All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 243 The group is full of laughter

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Speaking of school, I also want my sisters to go to school.

Although my sisters all recognize me as their elder sister, their personalities still have great flaws due to the sequelae of using learning devices to learn knowledge and grow rapidly.

I want them to be able to live their own lives, so that they can slowly integrate into this world and experience the beauty of this world."

Misaka Mikoto is currently in the training ground, which is a secret base she transformed to train the Misaka War God Corps and teach them the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist.

Since the showdown with Aleister, Misaka Mikoto has gradually become more reckless.

Since she has openly challenged Aleister, is there any other force that she needs to pay special attention to?

In order to provide food, clothing, housing and transportation for her three thousand sisters, Misaka Mikoto sold several advanced technologies from the Star Domain World to several scientific research institutions in exchange for a large amount of funds.

These technologies were developed through the mechanical special police killed by Xu Chenzhou a long time ago, including alloy formulas, battery technology, etc.

The technology of the Star Domain World is naturally far superior to that of Academy City. Although the technology given by Misaka Mikoto was selected by her and was not the kind of revolutionary technology, it still brought Misaka Mikoto a lot of money.

Even the decoration cost of the training ground they are using now was from these funds.

The style of these technologies is very different from that of Academy City, but Misaka Mikoto took them out without any concealment, and the main point is arrogance.

She is not afraid of anyone coveting the origin of these technologies. If someone thinks that they can catch the enhanced version of the super-electromagnetic gun that can hit down satellites, they can try it.

The only person in the entire Academy City who is qualified to intervene in this matter is Aleister.

And Aleister, for some reason, has not tried again until now, and is extremely quiet, as if he is dead.

In front of Misaka Mikoto, three thousand Misaka sisters lined up neatly in a square formation, and each sister kept a half-meter distance between them, no matter up, down, left, or right. It was very accurate, just like measured with a ruler, and the sisters' expressions were also dead fish faces, with dull eyes, like robots.

After spending so many days with Misaka Mikoto, the sisters still don't quite understand the meaning of life, nor can they understand emotions.

This is why Misaka Mikoto wants to send the sisters to school. In the case of sisters, the most important thing to do is to contact more people and make more friends.

The reason why Misaka 10032 in the original timeline has such abundant emotions is that the Misaka network can share the spiritual world of all Misaka sisters, including all the feelings and memories of those Misaka sisters who have died.

In fact, the original Misaka sisters were very dull. They were quickly cultivated through learning devices and didn't understand any emotions at all.

Until more than 10,000 Misaka sisters sacrificed themselves one after another, they slowly came into contact with everything in this world, which allowed the later Misaka sisters to develop human emotions.

The current sisters are the earliest version, and there is not much data in the Misaka network, so they are still in the initial version.

So Misaka Mikoto wants the sisters to go to school, make more friends, and have their own lives, so that they can truly understand what human emotions are and truly become a living person.

When teaching the sisters the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist, Misaka Mikoto used the Misaka network for transmission, because she knew that Aleister was always monitoring her every move.

In the original timeline, Misaka Mikoto was not in the Misaka network, but this does not mean that Misaka Mikoto cannot access the Misaka network.

After all, the sisters' superpowers are just Misaka Mikoto's lower abilities. As the mother body, how could she not have the function of accessing the Misaka network?

Moreover, the last work of this timeline has not been born, and the Misaka network has no manager, so Misaka Mikoto can access it at any time.

However, Misaka Mikoto usually does not access the Misaka network. She will only join when she needs to use the Misaka network.

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): Let them go to school and slowly learn the meaning of feelings? This is a good idea, but it is a bit difficult to implement.

After all, if three thousand identical Misaka sisters are allowed to enter the school of Academy City, it will definitely attract the attention of many ordinary people.

And you are now the top superpower in Academy City, an absolute big star. Having so many individuals who look exactly like you will definitely cause great trouble to your life.

