All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 253: Unethical group members

Xu Chenzhou didn't know what happened in the distant starry sky.

With the protection of the Heaven-cutting Talisman, he didn't worry about the deduction of the Heavenly Secrets of the Overlord of the Heavenly Secrets Clan at all.

Although the Overlord of the Heavenly Secrets Clan was very strong, from the various intelligence that Xu Chenzhou had collected during this period, the magical powers he displayed were not up to the level of a saint.

At this time, he was still studying the parchment drawn by the soul of the man in black.

In addition to recording various intelligence, this parchment also recorded the cultivation method of the Heavenly Secrets Clan.

The cultivation of the Heavenly Secrets Clan is fundamentally based on the eyes. The eyes are their magical powers and their destiny.

At the beginning of their cultivation, the practitioners of the Heavenly Secrets Clan must choose one thing and refine it into their own origin eye.

The things they choose can be living creatures, such as alien races, exotic beasts, etc.

It can also be dead things, such as various magical objects and magic weapons, or even some kind of true qi with special properties.

It can even be some metaphysical concept.

Of course, the more abstract things are, the harder it is for them to successfully refine them into their own origin eyes, and the closer things are to the shape of eyeballs, the easier it is for them to succeed.

Therefore, most Tianji Clan practitioners will not choose things that are too abstract. They basically target eyeball-like objects. Even if they choose dead objects, they will generally choose to make them into eyeball-shaped objects before refining them.

There is another benefit of refining the origin eye, that is, the innate magical power that is comprehended will inherit part of the power of the refining materials.

Therefore, the strong men of the Tianji Clan often dig out the enemy's eyes as their trophies after fighting with the enemy, which is also the most popular product in the Tianji Clan's cultivation world.

The origin eye is the fundamental structure of their cultivation system, and the innate magical power bound to it can continue to grow with the breakthrough of cultivation.

Then the cultivation of the Tianji Clan is to repeat this process continuously, constantly increase the number of their eyes, and each newly born eye will bring them a new magical power.

However, except for the innate magical power bound to the origin eye, the magical power of their other eyes has no growth potential.

The resurrection power used by the black-clothed man before was his innate power, and that was why he could sacrifice other eyeballs to continuously activate this innate power and resurrect from the dead.

This cultivation system is a bit weird, anyway, Xu Chenzhou couldn't accept the fact that he would be covered with eyeballs.

However, after practicing hard for a period of time, and constantly understanding and learning from the thinking patterns in the spiritual cores of Hong Yi and Zhang Sanfeng, Xu Chenzhou's understanding has reached an extraordinary level.

Even if the spiritual cores of the other two were not opened at this time, Xu Chenzhou could see the extraordinary nature of the Tianji clan's cultivation method at a glance.

The appearance of this cultivation method looks very evil, but the actual core is plunder and turning it into one's own use.

After refining other creatures or dead objects into their own eyes, the Tianji clan practitioners can awaken the magic power, and this magic power is also closely related to the objects they refined into their own eyes.

This is actually a very mysterious method.

Refining the eyes of other creatures into their own eyes is just a manifestation of this cultivation method.

After understanding this, Xu Chenzhou finally understood why the spies of the Tianji Clan were able to break through to the sixth-order God and Demon level through the sacrificial array.

You should know that the sixth-order God and Demon level is not an ordinary realm, but a complete evolution from body to mind, transcending the life level of human beings.

The flesh can manifest at will, and can be wind, fog, cloud, and lightning, no longer bound by form. The mind is always in the galaxy, and can think without the various structures of the brain, and even after the soul dissipates, the mind can remain immortal.

It can be said that the practitioners of the God and Demon level are no longer creatures of the same concept as ordinary extraordinary practitioners.

How could such an existence be achieved by a simple sacrificial array!

In fact, the process of the Tianji Clan spies achieving the God and Demon level is also a form of cultivation of the Tianji Clan. In essence, it is to refine the luck of the human race into an omniscient eye.

The power of luck is extremely precious, and it can achieve everything. There will be no obstacles to condense the omniscient eye with this power.

For the practitioners of the Tianji Clan, advancing to the God and Demon level and condensing the Eye of All-Knowing are equal in themselves.

In fact, if the practitioners of other races obtain the power of luck, they can also make their cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, but the benefits are not as high as those of the practitioners of the Tianji Clan.

After a brief understanding of the cultivation system of the Tianji Clan, Xu Chenzhou uploaded it to the chat group, enriching the collection of books in the chat group's cultivation space.

At this time, the number of various books in the chat group's cultivation space is expanding. In the good atmosphere of the group chat, all group members have made their own contributions and uploaded the precious books belonging to their own world to the group's cultivation space.

In this process, Xu Chenzhou also optimized the rules of the group's cultivation space.

Because at the beginning, the group's cultivation space was mainly used to collect various cultivation methods.

But later Xu Chenzhou found that this approach still has limitations.

Because the cultivation system of each world is not entirely composed of cultivation methods, in addition to cultivation methods, various knowledge collections and theoretical research books are also very precious.

Although these things are not exercises, they can still play a very positive role in promoting cultivation.

