All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 246 Tianji Clan Spy

Just as the two were talking, a shocking bang suddenly came from outside the window.

Xu Chenzhou looked out the window and saw the flames stretching out. Blocks of tall buildings were ablaze, dyeing the sky a fiery red.

Horrible sonic booms sounded outside the window, the earth trembled, tall buildings shook, several skyscrapers were directly cut off from the middle and fell down, countless people ran for help, presenting a doomsday scene.

Xu Chenzhou frowned: "What's going on? How could anyone dare to fight in the city center? Aren't they afraid of being sanctioned by the alliance?"

In the star domain world, the destructive power of cultivators continues to increase with the increase of their levels.

This increase is a steep increase. The battles of warriors who have not achieved extraordinary are still within the scope of humans. At most, they can break the wall and cause little damage.

Once they achieve transcendence, the destructive power of the cultivators begins to become somewhat exaggerated. The first-level cultivators demolish houses, the second-level cultivators destroy buildings, and the third-level cultivators can already cause large-scale damage. As for the fourth-level cultivators, they can even affect the terrain of more than ten kilometers in radius when fighting with all their strength.

So generally speaking, if cultivators above the fourth level cannot defeat the enemy in one blow, they basically rarely fight in the city. Once they fight with all their strength, the damage they cause is really too great.

Firstly, it is really not fun to fight with your hands and feet, and secondly, it is because once a huge damage is caused, you will be sanctioned by the alliance.

For these cultivators who dare to fight and destroy public property in the city, the Star Domain Alliance will not show mercy. No matter what kind of person you are, as long as you cause damage, you will either pay money or go to jail. There is no other way to choose.

From Xu Chenzhou's perspective, the intensity of the battle outside the window has obviously reached the level of fifth-level cultivators, which can cause such terrible damage.

Liu Sanbian was also a little at a loss, and he didn't know what happened.

At this moment, his watch made several piercing explosions, and then his face suddenly showed an incredible look, and his face became extremely solemn.

Xu Chenzhou saw this and knew that Liu Sanbian understood what was happening outside.

"President Liu, what happened outside, can you tell me?"

Liu Sanbian nodded: "Of course, I just received the news, Chenzhou, you can see it yourself."

After that, he stretched out his hand and tapped the air in front of him several times, and then a virtual screen that only he could see appeared in the air.

Liu Sanbian stretched out his hand and pushed the virtual screen, and it moved horizontally in front of Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou looked closely and saw a message on the screen that kept flashing red light.

Emergency notice: Three spies from the Tianji clan, codenamed 007, 008, and 009, appeared in Tiancheng City. Codenamed 007 kidnapped Xiong Li’s youngest daughter Xiong Qingqing on Nanxun Street. The Alliance has sent people to snipe codenamed 007. Please ask the fourth-level or higher supernaturals who have received the message to go to the battle site immediately to assist. The third-level supernaturals who have received the message should also go to the nearby area to rescue civilians immediately.

Xu Chenzhou looked at the sender. This information came from the official Star Domain Alliance.

Xu Chenzhou has some understanding of the official government’s information classification. Generally speaking, the information of the Alliance government is divided into 5 colors, white, green, yellow, red, and gold. Different colors indicate different urgency of this information.

Among them, red is the level second only to gold, indicating that the content of this message is extremely urgent and has the highest authority to push. Once the government sends a red message, no matter what the recipient is browsing, the moment he receives this message, it will cover the top layer of the recipient’s communication device for ten seconds to ensure that this message can be delivered in place.

After seeing this message, Xu Chenzhou suddenly realized that the person who made the move in the city center was the Tianji clan spy that had been rumored before.

According to the content of the message, this message should have been pushed to all warriors above level 3. Although Xu Chenzhou had already broken through the first level of transcendence, he had not updated his cultivation information, so he was not within the scope of the message push.

Liu Sanbian rolled up his sleeves anxiously and said, "Almost every one of these Tianji clan spies is a level 5 expert. They don't know how to get to our planets behind the front line, and each of them has caused great damage to Shuilan Star.

Moreover, the purpose of these spies is not simple. Each spy seems to have a goal, and sabotage is just what they do.

For these spies, the Shuilan Star government gave them a code name according to the number. So far, a total of six spies have been captured on Shuilan Star, that is, code 001~006.