But if they are allowed to go to school in different parts of the world, wouldn’t it be in line with Aleister’s plan for the artificial heaven. ”

Zhang Junbao considered it very carefully. After all, there are too many sisters, and three thousand identical individuals are too conspicuous.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "It doesn’t matter. After they practice the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist to the state of magnetic field rotation, they will be able to converge their own electromagnetic field, so that they will not become part of the artificial heaven.

When that time comes, I will send them to all parts of the world, so that each sister can have her own life."

Although the Misaka Valkyrie Corps is an extremely powerful force after practicing magnetic field rotation, and the sisters don't mind becoming tools of their sister, but Misaka Mikoto doesn't mind sending her sisters away and letting them leave her side.

Because Misaka Mikoto has never regarded her sisters as a weapon.

She has always been sympathetic and distressed to her sisters, and even always felt that she owed her sisters, otherwise she would not have risked her life to challenge Accelerator for her sisters in the original timeline.

Misaka Mikoto's words made Xu Chenzhou fall into deep thought. Good guy, if Misaka Mikoto really did this, it would lead to 3,000 female warriors who have mastered the realm of magnetic field rotation scattered all over the world. Fortunately, Misaka's sister's emotions are very stable, and she will not be like those crazy guys who really practice magnetic field power, and will break all teeth at any time. Otherwise, the picture is too beautiful and people dare not watch it at all.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "By the way, Junbao, how are you and Guo Xiang doing recently? I haven't seen you showing affection in the group for a long time."

After talking about Misaka Sister, Xu Chenzhou started gossiping about Zhang Junbao's relationship problems.

Recently, Zhang Junbao has not talked much about the progress between him and Guo Xiang in the group.

Speaking of Guo Xiang, the friends in the group immediately became gossipy and started discussing Zhang Junbao's relationship problems.

This pair of young lovers has slowly developed under their noses. Everyone is the CP leader, so naturally they are very keen to eat melons.

This made Zhang Junbao look a little bit amused.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "The relationship between Xiang'er and I is naturally going very well, but we have never broken this window paper.

By the way, I forgot to tell you that the Condor Heroes and his wife had come to Xiangyang City a few days ago to learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts from me.

After all, Xiangyang City has now become the martial arts holy land of the Central Plains, and all the martial artists in the world have gathered here. Even if the Condor Heroes and his wife are idle and wild, they will be affected.

According to my observation, although Xiang'er was very happy after meeting the hero Yang Guo, that was all.

Except for taking me to have a meal with them, she has not looked for the hero Yang Guo since then. It is obvious that she has untied the knot in her heart."

Speaking of this, Zhang Junbao also seemed a little proud.

Just after knowing that Yang Guo had come to Xiangyang City, he was extremely nervous. When Guo Xiang and Yang Guo reunited, his palms even began to sweat.

If the martial artists in Xiangyang City saw this scene, they would definitely not believe their eyes.

That immortal-like little sword fairy, the blood-slaughterer in the eyes of the Mongols, would actually show such an expression, which was incredible.

It was not until Zhang Junbao saw Guo Xiang's performance later that he felt relieved.

For him, being with his beloved Miss Guo was even happier than comprehending the golden elixir martial arts.

In fact, at the beginning, he saw in the group owner's information that Miss Guo Xiang had followed the footsteps of the hero Yang Guo for more than ten years, and had been looking for him everywhere but could not see him. She was infatuated with him and spent half her life in the world.

Zhang Junbao felt very distressed just by that paragraph.

At the beginning, Zhang Junbao was not sure that he could win Guo Xiang, and he was very nervous, but as the two continued to get along, Zhang Junbao's heart became more and more stable, because he could feel that Guo Xiang was getting closer and closer to him.

But this is also normal. If you can get the love in the world, then it can naturally last for a long time, and the heaven and earth are unwilling to break up with you.

But if you can't get the love, there are fewer people who can continue to do so. Those who can love but not get the love are basically those who don't have anyone who can compare with the white moonlight.

For Guo Xiang, Yang Guo is her white moonlight.

