All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 244: Cao Xin Tang's covetousness, Qian Kun Yi Qi Mi

After Xiao Nannan stepped into the five-color altar, the group members were relieved.

After Xiao Nannan followed the guidance on the star map and left Nanli Star for Beidou, it was difficult for Yuhua Divine Dynasty to find her whereabouts.

It is almost impossible to find a tiny individual in the vast sea of ​​​​the universe.

Unless you use the deduction-type magical power to calculate Xiao Nannan's whereabouts.

But you must know that with the protection of the chat group, Xiao Nannan's fate is completely unpredictable.

In the prehistoric world, even the saints can't see the truth of Yang Chan, let alone the cultivators of Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

Xu Chenzhou also breathed a sigh of relief, and then he looked at the chat group panel. This time, Xiao Nannan's experience did not trigger the growth task of the chat group.

It may be because although the situation Xiao Nannan encountered this time was dangerous, it was not a turning point for her to change her fate, so it did not trigger the group chat task.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not care too much. With the resources he has now, as long as he continues to grow step by step, his future is limitless. It is good to have the rewards of the chat group, but it doesn't matter if there are none.

Watching Xiao Nannan embark on the journey to Beidouxing, Xu Chenzhou's heart began to look forward to it.

The well-known treasures in the universe of Zhatian appeared in his mind, such as the Dao Sutra, the Du Ren Sutra, the Nine Secrets of Taoism, the Taiyin Sutra, the Taiyang Sutra, the Luan Gu Sutra, etc.

These treasures and magic arts are all on Beidouxing.

But unfortunately, the timeline is too early now. After Xiao Nannan was born, there were nearly 20 emperors before the era of Zhatian, so many famous ancient scriptures have not been born at this time.

In addition to these treasures, there are many magic weapons and treasures on Beidouxing, and even the extreme emperor weapons left by the emperors, which are also very valuable for the current chat group.

Now the only treasure that the group members in the group chat can really show off is the Qinglian Sword, but sometimes taking out the Qinglian Sword is like using an anti-aircraft gun to kill a mosquito, which is somewhat wasteful.

Moreover, although the Qinglian Sword is good, its power is too strong. Once the sword is out, no one will be left alive, and it is not applicable in many situations.

If Xiao Nannan can get a powerful magic weapon, she can alleviate the current embarrassing situation.

After retracting his thoughts, Xu Chenzhou immersed himself in cultivation again. His current priority is to quickly advance his realm to the stage of a fifth-level warrior. Only in this way can he truly have confidence in the star domain world and not fear any danger.

Xu Chenzhou reads the news from the front line every day. The Star Domain Alliance does not have an advantage in this cross-clan war. Because the supporting troops have been delayed in arriving, and the Tianji Clan has done their best this time, the human race's defense line has been shrinking.

After shrinking the defense line, the planets before the defense line are equivalent to falling into the control of the Tianji Clan.

In the star domain world, the battles between different races are the most brutal. There is no need to take prisoners, nor is there any mercy. Plunder and destruction are the main themes.

However, the Tianji Clan's means of war this time are relatively mild. They did not massacre the occupied planets, but only plundered and then put the survivors under military control.

So far, hundreds of planets have been caught in the flames of war, and dozens of planets have fallen under the control of the Tianji Clan.

When Xu Chenzhou thought of the crisis in the future, he became more anxious. Although he still had a backup plan, that is, to take his family to other worlds.

But if possible, he didn't want to be such a dog who lost his home.

Since he obtained the Five Elements Theory of Yuanshi Tianzun, Xu Chenzhou's martial arts training path has been particularly smooth.

Now he only needs to adjust his body and run in the conflicts between the extraordinary organs and the body condensed by the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Five Elements Chaos Gong in the fourth-level warrior stage, and then he can start trying to break through the fifth-level warrior.

If other martial arts practitioners knew about this situation, they would probably be shocked.

For ordinary martial artists, every year they form an extraordinary organ, they need to walk on thin ice. After the condensation is successful, it often takes a long time to debug. Only after confirming that it is foolproof, they dare to proceed to the next step of condensation.

