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Chapter 249: The changing nature of the universe, the image of thorns

As the three water-drop-like eyeballs kept turning, the whole world seemed to be in stillness.

Drops of golden liquid dripped from the eyes on the forehead of the man in black to the ground. After leaving his eyes, these golden liquids turned into mist and evaporated, filling the entire sky.

Then, golden light mists kept rotating with the body of the man in black, forming a cloud of mist like a nebula.

"The sky is ever-changing, the image of thorns!"

The voice of the man in black came coldly, and the golden mist solidified instantly, turning into a thorn whip with spikes.

The thorn whips did not kill the enemy, but penetrated the body of the man in black.

Although the Tianji clan is a foreign race, they are also flesh and blood. The thorn whips pierced his body, and the sharp barbs pierced his flesh and flesh, leaving bloody holes, and even the residue of internal organs could be seen flowing out of the holes.

This strange scene in front of them made the warriors who came to capture the man in black secretly shocked, and some even backed down in their hearts.

Several warriors had erratic eyes, and seemed to be preparing for an escape route.

Just kidding, this move looks so painful, it must be used to risk one's life.

They are not government employees, they just accept the conscription to get the government's reward points.

Although the reward points given by the government are tempting, it is not worth it to sacrifice one's life for it.

And those extraordinary people who belong to the government of Shuilanxing have no way to retreat.

Shuilanxing is now in a state of war readiness, and the wartime conscription regulations of the Star Alliance are quite strict.

You must know that the human race in the Star Domain has risen step by step from a weak slave race that is at the mercy of others to become this behemoth in the starry sky.

In the process of this rise, the Star Alliance has experienced countless bloody battles. In order to ensure the survival of the race, the wartime regulations are quite iron-blooded.

Once these extraordinary people with a system dare to be deserters, all their extraordinary privileges will be immediately revoked, and they will also be taken to the military court for trial.

Everyone looked at each other and knew that it was time to fight for their lives.

Seeing this magical power that was obviously performed by the eyes, Xu Chenzhou was also secretly recalling the information of the Tianji Clan in his heart. The Tianji Clan is a very special alien race. The entire tribe is very obsessed with the principles of the operation of the universe. The ultimate ideal of every Tianji Clan member is to see through the secrets of the universe and witness the ultimate principles of the universe.

Therefore, the eyes are respected in the Tianji Clan. The more eyes one has, the higher the status in the tribe. They believe that eyes are the basis for understanding the world. The more eyes one has, the wiser one is.

The person with the most eyes in the Tianji Clan is the Tianji Lord. Legend has it that the Tianji Lord has a total of 9,999 eyes all over his body, which is considered to be the ultimate achievement of the Tianji Clan.

Many people in the Tianji Clan believe that once the Lord grows another eye and breaks through the 9,999 eyes to reach the realm of ten thousand eyes, he will be able to successfully witness the ultimate principles of the universe and become the master of the entire world.

In fact, this worship of eyes is not without reason. The cultivation path of the Tianji Clan is closely related to the eyes. Each of their eyes can breed a life-long magical power. The more eyes the Tianji Clan has, the stronger it is.

At this time, codename 007 obviously activated his life-long magical power.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not see the effect of this magical power. After all, he was not an SM enthusiast. Whose magical power would be to stab himself with a whip?

Originally, Xu Chenzhou had planned to take action after making all preparations, but the moment he saw this magical power, he decided to wait and let others explore the effect of this magical power first, otherwise it would be bad if he capsized in the gutter.

The warriors were still hesitating. After all, this magical power was too weird. Only Hu Yan Xiaofeng was completely unmoved, without any fear in his eyes.

He raised his head and howled, and a red light shot up into the sky. Under the impact of the red light, his skull shattered, and countless white skulls fell to the ground like rain, and then a brain as bright as stars was exposed in the air.

The most core extraordinary organ of the Polar Star Yuan Magnetic Power is the Star Brain. People who practice this extraordinary martial art use the Star Brain to control the star power in the sky. It can be said that the Star Brain is the engine of the Polar Star Yuan Magnetic Power.

After the skull was broken, without the obstruction of the skull, the Star Brain directly contacted the stars in the sky, and the star power attracted by Hu Yan Xiaofeng became more intense in an instant.

This is also the most dangerous and desperate way of the Polar Star Yuan Magnetic Power. Breaking the skull can greatly improve the efficiency of the Star Brain in attracting star power, but it will also make this core lose all protection.

