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Chapter 250: Live and die, die and live

Listening to what the black-clothed man said, Xu Chenzhou finally understood what this Tianji clan spy did.

In fact, the black-clothed man did not use the common language of the human race in the star field when he muttered to himself, but the ancient language of the Tianji clan, the Ten Thousand Eyes Text.

To be honest, not many people on the entire Blue Water Star can understand this kind of text, but unfortunately, Xu Chenzhou is one of the few people who can understand this language.

After knowing that the Tianji clan and the Star Field Alliance had a war, Xu Chenzhou had studied all the information of the Tianji clan very seriously. With his super high understanding and countless thoughts, Xu Chenzhou's learning ability can be said to be extraordinary, so he quickly learned this ancient and obscure language.

Sneak into the human heartland of the Star Field Alliance, kill the human genius, cut off the human race's luck, and then use the human race's flesh and blood and luck for sacrifice, so that he can break through to the level of gods and demons.

And if Xu Chenzhou is not wrong, this is definitely not the whole plan of the Tianji clan master.

You should know that there is no god-demon-level combat power on the current Blue Water Star. Once this spy really breaks through to the god-demon level, it will be a very terrifying thing.

There are too many things that a spy who has achieved the god-demon level can do.

Even if he has achieved the god-demon level, this spy cannot be called invincible on Blue Water Star. After all, there are still many sects on Blue Water Star.

For example, the Supreme Creation Sect must have means to deal with the god-demon-level combat power.

But the problem is that as long as the Tianji clan spy is not stupid enough to collide with the headquarters of these sects, these sects will not take blood to deal with him.

For most sects, ensuring the survival of the sect is the top priority. As for the interests of the Star Domain Alliance, they must be ranked after the sect.

They will not be stupid enough to use their trump cards in such a place.

With the deduction ability of the Tianji clan master, this Tianji clan spy can completely leave all kinds of hidden hands on Blue Water Star to affect the subsequent battle situation.

In addition, if there are really gods and demons in the rear, the front line must also send gods and demons to defend the hinterland, which can also reduce the pressure on the front line and hold back the high-end combat power of the human race.

At the same time, Xu Chenzhou also thought that it was not only Shuilan Star that had spies sent by the Tianji Clan. This time, the spies of the Tianji Clan cast a wide net. There are gaps of the Tianji Clan in tens of thousands of planets on the entire southern front.

If gods and demons appeared in all these planets, it would definitely have a huge impact on the front line, and even directly affect the outcome of the battle.

The expression on the face of the man in black gradually became crazy. He stretched out his hand and waved, and the land of the whole forest kept shaking, and then thick blood came out from the ground. These blood kept flowing, and soon a huge magic circle was drawn on the ground.

It is obvious that this magic circle was arranged by him in advance, which is why the man in black had to wait until he led everyone to this forest before launching the combination skill.

Of course, another reason is that after using the combination skill, although he can be resurrected from the dead, he will still be seriously injured. If he uses this trick in the city, he will be easily surrounded by the reinforcements after resurrection, and he may not be able to run out of the city to come here to perform the sacrifice.

At first glance, this magic circle looks like an irregular polygon, but if you look closely, you can see that it is composed of many different pairs of eyes overlapping, densely packed like the shape of a honeycomb, which makes people feel a little chilly.

The blood flowing through makes this magic circle flash with a strange luster, and the gorgeous blood color reflected on the pale face of the man in black looks so weird.

He knelt on the ground and piously soaked the row of eyes on his forehead in the blood on the ground.

"Praise the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes, praise the great Lord of Heavenly Secrets, the Lord of All Things, the Supreme Knowledge, may you grant eternity to the world, I am willing to offer blood, preach with my miserable body, you are the Lord of all, you are the God of all spirits, all glory belongs to your mercy, your humble servant prays for your attention."

Prayers echoed in the empty mountains and forests, the sound was sharp as if a knife was scraping glass.

