All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 256 The Secret of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Five Elements Mixed Cave Technique

At this moment, Xiong Qingqing's call was also transferred to the Anguo Bureau through a dedicated line.

Through Xiong Qingqing's description, Li Zhichun and others knew what happened at the scene. It turned out that the person who defeated the Tianji clan spy was not his good brother Huyan Xiaofeng, but a man in black whose identity was unknown.

This made Li Zhichun happy but also a little worried. The fact that this person was able to kill the spies of the Tianji clan showed that his strength had reached the peak of the fifth level.

In Li Zhichun's opinion, it seemed that there was such an unidentified person hiding in the dark, which was a hidden danger to the security of the entire Tiannan Province.

He turned to look at Zhou Tai: "Check it out and find a way to find out the identity of this person, who he is, what power is behind him, and what is the purpose of doing this."

Zhou Tai nodded: "Sir, I understand, but I can't guarantee that I can do it. I can only say that I will try my best.

This person is elusive, and because the Tianji clan spies shielded their technological equipment, he did not leave any image data. It is too difficult to investigate the identity of this person with only the information obtained from Xiong Qingqing's mouth. . "

While the two were chatting, Xu Chenzhou had quietly returned to Liu Sanbian and replaced the clone with himself.

After returning to his true form, Xu Chenzhou was not in a hurry to leave.

Because he was a little concerned about the two remaining spies.

These two spies have become as popular as meat and potatoes in Xu Chenzhou's heart.

After previously absorbing the luck of the human race, the four dragon souls condensed by the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Chaos Technique underwent a huge transformation from a five-clawed divine dragon to a six-clawed divine dragon.

With the transformation of the dragon soul, Xu Chenzhou could feel the physical power of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Chaos Technique greatly increased. The flames changed into divine dragon fire, and the sword energy condensed into the divine dragon sword. He now had the dragon soul with the movement of his hands and feet. Faintly appearing, with every movement, magical power arises on its own.

The Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Five Elements Hundong Kung Fu is based on the five elements and uses the dragon soul as the body to condense the emperor's energy and shape the five emperors' true bodies to become gods and demons.

The relationship between the dragon and the emperor is a relationship of mutual achievement.

In a sense, the emperor is the dragon, and the dragon is the emperor.

The luck of the human race can improve the status of the Five Emperors' organs in his martial body. After the status of the Five Emperors' organs is improved, it will naturally lead to the transformation of the dragon soul.

Xu Chenzhou had a feeling that maybe absorbing the fate of the human race to cultivate an invincible personality and drive the transformation of the dragon soul was the secret of this martial arts technique.

And Xu Chenzhou understood that the six-clawed golden dragon was definitely not the limit of the dragon soul.

From five claws to six claws, his dragon soul has broken through the original limitations of his personality. As long as he has enough human luck, he will definitely be able to continue his transformation.

Nine is the ultimate number. From Xu Chenzhou's perspective, only by breaking through the dragon soul in his body to the nine-clawed divine dragon can his Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Five Elements Chaos Skills be completed.

This made Xu Chenzhou faintly excited. Just the dragon soul in his body broke through to the six-clawed golden dragon, which greatly improved his combat power. If the dragon soul in his body could achieve the realm of the nine-clawed dragon, he could not even imagine his combat power. How strong can the force be.

And this is not the most critical thing. For the practice path of extraordinary warriors, the qualifications of warriors are artificially divided into two stages.

Before reaching the level of God and Demon, a warrior's qualifications mainly depend on his innate talent, physical fitness, basic understanding, etc.

However, after achieving the level of gods and demons, all these innate talents are invalidated. For the warriors of the level of gods and demons, their foundation is the true body of gods and demons condensed when they break through the sixth level.

When you break through to the level of gods and demons, all innate things are in the past, and the true body of gods and demons that is condensed when you break through the sixth level is the true body of the warriors at the level of gods and demons.

The stronger and more perfect the true form of the gods and demons is, the higher the potential of the god-demonic level warriors will be after the breakthrough, and the more likely they are to aspire to the highest realm.

Xu Chenzhou understood that if he wanted to condense the most perfect god and demon body when he broke through to the sixth level, he must absorb enough human luck to transform the five dragon souls in his body into the nine-clawed dragon.

The best way to obtain the blessing of human luck is to kill these Tianji spies who endanger the safety of the human race. This is the most direct and effective way to obtain the luck of the human race.

Since it was beneficial to his cultivation, Xu Chenzhou would never let it go.

And if the plan of these two spies succeeds, then they will also be a big threat. After all, sixth-order gods and demon-level opponents are not easy for Xu Chenzhou to deal with now.

As the president of the Martial Arts Association, Liu Sanbian still had some status in Tiancheng City. Xu Chenzhou followed him and quickly found out the information he wanted to know.

The two Tianji clan spies defeated the team that went to capture them, but they themselves were not feeling well. They were also seriously injured and lurked again.

After learning the news, Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up. The current situation was the best.

Good run! It's best to run away!

What he was most worried about was that the two spies of the Tianji clan failed to resist and died at the hands of others.

This is his next training qualification. If he dies in the hands of others, where will he find such good training materials?

After the two people ran away, Xu Chenzhou couldn't find where they were hiding for a while.

However, Xu Chenzhou was not worried at all. Having read the parchments, he knew that the spies of the Tianji clan were all dead soldiers. As long as they could complete their mission goals, they did not care about their own lives at all. After the two spies recovered from their injuries, they would definitely do it again. If he comes out to make trouble, it won't be too late for him to strike when the time comes.

