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Chapter 255 Good brother, what will I do if you die?

Xiong Qingqing couldn't help but feel a little scared. She knew very well how cruel the Tianji clan's spies were.

The conflict between the Star Territory Human Race and the Tianji Race is a racial war. This kind of war between the two ethnic groups is the most brutal and inhumane. Massacre and blood sacrifice are the basic operations.

After her father was recruited to the front line, Xiong Qingqing often checked information about the Tianji clan and knew how cruel this clan was to the human race.

She couldn't imagine how inhumane treatment she would have received if Xu Chenzhou had not taken action.

Thinking of this, Xiong Qingqing solemnly tidied up her appearance and patted the dirt on her nightgown clean with her small hands.

Then he solemnly bowed deeply to Xu Chenzhou: "Big brother, thank you, I will definitely find a way to repay you in the future!"

Xu Chenzhou's face in the mask showed a smile.

Xu Chenzhou actually didn't care whether Xiong Qingqing would repay her in the future, he just did it casually, and Xiong Qingqing was so polite that Xu Chenzhou felt that saving her was not in vain.

Xu Chenzhou said: "You have never seen what I look like, how do you know that I am the eldest brother and not an uncle."

Xiong Qingqing raised her little head and looked at Xu Chenzhou. The person who saved her in front of her was covered in black robes, and his face was also wearing a white wooden pattern mask. Except for a pair of eyes, only a pair of hands were exposed. Outside.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for Xiong Qingqing to judge Xu Chenzhou's age based on these details, but Xiong Qingqing just felt that he should call the man in black robe in front of him big brother.

She shook her head and said: "I don't know either, but I feel that my eldest brother is not much older than me.

Speaking of which, big brother, can you tell me your name? Otherwise, I won’t be able to find a way to repay you! "

Naturally, Xu Chenzhou would not tell Xiong Qingqing his name. He wrapped himself up so tightly just to hide his identity. It was impossible for him to expose himself in order to repay a little girl.

"It's not necessary to know each other before we meet. I didn't save you for your repayment. Anyway, just live a good life."

As he spoke, Xu Chenzhou waved his hand and grabbed a smart watch from a distance.

"Brother, I still have things to do, so I won't be here with you.

You stay here obediently, and later use this watch to dial the emergency call, contact people in the city, tell them that the Tianji clan spy is dead, and ask them to send someone to pick you and the warriors up quickly. "

Generally speaking, smart watches can only be used by the owner, but every smart watch has an emergency alarm module. After pressing the module, you can enter the emergency alarm number. This module can be used by anyone and does not require binding.

After Xu Chenzhou explained the follow-up matters to Xiong Qingqing, he used the Five Elements Escape Technique to leave the scene.

Although the government's power cannot deal with spies, it is still a good hand at cleaning up the land. Naturally, he does not need to worry about subsequent matters.

He is now going to recover his clone.

Just as Xu Chenzhou left, a roar came from a military base in the southwest of Tiancheng City.

"tnd, those damn immortal cultivators still don't agree to send people out for support?"

"Sir, we have tried very hard to communicate with them, but the president of the Immortal Cultivators Association is not even willing to answer the phone.

Although their foreign minister answered the call, his attitude was very tough. Without orders from the Star Alliance, they have no obligation to send out manpower to help us maintain social stability. "

"Damn, these social worms are supported by the people but do nothing. They are really a bunch of trash."

"There is nothing you can do, sir. Immortal cultivators are immortal cultivators. They are different from other extraordinary beings. They always think highly of themselves and even regard themselves as another species.

If it hadn't been for the Star Alliance's order this time, how could they have dispatched the gods and demon-level practitioners from their sect to the front line for support.

It is a pity that the orders of the Star Alliance only target immortal cultivators at the level of gods and demons, so these immortal cultivators who have not reached the level of gods and demons are simply unwilling to cooperate with us and help us maintain the stability of society. "

A long sigh sounded in the military base.

"If this group of immortal cultivators were willing to help, how could the situation on Aqua Blue Star be as dire as it is now? Immortal cultivators are different from other extraordinary paths. It is too easy for them to practice. As long as they follow the steps, they can guarantee the achievement of the fifth level. .

