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Chapter 245: The ultimate product heading for the stars

Hearing this, Xu Chenzhou could not help but nod his head. It turned out that Caoxintang had this idea. As long as the matter was settled, even if Zhou Xuanyi returned, he would not be able to change this established fact.

After all, there were several gods and demons behind Caoxintang, and Zhou Xuanyi's power alone could not shake the foundation of Caoxintang.

Xu Chenzhou sat on the chair, tapping the index and middle fingers of his right hand on the table regularly, and fell into deep thought.

The Qiankun Yiqi rice he sold in the Star Domain World was a degraded version, with only one-tenth of the effect of the original version.

For the practitioners in the Star Domain World, the greatest effect of Qiankun Yiqi rice is that it can subtly improve the strength of the physical body, allowing the warriors to practice to the limit of the human body faster.

This is very attractive to the apprentice warriors who have not yet achieved extraordinary warriors.

There are similar products on Shuilan Star, but the best of them are more than one level worse than Qiankun Yiqi rice, and at most only 70% of the effect of Qiankun Yiqi rice.

This is why within just a few months, Qiankun Yiqi rice was able to earn nearly 1.5 billion yuan in revenue for Xu Chenzhou.

You should know that in the first month after the establishment of Baihe Company, the revenue of Qiankun Yiqi rice was only 10 million yuan, but in the second month, the revenue soared to 200 million yuan, and in the third month, it directly soared to 1.2 billion yuan, which was an astonishing increase.

From this perspective, it is simply a pipe dream for Caoxintang to buy out all the patent rights of Qiankun Yiqi rice with 500,000 yuan. With this amount, Xu Chenzhou is confident that he can make this money within half a year.

Of course, the main reason why Qiankun Yiqi rice can make so much money is that Xu Chenzhou has no production costs.

These Qiankun Yiqi rice were all produced by Han Li using the Cangtian Creation Dew, and for this kind of crop that matures once a year, the ripening efficiency of the Cangtian Creation Dew is amazing.

After dilution, a drop of Cangtian Creation Dew can ripen 4,000 kilograms of Qiankun Yiqi rice.

It is simply a profit without any investment.

However, speaking of this, Xu Chenzhou has already prepared several production bases for Qiankun Yiqi rice, so that Baihe Company can achieve self-sufficiency.

Although this will cause him to make less money, it can save a lot of Cantian Creation Dew.

Another advantage of this production base is that it can allow him to explain the source of Qiankun Yiqi rice.

The current sales volume of Qiankun Yiqi rice is not so big, so it is not difficult to explain the source of Qiankun Yiqi rice.

His parents in the Star Domain World are indeed quite powerful. In addition to leaving behind a martial arts hall, they also left him a manor in the countryside.

Because the place is relatively open and the scenery is very beautiful, it is very suitable for practicing martial arts, so Xu Chengzhou would go to that manor from time to time to live for a while.

This manor is also the source of Qiankun Yiqi rice explained by Xu Chenzhou to the outside world.

But if he always purchases goods from Han Li, it will be difficult to explain all this when the business grows.

Seeing Xu Chenzhou silent for a long time, Liu Sanbian couldn't help but said: "Chenzhou, what do you think about this matter?

I really want to help you with this matter, but I really can't do anything.

The power of Cao Xintang is not simple. Even the martial arts association does not want to conflict with them, not to mention that I am just the president of a branch.

But then again, what magic does your company's Qiankun Yiqi rice have?

This thing is obviously just a product for the trainee market, but it can make Cao Xintang want to get it even if it offends the teacher.

Businessmen pursue profits. Logically speaking, even if the teacher is not on Shuilan Star now, and it is not even certain whether he can return safely from the battlefield, they don't need to risk offending the teacher to seize such a low-end product."

Xu Chenzhou had no doubts about this, he understood why.

In fact, when he took out the Qiankun Yiqi rice, he had already thought of this possibility.

After all, the Qiankun Yiqi rice that Xu Chenzhou took out was essentially the product of the original Qiankun Yiqi rice after degradation. From the genetic level, it was not much different from the original Qiankun Yiqi rice.

Although Xu Chenzhou had spent a lot of money to ask professionals to add a gene lock to the Qiankun instrument rice and encrypt the gene map before officially using the Qiankun Yiqi rice as a product.

This encryption is very safe. It is an encryption technology circulated from the headquarters of the Star Domain Alliance. At least there is no force on the Blue Water Star that can decrypt this encryption.