The Tianji clan spy code 001 was captured in Tiancheng City. I thought there would be no more spies in Tiancheng City, but I didn't expect that three spies from the Tianji Clan would appear at once.

This time the problem is really serious. "

Xu Chenzhou asked: "These spies all have a target? How do you say this sentence?"

"This matter is originally confidential, but since you asked, I won't hide it from you.

The Tianji Clan is not an ordinary alien race. The ruler of their tribe has the ability to calculate the secrets of heaven and can promote the trajectory of fate through subtle changes.

And these spies of the Tianji Clan are his pawns, which is also the usual tactic of the Tianji Clan. Often the targets of these inconspicuous spies will play a huge role in subsequent wars.

For example, Spy No. 001, his purpose is to blow up a chemical factory in Tiancheng City. This chemical factory is ordinary. There are at least two hundred similar factories on Aquamarine. It is not reasonable to make one Level 5 masters sacrificed their lives to destroy it.

But this fifth-level spy was exposed just to destroy this chemical plant.

Even their tasks need to be completed within a specific time. Before the task time, they will always be lurking.

What is certain is that there must still be many spies from the Tianji clan lurking on the Aqua Blue Planet.

It's a pity that these captured Tianji clan spies are too tough-mouthed. No matter what methods we use, we can't get information about other agents from their mouths. "

The thoughts in Xu Chenzhou's mind turned quickly, and he had a deeper understanding of the power of the Tianji tribe's master.

Manipulating subtle changes through powerful deduction capabilities is like a butterfly flapping its wings, creating a whirlpool of destiny, thus affecting the direction of major events.

This kind of ability can be called a bug-level existence. It has no tricks left to fight against the sky.

While the two were talking, Xu Chenzhou's smart bracelet also received a message from the government.

This is a red-level evacuation message. In the message, the government asks all residents who receive the message to immediately go to the shelter in Tiancheng City to avoid the disaster.

He made a decisive decision and turned to look at the two senior brothers: "Two senior brothers, please quickly take all the staff and students of Baihe Martial Arts School to the underground training room to take refuge."

There is an underground training room in Baihe Martial Arts Hall, which is exclusively used by the internal staff of the martial arts hall. It was also the place where Xu's father used to train his disciples, and it can support extraordinary warriors to fight.

Therefore, this underground training room was built using many precious materials. It is very strong and can withstand a magnitude 10 earthquake.

In this situation, instead of asking the staff and students to leave the martial arts gym and go to the shelter to seek refuge, it would be better for all members to hide in the underground training room together.

The protection level of this underground training room is definitely higher than that of public shelters, and due to the large number of people taking refuge, stampede accidents are easy to occur. In addition, there is a possibility of being affected by fighting during the evacuation process, so this On the contrary, it is safer.

When the two senior brothers heard the news, their expressions immediately changed.

Zhao Shentong raised his smart bracelet and notified the martial arts staff everywhere to lead the members into the underground training room to take refuge.

Li Tiezhu looked at Xu Chenzhou hesitantly: "Shen Zhou, do you want to follow us? I will lead the way for you."

He could feel that Xu Chenzhou's words meant that he did not want to follow them to the underground training room to take refuge. Li Tiezhu knew that his junior brother was no longer what he used to be, with unfathomable strength and his own ideas, but he still I can't help but feel a little worried.

Xu Chenzhou shook his head: "Senior brother, don't worry, I'll be fine."

After finishing speaking, Xu Chenzhou looked at Liu Sanbian again: "President Liu, you are going to the battle site for support now. Can you take me with you?"

Xu Chenzhou originally wanted to go alone, but gave up after thinking about it. After all, this battle is now the focus of the whole city. I am afraid that the scene of the battle is being watched by many people.

Satellites in the sky, various surveillance probes, and various extraordinary abilities are all closely monitoring the situation at the scene.

His hidden technique only has a breath-condensing technique, which is useful for dealing with some abilities, but it cannot hide his body in all directions.

After all, the Breath Condensation Technique is just a breath-condensing spell, not an invisibility spell.

For example, he has no confidence that he can use breath-condensing techniques to evade satellite image surveillance. The satellite images of the star world are much clearer than those of Xu Chenzhou's previous life, and he can even count the number of hairs on a person's arms.

Of course, this is not difficult to do, just wear a mask.

