All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 239 The Green Lotus Sword Appears, Cutting Off the Star River

As the light on the yellow paper became more and more dazzling, a powerful force broke through the obstacles of thousands of galaxies and condensed into a human form.

Then a figure wearing a galaxy crown and black clothes appeared in front of the little girl.

The aura of this figure is extremely terrifying, a pair of golden eyes emit divine light, and his eyes are extremely cold, as if everything in front of him is just an ant, and he is the emperor above the nine heavens, the supreme king of all things, and the lord of the world. , the most noble existence in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

At the moment when this incarnation condensed, murmurs sounded from many hidden realms in the world of Zhetian.

Thousands of colorful lights appeared on the Immortal Mountain, as if two great beings were awakened from their deep sleep.

"It's the aura of that old man who is already so old that he is about to die. He doesn't just wait for death in his coffin, but he still has the strength to run out. It's interesting, it's really interesting."

"It's a pity that it's just an incarnation. It would be great if it was his real body that came out, so that we can find out how old he is.

If you are too old and have no strength, then it is time for the universe to be replaced by a great emperor. "

After a while, these two beings fell asleep again, and the Immortal Mountain slowly returned to calm.

For the beings in the forbidden area of ​​life, in addition to the flesh and blood of all living beings, the emperor in his later years is also a very good delicacy that they do not want to miss.

In the Taichu ancient mine, several fluctuations also occurred, and they were constantly communicating, looking like they were ready to make a move.

The moment he saw the figure appear, Pu Yunqi rushed over and knelt in front of the figure.

His kneeling posture was extremely respectful, his buttocks were slightly raised, and his forehead was firmly pressed against the ground.

Looking at Pu Yunqi's figure, Emperor Yuhua said calmly: "Tell me, what happened.

Some hidden old monster appeared and forced you to break my decree. "

Pu Yunqi was extremely frightened. He kowtowed and said, "I will deserve death for disturbing the emperor's law!

On this trip to Nanli Star, my subordinates originally wanted to capture the madman who dared to attack the military camp of our Divine Dynasty. How could they have expected that the madman was so cruel that he actually took advantage of his subordinates' army to search for her traces? , killed all the nearly ten thousand troops under my command, and her combat power was extremely powerful. Her subordinates were really no match for her, and she was forced into a desperate situation. There was really no other way, so he asked for the Emperor's decree and respectfully asked the Emperor to come in his incarnation. "

Emperor Yuhua looked in the direction of Pu Yunqi's gaze.

Then he saw a little girl carved in pink and jade, wearing a white dress. She looked about seven or eight years old. She also held a long sword carved with green lotus in her hand, looking murderous. appearance.

The moment he saw the little girl, even Emperor Yuhua couldn't help blinking his eyes, wondering if he was being deceived.

Ah, was there something wrong? Pu Yunqi invited him here just to deal with a seven-year-old girl?

Emperor Yuhua was a little hesitant. Could it be that the person in front of him looked younger just because he had practiced special skills?

Two divine lights emitted from his eyes, patrolling back and forth on the little girl's body like golden searchlights.

But no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see anything wrong with the little girl's age. Even under his eyes, he found that the real age of the little girl was much younger than the age shown on the appearance. She was only about five years old. .

But how is this possible? Although Pu Yunqi, the son of god, is not a powerful person in the Yuhua Dynasty.

A newbie who has just entered the Immortal Stage can have as many subordinates as the Yuhua Emperor. If he wants to, even a pig, the Yuhua Emperor, can help him break through to the Immortal Stage. But to the outside world, the half-step powerful Pu Yunqi is more or less a master. .

What's more, in this expedition, Pu Yunqi also brought an army of 10,000 people. With the blessing of an army of 10,000 people forming a military formation, he could still compete with a saint even if he encountered it.

Why was he beaten by a five-year-old girl and invited him to come?

This is really outrageous.

Emperor Yuhua was extremely sure that the little girl was indeed only five years old. With his eyesight, no technique in the world could hide it from him. If he wanted to hide it from his eyes, there was only one way, which was the elixir of immortality.

Unless the little girl is an old immortal who took the immortality medicine and successfully lived a second life, Emperor Yuhua does not believe that he will misjudge his age.

He turned to look at Pu Yunqi, his eyes full of murderous intent: "What are you doing? Not only did you defeat an army of 10,000 people, but you were forced by such a little girl to invite me over?

