All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 242 Do you want to skip class and kill a dragon for fun?

Xiao Nannan naturally didn't know that so many things had happened in the universe and so many beings were shocked by her sword.

However, Xiao Nannan had some vague awareness of the situation of the Yuhua Emperor.

She could feel that the sword energy she swung passed through the endless void and slashed on an extremely hard object.

However, Xiao Nannan didn't have time to think about the reason now. Her top priority now was to leave Nanli Star as soon as possible.

And the destination Xiao Nannan chose was naturally the Beidou Star Region.

There were other places to choose from on the star map that Pu Yunqi gave her, which were not necessarily inferior to the Beidou Star Region. For example, there were many holy places of major sects in the Ziwei Star Region, where many emperors were born, leaving behind many inheritances and a lot of room for development.

However, most of the information Xu Chenzhou provided to Xiao Nannan was in the Beidou Star Region.

After all, the main plot of the world of the Heaven-shaking World is basically on the Beidou Star, and the writing of other places is much worse than that of the Beidou Star.

However, Xiao Nannan's current timeline is roughly 200,000 years earlier than the time when Ye Fan came to Beidou, so many of the information recorded in the Heaven Covering may not be available, but even so, Beidou Star Region is still the best choice.

You must know that Beidou Star is extremely glorious, and too many emperors and ancient emperors have left their footprints here. It contains all kinds of opportunities, and its foundation is not comparable to other star regions.

If you really want to develop quickly, Beidou Star is definitely the best choice.

And the group chat at this time is also very lively.

Yang Chan (disciple of Wahuang Palace): "I was really scared just now. Although it was an incarnation, the aura of the Emperor Yuhua was really amazing.

I feel that if his real body could descend to the prehistoric world, it would probably be comparable to the immortal-level cultivators. It's really scary.

I remember that in the group leader's information, it was said that the emperor of the world of Zhetian did not become an immortal, but ordinary immortals in the prehistoric world might not even last ten seconds in front of him.

But fortunately, Xiao Nannan drew out the sword energy left by Teacher Tongtian, which saved the danger."

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "There's nothing strange about this, it's just the same name.

Although they are both immortals, the gap between different worlds is still very large.

Just like the immortal stage realm in the world of Zhetian, its There is a person who is in a small realm and is called a saint, but this saint is really different from the saints in the prehistoric world. "

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "Although it was just a glimpse, it can still be seen that the talent of the Emperor Yuhua is quite good.

That Yuhua Seal is really a fantastic idea.

The Emperor Yuhua has never seen a true immortal, but he has nurtured an immortal in his heart, imitating its shape, communicating with its spirit, and then trying to become an immortal.

Although this road did not work, it also gave me a lot of inspiration.

Sure enough, few people who can become emperors are simple. "

Everyone talked about the Emperor Yuhua for a while, and highly affirmed Xiao Nannan's choice. Beidouxing is indeed the best choice at present.

As they talked, the direction of the conversation went astray. I don’t know who took the lead. Slowly, they stopped talking about business and started talking about their daily lives.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Everyone's life is so exciting, but I'm still in school. It's really boring.

How long will it take to go to school? I haven't hunted for a long time. I'm itching to go.

Or I'll skip class and find two unlucky dragon kings to chop."

Lu Mingfei lay on the desk, staring at the window next to him with lifeless eyes, looking like a dried salted fish.

After returning from the Monster Hunter World, his life was not too exciting except for his hard work in training.

The reason for this choice was that he had lived a life of wandering and bloodshed in the Monster Hunter World for eight years.

After suddenly returning to Earth, he yearned for a peaceful daily life in his heart, so he returned to his daily life directly.

Except for using some small tricks to make a sum of money and moving out of his aunt's house, his life trajectory was almost the same as before the time travel.

But now he is a hunting master after all. The occasional daily rest is like a harbor for his soul, but such a long-term dull life makes him feel itchy.

The problem is that after reading his own story, Lu Mingfei doesn't really want to kill the dragon kings he can find.

If he kills Norton, Lao Tang will die, and if he kills Jörmungandr, Xia Mi will die.

Lu Mingfei doesn't like tragedy. In the original world, he had no choice. The relationship between dragons and humans was one of life and death. .

But now that he has a chat group, he can find ways to save many tragedies.

Since he is here, crossing two worlds and connecting countless miracles, he naturally wants to change all of this and save all of this.

Of course, Lu Mingfei is not completely without dragon kings he wants to kill, but the problem is that he can't find the dragon kings he wants to kill.

By the way, where is that bastard Odin?

But if he can really find Odin, Lu Mingfei's willingness to do it is not particularly strong.

It's not that Odin shouldn't die, but mainly that Odin should die at the hands of Chu Zihang.

Now, Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang have only met once, but after reading the story of the Dragon Clan, Lu Mingfei has already regarded Chu Zihang as his good friend in his heart, so he naturally hopes that Chu Zihang can kill Odin with his own hands and fulfill his wish.

Or else, go to Japan to play. Although Herzog has not become the new White King yet, it is definitely right to kill this kind of scum. Lu Mingfei fell into deep thought.

Luo Feng (apprentice of the martial arts school): "I understand your feelings. I feel the same way now. I feel that my current combat power has reached the level of a god of war, but I have no place to use it in school.

Otherwise, I will not go to school and just join the martial arts school."

Luo Feng was practicing boxing in a training room dedicated to him. Every punch and every move of his brought gusts of wind, like a typhoon, with amazing power.

His fist wind alone scraped the walls of the training room with scars of about two inches, which looked extremely terrifying.

Luo Feng has joined the chat group for some time. During this period of time, he has been dormant and practicing silently.

In addition to choosing Yangshen Taoism as a training system to assist in cultivation, Luo Feng also chose the Heaven-Covering Method for cultivation.