However, Cao Xintang is a professional researcher in this area after all, and its technical ability is definitely at the top level of Blue Water Star. Even if it is impossible to decrypt the encryption of the genetic breakthrough, Cao Xintang has various ways to bypass the gene map to study the Qiankun Yiqi rice. Perhaps Cao Xintang discovered the potential of the original Qiankun Yiqi rice in the process of studying the degraded version of the Qiankun Yiqi rice.

Of course, it is also possible that the Qiankun Yiqi rice comes from other worlds and has some genetic characteristics that the Star Domain world does not have, so it is quite valuable to Cao Xintang.

But to put it bluntly, all the resources in Xu Chenzhou's hands may have such risks. The degraded version of Qiankun Yiqi Rice is already the most low-key one among them. Xu Chenzhou can't not use the resources in his hands to make money just because there are risks.

After all, for the cultivation path of extraordinary warriors, money is directly linked to the speed of cultivation.

Although the compensation he received from the Martial Arts Association was not small, martial artists spend money on cultivation. If you don't spend money to buy many materials for condensing extraordinary organs, you have to collect them yourself.

This really takes a lot of time, and he is practicing the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Hole Gong. This technique is powerful, but many materials are extremely difficult to collect.

During a casual chat with Zhou Xuanyi, Xu Chenzhou once learned that a martial artist who practiced the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Hole Gong spent more than ten years traveling around the world in search of promotion materials, but he didn't collect the materials he wanted until he died of old age.

If all the materials for cultivation were bought with money, the compensation he received at the beginning would not last long. If he didn't find a new way to make money, it would definitely slow down his cultivation speed, and it would even be easy to get stuck at a bottleneck and not find the materials for promotion.

Xu Chenzhou understood that in such an extraordinary world, his own cultivation strength is the confidence, and other things are false.

And the most important thing is that Xu Chenzhou is confident in his cultivation speed. Even if someone discovers the extraordinaryness of Qiankun Yiqimi, as long as his strength is strong enough, then all this will not be a problem.

However, at that time, Xu Chenzhou really did not expect that there would be problems so soon. It should be because Baihe Company expanded too fast, which aroused the vigilance of Caoxintang.

In addition, the major event of the Tianji Clan attacking the Star Domain Alliance occurred, and all the gods and demons were transferred away from Shuilan Star, which temporarily invalidated Xu Chenzhou's umbrella of protection.

Xu Chenzhou said softly: "I don't understand what Cao Xintang is thinking.

But I understand one thing, since they are willing to offend the teacher to get Qiankun Yiqi Rice, it means that the benefits this thing can bring to them are far greater than the risks of offending the teacher.

In this case, it is even more impossible for me to sell all the patents of Qiankun Yiqi Rice to Cao Xintang.

A mere 5 billion, I can earn it in less than half a year, and I want his money?

It's ridiculous!"

"What! 5 billion in half a year, how is this possible? I remember that your company's first month's turnover was only 10 million." Hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, Liu Sanbian was stunned.

What kind of words are these? As the president of the Martial Arts Association, he may not be able to earn 1.5 billion a year with all kinds of official income plus gray income. As a result, Xu Chenzhou directly earned 5 billion in half a year, which made him feel a little unwell.

Before coming, Liu Sanbian also briefly learned about Baihe Company, but because Baihe Company rose too fast and expanded rapidly in just three months, and because it was a sole proprietorship, many information did not need to be disclosed to the public, so Liu Sanbian only found Baihe Company's first month's turnover, which was 10 million.

Xu Chenzhou immediately gave Liu Sanbian the financial report of Baihe Company for the past three months. This report made Liu Sanbian dumbfounded and he could not believe his eyes at all.

Of course, this report was not accurate, because in this report, Xu Chenzhou's Qiankun Yiqi rice production cost was about one-third of the selling price, and this part did not actually exist, but it was harmless, and it was enough for Liu Sanbian to see how terrifying the potential of Qiankun Yiqi rice was.

"The quality of your product is too good!

It can not only warm the body, but also greatly shorten the time for trainees to reach the limit of the human body.

And its efficacy is more than 40% stronger than the best similar products on the market, and the price is only one-third of them.

No wonder you have occupied such a huge market in a short time, and are still expanding rapidly.

In addition, I got the news that Zhongcao Xintang is also very optimistic about the potential of Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

I heard that they have obtained a super rice that is twice as strong as Qiankun Yiqi Rice through targeted cultivation technology and grafting technology.

