All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 240: The Emperor Yuhua is destroyed

These three sword energies were left by Tongtian Patriarch for Yang Chan. Logically, these three sword energies would only be activated when they sensed that Yang Chan was in danger.

However, the skill that Xiao Nannan was using at this time was the Immortal Sword Intention, which had the same origin as the three sword energies.

When Tongtian Patriarch stored the sword energy, he did not expect that there was someone in the world besides Yang Chan who could comprehend the Immortal Sword Intention, and could also merge with the trace of sword intent he left behind.

Under the traction of the qi, these three sword energies were also pulled by Xiao Nannan to separate a little bit of power.

Although it was only a very tiny trace, not even one ten-thousandth, it was already quite amazing.

You must know that once these three sword energies are cut out, they are equivalent to the power of Tongtian Patriarch's full-strength attack.

The power of these traces of sword energy is enough to kill the existence of the quasi-saint level.

The terrifying sword energy gushed out with the action of Xiao Nannan swinging the sword, and the sky and the earth were empty.

This sword energy carries the supreme artistic conception of annihilating everything and destroying everything. Whether it is mountains and rivers, or flowers and trees, everything has no meaning in front of this sword energy, and it fell into nothingness in an instant.

Even the extremely brilliant light wielded by Emperor Yuhua seemed extremely dim in front of this sword energy.

It was annihilated by the sword energy in just a moment and also turned into nothingness.

Emperor Yuhua was still indifferent and high-handed until he saw this sword energy and felt the supreme will on it.

Danger, danger, danger, danger!

Emperor Yuhua's spiritual sense kept warning him in his heart that if he couldn't dodge this sword, he would die!

But the speed of the sword energy was too fast, sweeping across the sky, and everything had lost its meaning in front of this sword energy.

The sword energy also destroyed the concepts of space and time. When the sword energy was swung, the distance between him and the sword energy had lost its meaning. The sword hit him as soon as it came out, and he couldn't dodge it.

Emperor Yuhua knew that facing this sword, all he could do was to bear it. If he could bear it, he would live, and if he couldn't bear it, he would die.

Emperor Yuhua cursed in his heart, and he had completely lost the emperor's bearing. He couldn't understand why the little girl in front of him, who was just a small cultivator at the fourth extreme level, could cut such a terrifying sword.

Even if the long sword with a green lotus carved in the hands of Xiao Nannan was a supreme emperor weapon, it shouldn't have such power.

Moreover, with the knowledge of Emperor Yuhua, he knew about the emperors of ancient and modern times, and no one's emperor weapon was the long sword in Xiao Nannan's hands.

There was only one possibility, that is, the level of the long sword in Xiao Nannan's hands surpassed the realm of the emperor, and it was a legendary immortal weapon.

But how terrifying was the immortal weapon, how could a cultivator at the level of Xiao Nannan be able to activate it.

For a while, Emperor Yuhua couldn't sort out his thoughts at all, and he didn't have time to think about it, because this terrifying sword energy was about to hit him.

Emperor Yuhua would not sit and wait for death. As an emperor, he naturally had his own pride. For ten thousand years, he had been on the throne and suppressed all enemies in the nine heavens and ten earths, and he had developed an invincible heart.

He formed seals with both hands, and in an instant, he used the Yuhua seal that Pu Yunqi had just used.

The Yuhua seal used by Emperor Yuhua himself was much stronger than Pu Yunqi's Yuhua seal, and it had reached the level of skill close to Taoism.

The intention of this magical power was very high, and it was one of Emperor Yuhua's attempts to break through the emperor and achieve the realm of immortals.

No one has ever been able to find the way to become an immortal, but Emperor Yuhua did not want to sit and wait for death. He also made various attempts to become an immortal with his own abilities.

After performing this magical power, the life form of the caster will approach the immortal deduced by Emperor Yuhua and continue to evolve.

This magical power has a total of nine levels. Every breakthrough in a level can derive a new immortal organ and various powers, which are infinitely powerful.

In the imagination of Emperor Yuhua, as long as he could break through the ninth level and derive nine kinds of immortal organs, he could transform his body into an immortal body, thus opening the door to immortality and enjoying longevity.

However, Emperor Yuhua failed in the end. Even if he derived nine kinds of immortal organs, he still couldn't transform his body into an immortal body. It seemed that he was missing some substance, which made him stuck at the last step.

But this is normal. After all, the emperors who can achieve the immortality of the mortal world since the birth of the entire Zhatian universe are rare, otherwise there would not be so many life forbidden areas.

