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Chapter 252 The Power of the Heaven-Severing Talisman

Xu Chenzhou looked at it and his brows gradually furrowed.

Although he did not hesitate to use such a cruel method to extract the memory of the man in black, the information obtained from it was much less than he imagined.

The master of the Tianji clan was very cunning. He gave each spy an independent task, so the man in black only had information about his own task in his memory.

And because of Xu Chenzhou's refining method, the man in black's soul did not condense thoughts, and the material was not suitable, so the memory in this parchment was not complete, and some information was missing.

According to the information on the parchment, the main task of the man in black to come to Shuilan Star this time was to sacrifice Xiong Qingqing's luck, and use this as a starting point to pry the long river of luck of the human race. As long as this is done, the master of the Tianji clan will pull him out of the long river of time after he achieves the highest level in the future.

After achieving the level of God and Demon with the help of Xiong Qingqing's luck, the next task is also very simple, that is, to find a way to sneak into the headquarters of the Joint Research Institute on the Blue Water Star to steal a treasure. Once he succeeds, he can leave the Blue Water Star through the Heavenly Secret Pulling Method of the Heavenly Secret Clan's ruler and return to the army of the Heavenly Secret Clan.

While reading the parchment, Xu Chenzhou also understood how the ruler of the Heavenly Secret Clan planted so many spies on various planets.

It is not difficult to shuttle through space in the star field world. After reaching the level of God and Demon, there are some extraordinary ways to obtain the ability of short-range teleportation.

And for those supreme beings, they can even cross countless light years in an instant through space shuttle.

However, this method of space shuttle is prohibited in the territory of the Star Field Alliance.

The territory of the Star Field Alliance is protected by the Four Spirits of the Human Race, which is set up by the Tianzun-level masters of the human race. All attempts to break through space shuttle will be resisted by the formation.

Even the masters of the Heavenly Venerable level cannot travel through the void in the territory of the Star Domain Alliance.

Because the Four Spirits Zhenyu Dingzhou Great Array uses four supreme artifacts of the human race as the core of the array.

The Heavenly Emperor Tower, the Earthly Emperor Book, the Mysterious Emperor Immortal Spear, and the North Star Emperor Heavenly Sword.

These four supreme artifacts are all transformed after the death of the Heavenly Venerable level masters of the human race. Their power is so strong that they can completely match the Heavenly Venerable level masters.

Unless there is a power that can destroy these four supreme artifacts at the same time, no one can travel through the void.

Even the Heavenly Venerable level masters of the human race in the Star Domain are within the restricted range.

Of course, this is also unavoidable. If a hole is opened, it is easy for people to take advantage of it. Although the supreme artifact has intelligence, how can it deal with those alien Heavenly Venerable masters who are as smart as ghosts? They can easily bypass the blockade by disguising their breath and forging credentials.

So it is better to treat them equally. Anyway, there are space wormholes inside the Star Domain Alliance, which can meet the transportation needs within the Star Domain Alliance.

Therefore, in the territory of the Star Alliance, if you want to cross long-distance space, you can only use the existing wormholes.

The Star Alliance does this to ensure the security of the territory. If anyone can freely travel through the void in the territory of the Star Alliance, then the territory will be like a sieve, and any alien race can come and go at will.

And if the existing wormholes cannot meet the needs, the local forces of the Star Alliance want to open up new interstellar routes, and they can also ask the Supreme Council of the Star Alliance to propose a bill to ask them to close the formation within the specified time and then ask masters to open up wormhole routes.

This is also the reason why the Star Alliance has not received reinforcements after the attack of the Tianji Clan.

The wormholes that can transport military forces have been blown up by the Tianji Clan.

And the Tianzun-level existence that can travel through the void is restrained by the supreme aliens invited by the Tianji Clan.

Once the formation is closed, those supreme aliens can also enter the territory of the Star Alliance at will in an instant, and the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Logically speaking, with this great formation suppressing space, the front-line defense of the Star Domain Alliance is also impregnable, and the master of the Tianji Clan is also unable to break the space blockade and place the Tianji Clan's spies on the rear planet.

But the problem is that the means used by the master of the Tianji Clan to transmit spies is not traditional space shuttle.

The magical power he used is called Tianji traction.

The name of this magical power sounds simple, but it is actually very difficult to operate.

The Four Spirits Zhenyu Dingzhou Great Array suppresses all man-made space shuttles.

However, the space of the universe itself will also fluctuate, and a series of disordered space-time turbulences will cross the universe. Once involved in it, you will often be teleported to an unknown place.