So Xu Chenzhou established a group chat library outside the technique space, and also included the technique space in the group chat library module.

In this new system, all knowledge files uploaded to the chat group will be placed in it.

Among them, the techniques that can be practiced are placed separately in the technique space. If you want to read the techniques in the technique space, you need to obtain download qualifications by uploading the techniques as before.

Other knowledge books are stored in the group chat library. These books are free and open to all group members and can be downloaded at any time.

At the same time, Xu Chenzhou also optimized the original rules. All techniques rated below the ground level no longer need to use download qualifications to download, and are also free to all group members.

Basic cultivation techniques such as the Bull Demon Great Strength Fist, the Tiger Demon Bone Training Fist, the Spirit Turtle Breathing Method, the Nine Yang True Classic, etc. can now be downloaded for free without any cost.

The techniques in the group chat are now divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, and Yellow. The classification of techniques is judged by the chat group, which can absolutely guarantee fairness and justice.

At present, the heaven-level skills in the group chat are basically the top-level skills in each world, such as the Caozi Sword Art, the Amitabha Sutra, the Five Emperors and Five Dragons Five Elements Chaos Skills, Zhang Junbao's self-created Jindan Martial Arts, etc., while the earth-level skills are the high-end skills in each world.

The reason why Xu Chenzhou made this change is that with the continuous growth of the group chat, the number of skills in the skill space has also increased sharply. If all skills are restricted, it will become quite difficult for new group members to choose the skills they like. It is better to open up the download permissions of various basic and mid-level skills.

Anyway, he originally set up this system just because he didn't want many freeloaders to appear in the group chat. Restricting group members from downloading skills is nothing more than letting group members actively upload skills, thereby continuously strengthening the power of the group chat.

Although the download permissions of basic and mid-level skills are now open, as long as there are restrictions on high-end and top-level skills, his original idea can still be implemented.

When Xu Chenzhou uploaded the cultivation method of the Tianji Clan, he also wrote down his comments and wrote down his feelings about this cultivation system.

The most precious part of the Tianji Clan's cultivation system is its method of condensing external objects into magical powers. As for the other parts, they are very ordinary and there is no need to practice them at all.

After finishing this matter, Xu Chenzhou put the sheepskin scroll into his sleeve and walked slowly towards the sacrificial array.

He did not forget that there were many warriors strung in the air like grapes in the sacrificial array.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou didn't want to care about them. Liu Sanbian had already taken Xu Chenzhou's clone to the city for help, and these warriors strung in the air were not in any danger. Their vital signs were very stable, and they could wait until others arrived before they came to help.

However, after reading the sheepskin scroll, Xu Chenzhou became interested in the power of luck mentioned in it, so he planned to study it himself.

Anyway, with the clone over there controlling the situation, he could leave before the rescuers arrived.

And to be honest, Xu Chenzhou didn't think the rescuers would arrive in a short time. After all, there were not one but three Tianji clan spies in Tiancheng City this time.

The simultaneous appearance of three spies completely disrupted all the deployments of Tiancheng City. They had no choice but to divide their troops into three groups to stop the spies' behavior. This action has tied up all the high-end forces in Tiancheng City.

Hu Yanxiaofeng had already lost to the Tianji clan spies. Although he was defeated so quickly because he fell into the Tianji clan spies' tricks, given the strange magical powers of the Tianji clan spies, I'm afraid the situation in the other two battlefields is not optimistic.

Xu Chenzhou came to the sacrificial array and carefully studied the structure of the array.

While watching him, he muttered to himself: "It is indeed worthy of being a cultivation system of an alien race. It is indeed completely different from the cultivation system based on human culture. It is so twisted and weird."

Even with the blessing of the knowledge of the Tianji clan's cultivation system learned from the parchment scroll, and the assistance of Zhang Sanfeng and Hong Yi's understanding, Xu Chenzhou's speed in constructing the formation is still very slow.

In Xu Chenzhou's view, the cultivation systems of different races are closely related to the cultural heritage of the race.

For example, the most primitive cultivation system of the extraordinary warriors of the human race follows the concept of the mutual generation of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and constructs harmonious and perfect five-element organs in the body to achieve extraordinaryness.

Of course, in the subsequent development, many branches of extraordinary warriors have emerged, and many schools have been born. Now there are also many extraordinary martial arts that do not follow the theory of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. For example, the Red Lotus Ascension Manual that Xu Chenzhou had seen in the library of the Martial Arts Association completely follows another set of theoretical systems, using the theory of engineering to transform extraordinary organs to achieve the ascension of the weak and weak flesh and blood machine.

But this set of theories is also based on the cultural heritage of the Star Human Race.

The Tianji Clan is different from the Human Race. Their cultural heritage is very different from that of the Human Race. Whether it is cultural concepts, three views and customs, they are completely different from those of the Human Race. Therefore, Xu Chenzhou has a solid mental barrier to understand.

Xu Chenzhou concentrated on studying the structure of the sacrificial array, and from time to time he flew into the air and carefully observed the overall structure of the array. It was not until half an hour later that Xu Chenzhou let out a long sigh.

