All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 247 Polar Star Magnetic Power

Listening to the wailing of these people, the eyes of the man in black showed a look of enjoyment, as if the wailing of humans was a moving piece of music to him.

Opposite this man, stood a middle-aged man in a white military uniform with three golden stars embroidered on his chest. He was tall and burly and wore a straight military uniform.

This military uniform was the standard uniform of the Star Domain Alliance Inspection Bureau. The three stars meant that his rank was a third-level inspector.

Don't underestimate this rank. In Tiancheng City, a third-level inspector at this level can already serve as the director of the Inspection Bureau.

His temples were slightly gray, his face was square, his face was firm, and he looked righteous.

At this time, he was staring at the spy of the Tianji clan with anger, his eyes were red, and he was already extremely angry.

He said word by word in a cold voice, "You evil beasts of the Tianji clan are really too much. You dare to be so presumptuous in front of me, Hu Yan Xiaofeng. Today I will kill you."

As he spoke, countless starlights lit up in Hu Yan Xiaofeng's hands. These starlights condensed into the shape of long spears in the air and fiercely bombarded the black-clothed man in the air.

A rough count of these starlight spears showed that there were at least four or five hundred of them, densely covering the sky.

Countless starlights fell at a very fast speed like a meteor shower, and in an instant they passed through the void and bombarded the black-clothed man.

The starlight collided with the black mist on the black-clothed man's body, making bursts of explosions. In the fierce confrontation, the starlight penetrated the black mist and shot at the black-clothed man.

Seeing this scene, Hu Yan Xiaofeng showed a hint of joy on his face. He didn't expect that the Tianji clan spy in front of him was so arrogant.

The move he used was the magical power of the North Heng June Star Rain in the martial arts [Polar Star Yuan Magnetic Power] he practiced.

The Polar Star Yuanci Gong is a martial art that absorbs the starlight of heaven and earth to condense extraordinary organs. After practicing this technique to perfection, one can control the power of the starlight in the sky, attract the power of thousands of stars, and display many magical powers. It is omnipotent and is one of the secret martial arts of the Inspection Bureau.

The move of Beiheng June Stars Like Rain is a magical power that can use the power of Beiheng Six Stars. Beiheng Six Stars are six stars located in the star field of the ancestral land of the human race. In the legend of the ancient human race, Beiheng Six Stars each have magical powers,

respectively, Zixiao is responsible for killing, Huodou is responsible for death, Yucai is responsible for disease, Xuancheng is responsible for disaster stars, Yingcheng is responsible for soldiers, and Fuji is responsible for fighting.

To practice this set of magical power, one must experience pain that ordinary people cannot experience. Because of the life and death battles of the six stars of Beiheng, the brothers who are incomparable in the starlight of these six stars, if they want to attract the starlight of these six stars, they must obtain the recognition of the star souls of the six stars of Beiheng, and take the initiative to experience the pain of the field of the six stars of Beiheng. Even if they get the recognition of the star souls and lead the starlight into the body, they will still suffer inhuman torture, just like using thousands of knives to cut off the muscles of the body bit by bit.

The magical power cultivated by such harsh means can be regarded as one of the strongest fighting magical powers of the Inspectorate. Once pierced by the starlight spear, they will experience the baptism of the six stars of Beihuan at the same time. The killing spirit will break the body, the death spirit will break the soul, the fighting spirit will hurt the body, and the disaster spirit will exhaust the luck.

At this time, Hu Yan Xiaofeng was extremely angry, so this time he made a move without reservation. As soon as he made a move, he used his strongest and most fierce magical power, and he was bound to kill the enemy in a small space and settle the world with one move.

He believed that with the power of his magical power, once it hit, even if the code-named 007 in front of him was a fifth-level master, he would definitely not be able to survive from the power of his move.

Seeing that the starlight spear was about to penetrate the black fog in front of the black-clothed man, the black-clothed man's face was extremely calm, looking like a piece of ice, without any ripples, and he was not afraid of the countless spears in front of him with the six terrifying evil spirits that killed disease, disaster, soldiers and fighting.

"You lowly human race are just thieves who stole the power of the world of my Tianji Divine Clan. How dare you call my Tianji Divine Clan the remnants.

If you want to kill me, then come and try."

As he spoke, the black fog in front of him slowly faded and gradually became translucent.

And there was something else in the black fog in front of his chest. There was a delicate little girl like a doll curled up in the space in front of his chest like a baby.

And the countless starlight spears sent by Hu Yan Xiaofeng were about to penetrate the black fog and bombard the little girl.

