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Chapter 25 Why don't you let me play with you?

Although the monks of Shaolin Temple are highly skilled in martial arts, no one thinks that they can do this.

With this level of internal strength, no one in Shaolin Temple is a match for He Zudao.

However, the monks of Shaolin Temple could not put down their face and admit defeat, and they were in a dilemma.

Especially the head monk of Shaolin Temple's Dharma Hall, Wuxiang Zen Master, who had just challenged He Zudao.

As a result, he knew that he was doomed to lose before the fight even started. For a moment, he was suspended in the air, not knowing where to go.

A majestic face gradually showed a few blushes, like a boiled egg.

Only Abbot Tianming was a real master, bright and clear, and did not care too much about winning or losing.

After weighing the two, Abbot Tianming was about to admit defeat.

At this moment, the sound of iron chains clanging came.

Jueyuan carried a pair of large iron buckets on his shoulders and came to the crowd with Zhang Junbao.

He put his palms together in front of his chest and saluted the abbot.

"Jueyuan, this layman has something to tell you."

After Abbot Tianming said this, it was equivalent to temporarily lifting the ban on Master Jueyuan's silence.

Master Jueyuan looked at He Zudao carefully.

He had never seen this person before, and he didn't know why Zudao came to Shaolin Temple from afar to find him, which made Master Jueyuan very confused.

"I don't know why the layman came from afar."

He Zudao waved his hand: "I'll talk about that later, there's no rush. Which monk will come and play a game with me first."

He had just finished drawing the chess game in front of him at this time, and he was in high spirits and had no intention of talking at all.

His nickname is Kunlun Three Saints, which refers to his three unique skills in sword, chess and books.

The reason why He Zudao can practice martial arts to this level at such a young age.

It is because he really loves sword, chess and books, like crazy.

Once he is interested, he can't care about anything else, he is completely obsessed with it, and he can even give up eating and sleeping.

At this time, he had drawn the chessboard and was addicted to chess, so he didn't care about other things.

He Zudao waited for a long time, but the monks of Shaolin Temple kept silent, and no one dared to come forward to play chess with him.

He raised his head with some doubts and scanned the monks of Shaolin Temple.

Didn't these Shaolin monks say that they wanted to compete with him? Why didn't anyone make a move even though the chessboard was drawn?

Facing He Zudao's gaze, the monks of Shaolin Temple lowered their heads in shame, but even so, no one dared to stand up and compete with He Zudao.

Especially Master Wuxiang, his Bodhidharma swordsmanship was extremely profound, and his personality was extremely belligerent. This time, he proposed the battle with He Zudao.

But at this time, facing He Zudao's gaze, Master Wuxiang just turned his head away in embarrassment.

Because he knew he was no match for He Zudao.

With He Zudao's internal strength, even if He Zudao's swordsmanship was not profound, he could not defeat He Zudao.

What's more, He Zudao was known as the Sword Saint, and his swordsmanship must be strong.

He would only be humiliating himself if he challenged him now.

Abbot Tianming looked around and saw that no one responded to the challenge, so he understood.

He nodded: "He Zudao's martial arts are unfathomable. He can make a chessboard out of a stone. The monks of Shaolin Temple are willing to admit defeat."

Just then, an accident occurred.

Master Jueyuan, carrying an iron bucket, walked forward slowly.

The iron chain under Master Jueyuan's feet dragged past, leaving a mark of about five inches under his feet, erasing the boundary of the chessboard drawn by He Zudao.

Master Jueyuan was indifferent by nature and only cared about Buddhism all his life, so at the beginning, he didn't know why He Zudao came to Shaolin.

It was not until the abbot of Shaolin Temple admitted defeat that Master Jueyuan realized that the purpose of this man's visit to Shaolin was to show off his martial arts.

As a monk born and raised in Shaolin Temple, Master Jueyuan would naturally not watch Shaolin being insulted.

This kind of magical skill stunned everyone present.

When the iron chain was dragged, it would leave a mark on the ground.

Although Jueyuan was able to do this with the weight of the iron chain on his body, the skill he showed was too scary.

What level of master is this? It is simply unimaginable.

The monks of Shaolin Temple cheered when they saw this scene.

Just now, such a large Shaolin Temple was suppressed by He Zudao and dared not speak, which made these Shaolin monks feel extremely aggrieved.

Ten days ago, He Zudao left a note saying that he wanted to learn the martial arts of Shaolin Temple, but no one in Shaolin Temple was He Zudao's opponent.

If this matter spreads, which monk will dare to say that the world's martial arts comes from Shaolin in the future?

As a result, now a monk in the temple suddenly took action and suppressed He Zudao's limelight. How could these Shaolin monks not be surprised!

And the monks who knew Jueyuan were even more surprised.

They didn't expect that this stupid old monk in front of them actually had such amazing skills.

After living together for decades, they didn't see any clues.

Master Jueyuan was very strong, and it was not enough to erase a line drawn by He Zudao.

Since He Zudao drew a set of chessboards, if you want to suppress He Zudao, you must erase all his chessboards.

Master Jueyuan began to erase the 38 boundaries drawn by He Zudao step by step.

Master Jueyuan's true qi cultivation is high, and the Nine Yang true qi is endless, but his body is flesh and blood after all.

The more he walked, the more sore his legs felt.

But for the reputation of Shaolin Temple, Master Jueyuan still gritted his teeth and persisted.

In fact, another reason why Master Jueyuan in the original book would pass away today was because he consumed too much physical energy to level the chess game.

At this moment, He Zudao spoke.

"The monk has such a deep internal force, He Zudao is not as good as you. This game of chess is no longer necessary, let me learn your swordsmanship."

After saying that, He Zudao drew out his long sword and gradually pointed it at his chest, with the hilt pointing far outward, as if he was going to commit suicide, and made a strange gesture

to start the gesture.

This is exactly the swordsmanship Thunder Sword created by He Zudao.

Master Jueyuan hurriedly shook his head when he heard this: "The old monk only knows how to chant scriptures and meditate, dry books and sweep the floor, but he knows nothing about martial arts."

How could He Zudao believe such words? How could there be someone in the world who could practice internal force to such a profound level but knew nothing about martial arts.

He was no longer addicted to chess, but he was addicted to swordsmanship. It was rare to see such a strong master, so he was itching to fight.

At this moment, a voice came.

"My master really doesn't know martial arts, so why should Mr. He be so aggressive?

If you must compete, why don't you let me play with you?"

He Zudao looked up and saw a young man in gray monk's clothes, with long hair and not shaved. He was obviously a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple.

There was a typhoon today and it rained heavily. I couldn't come back, so I updated one less chapter. Please forgive me!

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