He sent a message in the group chat.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "To be honest, these formations of the Tianji clan are really something. It took me half an hour to understand how to break the formation. To be honest, this is a very difficult formation I have ever seen."

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "The group leader is indeed extraordinary. I have been watching the live broadcast just now, and comprehending the mystery of this formation with the group leader.

However, the underlying logic of this formation is very different from our daily thinking, so it is also very difficult for me to crack it.

Until now, there is still a line of difference, at least another hour is needed."

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "No way, Junbao, you haven't seen it for a few days, why are you so lame? Isn't it very simple to crack this formation?

Here, here, or here, a random sword cut can cut off the flow of sacrificial power, thereby making this formation invalid."

Lu Mingfei was in class and chatting in the group at this time. He looked at the message sent by Zhang Junbao and felt a little incredible. In his impression, Zhang Junbao has always been a person with extraordinary understanding.

To be honest, Lu Mingfei also felt that the magic array in front of him was a bit mysterious.

But in his opinion, it was not difficult to break the array. Destruction is always easier than creation. Just cut off the energy supply of the magic array at these points and the array can be easily broken.

Could it be that he was a genius in the formation that had been hidden for many years? The magic array that the group leader and Zhang Junbao were a little bit confused about was actually understood by him at a glance.

In this case, it was time to show off in the group.

Lu Mingfei was actually a bit of a show-off in his heart. He could never refuse such things that could show off in front of others.

This was also the reason why in another timeline, when Zhao Menghua confessed his love to Chen Wenwen, Nuo Nuo brought a helicopter to rescue him from the embarrassing situation of the alphabet actor, he would remember this incident so deeply.

Of course, Lu Mingfei is now at a different level after all. He is no longer so interested in pretending in front of ordinary people.

But the current situation is completely different. Whether it is the group leader or Zhang Junbao, they are his predecessors and are also more powerful than him.

Being able to show off in front of these people, this feeling is so powerful and domineering!

He uploaded those pictures with full confidence, and waited for everyone's praise and surprise.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Mingfei, you probably misunderstood the meaning of the group leader. The group leader's breaking the formation is not simply to stop the operation of the formation, but on the basis of stopping the operation of the formation, it is also necessary to prevent those who are bound in the formation from being affected in any way, and to retain the extracted luck.

Mingfei, the methods of breaking the formation you mentioned can be found out by simply understanding the structure of this sacrificial formation.

And the way to break the formation mentioned by the group leader and Zhang Junbao must at least understand the structure of the sacrificial formation to more than 40% before there is hope to find it."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Mingfei immediately fell silent. He was still in class, but his face turned red in an instant. He couldn't help but bury his head in his arms, pretending to be sleeping.

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "No wonder, I was just wondering why the group leader and Junbao took so long to find such a simple way to break the formation.

I wanted to ask this question, but Mingfei got there first.

As expected of a senior who joined the group before us, he considers issues from a deeper and more far-reaching perspective than us."

Misaka Mikoto was also in the group at this time. In fact, she did not intend to ask this question, but as a member of the group who joined at the same time, Misaka Mikoto knew Lu Mingfei better. She knew that Xiaolu must be in endless embarrassment at this time. The main reason why she said this was actually to ease Lu Mingfei's embarrassment.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Haha! It's normal. Junbao and I are the first group members to join the group. We naturally know the group leader better, so we can understand what the group leader means.

But to be honest, the group leader is really amazing. I have also studied it for a while, and only now have some clues. According to the progress, I have only mastered three and a half layers of this formation structure at most.

Like Junbao, I want to find a way to break the formation. It will take at least one hour."

Hong Yi said modestly. After comprehending the Great Dao of Yi, his understanding has increased day by day, and he is not inferior to Zhang Junbao at all.

If the spies of the Tianji Clan knew the content of the chat in the group, I am afraid they would be so angry that they would vomit blood and die.

These people are still talking human words!

This sacrificial formation was the longest course when the master of the Tianji Clan conducted training. The most talented spy also spent a whole month to fully master this formation.

As for the others, the average time was about half a year, which was a lot of tears compared to the speed of the group.

Looking at what the group said, Xu Chenzhou would not talk about him.

He was an extraordinary existence, gathering the spiritual cores of two peerless geniuses and his own comprehension, and he comprehended more than 40% of the formation in just half an hour.

Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao were not included in it, and their comprehension was no different from that of cheating.

Just talking about Misaka Mikoto and Lu Mingfei's performance, they were also quite inhuman.

Xiaolu looked embarrassed, but in fact, he was able to talk about several ways to break the formation, which also meant that he had comprehended more than 15% of the formation structure in half an hour, and he also had a very sharp formation intuition. That is, he met these perverts in the group. Otherwise, no matter where he was, Lu Mingfei's performance could be called a formation genius.

Although Misaka Mikoto did not directly show her progress in comprehension, in fact, her progress in comprehension was faster than that of Xiaolu.

After all, Misaka Mikoto has received various scientific training since she was a child. For her, there is not much difference between breaking the formation and completing scientific training. Long-term training has made her much better than Xiaolu in the ability to solve problems.

And the most important thing is that these perverts in the group are still comprehending under the debuff of cultural barriers.

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