The Heaven Covering Method is very suitable for Devouring the Universe. The spiritual energy on Earth is thin, and the Heaven Covering Method's demand for resources is much lower than that of the Perfect Method and the Primordial Immortal Way.

In addition, human energy is limited, and he has no confidence to take into account multiple cultivation systems and advance simultaneously.

Of course, Luo Feng is not excluding the cultivation systems of other worlds. He just focuses on Devouring the World and the Heaven Covering Method, and then supplements the methods of other cultivation systems during the cultivation process.

For example, in the apprentice stage, he borrowed the human immortal martial arts of the Yangshen World to practice body, the blood-moving realm of the Perfect Method to practice strength, and then cooperated with the advanced system of the Devouring World itself to advance simultaneously.

You must know that the initial growth of the Devouring World's cultivation system is very amazing, not inferior to the Perfect Method at all.

The primary war god alone has a punch of 64,000 kilograms of power, the ultimate war god has a punch of 128,000 kilograms, and the ultimate war god has a power of 265,000 kilograms.

This is a very scary data. You must know that when Hong Yi joined the chat group, he had the assistance of various resources and practiced for a whole month before he cultivated a power of 60,000 kilograms.

Standing in the Devouring World, this kind of power is only equivalent to a primary God of War.

Of course, the resources of the chat group are not the same as before. The new members can obtain much richer skills and various training materials than at that time.

So after Luo Feng had the resources of the chat group, after such a long time of practice, his fist power has reached 150,000 jin, which is stronger than the ordinary Ultimate God of War.

Of course, the most important thing is that Luo Feng also has the Divine Power Talisman.

Each member of the group has one of this thing. For some of the current group members, the pure increase in physical strength is not very meaningful, but for Luo Feng, it is just right.

Once the Divine Power Talisman is activated, he can get a five-fold increase in strength, and in an instant he has a huge force of 750,000 jin. Even the Ultimate God of War is nothing but a chicken and a dog in front of him.

So at this time, Luo Feng's self-confidence is extremely inflated. He feels that he is invincible on the earth.

Even if Hong and Lei Shen stand in front of him, Luo Feng feels that he can slap these two warrior myths to death with a slap.

But this is indeed true. After cheating with the magic talisman, Luo Feng has become invincible among the warriors on Earth.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Why don't you two learn from me and talk to the principal of the school to show your strength. You don't have to go to school in the future, and you can still get your diploma. Isn't it wonderful?"

Xu Chenzhou did this. Although he didn't go to school, he had a star-level warrior certificate, so when he reached the age of graduation, he could automatically get a high school diploma.

After all, for a school, it is a very glorious thing to be able to train a star-level warrior in school.

Of course, with Xu Chenzhou's current strength, let alone a star-level warrior, even the most difficult Sunrise Warrior Certificate is easy.

But with his current status, he no longer needs to use the certificate to obtain any privileges.

Lu Mingfei (campus beauty killer): "Group leader, you always give bad ideas. Your tricks may work in Luo Feng's world. If he shows his god of war strength, the principal may kneel down and lick his shoes.

But if I do this in front of the principal, someone will probably come to me for tea the next day.

Well, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. I haven't learned about the mixed-blood forces in China. Maybe there are special institutions in China to manage mixed-bloods. Maybe I can get a civil servant system at that time."

Lu Mingfei was a little tempted at first. If he could get the principal, he would have more free time. When he wanted to go to school, he would come to school for a while, and when he didn't want to go to school, he would continue to do his own things.

But after thinking about it carefully, Lu Mingfei still felt that it was a bit troublesome. After showing his strength, there would definitely be many problems in the future.

It's better to wait patiently for the enrollment of Kassel College. Once he was admitted by Kassel College, he could be a good boy.

Zishou (the descendant of Xuanniao): "Great, you all have a school, I want to go to school too!"

Zishou sat on a big rock, looking at the skinny slaves passing by, his eyes flashing with a hint of longing.

Yang Chan (a disciple of Nuwa Palace): "You are the future emperor of man, didn't your father hire a teacher for you?"

Zishou (the descendant of Xuanniao): "Of course there is. As the heir of the Shang Dynasty, my father hired three teachers to teach me the art of civil and military strategy and the art of being an emperor.

I envy Mingfei and his friends not because they can learn knowledge, but because they can play and study with friends of the same age.

However, in the entire Shang Dynasty, there are only a few people like me who have the conditions to study. Most of the people live under heavy labor, and even become slaves of the gods. They can't even eat enough every day, and they can't wear clothes. Warm, can't even survive, let alone go to school.

One day, I will make the people of the world well fed and clothed, no longer have to be slaves, and like your world, everyone can go to school! "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Very spirited! I'm optimistic about you, young man!

Whatever life you want, create it with your own hands.

Of course, if you can't handle it, you can always call Didi to beat people, our chat group is your strongest backing!"

Zishou's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance, and he looked at the horizon from time to time.

Before joining the chat group, he had always sympathized with the people in Chaoge City, thinking that their lives were too hard, working day and night, and working hard all their lives but couldn't even earn a straw mat.

At that time, he came to the place where the slaves worked every day, and he was very sympathetic in his heart, but he couldn't do anything.

After joining the chat group, he felt even more sorry for these people.

Because he knew what a person's life in this world should be like.

You can eat enough, wear warm clothes, have dignity, have hobbies, and live the life you want.

Of course, no matter which group member's world, there are all kinds of unfairness, but at least everyone can live as a person.

But these slaves in Chaoge City sometimes live worse than pigs and dogs.

So at this time, Zishou wants to overturn this sky and the gods living in this sky even more!

Feeling the blazing flame in his hand and the uplifting soul of the phoenix living in his heart, Zishou knows that this day will not be too far away.

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