What a useless thing! "

At this time, everyone in the chat group was also watching what was happening at the scene in real time.

The live broadcast function of the chat group allows them to experience everything happening live.

The moment Xu Chenzhou saw the incarnation of Emperor Yuhua, he felt relieved and was no longer as nervous as before.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "There seems to be something wrong with the aura of this incarnation of the Yuhua Emperor! It's not as powerful as I thought."

The incarnation of the Yuhua Emperor in front of him gave Xu Chenzhou a very special feeling.

Although the aura of the incarnation is extremely terrifying, it seems to be able to crush the universe, and it can rub the sun and moon with a wave of its hands, causing life and death on the palm of its hand.

However, after carefully sensing the power of this incarnation, it did not give him the feeling of complete invincibility and despair.

Of course, this does not mean that this incarnation of the Yuhua Emperor is weak.

In fact, in Xu Chenzhou's perception, the energy contained in the incarnation of the Yuhua Emperor is still extremely terrifying, almost ten thousand times stronger than what Pu Yunqi gave Xu Chenzhou.

But this level is still a lot worse than the strength Xu Chenzhou imagined.

You should know that the combat power of the emperor in the sky is much stronger than other cultivators, which is simply beyond reason.

Analogized to the prehistoric world, it is equivalent to the gap between a saint and an existence that has not become a saint.

A finger of the Qing Emperor can destroy a prosperous sect.

In Xu Chenzhou's imagination, even if it is just an incarnation, the incarnation of this existence should be extremely terrifying, at least with the combat power to compete with the quasi-emperor.

But the aura of the incarnation of the Yuhua Emperor in front of him clearly confirmed that Xu Chenzhou's guess was wrong.

Xu Chenzhou has not seen the high-level masters of the world of Zhatian yet, so he is not sure. However, from his point of view, the combat power level of this incarnation of the Yuhua Emperor is roughly at the peak level of the Saint King. It may be slightly higher, but the fluctuation will not be too big, and it is definitely impossible to reach the level of the Great Sage.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "Indeed, I have this feeling too.

He gives me the feeling that he is a little strong on the outside, and the momentum of this incarnation is extremely terrifying, but in fact its aura is not too strong."

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): "This is not surprising. The great way of the world of Zhatian is flawed. Although the powerful can destroy the galaxy, they cannot live forever.

Even the existence of the emperor can only live for 10,000 years.

And as the body ages, their strength will slowly decline.

According to the information given by Xiao Nannan some time ago, the Yuhua Emperor has been an emperor for 10,000 years. After 10,000 years, he has reached old age.

In addition, the distance between Nanli Star and Yuhua Star is very far, and the medium for his incarnation is just a decree, which certainly cannot transmit much power. It is already quite good to be able to retain the level of Saint King.

And even if it is the level of Saint King, it is already terrifying enough, and it is definitely not something that the current little girl can fight against. "

Zhang Junbao analyzed rationally, and what he said was indeed reasonable. Although the incarnation of Yuhua Emperor was only at the stage of Saint King, in fact, the existence of Saint King is already very strong.

There are two hurdles that are most difficult to cross between the cultivators in the world of Zhatian, and the gap in combat power between the cultivators before and after the hurdle is also the largest.

One hurdle is the emperor and other cultivators who have not become emperors. A great emperor is enough to suppress the galaxy for 10,000 years, and has been invincible from ancient times to the present. In front of the emperor, the cultivators who have not become emperors are ants.

Another hurdle is the realm of the fourth immortal realm and other cultivators before the fourth immortal realm. The cultivators who break through to the fourth immortal realm are called saints. It is like a natural barrier to the previous realms. Any saint is enough to establish a sect and become a saint. Even in the ancient family, such cultivators are rare. Many founders of immortal forces are saints, and only after reaching the saint realm can they cross the galaxy with their physical bodies. It can be said that they are two different species from non-saints.

The saint king is the king among saints, the saint among saints, and extremely powerful!

For Xiao Nannan, it is already the limit for her to fight against the half-step great power of the first immortal realm at the peak of the four extremes. If others know about this, it will be enough to shake the entire starry sky.

In fact, if it is an ordinary practitioner of the Heaven-shaking Method, it is already a natural genius to be able to cross the border to fight against the cultivator of the Dragon Transformation Realm at the peak of the four extremes.

You should know that there are a total of nine small realms in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm. It is so difficult to challenge across the border. There are not many people who can do this from ancient times to the present.