These are part of the rules of the universe and are happening all the time. If you want to suppress all of them, then the power required will be too great, which is simply an enemy of this universe.

The human race in the star domain is not without this power. With the existence of the Four Spirits Zhenyu Dingzhou Great Array, it is completely possible to suppress all space fluctuations within the territory of the Star Domain Alliance in a short period of time, but it is not necessary to do so.

According to the Tianzun-level master who designed the Four Spirits Calming the Universe Array, if one wants to suppress all the time and space turbulence and resist the will of the universe, even the supreme artifact of the human race can only last for 100,000 years at most.

This is naturally a loss-making thing. If one only suppresses all artificial space travel, then the power of the supreme artifact is enough to be eternal and permanent, and always protect the human race's territory.

The Tianji traction of the Tianji Clan uses the time and space turbulence naturally generated by the universe.

Although he could not control these space-time turbulences, he could calculate the coordinates of space-time turbulences through the method of Tianji traction.

In other words, he only needed to push the right person into the right space-time turbulence at the right time after the calculation to send his people to the destination he wanted to send.

However, this kind of calculation requires an anchor, because space-time turbulence is disordered. Even if two people are caught in the same space-time turbulence at the same time, they are likely to be sent to different places. Therefore, he must select a candidate before deduction, so that he can send his people to where he wants to go.

Moreover, the uncontrollability of space-time turbulence is too strong, and Tianji is very chaotic in it, and the difficulty of deduction is also much higher.

If the person being described is too strong, then even the master of the Tianji clan cannot calculate everything in detail.

And the use of space-time turbulence must be foolproof. The slightest deviation will produce a world of difference.

So even if he wanted to deduce a large number of things, the anchors he selected could only be beings that had not achieved the level of gods and demons.

When he saw these materials, Xu Chenzhou suddenly realized that he had been wondering why the spies sent to the major planets by the Tianji clan master were not gods and demons.

The stronger the spies under his command were, the better, so that they could cause enough losses to the Star Domain Alliance and have a subversive impact on the war situation.

It turned out that it was not that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't do it.

Under such a high deduction difficulty, using gods and demons as anchors was a very difficult task even for the Tianji clan master.

It would be fine to deduce dozens or hundreds of them, but his target this time was tens of thousands of planets, and each planet required at least three spies. In this way, the workload was simply terrible.

From the parchment, Xu Chenzhou knew that many Tianji clan spies were ready to sacrifice before being sent out by the Tianji clan master, because even if they completed the sacrificial mission and achieved the level of gods and demons, the Tianji clan master would not bring them back at all.

Unless a lucky person like the man in black receives the task of snatching treasures, he will have the opportunity to return through the method of heavenly traction. Of course, the reason why he can return is purely because of the treasure, and the man in black is just a bonus!

Xu Chenzhou was still carefully looking through the parchment. The information on it was a bit fragmented, and many of the information was obtained by his own wisdom.

Looking at it, Xu Chenzhou suddenly felt a warm feeling in his arms, as if something was stimulated.

Xu Chenzhou was not panicked at all, but showed an expression on his face. He reached out and saw a jade talisman in his hand.

The appearance of the jade talisman looked very simple, pure white, and crystal clear. Unlike other talismans, there were many complex patterns engraved on it. There were only two big characters written in the center of the town, Jie Tian.

This jade talisman was naturally the Jie Tian talisman that Yang Chan gave him. At this time, the jade talisman was flashing a faint fluorescence, and it was obviously taking effect.

Xu Chenzhou murmured to himself in a low voice: "As expected, I said that the master of the Tianji clan had painted such a big pie for his subordinates.

Resurrection after death, everything starts over, what a temptation, how could it be so easy to succumb, once betraying the master of the Tianji clan, it is equivalent to losing the ticket to resurrection.

Although the punishment of the White Bone Palace is very terrible, Xu Chenzhou estimated that the black-clothed man could at least last one or two rounds with his performance in the first ten levels. As a result, the black-clothed man gave in so quickly, there was indeed a trick.

The soul-searching method can certainly spy on the black-clothed man's memory, but spying on this kind of memory related to the master of the Tianji clan will naturally make this person who has a lot of knowledge in the way of Tianji The existence of profound attainments has sensed it.

And this is the purpose of the man in black, to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

He saw these memories, so he would naturally be watched by the master of the Tianji clan.

At this time, the Jietian Talisman was slightly hot, which should be sensing that the master of the Tianji clan was spying on my information through the way of Tianji deduction.