Although Emperor Yuhua has good talents, he still has some gaps compared to the evildoers such as Emperor Wushi and Emperor Henren, so he naturally can't achieve immortality in the mortal world.

But it doesn't mean that the power of this magical power is not strong. This is the way to immortality that Emperor Yuhua has studied for a lifetime.

After using this magical power, the shadow of Emperor Yuhua began to transform. His hair danced wildly in the wind, and a golden mark appeared between his eyebrows. The pattern was extremely complex. After the construction was completed, it seemed as if there was an extra divine eye between the eyebrows of Emperor Yuhua. Then the divine eye opened, and his gaze became extremely majestic, revealing a breath of reaching the end of the immortal road and becoming an immortal.

In addition to the divine eye, various changes also occurred in various parts of Emperor Yuhua's body. His heart became extremely powerful, and the sound of beating was like thunder.

His bone marrow also turned golden, generating drops of golden immortal blood flowing in the meridians and blood vessels of his body. Immortal organs were generated on his body, and various magical powers were derived, which actually gave birth to a hint of becoming an immortal in the mortal world.

It must be said that although the Emperor Yuhua is old, his talent is still quite terrifying. The potential of this magical power is quite considerable. If he is given hundreds of thousands of years, he may really be able to successfully enter the realm of becoming an immortal with the Yuhua Seal.

It's a pity that he has no chance. Except for Ye Fan, this pervert, no emperor can live for hundreds of thousands of years. The incomplete universe of the sky is so cruel.

After using the Yuhua Seal to evolve his body to the extreme, the Emperor Yuhua put his hands together in front of his chest, and the terrifying energy fluctuations kept sweeping. He gathered all the energy in his body in his palms, and the laws of the great way were also injected into it by the Emperor Yuhua, and an extremely bright light gradually emerged between his hands.

This move is also the ultimate mystery of the Yuhua Seal, the extreme immortal light. It can only be used after practicing the Yuhua Seal to the extreme and practicing the immortal body. It is the strongest magical power derived naturally from the complete immortal body.

With the development of the extreme immortal light, the terrifying light swept across the universe. A beam of light illuminated the universe, and it went up from the hands of the Yuhua Emperor through the clouds, broke through the sky, and shone into the universe.

The originally dark universe was now as bright as day, affecting countless nearby star fields.

Even if the planets in these star fields were in the dark, they instantly became daytime. The sky was bright, and countless common people thought they had offended the gods and walked out of their homes, knelt on the ground, and begged for forgiveness from God.

Even the life forbidden areas far away from countless star fields were boiling again. The divine thoughts of the masters of the forbidden areas kept interacting in the void, and their words revealed infinite surprise.

After the Yuhua Emperor successfully prepared for this move, he also showed a relieved expression on his face.

He was confident in his magical powers, and this move was already his ultimate skill.

At that time, the Life Forbidden Zone launched a dark turmoil, and the three Forbidden Zone Lords wreaked havoc on the world. At that time, he had just become an emperor for three thousand years, and there was still blood in his heart. In order to fight against these Forbidden Zone Lords, he had also sublimated the immortal body to the extreme like now, and used a move of the Extreme Immortal Light to severely injure the three Forbidden Zone Lords and quell a dark turmoil.

I can win this battle!

The Emperor Yuhua shouted silently in his heart.

Then he pushed his hands forward fiercely, and the terrifying Extreme Immortal Light suddenly shot forward, countless lights bloomed, the universe shook, the void was broken, and even the Avenue was wiped out by his move.

All this is very long, but in fact it only happened in an instant.

At the moment when Emperor Yuhua pushed out the Extreme Immortal Light, the sword energy swung by Xiao Nannan had already arrived in front of Emperor Yuhua.

The sword energy of Zhuxian and the Extreme Immortal Light met in the void, and the terrifying confrontation began.

The artistic conception of destroying everything and annihilating everything in the sword energy of Zhuxian is mixed with the will of transcending the supreme and becoming an immortal in the extreme immortal light.

The laws of the great way intersect with each other, thousands of lights flash, and the two terrifying forces annihilate each other. Under their confrontation, the void can't bear it and directly shatters into pieces, presenting a bizarre scene.

The confrontation was fierce, but also very fast. In just a microsecond, the extreme immortal light swung by Emperor Yuhua was directly shattered by the sword energy of Zhuxian.

Just kidding, the sword energy of Zhuxian contains a trace of the power of Tongtian Sect Master, even if it is less than one ten-thousandth, it is not something that an incarnation of Emperor Yuhua can match.

