All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 254: Luck Blessing, Battle Body Mutation

After a few more words in the group, Xu Chenzhou closed the group chat panel.

After all, there are still so many people hanging in the sky. Now that we know how to break the formation, let's put them down.

It's not a good thing to hang in the sky all the time.

Xu Chenzhou waved his hand, and dozens of sword qi broke through the air in an instant, and cut off the twenty-three energy nodes of the sacrificial formation at the same time.

The moment these energy nodes were cut off, the golden light column that pierced the sky slowly disappeared in the air.

The formation on the ground that looked like blood was also eclipsed, lost all its luster, and turned into a residue like black blood.

Obviously, Xu Chenzhou's move directly made this formation lose all its function.

The bunch of grape-like warriors strung in the sky also fell rapidly with the disappearance of the light column.

Xu Chenzhou waved his hand casually, and a strong wind blew out, covering the ground, so that these warriors would not suffer secondary damage due to falling from a high altitude.

Normally, for a fourth- and fifth-rank warrior, falling from a height of tens of meters is just a drop of water, but now they have been drained of so much blood, they have fallen into weakness, and their physical fitness is not as good as before.

So Xu Chenzhou still protected them.

Above Xu Chenzhou, there was a petite figure that fell straight down on his head, it was Xiong Qingqing

When he broke the formation, he was standing in the center of the formation, and Xiong Qingqing was also suspended hundreds of meters in the center of the formation. This was naturally not beyond Xu Chenzhou's expectations. He reached out to catch this petite figure, and the power of the little girl's body shaking completely dissipated and transmitted it to his feet.

This little girl looked only twelve or thirteen years old, and her body was not as tough as those fourth- and fifth-rank warriors who could do nothing.

Sensing the vibration of her body, the little girl who had been sleeping gradually moved at this time.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was about to wake up.

But Xu Chenzhou's attention was not on Xiong Qingqing. He was staring at the place where the golden light column dissipated, with an extremely focused expression.

Because he could feel that there was a faint invisible breath lingering there.

This should be the luck mentioned in the parchment scroll.

According to the records in the parchment scroll, luck is completely invisible to the naked eye. Only after achieving the level of gods and demons and engraving the mind in the starry sky can this mysterious substance be sensed through the connection with the heavenly way.

However, Xu Chenzhou is not an ordinary person. Just because others can't see it doesn't mean that Xu Chenzhou can't see it.

The group chat has now connected more than a dozen worlds in the heavens. Almost half of the worlds have such a mysterious thing as luck, and there are spells that can observe luck in the cultivation systems of many worlds.

Xu Chenzhou used several potentially useful spells one after another, but still couldn't observe that mysterious breath.

Even the fortune-telling technique from the prehistoric world has no effect on that mysterious luck.

It was not until Xu Chenzhou tried to use the Qi-gazing technique of the Yin-Yang School of the Hundred Schools World that he saw a purple dragon-shaped cloud in the air.

Of course, this does not mean that the fortune-gazing technique of the prehistoric world is inferior to the Qi-gazing technique of the Yin-Yang School of the Hundred Schools World.

In fact, the operating principles of these two techniques are completely different. Even though the objects they measure are both called Qi, it is difficult to say whether they are the same thing under different world rules. It can only be said that they are spells for two different situations.

And Xu Chenzhou was too lazy to care so much. As long as it can be used well, it is a good spell.

Under the blessing of the Qi-gazing technique, Xu Chenzhou held Xiong Qingqing and walked towards the direction of the purple cloud.

As he moved, the purple cloud seemed to be attracted by him, slowly floating towards him, and then stopped in front of him.

Then, the purple cloud suddenly rolled violently in front of him, and after a while, it split into two.

The two clouds looked distinct, no longer a mixed color of purple.

There were two lucks, one blue, one purple, one in the shape of a dragon, and the other was a very brave beast called Xuanming.

Xu Chenzhou had read Xuanming's information online. This beast would only be born on the battlefield. Once born, it would look for the most brave warrior on the battlefield to recognize its master. The warrior recognized by Xuanming would become more brave, invincible and unbeatable.

Then, the two lucks split into two and floated towards Xu Chenzhou and Xiong Qingqing in his hand.

