All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 241: Dare not start the dark turmoil

In addition, the most valuable thing that Xiao Nannan forced out of Pu Yunqi was the location of the five-color altar on Nanli Star, and a part of the star road map of the Zhatian Universe.

After Xiao Nannan slashed out this shocking sword, Nanli Star was no longer a place to stay for a long time.

Even the incarnation of the Emperor Yuhua was killed by this sword, which was definitely a major event that shook the entire universe.

After today, many forces will definitely gather on Nanli Star to try to explore Xiao Nannan's secrets.

And if Xiao Nannan does not use the power of the Qinglian Sword, her cultivation is obviously not enough to face the exploration of these forces, not to mention that the Emperor Yuhua will not let Xiao Nannan go. Next, Nanli Star has become a place of right and wrong, and it is really not suitable to stay for a long time.

There are two ways to leave Nanli Star. One is to cross the universe and travel in the void.

But it is very difficult to do this. If you want to cross the universe in the flesh, you must have the cultivation of the saint realm. Otherwise, even if your body can withstand it, you will be lost in the starry sky.

If one does not have the cultivation of the Saint Realm, then one can only use strange objects such as the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin to cross the universe in the flesh, but these strange objects that can allow people to cross the void are also very precious.

Of course, there is another way that is exclusive to Xiao Nannan, that is, the spaceship.

After all, Xiao Nannan has joined the chat group and has the resources of many worlds. If Xu Chenzhou gets a few spaceships from the Star Domain World, he can also carry Xiao Nannan away from Nanli Star.

However, this method also has many disadvantages. It is not easy for Xu Chenzhou to get a spaceship in the Star Domain World. He can only buy it through special channels, and the price is expensive. The most important thing is that it takes time, and there are many approval procedures, which cannot be done in a short time.

In addition to crossing the universe, there is another option, which is to use the five-color altar for teleportation.

This method does not have so many restrictions. Using the five-color altar, you can directly teleport and cross the vast starry sky.

However, there is a prerequisite for using this method, that is, you must have a star map and know the specific path to reach the target planet. Without knowing the star path, it is easy to get lost in the vast universe.

Under Xiao Nannan's questioning, Pu Yunqi told Xiao Nannan all the star map information in his mind.

With this star map information, Xiao Nannan can use the five-color altar to leave Nanli Star and go to the vast world outside.

After confirming that all of Pu Yunqi's information had been completely drained, Xiao Nannan did not hesitate to behead him with a sword. Pu Yunqi's head fell to the ground with his eyes wide open and rolled away. Blood gushed out from the wound on his neck like a fountain.

Xiao Nannan naturally would not waste it, and used the Devouring Heaven Demon Art to devour all the energy in his body. After devouring it, a hint of joy flashed across Xiao Nannan's face. Pu Yunqi's special physique made her progress in condensing the chaotic body much faster.

After killing Pu Yunqi, Xiao Nannan immediately killed all the remaining hundreds of Yuhua soldiers. Xiao Nannan was not sure if there were any good people among them.

In fact, among the ten thousand people, there must be some people with conscience, and their crimes were not punishable by death, but this was not important. In Xiao Nannan's heart, anyone who came to deal with her was an enemy and was on the kill list. Moreover, these people had a lot of information about Xiao Nannan, and keeping them would only cause endless troubles.

Xiao Nannan was still dealing with the aftermath, and had no idea how much shock her sword had caused to other people in the Zhatian Universe.

Xiao Nannan's sword energy of Zhuxian was so powerful that it directly cut off the galaxy. The terrifying artistic conception spread, and even the avenue was wiped out.

All beings who were above the Great Saint realm, no matter how remote and distant they were, could feel the horror of this sword energy in the dark.

Especially those who knew about it were even more shocked. You must know that after this sword was slashed, the breath of the incarnation of Yuhua Emperor on Nanli Star completely disappeared.

In other words, this sword energy directly accomplished a feat that shocked the world, that is, the Nizhan Emperor.

In the universe of the Heaven-shaking, the existence of the emperor is supreme, and he is the strongest in everyone's mind.

Even those forbidden area masters who cut themselves in the dark forbidden area dare not say that they can defeat the emperor lightly.

But at this time, this existence was actually killed, and so cleanly!