Fortunately, there was a talisman provided by Xiao Yangchan that cut off the Tianji sensing. Otherwise, if I rashly participated in the events related to the Tianji clan, I would probably have troubles in the future based on the means shown by the master of the Tianji clan. "

What Xu Chenzhou didn't know was that at the other end of the distant star field, in a huge eyeball-shaped palace suspended in the void of the universe, a roar was coming at this time.

A figure wrapped in a black robe sat on a throne.

The shape of this throne was extremely strange, and it was cast by countless eyeballs. These eyes opened and closed from time to time, and the dense appearance made people feel panic when they looked at it.

There are two huge golden eyeballs on the top of the left and right armrests of the throne. They stand on both sides of the throne and are used as armrests by the man in black.

The diameter of these two eyeballs is dozens of times that of other ordinary eyeballs. When the eyes open and close, there is an extremely noble aura, as if they are the gods who are above the heaven and earth.

However, the existence of these two suspected gods' eyeballs was scratched by the fingers of the man in black, leaving blood marks, and golden blood kept dripping, corroding the iron-black floor into holes.

The man in black sitting on the throne had an extremely painful face at this time.

"Who is it? Who can actually cut off my sense of heaven's secrets?

Is it the Diao Tiangong of the Star Domain Human Race, or the old guy of the Ice Race? Could it be the Grand Master of Ceremonies of the Xuanjian God Race?

But why? Aren’t they all in danger under my calculations? How could they spare their time to trip me up in such a place?

And I know them too well. With their means, how could they possibly cut out such a sword energy that could cut through the sky and destroy the earth?

This is definitely not a magical power that they can control. "

As the man in black spoke, he stretched out his black-robed palm and began to drip blood. A sword mark about a foot long appeared on the back of his hand.

His arms also looked very strange. It was just a pair of palms, but there were hundreds of eyeballs on them. The shapes of these eyeballs were different. Some were like the compound eyes of flies, some were like the vertical pupils of cold-blooded animals, and some were as dark as black holes. I don't know what kind of non-human race's eyeballs they were.

It was obvious that the scar on his hand was the injury he had just received when he was spying on the secrets of heaven.

Tongtian Patriarch has a bad temper. Although he seems so amiable when he is with Yang Chan, he is a hot-tempered person most of the time.

In another timeline, he was besieged by the four saints. The disciple died tragically, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation was broken. The master of Tongtian was so angry that he wanted to practice the earth, water, wind and fire again to re-enact the prehistoric times.

How could the Heaven-cutting Talisman left by such a ruthless person simply cut off the secrets of heaven?

Most other cultivators use gentle means to block the secrets of heaven.

For example, the means used by the Yuanshi Saint to block the secrets of heaven can make others unable to detect that there is a problem with the secrets of heaven that he is exploring. He will use sophisticated means to weave a false truth.

The Supreme Saint uses another means of inaction, which can make the explorer seem to have explored something, but it seems that nothing has been explored. It can only be said that it is like a search.

But the master of Tongtian is different. He adheres to the way of cutting the sky. Even the way of heaven must be cut off. How can he tolerate others to make trouble on his head?

I You dare to reach out and check the blocked secrets of heaven. OK, OK, OK, you are brave. Take my sword first. If you can withstand it, you can see. If you can't, get out of here.

In fact, if there is only one Heaven-Severing Talisman, although it can prevent the master of the Heavenly Secrets from deducing the secrets of heaven, there is definitely no way to make him suffer such a big loss.

After all, it is just a talisman, not Tongtian Patriarch's personal visit to the Star Domain World.

But who made Tongtian Patriarch play by the rules? Although the master of the Heavenly Secrets is also a powerful person who has been deducing the secrets of heaven for countless years, he has never encountered such an unreasonable existence as Tongtian Patriarch. Facing this method of blocking the secrets of heaven, he was unprepared and took a sword directly on his head. If he hadn't reacted quickly and used his magical powers to block this Heaven-Severing Sword Qi, it would not be as simple as a cut on his palm. It was a simple matter.

The leader of the Tianji Clan was a little angry and wanted to continue to explore the Tianji that was blocked by Tongtian Sect Master.

But at the moment of making a move, the Taoist priest standing in the void in black clothes and the four terrifying swords with murderous aura on his back appeared in his mind again, and he was a little scared again.

He touched the wound on his hand, and the piercing pain was transmitted to his mind through the wound. This sword energy was fierce and fierce, and even his ten thousand eyes body could not withstand it. It would take a lot of hard work to remove the sword energy.

Forget it, although there are several sons of destiny on Shuilan Star, which is also a relatively important existence among the tens of thousands of planets on the southeast front, it is just a chess piece for him, and it is really not worth it to take another sword energy for these trivial matters.

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