he have to ask the emperor to come? To put it bluntly, if this matter did not concern the emperor's face, the emperor would not have given him a decree, nor would he have come to Nanli Star for his safety.

And he couldn't do this simple thing. Not only did he lose tens of thousands of soldiers, but he himself was in a desperate situation. He had to ask the emperor to come to settle it. Not using it to this extent would definitely leave an extremely deep bad impression on the emperor, which would be a devastating blow to his future development in the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

You must know that there are tens of thousands of people stronger than him in the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

These sons of God and sons of God were just pushed to the front by the Yuhua Dynasty as a facade because of their youth, so they have a certain right to speak in the Yuhua Dynasty.

If his evaluation drops, he will have no value, let alone becoming the real son of God of the Yuhua Dynasty, and even the current status of the son of God will not be preserved, and the future will be very bleak.

But Pu Yunqi also knew that Xiao Nannan would never let him go. Although Xiao Nannan's oath just now was so decisive, it actually had many loopholes. Xiao Nannan only promised that she would not kill him, and she did not say that she could not hurt him, not to mention that she could ask others to do it. Pu Yunqi could think of countless ways to circumvent this oath.

After all, he is also an old man in the arena. He has been in the world for so long, so he will not be fooled by Xiao Nannan.

Xiao Nannan didn't know what happened at this time, but she knew that the man in front of her must have used some means to deal with him.

So Xiao Nannan no longer had any intention of talking nonsense with Pu Yunqi, and the grass sword energy on her body pierced Pu Yunqi like a tornado.

Pu Yunqi's body was filled with rays of light. He burned all his energy and summoned countless rays of light to block Xiao Nannan's sword energy.

However, Pu Yunqi, who was already seriously injured, had no way to block Xiao Nannan's attack. He was soon pierced by many sword energies, and black wounds appeared on his body. Blood gushed out from these wounds, spraying in the air like a fountain, almost putting him in a dying state.

But even though he was so seriously injured, Pu Yunqi still had a smile on his face: "Hahaha, little girl, uncle will teach you a lesson today. When fighting, you must not relax until the last moment.

The power of the emperor is beyond your imagination. If you dare to destroy his decree, he will soon send an incarnation here after sensing it, and you will be dead.

But if you don't give me a chance, I might take out the emperor's decree in the golden nanmu box in front of you."

Pu Yunqi secretly felt lucky. Fortunately, Xiao Nannan's experience in the martial arts world was not rich enough. Otherwise, with his previous state, he would have no chance to take out the golden nanmu box from the storage bag in front of Xiao Nannan. Once he took out the box in front of Xiao Nannan, it would be snatched away by Xiao Nannan in an instant, and he would not have time to open it.

That is, he deceived Xiao Nannan that the wooden box contained the Yuhua Tianjing, which gave him the opportunity to take out the emperor's decree.


The incarnation of the Yuhua emperor will soon come here!

This news shocked everyone.

Although it was only an incarnation that descended, it was already terrifying.

What kind of existence is the Great Emperor? In the universe of the Heaven-shaking Universe, he is an existence that suppresses the heavens and the earth, and is invincible in the nine heavens and ten earths.

In the heyday of the Great Emperor, even the Dark Forbidden Zone dared not compete with him.

The Immortal Emperor had to hide in the dark and wait until the Great Emperor was old before he could kill the Great Emperor and devour his blood.

This extremely terrifying existence can stretch out his hand, touch the sun, moon, and stars, lift his leg to cross the endless void, and kill the quasi-emperor-level strongman with a casual finger.

Although the Yuhua Great Emperor was very old at this time, and he was only an incarnation, he was still not something that Xiao Nannan could contend with.

No matter how cruel the ruthless Great Emperor was, he had to abide by the basic law. It was not an egg hitting a stone to touch the Great Emperor in the Four Extreme Secret Realm.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Little Nannan, run away, leave the Zhatian Universe. If the Yuhua Emperor really comes, then everything will be over.

Although I don't know how much power his incarnation has, even if it is only one ten-thousandth of the original body, it is too dangerous. There is really no need to gamble.

As long as there is green mountains, there is no need to worry about firewood."

Xu Chenzhou was not sure about the strength of the emperor's incarnation, but it is better to be safe than sorry. If this incarnation can have one thousandth of the power of the Yuhua Emperor, little Nannan will not even have the chance to travel through the heavens and the worlds in front of him.

As the group leader, he is responsible for the lives of all group members.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Listen to the group leader and run quickly. The Yangshen World welcomes you. Don't worry, there is a chat group. Even if you are not in the Zhatian Universe, you can still get enough resources.

What's more, the incarnation of the Yuhua Emperor will definitely not be able to stay in Nanli Star for a long time. We will go back after a while. It won't delay anything."

Hong Yi also had the same idea as Xu Chenzhou. Although he has always been brave and diligent, he always has a backup plan and never does anything without confidence.

The other group members were also worried, especially Xiao Yangchan, whose face was extremely tangled at this time.

Since Xiao Nannan joined the group, she has taken good care of Xiao Nannan and has already regarded her as her own sister. She really doesn't want to see Xiao Nannan get into trouble.

If it really doesn't work, she can only take the queen to travel over there to help. However, if the saint descends to the world of Zhatian, it is unknown how much trouble it will cause in the two worlds. It is really the worst of the worst, the best of the worst.

Xiao Nannan certainly saw the news from the group members, but she didn't listen to the group members and run away immediately.

She just locked the target of the cross-border travel to the world of Yitian, and then set the cross-border gate behind herself.

This behavior is actually a bit risky. If the incarnation of the Emperor Yuhua is very powerful, and immediately kills Xiao Nannan after the arrival, she may not be able to react with her cultivation. She will be directly wiped out in an instant, and she will not even have the opportunity to travel through the heavens and the worlds.

But Xiao Nannan is the juvenile body of the ruthless emperor after all. Although she is still young, her temperament at this time has a shadow of the ruthless emperor.

Even though under the influence of group friends, the heart of this version of the ruthless emperor has become much warmer, but she still has her own pride.

Fleeing without fighting is definitely not her character. Even if she really wants to run away, she doesn't want to be scared away without even seeing the enemy.

So what if it's the emperor who comes? Even if she wants to run, she has to give him a hard blow before running away.

Xiao Nannan gently clenched the Qinglian Sword in her hand, and the energy in her body continued to transform into the grass sword energy.

The grass sword energy wandered wildly in her body like a mad dragon, and then was absorbed by the gray sword energy in her chest.

As this process continued to advance, the breath of the gray sword energy in her chest became more and more terrifying.

The terrifying breath of destroying the sky and the earth, destroying all things, destroying all things, destroying all living beings, and letting the universe fall into the end was brewing in her heart.

And in the sky, golden rays flickered, and thousands of lights rushed towards the shredded yellow paper. A terrifying aura appeared in the air, as if it could crush the ages and cut off the galaxy. I was the only one who was supreme in the world.

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