Simply put, it is a violent mode with high power and thin blood.

Transformed into substantial star power, it is like a piece of armor covering Hu Yan Xiaofeng's body.

His Polar Star Magnetic Battle Body was originally ten meters tall, and now it doubled under the blessing of the star power, turning him into a twenty-meter-tall giant.

Huyan Xiaofeng raised his right hand, which was as thick as a building, and hit the man in black fiercely.

In front of this palm, the man in black was as insignificant as a grain of rice.

Huyan Xiaofeng's palm wind was extremely violent, and the wind was so strong that the nearby trees were uprooted and flew far away.

But codename 007 did not dodge or avoid this palm. The countless thorn whips in his body spread out like the hair of a banshee, turning into walls in front of Huyan Xiaofeng.

But Huyan Xiaofeng's palm was too terrifying and violent. This was a desperate move of a fifth-level warrior. Huyan Xiaofeng not only manifested his combat body, but also opened his skull to attract a large amount of star power.

In front of the star power that was so dense that it had become substantial, the golden thorn walls were broken by this terrifying blow without any resistance.

With a bang, Huyan Xiaofeng's palm hit the man in black.

The man in black flew backwards violently, as if he could not bear the terrifying power of this palm, but what was strange was that he showed a smile on his face when he flew backwards.

The warriors who were watching were greatly excited when they saw this scene. They thought that this spy of the Tianji clan had something to say about using this move, but they did not expect it to be so vulnerable.

The warriors used their most powerful attacks one after another. In an instant, the wind and clouds of the sky and the earth moved, dragons and tigers appeared in the mountains, fists, swords, and spears gathered, and the terrifying attack almost collapsed half of the mountain forest.

The man in black still did not dodge and took the attacks head-on. There were bloodstains on his body, his skin was torn, and even several eyes on his forehead shed tears of blood.

An old man with white eyebrows and long hair saw this scene, and his eyes flashed with golden light. He rushed forward fiercely, and the long sword in his hand directly pierced the heart of the man in black.

The moment the long sword pierced the heart, the whole body became crystal clear, and then infinite light sprayed out from the long sword, turning into a raging fire, burning everything around into charcoal.

The man in black naturally couldn't stand the power of this terrifying flame and was directly burned into a pile of charcoal.

This old man is the owner of Tianxun Hall, which is known as the first martial arts hall in Tiancheng City. He is a peak fourth-level warrior, and he is only one step away from breaking through to the fifth level. The extraordinary martial arts he practiced is called [Red Flame Nine Turns Lotus Sutra], which can practice the Red Flame Nine Turns Lotus Battle Body and burn everything with a lotus red flame fire.

After successfully delivering this attack, the white-browed warrior was full of excitement: "I didn't expect that this time I, Zhou Baimei, would take the lead and kill this spy from the Tianji clan. I will accept the reward points this time."

There is a reason why he was so excited. Because it was in a state of war readiness, the government of Shuilanxing offered many reward points to recruit more masters. All masters who participated in the recruitment mission could get reward points, but the reward points were not directly divided equally. This was to prevent some people from participating in the mission without doing anything.

In this kind of killing mission, there are two people who can get the most reward points. One is the one who made the greatest contribution during the mission, and the other is the one who completed the killing.

These reward points are very precious. The reward points obtained by killing a fifth-level spy are enough for Zhou Baimei to exchange for enough resources in the treasure house of the Shuilanxing government to allow him to break through to the fifth level.

And the warriors around Zhou Baimei sighed and wished that they could replace him.

Just now, they were afraid that the man in black was cheating, so they didn't dare to attack close to him. They had been releasing powerful sword energy and knife energy from a distance. By the time they realized the opportunity, it was too late.

Zhou Baimei, this old guy, has a keen sense of smell, and his moves are fast and fierce.

A warrior who has a good relationship with Zhou Baimei patted him on the shoulder: "Old Zhou, you are really lucky. Remember to buy me a drink when you go back later, otherwise I will not let you go!"

Some people who don't get along with Zhou Baimei also said sarcastically: "Humph, it's just that you are fast at finishing off the enemy. What's there to be proud of? If it weren't for Lord Huyan's unparalleled bravery and defeating the Tianji clan spy with one move, you, a coward, would have run away long ago. "

No matter what, the atmosphere on the field gradually became joyful. After this order is completed, everyone can share the reward.