Countless sparks burst out between the starlight spear and the black fog. The starlight spear head carrying terrifying power emitted endless light and heat to burn the black fog. The black fog where the spear head touched the black fog seemed to be boiling and billowing thick smoke. The terrifying power fluctuations kept emerging. It seemed that the space could not bear this terrifying power and there were a few cracks.

The tip of the most powerful starlight spear had already touched the little girl's fair face, as if it would pierce her immediately in the next second.

Seeing this, Huyan Xiaofeng's face changed drastically. He grabbed it with his hand fiercely. The countless starlight spears in the air on the black fog flew backwards under his control, turning into countless starlights and flying back into Huyan Xiaofeng's body.

Then a six-color crystal slowly emerged on Huyan Xiaofeng's forehead. With the return of these starlights, a tiny crack appeared on the six-color crystal.

As a result, Huyan Xiaofeng's face became extremely pale, and blood even overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

Beihuan's magical power of "Liuyue Xingruyu" is unparalleled in killing power. Since it relies on the power of six evil stars that mainly fight and kill, there is no regret after shooting. Once you regret and take back the power, you will be counterattacked by the six evil stars.

The evil stars are aggressive and murderous. The power they lend can either defeat the enemy and return with blood, or fight to the end and be worn out by the opponent.

You can lose or be defeated, but you cannot regret. Once you regret and stop the move, you will have to bear the backlash of the six evil stars.

The man in black saw this scene and showed a smug smile on his face, as if everything was under control.

The master's deduction ability is unparalleled in the world. Acting according to the master's deduction plan is indeed very smooth, without any variables.

The human race in the star field is just a chicken and a dog, how can they be the opponent of their Tianji clan.

"Since you dare not kill me, why don't you get out of here quickly.

After the backlash of the star power, you will have at most 50% of your ability left. Apart from you, who else in Tiancheng City can stop me?

Or do you want to rely on the help of you useless human race?"

Hu Yanxiao's eyes were about to bleed. He didn't expect that codename 007 was so insidious and cunning that he actually used the daughter of Xiong Li Zun as a shield.

As the director of the Inspection Bureau, Huyan Xiaofeng was an extremely upright person. Even if he didn't consider the sake of the Xiong Li Venerable, he couldn't convince himself to attack a ten-year-old girl.

But with only 50% of his strength left, he really didn't have the confidence to take down the Tianji clan spy in front of him by himself.

But he knew that there was no 5th-level combat power coming to support him now. With the departure of the God-Demon-level Transcendent, the highest combat power in Tiancheng City was him, the third-level inspector.

In addition to him, Tiancheng City also had two 5th-level combat forces, namely the 5th-level psychic Tiancan Fangzhang of Ci'en Temple and the 5th-level mechanic Luo Qiushui of the Shuilanxing military. The two went to intercept code 008 and code 009 respectively.

As for the support from other cities, it is impossible for them to come so quickly.

The 5th-level combat power is not cabbage. Since Shuilanxing is now in the war preparation period, most of the 5th-level warriors have been transferred to the provincial capital, and there are also economic lifelines everywhere to guard.

These people cannot be moved lightly, and they must be signed and approved by their superiors before they can be transferred.

The place each of them guards must not be lost. Once someone takes advantage of the loophole, the consequences will be disastrous.

Tiancheng City has many factories and many high-tech parks. It is the economic lifeline of a province. In addition, it has suffered a spy invasion from the Tianji Clan before, so he and Luo Qiushui are in charge.

However, the Shuilanxing government is not so rigid. It has also prepared a group of fifth-level practitioners as a force that can be freely mobilized to provide support at any time.

But the problem is that these people are a bit far from Tiancheng City. It takes at least half an hour to get there. By the time they get there, the daylily will be cold.

He looked around, looking at the practitioners who came to the resources around him and his own men, wanting to see who can help him.

Fourth level, fourth level, fourth level, the strongest person around him is only a fourth-level warrior.

These warriors are completely enough to dominate in ordinary places, but they seem to be useless in front of the fifth-level spies of alien races.

To be honest, if these seven or eight fourth-level warriors can work together, and cooperate with him who has 50% of his combat power left, they can also keep the code name 007 in front of them.

But the problem is that it is impossible to do it. These seven or eight fourth-level warriors in front of them come from different forces in Tiancheng City, and they even have hatreds with each other. How can they completely trust each other?

Xu Chenzhou followed behind Liu Sanbian and shook his head speechlessly at this scene.

A gentleman can be deceived by his own tactics.

Although Hu Yanxiaofeng has a good character, his brain is really not very good.

It is clearly written in the rescue information that code name 007 kidnapped Xiong Lizun’s daughter Xiong Qingqing, but when code name 007 arrived at the scene just now, he was empty-handed. Xu Chenzhou knew with his toes that Xiong Qingqing must have been placed in the black fog in front of him.

