All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 251 The brainwashing method of the Tianji clan leader!

But this time, Xu Chenzhou didn't rush to kill him. He just cut off the legs of the man in black with a sword, and then watched him quietly.

The aura of the man in black in front of him was extremely weak, almost equivalent to that of an ordinary warrior who had just achieved extraordinary things.

At this time, every piece of skin of the man in black was covered with scars, and the look on his face was full of despair.

It was obvious that although his magical powers could bring him back to life, there was no way to fully recover. Every death would cause huge damage to his body.

Of the row of eight eyes on the man in black, only one is still intact. The shape of this eye looks very strange. There is a circle of golden round particles in the white of the eye, and then the pupil has a strange golden light that is constantly flowing. runes.

Except for this eye, the other seven eyes were now bloody holes, with blood constantly flowing out of them, making the man in black look as scary as a ghost.

He turned his head and looked back, his body crawling hard.

As he crawled, the flesh and blood from the cracked wounds on his body rubbed against the sand and gravel on the ground, making a scalp-numbing squeaking sound.

But even so, he kept crawling as if he felt no pain, trying to get closer to the sacrificial light pillar.

But how could he do it? Xu Chenzhou had already moved the man in black a few kilometers away from the light beam.

Even though the man in black has an amazing physique and can crawl extremely fast, at the crawling speed of the man in black it would take at least three minutes to climb to the light beam.

While the man in black was still trying to crawl, Xu Chenzhou stepped on the man in black's head and crushed his head into the dust.

"Tianji clan, I thought they were so tyrannical, but I didn't expect that just these two times, you still dare to bark in front of me?"

The man in black raised his head with resentment on his face and stared at Xu Chenzhou.

"If I hadn't been seriously injured trying to deal with other masters of your human race, how could I have been defeated by you?

It's really hateful!

If I were to touch the sacrificial beam and absorb the power within it, I could suppress it with the flip of my palm based on your cultivation. "

Xu Chenzhou smiled noncommittally, so what if the man in black touched the sacrificial light beam? No matter how powerful the Tianji clan's secret sacrificial method is, it still has to pay attention to the basic method.

His current combat power is enough to kill a sixth-level being in half a step. The man in black is only at the peak of fifth-level, and he is also seriously injured. It is impossible to directly break through to the sixth-level realm in an instant. It always requires a process.

And this process was enough for him to easily kill the man in black.

As long as the man in black does not activate the magical power of the Thorn Elephant, for him, whether his cultivation level is at the peak of the fifth level or half-step to the sixth level, it is just a matter of one sword.

The reason why he was worried just now was not because he was afraid of the enemy's cultivation, but because the power of his sword energy was so powerful that even he himself would be afraid. Before he could figure out the magical power of the Elephant of Thorns, Xu Chenzhou didn't want to take the risk and test the power of his sword energy.

But Xu Chenzhou had no intention of explaining to the man in black. Instead, he said with an indifferent face: "What's the use of talking so much? It's just a winner and a loser. Now that you lose, you have to admit it.

Tell me, what is your purpose for coming to Aquamarine this time? If the sacrifice is successful, what are you going to do? "

As Xu Chenzhou spoke, he chopped off the arms of the man in black with his sword, directly cutting off his limbs. His main goal was to be steady and not give the man in black any chance to make a comeback.

"If you explain everything, you will suffer less, otherwise I will not be lenient."

The man in black seemed to feel no pain. Even if his arms and legs were cut off, the expression on his face remained unchanged, staring at Xu Chenzhou with a look of resentment.

"Kill if you want, cut into pieces if you want. Our Tianji clan is not as soft-boned as those cowards from your human clan. No matter what methods you have, I will never betray my clan.

Dying for the Tianji clan is what I want. The more you torture me, the more excited I become.

Because the suffering I endure at this time will become my achievements engraved in the Kingdom of the Lord God in the future. The greater my achievements, the nobler I will be after my resurrection.