But in addition, the abilities on the extraordinary side are even more difficult to guard against. The human race's extraordinary ten paths alone have various detection and secret techniques. There are many types, including ones that are useful for breath, useful for cause and effect, and useful for reading time. It is extremely difficult to completely block them.

He was hiding his approach at this time, and it would be difficult to explain once he was discovered.

In this case, it is better to follow legally and reasonably.

However, this also reminded Xu Chenzhou. It seems that the next step is for the friends to focus on collecting invisibility skills, transformation skills, etc., which are necessary skills for being a sixth man. Otherwise, when it comes time to secretly do bad things, they will always feel Something is missing.

Liu Sanbian's expression was slightly hesitant: "Shen Zhou, calm down, of course you can go if you want, I can't stop you even if I have long legs on you.

But you must think carefully. It will be very dangerous to participate in a battle of this level. I know that you are very strong. You have even defeated a third-level Martial King before, but this is not a battle that you can get involved in. Even if I have the strength of the fourth level peak, I still have to walk on thin ice in such a battle. If I am not careful, I will end up with the fate of life and death.

If you really want to help, you might as well help those third-level warriors to rescue the poor people who are in danger. This can be considered a good thing. "

"President Liu, don't worry, I won't show off. I just want to see how powerful the Tianji clan spies really are, and I won't take action at will."

Xu Chenzhou did not listen to Liu Sanbian's suggestion to rescue the poor. He had already killed a sixth-level spy, so what could a mere fifth-level Tianji clan spy mean?

Originally, he didn't bother to care about such a thing, but who asked this spy from the Tianji Clan to dare to fight next to his martial arts gym? What if he accidentally damaged his martial arts gym? Who can he go to for justice?

Normally, the damage caused by the battles of the extraordinary people in the city will be compensated by the extraordinary people, but this time, one of the two parties fighting is a spy from an alien race, and the other is a extraordinary person sent by the alliance to protect the people. Who should pay for this money?

The alien race will pay? They don't have money at all.

The extraordinary people will pay? Are you kidding? The extraordinary people have shed blood and sweat to capture spies and protect the people. Do you want others to pay from their pockets?

Or the Star Domain Alliance will pay? What are you thinking? They are the masters who make the rules.

To be honest, the Star Domain Alliance has done a good job in protecting the grassroots people, but no one is willing to do this kind of thing from the purse.

A trace of danger flashed in Xu Chenzhou's eyes. If they fought in other directions, it would be fine, but if they dared to fight in the White Crane Martial Arts School, then he would have a bad fate.

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, Liu Sanbian nodded helplessly: "Okay, who asked the teacher to ask me to take good care of you, you will follow behind me later, don't be impulsive, run quickly when I tell you to run, don't hesitate."

Xu Chenzhou nodded silently, and then followed Liu Sanbian to rush in the direction of the sound.

Before he arrived at the place, Xu Chenzhou saw an amazing energy fluctuation coming from the front.

A man in black was hovering in the air, shrouded in a dark mist.

The man's face was extremely strange. It was obvious that he was not a human. His face was like a full moon. In addition to his eyes, there was a row of eyes on his forehead. Each of these eyes looked different. Some of them had a blood-red hexagram in the pupil, some had a few water droplets floating in the pupil, and some were pure gold, emitting light.

Xu Chenzhou roughly counted the man's eight eyes, arranged vertically on his forehead, which looked very strange.

In addition, the teeth in the black-clothed man's mouth were also very strange. The teeth were thin and dense. When he opened his mouth slightly, he could see hundreds of teeth, and they were extremely sharp, looking more terrifying than the fangs of wild beasts.

The mist around him was like an octopus sea monster on the seabed, turning into countless tentacles flying between heaven and earth. Wherever the tentacles reached, all matter would be directly melted by this mist and turned into nothingness.

The octopus mist controlled by the man kept dancing wildly. The buildings around him were swept by the mist, and a large piece was missing in the middle, as if they were eaten by some monster.

And these buildings with a piece missing had no way to maintain their original appearance because the load-bearing structure was damaged. After a while, cracks appeared on its outer wall, and then it split directly into two.

Fortunately, due to the government's evacuation information, the residents of these skyscrapers have basically left the building and went to the shelter, which greatly reduced the casualties.

However, there were also some unlucky people who were sleeping or delayed by something and had not left the skyscraper, and then they were buried alive in the ruins of the building, making a shrill scream.

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