The reason why she was able to look for Yang Guo for so long was not only because of her love, but also because of her obsession with not getting the love. But the biggest reason was that there was no one who could be compared with Yang Guo around her.

What kind of person is the hero of the Condor Heroes? His appearance is not to be underestimated. When they first met at Fengling Ferry, they ruined their lives at the sight of Yang Guo. I don't know how many peerless beauties fell for him and delayed their lives.

In the whole world of Jianghu, there are no more than ten people who can compare with him in terms of appearance and character.

In addition to appearance, martial arts, personality, power, and interpersonal relationships, the version of Yang Guo in the Condor Heroes is absolutely the best.

Guo Xiang met the king bomb at the beginning, and later those ordinary heroes in the world of Jianghu were tasteless in her eyes.

But now Guo Xiang is facing Zhang Junbao, who is a super enhanced version of the chat group.

Facing Yang Guo, Zhang Junbao is inferior to Yang Guo in almost every way except for his slightly inferior appearance.

Moreover, after practicing the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, Zhang Junbao's appearance has also been greatly improved. In fact, he is not inferior to Yang Guo.

In addition, Zhang Junbao has always been by Guo Xiang's side, traveling with her in the world, so it is only natural that he can finally take Guo Xiang down.

Lu Mingfei (campus beauty killer): "If that's the case, then I'll wait to drink your wedding wine!"

After Lu Mingfei said this, the group was immediately flooded with this sentence. Everyone copied Lu Mingfei's speech and posted it in the chat group.

For a while, the group chat was full of laughter, and only Zhang Junbao blushed, not looking like a young sword fairy at all.

From the perspective of the modern world, Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang are not yet of marriageable age, but this is not the case in the world of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber. Some of their peers have even given birth to children.

Xu Chenzhou is also looking forward to that day. If he can really drink the wedding wine of Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang, it can be regarded as fulfilling his unsatisfied feelings when he watched The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber.

Everyone continued to chat about this topic for a while. As they were chatting, Yang Chan suddenly thought of something.

Yang Chan (disciple of Nuwa Palace): "By the way, I thought of one thing. Xiao Nannan's performance this time is so extraordinary.

The Yuhua Divine Dynasty will definitely pay great attention to Xiao Nannan. Will they discover Xiao Nannan's identity at that time?

You know, Xiao Nannan's brother is still in their hands. What if the Yuhua Divine Dynasty threatens her with Xiao Nannan's brother?"

Yang Chan spoke with an extremely solemn expression. She knew how important Xiao Nannan's brother was to her.

Xiao Nannan (Yuhua Killer): "I learned from Pu Yunqi that he has confirmed my identity, but before I could tell anyone, I have killed all the soldiers who came to investigate this time, so my identity will not be exposed for the time being.

In fact, even if my identity is really exposed, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

I can feel that my sword just now caused a serious injury to Emperor Yuhua, so he should be very afraid of my existence now.

Life on Mars is very hard, I don't know how long my brother can last there.

At least after they found out my identity. They will definitely save my brother's life, even if the blood sacrifice is really carried out, it will not be my brother's turn."

Xiao Nannan had thought about everything before she drew her sword, so she was not worried about it at all.

While talking, Xiao Nannan used the breath-holding technique while moving quickly towards the five-color altar on Nanli Star.

It is no longer safe here, and she must leave Nanli Star as soon as possible.

She was highly focused and ready to use the cross-world function to leave the world of Zhatian at any time.

Because she didn't know whether the Emperor Yuhua would come out in person to find her on Nanli Star.

Even though the universe was extremely vast, it would not take much time for the Emperor to reach Nanli Star with his magical powers.

If the Emperor Yuhua came in person, then Xiao Nannan would have no choice but to leave the Zhatian World.

Fortunately, she was very safe along the way. It was obvious that the old Emperor Yuhua did not dare to travel in a high-profile manner, because this would expose the fact that he was aging. Once the horror hidden in the darkness discovered his current state, it would probably be a one-way trip, and the starry sky would be bloody in the end.

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