Even if Emperor Yuhua has been sublimated to the extreme and touched the realm of the immortal in the mortal world, so what.

Even if he is a true immortal, it is nothing in front of Tongtian Sect Master. He is an immortal among immortals and is called a saint.

After the sword energy slashed through, not only the extremely immortal light, but also the incarnation of the Yuhua Emperor was directly slashed by this sword energy in an instant, and he couldn't even resist.

This is not over yet. After slashing the Yuhua Emperor, the sword energy did not slow down and flew upwards in the direction of Xiao Nannan's slash.

When it flew to the outer layer of Nanli Star, golden grids appeared in the atmosphere, and pieces of flying feathers were mixed in the grids.

This is the barrier set up by the decree of the Yuhua Emperor, which can prohibit all existences from leaving Nanli Star.

But even the incarnation of the Yuhua Emperor himself was slashed by this sword energy, not to mention the restrictions he set up. The sword energy was like a hot knife cutting butter, cutting the grid into nothingness, and then flew into the void of the universe.

The sword energy passed through the void of the universe. Everything along the way was like an ant in front of the sword energy of Zhu Xian. Whether it was a meteorite belt or an asteroid, even a dazzling star in a distant galaxy was destroyed by the power of this sword.

If you stand at a very high place and look down, you can see that the entire brilliant galaxy has been cut by this sword with an extremely eye-catching wound.

Cutting the galaxy with one sword, the sword energy of Zhu Xian is so terrifying!

After swinging this sword, Xiao Nannan also lost all her strength. Her body seemed to be hollowed out, and her feet softened.

She stuck the long sword into the ground, and then she barely stabilized her body.

Seeing that the shadow of the Emperor Yuhua was slashed by her sword, Xiao Nannan showed a relieved expression.

She won, she actually defeated the emperor.

Now she doesn't have to run away.

And Pu Yunqi, who was standing aside, was already dumbfounded at this time.

He was knocked away by the Emperor Yuhua's palm and flew several hundred meters away, which just allowed him to avoid the terrifying sword energy and survive.

What the hell is going on? Even the incarnation of the emperor was defeated. I must be dreaming.

Pu Yunqi bit his tongue hard, biting it so hard that the tip of his tongue bled. As the blood flowed in his mouth, a stinging pain surged into his heart. Pu Yunqi was sure that he was not living in a dream.

Xiao Nannan also noticed that this person was still alive, so she walked in front of Pu Yunqi with a long sword and looked at Pu Yunqi with the eyes of looking at pigs and sheep to be slaughtered.

Not only that, Xiao Nannan also took out many torture instruments from the storage space with a sneer on her face.

Pu Yunqi was completely convinced now. He knew that he could not escape from Xiao Nannan's clutches.

"Ask me whatever you want to know. I will tell you everything I know. I just ask you to give me a quick death later."

Xiao Nannan nodded. Although she was decisive in killing, she did not like to torture the enemy. This kind of thing was too troublesome for her. It would be better to practice for a while.

As long as she could achieve her goal, she didn't like to waste time.

Under the coercion of Xiao Nannan, Pu Yunqi recited all the cultivation classics he knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Unfortunately, due to Pu Yunqi's relatively low realm, the Yuhuatian Sutra in his hand was incomplete, and he could only cultivate to the Saint King realm at most.

And his Yuhua Seal only mastered the first three seals, without the subsequent parts.

But this was enough. Xiao Nannan was only at the Four Extremes Realm now, and this Yuhuatian Sutra was enough for her to practice for a long time.

Besides, the treasure sutras in the world of the Heaven-Covering World are not only the Yuhuatian Sutra. With the information Xiao Nannan had, it was not difficult to obtain the treasure sutras of the Great Emperor level, it was nothing more than spending some effort.

And Xiao Nannan didn't actually want to practice the treasure sutras created by others step by step.

She knew that in another world line, she, who was just a mortal body without joining the chat group, could comprehend the Heaven-Devouring Demonic Art through her own efforts and create the miracle of a mortal body becoming an emperor. Now that she has joined the chat group and has such rich resources, how can she lose to herself in another world line? She will definitely be able to create a more powerful treasure scripture than the Devouring Heaven Magic Art. The Feathered Heaven Scripture is just a transitional choice for her.

Among the magical powers given by Pu Yunqi, there is also a complete one, which is the Falling Feather Divine Fist.

However, the power of this magical power is relatively ordinary. It was specially created by the Emperor Yuhua to teach his disciples and subordinates. Xiao Nannan doesn't think much of it.

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