A sword energy was cut out, and the emperor's incarnation was not even left with dregs.

In the distant starry sky, there is a majestic and sacred mountain, exuding an immortal breath, which is the Immortal Mountain in the forbidden area of ​​life.

At this time, there are several thoughts constantly communicating on the Immortal Mountain.

"Oh my goodness, the incarnation of Yuhua died just like that? This sword energy is too terrifying!"

"An incarnation is nothing. Yuhua's incarnation is not very strong. Any powerful Great Sage can defeat him, but the key is this sword energy. The power carried in the sword energy is really shocking!"

"Yes, I, the Stone Emperor, have never seen such pure sword energy in my life. With one sword strike, it seems that the entire universe of the nine heavens and ten earths will be destroyed. If the power of the sword striker is not strong enough, I even suspect that she can shatter the entire universe with one sword and let everything fall into nothingness.

Such a fierce sword energy, there is no second one in the past and present. If I face this sword energy, I am afraid I will be afraid even when I am still the emperor."

"So, Stone Emperor, are you scared? Didn't you say you were hungry and wanted to start a dark turmoil before? Do you still have such thoughts now?"

"Forget it. Although I am hungry, I can still hold on for a while. When will the dark turmoil not start?

This sword energy is too fierce. I'm afraid that when I get out, I'll be beheaded like an old boy who has become an immortal. Wouldn't that be an unjust death? "

There were also whispers coming from the Taichu ancient mine.

The Corpse Emperor, the Ancient Qilin Emperor, the Ancient Phoenix Emperor, etc. are also constantly communicating with each other using their spiritual thoughts.

These former ancient emperors and great emperors needed the energy of all living beings to supplement their lives after beheading themselves.

And dark turmoil is their best way to plunder the essence of all living beings.

Generally speaking, they would not choose the emperor to launch dark turmoil in his prime.

Because in his prime period, the Great Emperor was extremely powerful in combat, extremely rich in energy and blood, able to continuously break through himself, and had amazing endurance.

And if these ancient emperors who killed themselves want to regain their peak combat power, they must strive to sublimate, but this is a heavy burden for them and they cannot fight for a long time. Only when the emperor's physical strength declines and his energy and blood are depleted after he enters old age is the best time to launch dark turmoil.

The endurance of these old emperors often declines rapidly, and they have a numerical advantage in these restricted areas of life. At this time, launching a dark turmoil can not only plunder a large amount of life essence, but sometimes if you are lucky, you can even directly kill the old emperor and obtain the great emperor essence. Blood replenishes their vitality.

Of course, this is not absolute. Sometimes the Supremes in the Life Forbidden Zone have just exhausted their Life Essence. If they don't replenish their Life Essence, they will be left in limbo. At this time, they will choose to plunder, regardless of whether the Emperor is in his prime period or not. Starting a dark turmoil, after all, there is nothing more important than life.

Besides, unless you encounter a particularly powerful emperor, with several supreme beings joining forces, ordinary emperors may not be their opponents even in their prime.

For example, the Great Emperor of the Void belongs to this kind of unlucky emperor. During the 10,000 years when he became emperor, it happened to be the time when the supreme beings in the restricted area needed the essence of life the most. Therefore, he spent his whole life fighting, bleeding the void, relying on With the help of endless formations, the world's seven most restricted areas of life were silenced, and they continued to fight in bloody battles until their later years. In the end, they even dragged the two supreme beings to death together by feigning death.

It turns out that the Taichu Ancient Mine was already brewing to launch a dark turmoil, because the life essence absorbed by the Qilin Ancient Emperor and the Phoenix Ancient Emperor in the Taichu Ancient Mine has almost been exhausted, and they must absorb the essence of life to continue their lives.

But at this time, the two ancient emperors also fell into hesitation.

They are the demon emperors, and their natural spiritual senses are sharper than those of the human emperors. Even across the endless void, the two of them can feel the terrifying artistic conception contained in the sword energy that cuts through the galaxy.

The aura of destruction and destruction in the artistic conception made them feel a little shuddering.

This is the most powerful secret method of fighting, the most powerful magical power that is born for fighting and killing.

They all felt that if they were struck by this sword energy, even supreme beings like them would die.