Xu Chenzhou stared at the spy of the Heavenly Secret Clan, it was too dangerous to let such a spy break through to the sixth level of God and Demon.

Xu Chenzhou could not allow such a person to appear around him.

This time he really had to take action.

How could he allow others to snore on the bed beside him.

The golden thorns on the spy of the Heavenly Secret Clan were still shining, which meant that the Heavenly Secrets were changing, and the image of thorns was still in effect.

However, Xu Chenzhou could also see that as the magic circle under the feet of the man in black slowly unfolded, the golden thorns on his body gradually became transparent, which meant that the sacrificial magic circle and the image of thorns could not coexist.

The moment the magic circle was truly formed was also the time when the thorn image on the black-clothed man disappeared.

According to Xu Chenzhou's observation, the thorn image's counterattack was directly applied to the flesh and could not be blocked by any defensive skills or magic tools. In other words, the amount of damage he caused to the black-clothed man would be equal to the corresponding damage to his body.

Xu Chenzhou was not sure whether his Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique could block this kind of counterattack. After all, the Xuanhuang Linglong Body Protection Technique only had a trace of the charm of the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. The gap between the status of the real merit treasure was huge, and there was no way to make him invincible forever, so Xu Chenzhou chose not to gamble.

In fact, after knowing the mechanism of the Statue of Thorns, Xu Chenzhou can completely control the power of the attack, and control it to an extent that the man in black can't bear but he can withstand it. This can be done because his body's recovery power is far greater than that of the man in black. Better than warriors of the same realm, and definitely better than the Tianji clan who are not known for their physical strength. Even if he suffers the same amount of damage, he can still survive with his strong body.

But if a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, he is just a spy. It is not worth Xu Chenzhou's injury to exchange for an injury, not to mention that this strange man in black might be resurrected. If he really wants to exchange the injury, it will definitely be a loss of blood.

Xu Chenzhou silently waited for the opportunity.

As the man in black chanted, the magic circle under his feet gradually took shape. The color of the magic circle, which was originally a blood-like color, gradually changed after it was formed, transforming into a shiny golden color.

This golden color is not ordinary gold, but a somewhat dull golden color, which makes people feel very depressing just looking at it, as if a big stone is weighing down their hearts.

Golden mist filled the circle and passed through the bodies of the people who fell to the ground, hanging them in the air like grapes on a vine.

Then this mist passed through everyone and gathered towards Xiong Qingqing in the sky.

It can be seen that wisps of blood mist were pulled out of everyone's bodies by the golden mist, and condensed into droplets of blood in the air, slowly gathering outside Xiong Qingqing's body, wrapping her young and tender body in a blood ball.

Under Xu Chenzhou's induction, the lives of these sacrificed people were not in danger for the time being, but they had become extremely weak, so Xu Chenzhou continued to wait for the opportunity to take action with peace of mind.

It is worth mentioning that the clones of Liu Sanbian and Xu Chenzhou were not included among the people who were strung together.

Liu Sanbian, who has become a mature man, knew that something was wrong when he saw this scene.

In fact, Lao Liu himself is not particularly afraid of death. If he can reverse the situation with all his strength, he will definitely give it a try, but the problem is that he really can't withstand it. With his strength alone, he can fill a gap in the teeth of the man in black, let alone Behind him was Xu Chenzhou.

Moreover, he was not a staff member directly under the government, and the star region government would have nothing to do with him if he ran away directly, so he immediately made the decision and ran away directly with Xu Chenzhou's clone.

According to Xu Chenzhou's induction, Liu Sanbian has now run at least twenty kilometers.

In this regard, Xu Chenzhou could only say that he was worthy of being a fourth-level warrior, and his running speed was so terrifying.

Finally, the magic circle was completely formed, and the huge golden magic circle emitted a bright light.

This light penetrated the sky and the earth, directly passed through Xiong Qingqing's body, and penetrated the entire sky. Xu Chenzhou could feel that this light seemed to have penetrated a void existence, and plundered a huge amount of energy from it. transport.