Who would be like Xu Chenzhou, condensing new extraordinary organs one after another like eating and drinking water.

If someone else did this, they would have exploded and died because of the imbalance of the five elements.

However, Xu Chenzhou had no concerns about this at all, because he had already sorted out the changes of the five elements in his body before condensing the five elements organs, and built a good follow-up development. Even Xu Chenzhou had considered the changes of the five elements after advancing to the fifth level.

The reason why he did not make the next breakthrough now is that his body needs to run in with these newly condensed organs, otherwise there will be an immune reaction.

There is no time in the mountains, and the cold and heat do not know the years.

The time of cultivation always passes very quickly. In the past few days, Xu Chenzhou controlled his body to constantly run in with these newly condensed organs.

The progress of running-in is quite fast. Under the premise of using the chat group's time acceleration, Xu Chenzhou estimated that he would be able to complete the running-in in another half a month.

However, in this way, Xu Chenzhou's chat group points are almost all gone.

Although group points can be obtained by signing in every day, they are used up very quickly. In addition to time acceleration, they are also needed for localization of skills, trial and error in cultivation, and the gate of crossing the world.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou would not use up all his points. He would keep some points in hand to deal with some emergencies.

After a long period of practice, Xu Chenzhou also felt that his mood was gradually getting a little bored.

Xu Chenzhou prefers a life of combining work and rest. Practice is necessary, and enjoyment is also necessary.

As a modern person, the driving force of his practice is to live a free life.

If it were not for the pressure from the Tianji Clan, Xu Chenzhou would not practice like an ascetic monk.

At this time, the two brothers sent a message to Xu Chenzhou, saying that the president of the Martial Arts Association had something to ask him, and asked him to go to the martial arts hall.

Xu Chenzhou frowned. The president of the Martial Arts Association, isn't that Liu Sanbian?

At this time, Xu Chenzhou suddenly remembered that he hadn't been to the martial arts hall for almost a month and a half. Since he became a hands-off shopkeeper, he handed over all matters of the martial arts hall and the company to the two brothers, and didn't ask about it at all.

Xu Chenzhou made a decision. In this case, let's go to the martial arts hall.

Xu Chenzhou walked into the elevator and took the elevator to the underground garage.

Xu Chenzhou's house is very big, with a total of five floors, each floor covers an area of ​​about 400 square meters, which can definitely be called a luxury house.

The area of ​​the underground garage is also 400 square meters, and a black maglev car is parked alone in the garage.

This maglev car is a limited edition sports car produced by Tianchi Company, Tianchi Lei Jue, which is limited to 300 units worldwide.

Tianchi Company's status on Shuilan Star is roughly equivalent to Xu Chenzhou's Porsche in his previous life.

When Xu Chenzhou went to buy a car, he fell in love with this maglev car at first sight and bought it directly on the spot.

The body of this car is streamlined, and the arc on the outside of the car is full of power, shining with metallic luster, which looks cool and dazzling.

As soon as Xu Chenzhou waved his hand, the car sensed Xu Chenzhou's arrival, automatically drove to Xu Chenzhou's side, stopped in front of him with a handsome tail swing, and then automatically raised the side door.

This car is the biggest expense for Xu Chenzhou since he traveled through time, except for the house. It is the most advanced luxury car on the Blue Water Planet, and naturally carries high-end technology.

It has a 360-degree recognition function without blind spots. No matter where Xu Chenzhou stands, as long as he appears within a range of 30 meters around the car, he can control the car through gestures, voice and other means.

In addition, the outer shell of the car body is made of military-grade high-strength alloy, and the car body is said to be able to withstand the attack of a satellite cannon without deformation.

If it is used by ordinary people, it can reach a foolproof level.

Of course, for Xu Chenzhou, this so-called high-strength alloy is a flashy existence, so what if it can withstand satellite cannons.