The most important reason why Xiao Nannan could do this was because she also practiced the Perfect Method, and the combination of the Immortal Sword Intentions taught by Tongtian Sect Master and the unique sword art of the Nine-Leaf Sword Grass created this myth.

Xiao Nannan had a hard time dealing with a half-step great power, not to mention the Saint King who was far above the half-step great power realm, and the one controlling this incarnation was a great emperor.

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "What should we do? Otherwise, let's go over and help. Although we certainly can't beat him, at least we can give Xiao Nannan a chance to escape."

Xiao Yangchan (Nuwa's disciple): "Forget it. The Saint King-level opponent is too much for us now. If we really want to help, we must call the parents.

Either I ask the queen to help, or let Xiao Shihao ask Liu Shen to help, otherwise we will only cause trouble.

And with the Qinglian Sword in hand and the cross-boundary gate ready, Xiao Nannan should still be able to escape.

It's a pity that only I can activate the three sword energies that Teacher Tongtian left me, otherwise the incarnation in front of me would be simply vulnerable to Teacher Tongtian's sword energy."

While everyone was still chatting, the situation on the field changed again.

The Emperor Yuhua casually slapped his hand, and thousands of feathers floated in the air. The laws of divine cracks intertwined into a net, directly hitting Pu Yunqi, who was kneeling on the side, and flew backwards.

Then he didn't even bother to look at Pu Yunqi, and turned his head to stare at Xiao Nannan.

"It was you, little girl, who killed hundreds of soldiers in my Yuhua camp, and then killed all the 10,000 soldiers brought by Pu Yunqi, the rubbish?"

Xiao Nannan had a cold face, holding the hilt of the Qinglian Sword with one hand and said slowly: "Indeed, I killed them all, so what?"

Yuhua Emperor's eyes revealed a curiosity: "Such a strong murderous aura, interesting!

My incarnation has come here in person, and you not only don't run, but also look like you want to attack.

Aren't you afraid of me at all, little girl? "

Little Nannan shook her head: "You are nothing special, why should I be afraid of you."

When Emperor Yuhua heard this, he couldn't help but laugh: "Sure enough, you are only five years old and don't know anything.

I am the emperor, I have suppressed the world for 10,000 years, and killed people in the world who dare not claim to be respected. I am the most noble and powerful person in the world.

When ordinary people see me, they all bow down and worship me, but you actually think I am nothing special.

However, you have cultivated to the Four Extremes at a young age, and you can also go against the flow to kill immortals. You are indeed a genius.

If I meet an interesting little girl like you in another place, I might accept you as my apprentice on a whim.

What a pity, you killed so many people in my Yuhua Divine Dynasty, I must kill you. "

As he spoke, the Great Emperor Yuhua made his move. He did not use any special moves, but just waved his hand casually.

Thousands of laws flowed, and countless chains of laws passed through his palms, condensing into an incomparably brilliant light.

Between his palms, the wind blew and the moon turned, and the sun and the moon danced, as if all the laws of the world were running in it.

The terrifying beam of light emitted seemed to shatter the heaven and earth and erase the avenue.

Although it was done casually, with the Great Emperor Yuhua's cultivation of the avenue, this casual attack already contained thousands of laws and was infinitely powerful.

He now only has the power of the Saint King level, but even the Great Saint level existence may not be able to take this attack unscathed.

Faced with such a blow, Xiao Nannan should have immediately hidden in the cross-boundary gate, only in this way can it be guaranteed to be safe.

But Xiao Nannan But she didn't hide or evade.

As the Zhuxian sword's power continued to accumulate, Xiao Nannan's mind was closely connected with the trace of sword power left by Tongtian Patriarch in the Qinglian Sword, and she was completely immersed in it, her mind was clear, and there was no trace of distracting thoughts.

Xiao Nannan seemed to fall into enlightenment, and in front of her eyes appeared the shadow of Tongtian Patriarch standing in the chaos and slashing the world with a sword.

Then the Zhuxian sword energy that was constantly accumulating in her body was also moved by the sword power and slowly merged into the Qinglian Sword.

In an instant, under the influence of the Zhuxian sword energy of the same origin, the three sword energies that Tongtian Patriarch left for Xiao Yangchan to save her life also moved with it, and a thin sword energy was separated from each sword energy and blended with the Zhuxian sword energy, and they were no longer distinguishable from each other.

Xiao Nannan's mind moved, and she drew the Qinglian Sword at her waist and swung it forward fiercely.

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