Praise our Lord, when the Lord achieves eternity, he will surely redeem us from the long river of time and space again, and become the eternal and immortal supreme race of gods. "

Seeing the man in black looking like he would rather die than surrender, Xu Chenzhou took a deep breath.

The racial cohesion of this Tianji tribe is a bit strong, and any spy of the Tianji tribe can actually show a look of disregarding death.

Resurrection after death, entering the kingdom of God, eternal immortality, and achieving the highest level of achievement. My obedient slogan is incredible.

The look and expression of the man from the Tianji tribe reminded him of some of the believers he had seen in his previous life.

The same is true for those people. Once they are brainwashed, even if a gun is put to their head, their expressions will not change, and they will not even show a trace of fear.

And not only Xu Chenzhou also saw some traces of success learning in the teachings instilled by the leader of the Tianji clan into his subordinates.

The harder you live now, the more successful you will be after resurrection in the future. Hear the applause!

It's really a bit outrageous to actually paint a pie for his subordinates like this.

However, Xu Chenzhou did not give up. The war on the front line was one thing, but the Tianji clan actually set their sights on Shui Lanxing, which made Xu Chenzhou a little annoyed.

The Tianji clan's plan is closely related to his future life. This is his rear base. Once the Tianji clan's spies succeed, it is equivalent to his home being stolen.

If this place really becomes an enemy-occupied area, then I am afraid he can only temporarily wander in the heavens and the worlds. After all, at present, he does not have the ability to cross the universe in his physical body.

Xu Chenzhou waved his hand, and countless thoughts condensed in the air, and then turned into a white bone palace, swallowing the man in black.

You have a plan, and I have a ladder.

You can use brainwashing to make your subordinates fearless.

But I have the extreme torture of the eighteen-story white bone palace from Yangshen.

Since you like to suffer so much, let you experience the extreme suffering that no one in this world has ever experienced, and see whether the brainwashed iron faith can resist the painful torture from the depths of the soul.

Xu Chenzhou separated a thought and settled in the white bone palace to watch the various tortures suffered by the man in black.

Tongue-pulling hell, scissors hell, iron tree hell, steamer hell

Soon, the man in black experienced layer after layer of torture.

But what he didn't expect was that the man in black was really strong. Although he kept screaming, he didn't really give in until he experienced the torture of the tenth layer of hell.

You know, the eighteen hells in the White Bone Palace are different from the eighteen layers of hell in Xu Chenzhou's previous life.

The eighteen hells in Xu Chenzhou's previous life sounded terrible, but in fact, they were just like that. The tongue-pulling hell was to pull out the tongue constantly, and the steamer hell was to be put in a steamer. It was really terrible for ordinary people, but for some monks with firm Taoism, it was just like that.

The eighteen layers of hell in the White Bone Palace were different. There were too many more punishments.

At the beginning, the White Bone Taoist of the White Bone Dao was very dissatisfied with the original monotonous eighteen layers of hell punishment.

So before creating this Taoist method, he collected all the punishments in the recorded Yangshen world, and then integrated them all into it, and he also pioneered a lot of his own creativity for innovation.

The soul of the man in black became somewhat vague in the constant torture. If it weren't for the White Bone Palace constantly restoring the tortured soul for better torture, I'm afraid the soul of the man in black would have dissipated at this time.

However, the next eight layers of hell are not so easy to survive.

The first ten layers of hell in the White Bone Pagoda Palace are just some physical pain. Although extremely cruel, these are still bearable for some people with iron will.

The last eight layers of hell are not so simple. In the last eight layers, the White Bone Taoist has incorporated many punishments for the soul and emotions, including joy, anger, sorrow, worry, fear, and each layer corresponds to an emotion. Through emotions, various evil obstacles in the soul are triggered, and then the red lotus karma fire is generated, burning the origin. This punishment is thousands of times more painful than the pain of the flesh.

As long as you are not a stone man without heart and consciousness, you can't bear it.

Xu Chenzhou temporarily ignored the black-clothed man who was taken into the White Bone Palace. He turned his head and looked at the sacrificial array in the distance. He recorded the sacrificial array in full through the chat group.