Seeing this scene, the man in black slowly raised his head with a sickly smile on his face.

"It's done, it's done, it penetrates the destiny of the human race and tears apart the long river of destiny. This is the power of the master of heaven.

Hahahahaha! A mere human race, with only supernatural powers and no knowledge of destiny, is ultimately like an ant. They are destined to be trampled under the feet of our Tianji God Clan and become part of our Tianji God Clan’s road to becoming a god. "

As he spoke, the man in black suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the extremely bright light.

"As long as I absorb this light of sacrifice, I can use its power to grow an omniscient eye. When the time comes, I can devour all the flesh and blood of these people, and I can use it to peer into the ultimate corner of the world and reach the level of gods and demons. path of."

His hands were shaking slightly, he was too excited, and his face was full of desire for knowledge and throwing tiles.

Just when his hand was about to touch the light of sacrifice, a terrifying sword energy slashed out from within.

This sword energy was so fast, as fast as lightning, that it was completely invisible to the naked eye. It cut off the hand of the man in black with just one blow.

The pale hand fell to the ground, bleeding red blood, and the five fingers were still stretching and contracting, as if the memory of wanting to catch the sacrificial light still remained in the muscles.

The frantic expression on the man's face in black faded away, first showing a hint of panic and then immediately turning into anger: "Who, who, dares to stop me from entering the realm of omniscient god.

It's a capital crime. It's a capital crime. Where did the rat in the gutter come from? Get out of here. "

Xu Chenzhou slowly removed his breath-holding technique, and then slowly appeared from behind a tree.

He waited for a long time and finally waited until the whip of thorns on the man in black completely dissipated.

He originally wanted to cut off the man in black's head with this sword, but after thinking for a moment, he chose to play it safe and cut off the right hand of the man in black that was reaching for the light of sacrifice.

As expected, the moment the Whip of Thorns completely dissipated meant that the man in black's magical power had ended, and now there was no counter-injury effect on his body.

"A rat in the gutter? Are you kidding me? This is the territory of the Star Alliance and the territory of my starry sky human race. You, a foreigner, are the rat in the gutter.

You come to my house as a nasty guest and you dare to be so arrogant.

Sure enough, what the sages said was right. The Tianji clan is like cockroaches in the sewers. They can't be killed without stopping. They are the most disgusting existence in the world. "

As Xu Chenzhou spoke, he was accumulating sword energy in his hand. The man in black was a fifth-level peak-level existence, and he had a row of eyes on his forehead. He had who knows how many disgusting natal magical powers. Although he is seriously injured now, he will not take it lightly.

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, the man in black was furious. It didn't matter if he insulted him, but daring to insult his tribe would undoubtedly touch his skin.

"You have been hiding in the dark for so long, watching me and your human masters fight to the death, and you have only come out now. How can you not be called a rat in the gutter?

If you really have the ability, why do you need to use sneak attacks to deal with me?

If you have the ability, just come and fight me head-on!"

The man in black is full of confidence. Although he is seriously injured now and only has the fourth-level combat power.

But there is a sacrificial light column next to him. As long as he touches the sacrificial light column, he can absorb the sacrificial light into his body. In this way, he can not only recover from his injuries, but also gain powerful combat power.

The man in black has a backup plan. He stared at Xu Chenzhou calmly and confidently, while urging his right hand that was cut off on the ground.

He has cultivated eight divine eyes, which means that he has eight innate magical powers. Although other than the image of thorns and the resurrection of the Holy Spirit, the other magical powers are not particularly outstanding, but one of them is exactly what he can use now.

That is, flesh and blood have spirits. After awakening this magical power, his flesh and blood have super strong activity. As long as the head is intact, the rest of his body can slowly recover even if it is chopped into pieces, and it can even be controlled by his brain.

So although his hand was cut off and fell to the ground, to some extent, it still belongs to his body.