The power of the attack of a fourth-level warrior has exceeded that of a satellite cannon, which can be called a human-shaped nuclear bomb. This car is just a large toy in front of them.

The interior of the car body is also very luxurious, and the seats in the car are made of the leather of the Hell Earth Dragon Beast.

This strange beast has a force comparable to that of a fourth-level warrior, and can escape underground, which is very difficult to deal with.

Each hunt requires at least a fourth-level warrior as the leader to take it down.

The most precious thing about this beast is its fur. Although it hides underground all year round, its fur is extremely white and soft after washing, making it the best choice for cushion seats.

In addition, other interior decorations in the car also use a variety of rare materials.

Xu Chenzhou chose accessories with low-key appearance, but the texture of the materials will not deceive people, making the interior space look grand and luxurious.

After getting on the maglev car, Xu Chenzhou set the White Crane Martial Arts Hall as the destination.

There are two driving modes for maglev cars, namely manual control and automatic driving.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou still prefers manual control. In his previous life, when he was tired from work and returned home, he would play a few driving games during his rest time. Horizon, GT Racing, etc. are all his common games.

However, driving in the city is more torturous, even after the maglev car was invented in the interstellar era. After all, in the interstellar era, the population capacity of a city far exceeds that of Xu Chenzhou's previous life, and the traffic volume is also much larger, so there will still be traffic jams and traffic jams.

So Xu Chenzhou still chose automatic driving.

The automatic driving function of the vehicle on Shuilanxing is much more advanced than that of Xu Chengzhou's previous life. The accident rate has been reduced to 0.0001%, and even if an accident occurs, there are various safety measures in the car to ensure the safety of the passengers, which has reached the level of daily use.

The most important thing is that Tiancheng City has set up an automatic driving channel for automatic driving vehicles. In this horizontal route, all vehicles are vehicles with automatic driving functions activated, and they are connected to the Internet throughout the journey to share the dispatch of the management bureau with other vehicles. There is almost no traffic jam, so the speed of automatic driving is far faster than manual operation.

Soon, Xu Chenzhou came to the White Crane Martial Arts Hall. After getting off the car, he walked straight into the office of the martial arts hall.

Liu Sanbian had been waiting for Xu Chenzhou in the office.

The two senior brothers were also drinking tea with Liu Sanbian, and the three of them were talking and laughing together.

The two senior brothers had changed a lot during this period of time. Xu Chenzhou could sense that the two senior brothers had now broken through to the second-level warrior stage and were consolidating their own cultivation.

This made Xu Chenzhou nod his head with satisfaction. The two senior brothers had worked hard for Baihe Martial Arts School for so many years, consuming a lot of energy, and had been stuck at the first-level martial arts without being able to break through. Now they can finally break through to the second level. Xu Chenzhou was only happy about this.

Since the two senior brothers chose their own martial arts, Xu Chenzhou spent half a day to guide the two senior brothers in the next practice.

This is why the two senior brothers successfully broke through from the first level to the second level in such a short time.

And with Xu Chenzhou's guidance, the two senior brothers' cultivation path is very stable, and the future is very promising.

The improvement of their cultivation also brought them confidence. Even when facing a big man like the president of the Martial Arts Association, the two senior brothers were neither humble nor arrogant, and their faces were calm.

Today, Liu Sanbian wore a suit that was somewhat similar to Xu Chenzhou's Tang suit in his previous life, and looked gentle and elegant.

Seeing that Xu Chenzhou finally arrived, Liu Sanbian immediately stood up and welcomed Xu Chenzhou in.

Last time, Qingyunzi from the Immortal Cultivator Association wanted to plot against him, but Liu Sanbian was willing to break up with the Immortal Cultivator Association to save him.

So Xu Chenzhou had a very good impression of Liu Sanbian.

When Xu Chenzhou sat down, Liu Sanbian immediately said straight to the point: "Chenzhou, this time your Baihe Company may have some small troubles, which are not particularly easy to solve."

In fact, when Xu Chenzhou knew that Liu Sanbian was looking for him, he knew that there must be a problem with Baihe.