Although this thing is evil, Xu Chenzhou is still very interested in it. He can sacrifice luck in exchange for power. Just thinking about it, Xu Chenzhou can think of many interesting uses.

Although the cultivation obtained by this sacrifice is harmful to one's own practice and will only damage the foundation, who says that the power obtained by sacrifice can only be used for one's own practice?

To be honest, this method of transformation has great potential. For example, it is very wonderful to use it to refine tools. As for luck, this thing is not difficult to get. The Tianji Clan can sacrifice the luck of the human race, and he can naturally sacrifice the luck of the Tianji Clan.

As for those trapped in the sacrificial array, Xu Chenzhou does not need to worry, because at the moment the sacrificial array is formed, everything in the array falls into stillness. As long as the array is not activated to initiate the sacrifice, the array will not really extract the origin and luck of everyone.

After watching for a long time, until Xu Chenzhou remembered all the details of the sacrificial array in his mind, he turned his attention back to the man in black.

Since entering the last eight levels, the screams from the bone palace have become louder and louder, and each one is more shrill than the last. It seems that the punishment of the last eight levels should make the man in black very satisfied.

Xu Chenzhou flipped his hand, and the soul of the man in black rolled out of the bone palace and returned to his body.

At this time, the man in black no longer looked unruly, and his eyes were full of fear.

He said with a face full of righteousness: "It's useless, don't waste your time, no matter how you torture me, you can't get any information from me.

We have already undergone rigorous training before being sent to various planets by the master using the method of heavenly secrets. We have endured all kinds of torture in the master's heavenly secrets mirror. Although even the master's heavenly secrets mirror is not as terrifying as your evil method, it is enough to make me have some patience in this inhuman torture.

What's more, we have sworn an origin oath to the master before we set off, and there is no way to tell any information about the master's plan.

Unless you have the ability to search the soul and directly search for information from my mind, otherwise everything you do will be in vain."

The words of the man in black made Xu Chenzhou want to laugh. He was cowardly, but he was still so stubborn.

Looking at the black-clothed man, if there was no original oath, he would not care about the big cakes that the Tianji clan master had painted for him, and he would have told everything he knew.

Since the only way to get information is to search the soul, then search the soul. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is nothing as long as the information can be obtained.

Xu Chenzhou actually has several soul-searching methods.

Apart from other things, the Taoist practice system of the Yangshen world alone can achieve a similar effect to soul-searching.

In the original timeline, Hong Yi once trained Emperor Qian Yang Pan into a book of the Heroes of the Sky, in which Yang Pan's various memories were recorded.

Xu Chenzhou's current Yangshen Taoist practice is naturally far inferior to Hong Yi at that time. The practice of a mere sixth-level ghost fairy is not enough to support him to use that kind of Taoist, but he can still do it with a little reference.

Xu Chenzhou stretched out his hand and waved, and thousands of thoughts flew out from behind him, forming a galaxy of thoughts in the vastness.

Then, on each of his thoughts, flames as hot as glass emerged.

Under the scorching flames, the soul of the man in black kept emitting black smoke.

These black smokes were the ego in the soul of the man in black.

Xu Chenzhou only needed the memory of the man in black, and his ego had no meaning to Xu Chenzhou.

However, as the ego continued to evaporate, the black smoke was also mixed with a trace of impurities like floating cotton and scattered in the air.

This was also the reason why Xu Chenzhou did not want to use the soul-searching method at the beginning. It was indeed difficult for him to extract a person's memory with his current Taoist cultivation. In addition, the man in black did not practice Yangshen Taoism and did not practice thoughts. It was even more difficult for a simple soul to use this method to extract memory.

Although it can be done, it will be damaged during the refining process, and the memory obtained will be very incomplete.

If the key memory is lost during the refining process, it will be a bit troublesome.

As the refining process progressed, more and more black smoke came out of the soul of the man in black, and his soul gradually shrank and turned into a piece of parchment one foot square, which looked mottled and worn.

Xu Chenzhou unfolded the parchment, separated a thought and escaped into the parchment to read the information in it.

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