Xu Chenzhou reached out and took the purple dragon-shaped luck in his hand with the help of the Qi-Looking Technique.

What surprised Xu Chenzhou was that the dragon-shaped luck did not resist at all, and it went up along Xu Chenzhou's arm and sank into his forehead.

Xu Chenzhou did not interfere with the blue Xuanming luck at all. It floated directly towards Xiong Qingqing and then merged directly into Xiong Qingqing's body.

Xu Chenzhou had guessed this when the luck cloud split into two.

The main reason why the sacrificial array was able to condense this luck was because of Xiong Qingqing, who was one of the lucky children of the human race.

The sacrificial array used Xiong Qingqing's luck to pry open the long river of luck of the human race itself, and then tore a piece out of it.

So the luck captured by the sacrificial array is actually a mixture of Xiong Qingqing's luck and the luck of the human race, that is, the purple dragon-shaped luck in the air.

Later, this luck was divided into two, naturally because the two were no longer in a fusion state.

Among them, the purple dragon-shaped luck is the luck of the human race, and the blue Xuanming luck is naturally Xiong Qingqing's luck.

As for the luck of the human race, Xu Chenzhou took the responsibility, after all, he was also a member of the human race.

What he didn't expect was that the luck of the human race was very docile to him, as if it came to him, and merged into his body without any resistance.

However, this was exactly what Xu Chenzhou meant. The luck of the human race itself had a share of his, and he took it.

No! This is not called taking, this is called returning the property to its original owner.

As for Xiong Qingqing's luck, Xu Chenzhou didn't have any idea at all. He disdained to rob a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl.

Before Xu Chenzhou could feel the wonders of the luck entering his body, the dragon-shaped luck was divided into four parts and merged into the four extraordinary organs in his body.

These four extraordinary organs are the fundamental organs of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Mixed Cave Gong, the Red Cliff Flame Dragon Bone, the Yellow Emperor Earth Dragon Foot, the White Emperor Gold Dragon Lung, and the Black Emperor Black Dragon Blood.

Under the blessing of the human race's luck, Xu Chenzhou felt that these four fundamental organs in his body began to transform.

Originally, he thought that his practice had reached perfection and the foundation of the extraordinary martial arts was extremely strong.

Unexpectedly, after integrating the luck, his extraordinary organs could actually go further on the original basis. The surging fire essence in the Red Emperor Flame Dragon Bone condensed into a terrifying flame dragon, which kept wandering from his spine.

This flame dragon coiled in the air, majestic and awe-inspiring, simply invincible.

The scales of the dragon were shining, its two long whiskers were dancing wildly in the air, its claws were spread out, and its five claws were constantly opening and closing. The flames around the dragon were burning more and more fiercely, as if it could create the world with flames.

Under the burning of this unprecedented divine fire, a small bulge appeared on the side of the dragon's claws.

As the flames continued to burn, the flame dragon, which was already a five-clawed golden dragon, actually grew a new claw again and became a six-clawed dragon.

At the same time, the flames on the flame dragon burned more and more fiercely, and the flames seemed to have given birth to spirituality and split into countless tiny dragon flames, and then gathered together, appearing full of spirituality.

In addition to the Red Emperor Flame Dragon Bone, Xu Chenzhou's other three extraordinary organs also underwent similar transformations.

In an instant, Xu Chenzhou felt that his combat power had increased again, at least five levels higher than his original strength.

This improvement was comprehensive, including the grass sword energy and Zhuxian sword energy that were lodged in the lungs of the White Emperor Golden Dragon, which also increased in power.

This is the benefit of Xu Chenzhou taking the extraordinary martial arts as the foundation. The improvement of the extraordinary martial arts will also improve the abilities he obtains from other cultivation systems.

How terrifying is Xu Chenzhou's combat power now? Before, Xu Chenzhou was able to kill a half-step sixth-level strongman. Now his strength has increased by 50%. I am afraid that ordinary half-step sixth-level strongmen are already vulnerable in front of Xu Chenzhou.

As the luck merged into his body, Xu Chenzhou gradually understood the logic.

Although the luck is mysterious, it actually has its own operating logic.