Judging from the number of fifth-level practitioners in those large sects, if it were left to me to deploy, the protection system of Aquablue Star could be built to the level of being as solid as an iron bucket. "

"How about we send another team of warriors to support us!

According to Liu Sanbian, the president of the Martial Arts Association who escaped, the current situation of the team of warriors who captured the codename 007 is not optimistic. If rescue is not sent out, there may be huge losses. "

"Rescue? What kind of rescue? Should you go or me? All the high-level practitioners in Tiancheng City have been sent to arrest them. Now the strongest armed forces left are only the third-level warriors.

Senior Inspector Hu Yan Xiaofeng could not do anything to this spy from the Tianji Clan, and Liu Sanbian, the president of the Martial Arts Association, had no choice but to flee. What can we do? "

At this moment, an exclamation came from the officer on the other side.

"Sir, look, look, the satellite images have been restored!"

"Great, hurry up and increase the accuracy. I want to see what happened on the scene."

The middle-aged man in military uniform was pacing around the room, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, with sweat dripping on his shoulder straps, making the wheat ear pattern on his shoulders look a little dim.

If it was normal, this would not happen.

Li Zhichun was a man who paid great attention to his appearance. Usually, his clothes were always neat and tidy, and there would not be a wrinkle on the corners of his clothes, let alone sweat dripping on the shoulder straps that he always regarded as treasures.

But at this time, Li Zhichun did not react to this. After hearing the news that the satellite image was restored, he immediately focused on the big screen in front of him without blinking.

He was the director of the Tiannan Province Security Bureau. In peacetime, he was mainly responsible for managing the affairs of the extraordinary people, so that their struggle would not affect the lives of civilians.

In wartime, his duties became more important, such as this spy invasion incident, which was within his scope of responsibility.

He was already overwhelmed this morning, and suddenly three spies from the Tianji Clan appeared and carried out activities that endangered national security in different places at the same time.

But at that time, Li Zhichun was still relatively calm. Although the number of three spies was large, it did not exceed the upper limit that Tiancheng City could handle.

However, the subsequent development made him feel uneasy. The spies of the Tianji Clan used some unknown means to block electronic signals on a large scale, making all monitoring facilities ineffective. Even the satellites in the sky could not capture their images.

This shielding method has nothing to do with the magic weapon that Xu Chenzhou got from Misaka Mikoto. It was the work of the Tianji Clan.

Although the shielding method of the Tianji Clan is not as good as Misaka Mikoto's magic weapon, it can also block most high-tech instruments, and the effect is very similar to Misaka Mikoto's magic weapon. It can not only block images on a large scale, but also accurately block the figure of a certain person.

After all, the Tianji Clan knows the Star Domain Alliance very well, and naturally knows the means of the Star Domain Alliance. If there is no such shielding method. Then all their actions will be exposed to the surveillance network of technological means, how can they carry out espionage activities.

This shielding puts everything into the information black box.

And Li Zhichun has no way to send other people to explore the information.

In such a high-intensity battle, once people who have not reached the fourth-level extraordinary are involved, they will not even have a chance to escape.

These people cannot change the situation of the war, and Li Zhichun naturally has no need to joke with the lives of his men.

So he can only stay in the base and wait for news silently.

But the news that came next made him feel very anxious.

The team chasing the two spies codenamed 008 and codenamed 009 suffered a heavy blow. Not only did they fail to catch the two spies of the Tianji clan, which made them hide again, but the chasing team also suffered huge losses under their strange magical powers.

Fortunately, the leaders of the two teams, Tiancan Fangzhang and Luo Qiushui, are both strong in the fifth-level realm. Under their protection, the two teams did not have any casualties, but even so, the two teams have basically lost their combat effectiveness.

And now the dust has not settled is the team that went to capture the spy codenamed 007.

The situation of this team is even more grim.

The only information he knew about this team was from Liu Sanbian, the president of the Martial Arts Association who had escaped.

All the members of the team were defeated by codename 007 with a strange magic, and then dragged into the sacrificial array.

Li Zhichun naturally knew the intelligence of the Tianji Clan. The sacrificial array was not a secret to officials of his level. Once the sacrifice was successful, the Tianji Clan spy could transform into a sixth-level god-demon warrior.

This was a thunderbolt for Li Zhichun. The current Shuilanxing government had no ability to suppress a sixth-level god-demon warrior. If they wanted to deal with such a crisis, they could only ask for support from the god-demon warriors on the front line.