Baihe Company?

Xu Chenzhou pondered in his heart.

In other words, it was not Baihe Martial Arts School that had an accident this time, but Baihe Company.

It seems that the problem should be with the degraded version of Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

Liu Sanbian continued, "You should know that Caoxintang has taken a fancy to Baihe Company's products and thinks it has great potential, so it wants to buy the genetic map and patent property rights of Qiankun Yiqi Rice from you."

Xu Chenzhou nodded and said, "I know about this matter. The two senior brothers have told me before. I have asked the two senior brothers to refuse them."

Xu Chenzhou naturally remembered this matter. A few weeks ago, the two senior brothers told him that a large company wanted to buy the patent property rights of Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

This large company is Caoxintang. The conditions they offered are quite good. The funds for buying out the copyright and patent alone are as high as 5 billion.

However, the conditions proposed by Caoxintang are also very harsh. Once the patent copyright is sold, Xu Chenzhou will be deemed to have given up everything related to Qiankun Yiqi Rice and shall not sell Qiankun Yiqi Rice and subsequent products cultivated based on Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

And Xu Chenzhou also needs to provide the genetic map of Qiankun Yiqi Rice to Caoxintang.

Xu Chenzhou naturally could not accept this condition, not to mention that the Qiankun Yiqi rice he was selling was just a degraded version.

The real Qiankun Yiqi rice was much stronger than the degraded version. Once this treaty was signed, it meant that he would not be able to sell the original Qiankun Yiqi rice as a product in the future.

And even if we don’t consider this and only look at the current money-making ability of Qiankun Yiqi rice, this business is definitely a loss.

Liu Sanbian sighed: "Cao Xin Tang is not a simple role. It monopolizes most of the extraordinary market on Shuilan Star with Tianxiang Tang, Yushou Tang, United Research Institute, Tianxing Pavilion, and Longquan Sword Forging Company.

The things that Cao Xin Tang likes, unless they are the industries of the other five large companies, almost nothing can escape their hands.

I got the news that Cao Xin Tang wants to attack Baihe Company and get the patent property rights it needs from you.

The influence of Cao Xin Tang is spread across major channels. Once it really makes up its mind, I am afraid that major channel merchants will not dare to take goods from you.

By then, your Qiankun Yiqi Rice may never be seen anywhere else except in the martial arts hall.

Even if it can be sold through online channels, it will also cause a large decline in the sales of Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

Not to mention that with the power of Cao Xin Group, it is easy to use tricks to discredit Qiankun Yiqi Rice."

This is a fatal blow to Baihe Company.

At first, Xu Chenzhou only sold Qiankun Yiqi rice in the martial arts hall, but the quality of this thing is really top-notch. Not only is it delicious, but the effect is also ridiculously good. It quickly became popular.

Qiankun Yiqi rice is also the flagship product of Baihe Company and the largest source of capital flow.

For Xu Chenzhou, these funds are equivalent to an accelerator for his cultivation. You must know that every breakthrough of an extraordinary warrior requires the collection of a large amount of rare materials. With sufficient funds, he can directly use money to collect these materials without running around.

Xu Chenzhou frowned: "Before I started the company, I had asked Mr. Zhou to say hello. Doesn't Caoxin Hall even intend to give Mr. Zhou face?"

Liu Sanbian spread his hands: "The emperor is far away, and the teacher is not on Shuilan Star, so these people have become arrogant.

And according to the information I got, they found that your Qiankun Yiqi rice is very valuable, with multiple cultivation directions, which can bring huge benefits to Caoxin Hall.

For businessmen, as long as the benefits are sufficient, they can drive them completely crazy.

Besides, the war on the front line this time was too fierce, and many gods and demons who went to support died, and no one knows how the teacher is now.

Not to mention that Caoxin Hall itself has three god-level warriors in charge. Even if the teacher really comes back, they are not afraid of the teacher at all.

As long as they can snatch the patent copyright from you, even if the teacher comes back, they can't do anything to them. "

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