It was obvious that the black-clothed man just now was so arrogant in destroying the city and the building, just to provoke Hu Yan Xiaofeng, let him attack with all his strength, and then use Xiong Qingqing to force Hu Yan Xiaofeng to withdraw his attack, so that he could defeat the enemy without fighting.

The Polar Star Yuan Magnetic Power is extremely famous, and I am afraid that Hu Yan Xiaofeng's information has long been mastered by the Tianji clan spies.

If it were Hu Yan Xiaofeng, he would definitely consider this before attacking, and would not use such a cruel trick.

And even if he really didn't consider this, if he couldn't stop, then he would definitely not choose to stop.

This kind of battle between different races is not a child's play, it's just a matter of life and death, how could he show mercy because of the hostages? If he is a little careless, who knows how many fellow tribesmen will be affected by the war. Xiong Qingqing is innocent, but do the countless residents who were affected by the war deserve to die?

If everyone does this, the alien race only needs to hold the life planet hostage to force the Star Domain Alliance to be cautious and shrink its sphere of influence, which can be called chronic suicide.

Of course, if Xu Chenzhou was forced to kill Xiong Qingqing in this situation, he would definitely find various ways to revive Xiong Qingqing and give compensation afterwards.

Just as Xu Chenzhou was thinking, the black-clothed man of the Tianji tribe laughed.

"If no one comes to fight me, I will leave. What a bunch of ballsless things.

The master is right. The human race in the Star Domain is a bunch of stupid pigs and dogs. How can they occupy such a great territory."

As he said this, the black mist on the black-clothed man surged, and countless tentacles broke through the void and fled to the distance.

Huyan Xiaofeng naturally couldn't sit idly by. He waved his hand and countless starlights fell, slashing at the black fog tentacles, but unfortunately, his strength was greatly reduced and he couldn't stop Codename 007 at all.

The countless black fogs completely neutralized the starlights and swallowed them up.

The fourth-level warriors who came to support also took action one after another. The terrifying attacks swept across the world, lightning and fire, sword energy and knife aura, and terrifying power bombarded. Although the fog around the man in black was dispersed, it could not touch his body.

The man in black dodged and ran away. Wherever he passed, the black fog tentacles danced like crazy. Skyscrapers were broken into two pieces like tofu and fell from the sky.

Xu Chenzhou's eyes moved slightly, and the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone moved in response. Countless sword qi gathered in the palm bones of his left hand like a storm. The blazing energy made the palm bones of his right hand behind his back crystal clear, and the shape of the palm bones inside could be seen through the flesh.

The terrifying sword energy condensed, which should have caused earth-shaking changes, but under the effect of Xu Chenzhou's breath-retaining technique, no one present noticed this terrifying breath.

But after thinking about it, the sword energy in Xu Chenzhou's palm slowly calmed down.

Although the damage caused by the man in black was great, there were almost no casualties.

Most of the residents had already gone to the shelter as soon as they received the notice, and the people of Shuilan Star practiced extraordinary martial arts per capita. They would definitely be injured if they were pressed in the collapsed building, but their strong vitality made it difficult for them to die. As long as they were rescued in time, they could basically recover in the hospital for two months.

Xu Chenzhou didn't want to be exposed so early. Although he couldn't stand the alien spy's arrogance, he couldn't be so reckless even if he took action.

The current situation is in full swing. The battle between the human race in the star field and the Tianji race is getting more and more intense. In this kind of racial war, the highest priority is naturally to target a genius like him who has strong potential and grows fast.

Moreover, the Tianji race is dark and cruel. Not only did they send so many spies to sneak into the Blue Water Star, but they also attacked the target's family. Although he is not afraid of the Tianji race, the people around him can't stand it.

He is now in a rapid development period, and he can survive for one day.

If he really wants to expose himself, he must at least wait until he is perfect in the fifth level and is sure to break through to become a sixth-level god-demon warrior.

The man in black fought and fled, fled and fought, and moved forward in a straight line. No matter what obstacles he encountered, he couldn't stop him for a moment.

Looking down from the sky above the city, the prosperous city seemed to be inserted into a long blank area in the middle by the gods with an eraser.

Soon, the man in black escaped from Tiancheng City and came to the wilderness outside the city.

Xu Chenzhou followed the masters all the way to chase the man in black.

His failure to take action did not mean that he intended to let the Tianji clan spy go. Being a spy was fine, but he was so foul-mouthed.

He was originally here to watch the show, but he was also hit by the map cannon. It can only be said that this spy asked for death.

While chasing, Xu Chenzhou also chatted with his friends in the group chat.

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