However, the battle situation on the front line was not optimistic. Any god-demon warrior played an extremely important role, and it was quite difficult to get support from the front line.

So Li Zhichun could only pray secretly at this time that his good brother, Senior Inspector Hu Yanxiaofeng, could create a miracle in adversity and prevent the Tianji Clan spies from sacrificing.

Under Li Zhichun's urging, the information scout naturally did not dare to neglect and immediately operated the instrument to amplify the accuracy of the satellite image.

The satellite image became clearer and clearer, and then Li Zhichun saw a group of warriors lying in the sacrificial array.

Each of them was pale, with wounds and blood all over their bodies, looking extremely miserable.

And his good brother Huyan Xiaofeng, who had high hopes for him, was lying on the ground with his legs spread out, motionless, as if he was dead.

This scene made Li Zhichun feel like being struck by lightning. Huyan Xiaofeng was his best friend. They usually drank and chatted together, washed their feet and fished together. It can be said that they had a life-long friendship.

He knew his good brother, this iron tower-like man, as long as he had a breath, he would never fall down.

And the consequence of losing strength in front of the Tianji clan spy was undoubtedly death.

And if Huyan Xiaofeng died, who could stop the Tianji clan spy's sacrificial array.

When I thought of the death of my good brother.

Li Zhichun was heartbroken. He usually cared a lot about his image, but he couldn't help but shed tears.

You must know that Li Zhichun is known as the iron-faced judge in the Anguo Bureau. Normally, he rarely even changes his expression, let alone being so gaffe-like.

At this time, Li Zhichun's mentality was completely broken. There was too much bad news today, and Hu Yanxiaofeng's death was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Grief surged like a river, and the small sobs quickly turned into loud wails.

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng, my good brother, why did you die like this! What do you want me to do if you die! Woo hoo hoo!"

What he cried was not only the death of Huyan Xiaofeng, but also the consequences of Huyan Xiaofeng's death.

Within the scope of his duties, there was a spy who became a god-demon-level transcendent through sacrifice. Such a major mistake was enough to get him beaten to the end.

He was just sad when his good brother died, but being spanked to the end was definitely the real source of breaking his defense.

But at this moment, a pair of hands held his shoulders and shook him vigorously.

"Sir, good news, good news!

Look, look, look! "

Li Zhichun was very angry. My good brothers are all dead and I'm going to be fucked to death. You still tell me good news. Isn't this nonsense?

Li Zhichun turned around angrily and saw that the person shaking his shoulders turned out to be his adjutant Zhou Tai.

"Fuck you, okay."

Before Li Zhichun finished speaking, his eyes followed the direction of Zhou Tai's finger and looked at the screen.

A pretty little girl was standing in front of the body of a man in black and talking on the phone.

The little girl's face is very cute, innocent and lively.

Although the bumps along the way made her look a little dirty, the little girl's face at this moment was undoubtedly that of an angel in Li Zhichun's eyes.

Yes, it's an angel!

Because Li Zhichun recognized that this little girl was the target of the Tianji clan spy code 007, and the fact that the little girl was still alive meant that the sacrifice of code 007 had failed.

And he knew more clearly who the corpse belonged to. Although the eyes on the forehead had turned into blood holes, who else could be so abstract with a row of blood holes on the forehead besides the spies of the Tianji clan.

Li Zhichun quickly changed his words: "Okay, okay, it's really good! Zhou Tai, your eyes are really good!"

He paused and then said: "Xiong Qingqing is still alive, and the codename 007 is dead. Brother Sao Feng, your death is not unjust. Being able to exchange for one with the Tianji clan spy can be regarded as a well-deserved death."

Li Zhichun breathed a sigh of relief. Although his brother died, he kept his hat, so this was not a loss.

Zhou Tai shook his head: "Sir, Inspector Huyan Xiaofeng looks like he is dead.

But if you look closely, you can see that his chest is still rising and falling, so he should still be alive. "

This news made Li Zhichun even more surprised. His good brother was still alive, so he wouldn't have to find a new good partner to wash his feet and fish in the future.

After all, a good brother like Hu Yanxiaofeng, who looks upright, keeps his mouth shut after washing his feet, is really hard to find even with a lantern.

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