But when he really tried to control his right hand with his mind, the black-clothed man showed an extremely ugly expression on his face, because he found that he could no longer sense his right hand on the ground.

This is a matter of course. The sword energy used by Xu Chenzhou to cut off his right hand was the sword energy cultivated by the Caozi Sword Art, which can cut off the universe and cut off time.

Compared with time, the connection between his brain and body seems so insignificant. Xu Chenzhou didn't even deliberately target it. Just a casual sword energy cut off the connection, so that his brain could no longer control this right hand.

Sensing this, the black-clothed man immediately flew back. As long as he touched the sacrificial light column, he could turn over instantly.

But how could Xu Chenzhou give him this opportunity? He just finished accumulating strength and gathered countless grass-shaped sword qi on the palm bones.

Xu Chenzhou showed a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Fight you head-on? This is the first time someone has asked me this kind of request, so I'll satisfy you!"

After saying that, he waved his hand lightly, and the sword qi that had been brewing in his hand gushed out and ravaged the sky, as dazzling as a white gold thread.

The man in black was shocked when he saw this. He flew while controlling the black mist to block Xu Chenzhou's sword qi.

But after he recovered, he could hardly maintain the combat power of the fifth level, so how could he stop Xu Chenzhou's sword that could match the terrifying sword qi of the half-step sixth level.

The grass-shaped sword qi that formed a long dragon of sword qi was thick and long, crossing the sky and fiercely slashing the man in black.

The power of the sword energy was so terrifying that it chopped the man in black into a meat paste in an instant. Countless sword energies gnawed the man's body into pieces like a gold-eating beast, and even his bones were ground into powder.

But Xu Chenzhou did not relax, because he could feel that the countless powders in front of him still contained a strong vitality. Sure enough, after a moment, the man in black's body condensed again, and one of the eight eyes on his head was blinded at this time. Two bloody black holes appeared on the left and right, and blood kept dripping out of them.

The man in black looked at Xu Chenzhou with an extremely resentful expression, gritting his teeth as if he wanted to eat Xu Chenzhou's flesh and blood.

"You dare to kill me, you dare to kill me, lowly human, you are dead, you are really dead."

As he said this, the man in black hit his chest fiercely. This punch was so fierce that blood even flowed out of the man's facial features, and then countless phantoms of thorn whips appeared behind him.

"Heaven's secrets are ever-changing, thorns"

Just when the thorn whip was still condensing, the long dragon of sword energy that Xu Chenzhou cut out swam back from behind the man in black, and countless terrifying sword energy flowed through, once again chopping the man in black into countless powder.

Xu Chenzhou had long been on guard against this move of his, so how could he let the man in black perform this troublesome thorn image again.

Not only that, at the moment when the man in black was powdered, Xu Chenzhou also stretched out his hand and sucked the man in black's body into powder and moved dozens of kilometers away from the sacrificial light column.

This sacrificial light column looked very wrong, so it was better to keep a distance.

Then Xu Chenzhou stared at the powder with full concentration without any relaxation.

If he guessed correctly, the man in black would be resurrected again.

As expected, Xu Chenzhou was not wrong. In less than a moment, the man in black was resurrected again. This time, he only had five intact eyes.

The moment he appeared, the man in black shouted again, and then another eye on his forehead burst into countless blood, which actually wrapped his body and turned into a blood light, rushing backwards.

Xu Chenzhou's sword energy dragon had been waiting for this moment. The moment the man in black turned into blood light, it was stirred into countless blood foam by the sword energy dragon.

Xu Chenzhou was not careless at all. He collected all the blood foam and bone powder together, and then waited quietly.

The man in black seemed unable to stay in the state of death for too long. He was resurrected again after about three minutes.

Xu Chenzhou would not show mercy, and once again, he chopped him into powder with a long dragon of sword energy.

In this way, the man in black lived and died, died and lived again, and soon died.

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