However, the situation of these two ancient emperors has reached an urgent level. If they do not swallow the essence of life, they will not be able to survive for many years.

Therefore, although they were afraid in their hearts, the two ancient emperors had no choice but to shoot their arrows.

However, the two ancient emperors were more cautious and did not take action immediately. Instead, they secretly sent minions to explore the information about this sword energy.

In the distant sea of ​​​​stars, in a secret place, a being slowly opened his eyes, and an extremely domineering and solemn aura rushed into the sky, shaking even the stars.

Compared to the already timid Life Zone Supreme, this existence seems much more domineering.

He looked far away in the direction of Nan Lixing, with a hint of interest in his eyes.

"It's interesting, it's interesting. After I faked my death, I looked down at the vast world for countless years and made countless plans, just to refine the two worlds into a tripod, obtain the supreme immortal weapon, and possess supreme power.

I didn't expect that such interesting power would appear in the human world.

I vaguely felt that there was another towering avenue hidden in this sword energy. It was different from the secret realm of the human body, but another completely different system of detachment. It was really interesting.

I really want to try the power of this sword energy head-on. There must be a big secret hidden in it, and it may even allow me to find a new path. "

He looked impatient, and even couldn't help but want to be born early.

In addition to this existence, there are also several existences in Zhetian Universe waking up from their slumber.

In a hill, there were fat round faces sticking out of the ground. This person was buried underground for some reason. After waking up, he first shook off the dust on his body, and then showed a confused look. , looking in the direction of Nanli Star in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the distant star field, there is an existence holding a heavenly sword in his hand, his eyes slightly narrowed, and he is also looking in the direction of Nanli Star, his face full of fighting spirit.

Obviously, the great beings in the entire Zhetian World were alarmed by Xiao Nannan's sword energy that did not belong to the Zhetian World.

Although it was just a sword energy, it caused a shocking wave in the entire Zhetian universe.

But the most shocking thing at this time is not these existences hiding in the dark, but the Yuhua Emperor who is retreating in the Yuhua Star.

At this time, the Yuhua Emperor was sitting in the Yuhua Palace. The huge training field was pure white, with feathers on the floor and countless white tortoise shells hanging on the walls. Only the Yuhua Emperor was sitting in the center of the training field, wearing a black robe, with an extremely expression on his face. of surprise.

His right hand was currently clutching his left chest. There was a long scar on his chest, which started from the left chest and ran through half of his body, extending directly to the root of his right thigh.

The little girl's sword not only killed his incarnation, but also followed the connection between the incarnation and the body and directly traveled through the void, striking him with a sword.

In fact, this is not a strange thing. After all, the sword of the little girl triggered a trace of the three sword energy left in the Qinglian Sword by the Tongtian Cult Leader.

For a saint, the sword is the cause and effect. A sword strike seems to be an incarnation, but what it actually strikes is more like a concept, the fundamental concept of a person's existence in the world.

The sword in the incarnation is equivalent to the sword in the body.

There were black auras lingering around the edge of this wound. These black auras kept eating his flesh and blood, corroding his body.

But this is nothing, the physical injuries are just minor, and it is not something difficult to deal with for Emperor Yuhua.

Even if there was a terrifying aura of death attached to this wound, he could still kill it.

What was really terrifying was that in addition to the wounds on his body, there was also a crack on the Great Dao of Yuhua Emperor himself.

You must know that the essence of enlightenment for ordinary emperors of the Zhetian Universe is to integrate the Tianxin Seal.

The Tianxin Seal is the condensed form of the Great Law of the entire universe, and it is an incomparable and supreme existence.

After the Great Emperor and the Tianxin Seal merged, they became like water and milk, becoming one whole body.

And the little girl's sword actually caused a slight crack to appear between the Yuhua Emperor and the Tianxin Seal.

Don't underestimate this tiny crack. You must know that the reason why those ancient emperors became the supreme ones in the restricted area of ​​life is because they cut themselves off. Once the crack expands, the feathered emperor may even fall from the realm of the emperor.

Once he falls, the Feathered Emperor will become one of those supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life.

What a terrible thing.

It can be said that if Xiao Nannan's sword energy was a little more powerful, she could even directly knock down the Feathered Emperor from the Great Emperor's status with one sword.

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