All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 24 He Zudao goes to Shaolin!

Xu Chenzhou accepted the red fruit sent by Han Li.

This spiritual medicine was indeed of great help to him.

And he also knew clearly that Han Li's current situation was not dangerous at all.

Because Doctor Mo would never attack Han Li.

After all, Han Li was Doctor Mo's only hope for survival. If he attacked Han Li in advance, it would definitely be Doctor Mo's brain that was broken.

And with the resources of the chat group, Han Li's progress was definitely much faster than Doctor Mo expected.

When the day came when Doctor Mo attacked, Han Li would have been able to beat Doctor Mo.

A day later, in the chat group, the group members gathered here early, waiting for the moment of eating melons.

There is a great show today, it would be a waste not to watch it.

Zhang Junbao naturally knew the group members' thoughts and started the live broadcast early in the morning.

The live broadcast of the chat group is quite black technology. The viewer seems to be in the place being broadcasted, and can freely choose various viewing angles.

Except that he cannot interact with the characters in the live broadcast screen, there is no difference from actually arriving at the scene.

Zhang Junbao was leisurely following Master Jueyuan, accompanying Master Jueyuan to carry water up the mountain.

He wrapped the Thunderbolt Suspense Sword tightly with oilcloth, wrapped it into a stick shape, and carried it on his back.

With this magic sword in hand, he said he was not at all panicked by today's small scene.

Master Jueyuan had kind eyes and an honest look, and he was not noticeable at all in Shaolin Temple.

He was wearing a gray monk's robe and several thick iron chains wrapped around his body.

These thick iron chains were locked on Master Jueyuan's body like a dragon, and it was shocking just to look at them.

But Master Jueyuan's steps were not slow at all, as if these iron chains were as light as a feather to him.

Due to the punishment of the temple rules, Master Jueyuan could not speak, but just walked slowly on the mountain path in the forest.

Only Zhang Junbao could feel that Master Jueyuan's body was surrounded by a layer of Zen, which made people involuntarily calm their hearts and minds.

Everyone in the group couldn't help but be attracted by Master Jueyuan's temperament.

They had heard about Master Jueyuan's story a long time ago, but had never seen the real person.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Master Jueyuan is indeed a Taoist monk. Just looking at his appearance, people can feel how profound his Buddhist knowledge is."

Han Li (Qixuanmen scholar): "Indeed, although I have never seen a monk since I was a child, I know that a real monk should be like this after seeing Master Jueyuan's appearance."

Just then, a young monk on the mountain road approached quickly with light skills.

"Jueyuan, the abbot is calling you. He is now at the gate of Shaolin Temple. Go over quickly."

There was no respect for Jueyuan in the tone of the young monk.

Because in his opinion, Master Jueyuan was just an ordinary monk in Shaolin Temple, nothing special.

Jueyuan had long been accustomed to the people of Shaolin Temple treating him like this.

Due to the temple rules, he could not speak, but just nodded to indicate that he knew.

Everyone also knew that He Zudao had already hit Shaolin at this time.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "The big show is about to start, Junbao, are you nervous?"

Zhang Junbao shook his head, full of confidence.

Zhang Junbao (Youfang Sanren): "With the group leader's sword, these monks in Shaolin Temple are nothing.

Besides, even without the Thunder Suspense Sword, my martial arts alone are enough."

Xu Chenzhou agreed with Zhang Junbao's words.

Even if he only relied on Zhang Junbao's martial arts, no one in Shaolin Temple would be his opponent.

Zhang Sanfeng is Zhang Sanfeng, his martial arts are so strong and his talent is so high that it is simply shocking.

In the original book, Zhang Junbao at this time had never seriously studied martial arts.

Just relying on the incomplete Nine Yang Manual and the Luohan Fist that he learned in ten days, he forced He Zudao, who had suppressed the entire Shaolin and dared not speak, to retreat.

Even when fighting against internal strength, He Zudao was not completely sure that he could defeat Zhang Junbao.

During these ten days, Zhang Junbao not only had the resources of the chat group, but also held back his anger and practiced martial arts day and night.

In just ten days, he completely mastered the moves of the Bull Demon Fist and the Burning Flame Demon Fist.

Even in his spare time, he practiced the Luohan Fist hidden in the pair of iron arhats to perfection.

In addition, the hundred-year-old elixir given to him by Han Li made Zhang Junbao's internal strength advance by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, Zhang Junbao also asked Master Jueyuan for the complete Nine Yang Manual, and these changes were superimposed one by one.

At this time, his fighting power was simply one in the sky and one on the ground compared to Zhang Junbao in the original book.

The master and apprentice immediately rushed to the gate of Shaolin Temple.

There was a crowd of people standing at the gate of Shaolin Temple.

One hundred and eight Luohan Hall disciples wearing gray monk robes stood on the left and right sides of Abbot Tianming.

These one hundred and eight Luohan Hall disciples were the legendary Shaolin One Hundred and Eight Luohan.

In front of them stood eighteen monks wearing light yellow robes. These monks were disciples of the Dharma Hall. They were older and more skilled in martial arts than the disciples of the Arhat Hall.

Further ahead stood seven old monks. These seven old monks were the seven elders of the Heart Zen Hall, the trump card of Shaolin.

The youngest of these seven old monks was in his early seventies, while the oldest was as old as ninety years old.

They looked extremely skinny and as if they were dying, but no one dared to look down on them.

In a place like Shaolin Temple, the older you are, the stronger your martial arts skills are.

The monks who can live to the age of 90 are almost all peerless masters.

The three people in the lead are the three masters with the highest status in Shaolin Temple.

They are Master Tianming, the abbot of Shaolin Temple, Master Wuxiang, the head of the Dharma Hall, and Master Wuse, the head of the Arhat Hall.

They are accompanied by Pan Tiangeng, Fang Tianlao, and Wei Tianwang who came from Shaolin Temple in the Western Regions.

These three people have extremely high martial arts skills. They can be regarded as first-class masters in the Central Plains martial arts world, and they are not inferior to the monks of Shaolin Temple at all.

And beside them, there are seventy or eighty Shaolin lay disciples.

This kind of battle can be said to be grand.

Shaolin Temple has such a luxurious lineup, but there are only two people opposite them.

One is a middle-aged scholar in his thirties, who looks gentle and unrestrained, and is none other than He Zudao, one of the Three Saints of Kunlun.

The other is a young girl, who is in her prime, with a quirky temperament, and people can recognize her at a glance as the Little East Evil Guo Xiang.

Logically speaking, Shaolin Temple has brought out such a luxurious lineup, and no matter what enemy it faces, it should be calm and composed.

But at this time, the expressions of the monks in Shaolin Temple are not quite right.

Staring at He Zudao with a look of surprise.

Because at this time, He Zudao is doing something shocking.

He Zudao holds a small sharp-cornered stone in his hand, and is carving marks on the bluestone floor of Shaolin Temple.

These marks are horizontal and vertical, as if they were carved with a ruler, just forming a chessboard.

You know, the bluestone floor of Shaolin Temple is made of the best granite, as hard as iron.

From the establishment of Shaolin Temple to the present, hundreds of years have passed, and countless people have come and gone, but there is still no wear and tear.

But now, in He Zudao's hand, a small sharp stone had carved marks more than half an inch deep.

This level of internal strength was simply horrifying.

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