For example, the luck of the human race can only be used by the human race and is only effective for the human race.

Unless the human race in the star field is defeated and annexed by the alien race, then the alien race can use the luck of the human race.

Of course, there are many unconventional means besides this, such as the sacrificial array of the Tianji Clan. In addition to its ability to tear apart the long river of luck, it can also shield the secrets of heaven. As long as the blood of people from other races is used as a medium, the luck trapped in the array can think that the person who set up the array is from that race.

Of course, this array has very high requirements for the quality of blood. The stronger the blood, the more useful it is. If there are not enough strong people, then you can only use quantity to make up.

This is also why the sacrificial array will extract the blood of those warriors and gather them in the air, just to cover up the secrets of heaven, so that the luck of the human race will mistakenly think that the man in black is a human race, so that he can be used by him, and then condense the Eye of All-Knowing.

In addition, luck itself will be blessed on those who have made contributions to their own race.

So in addition to those who are born with luck, as long as others make enough contributions to their own race, they can also become the sons of acquired luck.

Xu Chenzhou not only defeated the black-clothed man who tried to plunder the human race's luck, but also broke the sacrificial magic circle, so the purple human race's luck was so obedient to Xu Chenzhou, because this was the reward he deserved.

Just as Xu Chenzhou felt the changes in the four extraordinary organs in his body, Xiong Qingqing, who was held in his arms, slowly opened his eyes.

Although Xiong Qingqing was only twelve or thirteen years old, she was very beautiful. Judging from her appearance, her cuteness was not inferior to that of Xiao Yangchan and Xiao Nannan.

Having just woken up from a coma, Xiong Qingqing's eyes were a little dazed, and her big eyes flickered, as if she was still a little confused about the situation.

Wasn't I just captured from my father's research institute by a strange uncle in black?

Where am I now, and who is this black-robed big brother holding me.

Although he was wearing a mask and his specific appearance could not be seen clearly, the breath of this big brother was really warm.

Xiong Qingqing felt a very close feeling from Xu Chenzhou's body. She couldn't help but put her body against Xu Chenzhou's body, feeling the warm breath.

What Xiong Qingqing didn't know was that the warmth she felt was actually the resonance between the human race's luck and the children of luck.

Xu Chenzhou didn't know this either. He just felt that the little girl in his arms had woken up.

Seeing the little girl clinging so closely to him, Xu Chenzhou realized that the little girl was only wearing pajamas.

Although it is not winter now, the temperature in autumn is more than ten degrees, and it still seems a bit cold for a little girl to wear only a single coat.

This cannot be blamed on Xu Chenzhou being too careless. The main reason is that after becoming an extraordinary warrior, he is no longer afraid of cold and heat. He has almost no feeling for the outside temperature, so he did not react for a while.

He said softly: "Are you a little cold? Come and put on this clothes."

As Xu Chenzhou casually put Xiong Qingqing down from his arms, the little girl's body was not harmed. Even as a child of destiny and the core of the formation, she was not drained of blood like those warriors. She was naturally able to stand after waking up. .

Then Xu Chenzhou took out a men's windbreaker from the storage space and put it on Xiong Qingqing.

After possessing the storage ring presented by Han Li, Xu Chenzhou stored many miscellaneous things in it, including clothes.

Moreover, this windbreaker is also a popular brand and will not reveal his identity.

Xu Chenzhou's voice was very warm, which made Xiong Qingqing involuntarily feel a sense of dependence.

She obediently took the windbreaker and put it on.

After her body gradually warmed up, Xiong Qingqing's brain gradually resumed operation, and then she froze.

Because she inferred what happened from the surrounding scenes, the broken magic circle, the human warrior lying on the ground, the body of the man in black kneeling in the distance, and the big brother in black robe in front of her.

Being able to become the son of destiny of the human race, and being regarded as a thorn in the side of the Tianji clan as a tactical commander, Xiong Qingqing's IQ goes without saying, especially her deduction ability and observation ability, which are ranked among the entire human race in the Star Territory. They are all outstanding.

Even though she hasn't grown up yet, this talent has slowly emerged. Through the remaining details at the scene, she has restored the events to almost the same degree.

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