It's just that because of the gene lock, that kind of rice They cannot be cultivated a second time, and if they cannot obtain the patent authorization for the Qiankun Yiqi rice gene map, the products they produce will not be eligible to be sold on the market.

My goodness, no wonder Cao Xintang is tempted by Qiankun Yiqi rice and even offends the teacher. If I were the boss of Cao Xintang, I would definitely take action against you.

Maybe this product can not only dominate on the Blue Water Star, but also become a flagship product of Cao Xintang, helping them to go out of the planet and occupy a place in the entire Star Domain Alliance. "

Liu Sanbian's face gradually became serious. Although Cao Xintang is a giant in the extraordinary field of Blue Water Star, it is just a small shrimp in the starry sky.

For such a company, developing flagship products and opening up the starry sky market is their biggest vision.

Because the market of Blue Water Star is so big, no matter how hard they try, they can't make more money.

The starry sky market is different. The entire Star Domain Alliance has a huge population base, and the people who buy alien products are basically rich or noble, and they are not particularly sensitive to prices.

Even if Qiankun Yiqi Rice is just a low-end product for trainee warriors, and they can only get a small piece of the pie, it can also make their company rich, and even become a giant enterprise, thus monopolizing the entire supernatural market of Shuilan Star.

Liu San was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, walking back and forth in front of Xu Chenzhou with his hands behind his back.

"What should I do? Otherwise, I will contact the president of the Martial Arts Association and report this matter.

Chenzhou, you are a genius of our martial arts association, and your product is also very beneficial for strengthening the foundation of martial artists.

The president will definitely not ignore it after knowing it.

However, if you ask the association to protect you, you will definitely have to pay some price at that time. At least the independence of this product will not be guaranteed at that time.

Knowing the president's character, he will definitely ask you to share the patent authorization of Qiankun Yiqi Rice with you.

But don't worry, he is definitely not selfish, just to ensure that this product can benefit the majority of trainee martial artists and strengthen the foundation of the martial arts faction.

He will not only use the scientific research power of the martial arts association to develop Qiankun Yiqi Rice, but he will also use the channels of the martial arts association to help you promote Qiankun Yiqi Rice. Although you need to pay a part of the funds, it is not a loss in general. At least it is much more reasonable than the 5 billion buyout plan of Caoxintang. "

Xu Chenzhou shook his head slightly: "President Liu, thank you for your kindness, but I have my own considerations on this matter.

If Cao Xin Tang wants to attack me, then I don’t mind having a fight with them! "

Xu Chenzhou naturally could not agree to Liu Sanbian's plan.

For him, the degraded Qiankun Yiqi Mi was not very precious, and even the original Qiankun Yiqi rice was just average in Xu Chenzhou's eyes.

The most impressive rice variety he had was the Taikoo Dragon Tooth Rice. This food from the Taikoo Heavenly Dragon was dozens of times more effective than the Qiankun Yiqi Rice, and it also had the powerful function of enhancing talents and strengthening the foundation. It was the kind of treasure that even gods and demons could benefit from after it was taken out.

In addition to the Taikoo Dragon Tooth Rice, after Hong Yi became the Lord of the Great Thousand Worlds, Xu Chenzhou had at least ten kinds of super rice varieties that were better than the Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

If he wanted, he could completely hand over the patent authorization of the Qiankun Yiqi Rice, let Cao Xintang spend a lot of money and weapons on research, and wait until they finished distributing the products, and then he would come up with a new product that was ten times better, so that Cao Xintang would lose both the wife and the army.

But Xu Chenzhou didn't want to do that. He had something good. It's his business.

Want to snatch something from him?

Try your luck first!

Liu Sanbian looked at Xu Chenzhou's confident look, and his calm temperament when facing one of the five major companies on Shuilan Star. For some reason, he had a feeling that the young man in front of him would be able to solve this problem.

Then he remembered the scene when the teacher met Xu Chenzhou. It was not like facing a junior at all, but more like facing a person of the same status.

Even at the beginning, Liu Sanbian felt that the teacher had some respect and admiration for Xu Chenzhou.

Originally, Liu Sanbian thought it was his own illusion, but when he saw Xu Chenzhou's temperament at this time, Liu Sanbian's heart was shaken again.

Liu Sanbian looked directly into Xu Chenzhou's eyes and said slowly: "Since Chenzhou has already made up his mind, I won't say much, but Chenzhou, remember to tell me anytime if you need help. As long as I have the ability, I will definitely help you."

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