Just when the situation on the field became very harmonious, Xu Chenzhou did not show a relaxed expression. His face was very solemn, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Only he understood the magical power of the man in black.

He patted his chest gently with his hand.

Luckily, he just stabilized his hand, otherwise he might have capsized in the gutter. The magical power of the alien race is really weird.

Crack, crack, a strange sound rang out, and the expressions on the faces of the people who were celebrating changed instantly.

Huyan Xiaofeng's indestructible Polar Star Yuan magnetic battle body actually had cracks, looking like a porcelain that was shaken and would shatter in the next second.

Even the Star Brain in Huyan Xiaofeng's head had cracks, and drops of liquid like the color of the starry sky flowed out of the Star Brain.

The originally mighty Hu Yan Xiaofeng, who was very cold and dignified, fell to the ground.

The other warriors were not much better off. Scars appeared on each of their bodies, and blood flowed out of the wounds as if it was free, like a spring, dyeing the ground red.

The most miserable one was Zhou Baimei. A ball of fire suddenly burst out from his chest. The flame turned into the form of a lotus and emitted endless light and heat. In an instant, this majestic fourth-level extraordinary person was burned into a ball of charcoal, which was exactly the same as the body of the Tianji clan spy lying on the ground.

It was obvious that all this was caused by the magical power of the man in black.

Only Liu Sanbian was fine, because at the last moment Xu Chenzhou controlled the clone to hold Liu Sanbian back, so that he did not participate in the final finishing blow.

At this moment, the body of the Tianji clan spy actually began to tremble slightly strangely, as if time was flowing backwards, and the clumps of charcoal powder on the ground rushed towards his body.

This lump of charcoal quickly recovered in a strange form, and in the blink of an eye it returned to its original form.

The speed of recovery was so fast that even Xu Chenzhou almost didn't react.

Logically speaking, this was the best time to kill the man in black, but Xu Chenzhou still didn't act rashly, because he was not sure whether the man in black had lifted his magical power.

Obviously, the man in black's magical power, the image of thorns, was a strange magical power that could counter-injure. Simply put, the amount of damage received was the same as the amount of damage returned to the perpetrator.

This was also the reason why Xu Chenzhou was secretly glad just now, because according to his character, if he attacked secretly, he would definitely not hold back.

Thinking of the scene of his own grass-shaped sword energy that was tempered thousands of times and then being directly counter-injured, Xu Chenzhou was a little chilled.

This thing is too powerful, and he himself can't stand it.

Xu Chenzhou carefully looked at the man in black who had regained his human form. He found that although he had regained his human form, his condition was not very good. He was covered with scars, and only seven of the eight eyes on his forehead were left. The eye on the far right was now just a bloody hole, and it was still dripping blood.

Xu Chenzhou remembered that there was an eye like a jasper gem in the bloody hole before.

It seems that this is the key to the man in black's resurrection.

Now I don't know the operating logic of the man in black's resurrection ability. Is it only the jasper gem-like eye that can revive him, or can he be resurrected as long as he sacrifices the eye? If it is the latter, it will be a bit troublesome.

To be honest, the man in black's tactics are really a bit dirty. He actually used a combination of skills, counter-injury and resurrection. The more the opponent hurts, the more excited he is.

As the man in black returned to his original state, Xiong Qingqing, who was floating in the air before, also rose to the sky in the black mist.

The sun shines through Xiong Qingqing's body onto the earth, and the black fog spreads, covering everything within a radius of 100 meters. Then a magic circle slowly emerges from the ground.

The man in black didn't even look at the survivors Liu Sanbian and Xu Chenzhou's clone. In his eyes, a mere fourth-level warrior and a second-level warrior are nothing.

The man in black murmured to himself in a low voice: "Very good, now I just need to sacrifice all these warriors together with Xiong Qingqing, the son of destiny, and I can complete the task assigned to me by the master.

According to the master's calculation, Xiong Qingqing will rise in ten years and join the military of the Star Alliance, becoming an excellent commander, destroying the master's plan many times and causing a huge blow to our race.

Killing Xiong Qingqing in advance now is definitely a huge blow to the destiny of the human race.

And after sacrificing them, I can also use the destiny of the human race to successfully break through the god and demon level and grow the omniscient eye.

Praise the master, and may the master break the ultimate of the universe and achieve the highest."

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