A huge stone in his heart was finally settled, Xu Chenzhou immediately said goodbye to Liu Sanbian and went home directly.

As for the Caoxintang mentioned by Liu Sanbian before, Xu Chenzhou didn't take it to heart.

When the enemy comes, the general will stop it, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it.

Now that Caoxintang has not made any moves, Xu Chenzhou naturally has no way to deal with this behemoth.

He can't just run to the headquarters of Caoxintang alone and kill all the people in their entire company.

He is not named Baili, so he won't be so extreme.

Of course, this is actually an alternative plan. If Caoxintang really plays too dirty, Xu Chenzhou doesn't mind killing people.

To be honest, he has a lot of cards in his hand, and he can play it however he wants.

Even if the copyright of Qiankun Yiqi Rice really falls into the hands of Caoxintang, he still has the Taikoo Longya Rice.

And Taikoo Longya Rice is not the ultimate rice variety in the Yangshen World.

In the original timeline, Hong Yi finally replaced Taikoo Longya Rice with Yuhuang Rice.

With Hong Yi's current knowledge and means, Xu Chenzhou believes that he will definitely cultivate an ultimate rice variety that is better than Yuhuang rice.

Soon Xu Chenzhou returned to the door of his home. The moment he pushed the door open, the house was empty and seemed a little deserted.

During the days when Xu Mo Ran was not at home, no one cooked for him, and there was no popularity at home.

This made Xu Chenzhou, who was used to his sister being by his side after crossing, a little uncomfortable.

To be honest, Xu Chenzhou missed the food made by his sister.

This little girl's cooking skills are really good. Any ordinary ingredients can be transformed into amazing delicacies in her hands. Her strong cooking skills have even been unanimously recognized by the chat group members.

Since the public space was established, group members often hold gatherings to exchange feelings and share food.

Xu Chenzhou sometimes brings the big meal made by his sister to the public space to share with group members.

Of course, other group members will also bring their own world's food, such as Zhang Junbao sometimes brings the big meal made by his mother-in-law to the party.

In the food exchange, Xu Mo Ran's cooking skills are simply amazing.

Even the feast cooked by Huang Rong, who inherited the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms from Hong Qigong with just a few dishes, is inferior to Xu Mo Ran's cooking skills.

Xu Chenzhou even felt that his sister was born in the wrong world. With his sister's cooking talent, if she was born in Xiao Da Jia's world, she would definitely be able to compete with Xiao Da Jia for the throne of the God of Cooking and make such delicious food.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but look forward to what delicious food the little girl would cook for him after she came back.

Calculating the time, his sister would be back in three days.

On the other side, Li Zhichun led a team of people to the place where Xu Chenzhou fought with code-named 007 in a hurry.

They drove the police suspension car and drove at a high speed on the dedicated magnetic suspension lane, so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

And Li Zhichun sat in the leading magnetic suspension car, and a monk and a beautiful woman sat in the back seat of the suspension car.

The monk has twelve scars on his head, white hair and eyebrows, and a kind face, but what makes people feel a little uncomfortable is that the monk's body is very strong, with extremely developed muscles. The veins on his exposed forearms are bulging, and the muscles are as obvious as iron blocks.

This monk is the abbot of Tiancan.

The woman sitting next to the abbot of Tiancan has long silver hair and silver eyes, which look as bright as stars.

But a closer look can reveal that the woman's eyes are a little inconsistent, with information constantly rolling in her pupils, sweeping down like a waterfall.

If you can go deep into the inside of the eyeball, you can also see that there are many precise parts in it that are constantly working.

It turns out that this pair of eyes that look like stars are actually a pair of mechanical eyes.

This woman is naturally Luo Qiushui, another fifth-level combat power in Tiancheng City.

As a mechanic, he takes the path of human-machine integration, and transforms his body into a mode of symbiosis between machinery and flesh and blood through various transformations.

The faces of these two fifth-level fighters were very pale at this time, and it was obvious that they were not in good condition.

The three people in the car were chatting at this time.

Luo Qiushui's voice was very cold, as cold as a piece of ice or iron, but this was also normal. After all, at least half of her tissue structure had been replaced with metal, and even her vocal cords were not original. It would be strange if her voice was not cold.

"Interesting, Tiancan, Huyan Xiaofeng and I all failed. I didn't expect that there are hidden masters in Tiancheng City who can do things that none of us can do.

It's a pity. I don't know why he hides his identity. Otherwise, I must learn from him after I recover from my injury."

Tianchang Fangzhang put his hands together and said kindly: "There are people beyond people, and there are heavens beyond heavens. The Star Alliance has opened up the way of cultivation. Everyone has the power to practice, and everyone can embark on the path of transcendence. Isn't it normal to have hidden gems in the mountains?

Back then, the human race was able to rise from a slave race, relying on the efforts of these geniuses who rose from the mountains.

As for why he hides his identity, it is his freedom.

Maybe he doesn't like to be in the limelight!

Anyway, from what he did, we can see that this person is a good person and should not be a threat to us."

Li Zhichun shook his head: "Level 5 masters are not cabbages. There are indeed often hidden gems in the mountains and wilds, but the problem is that the times are different from the past. He can hide so deeply. There must be a force behind him that silently supports him. Maybe there is some secret that cannot be revealed.

Besides, this is a time of national crisis. Even if he doesn't like to be in the limelight, he should take responsibility at this time and do his part for national security, instead of hiding in the dark and planning something."

Although Li Zhichun was slightly grateful to this mysterious master, he was more afraid.

He should do his job in his position. After all, he is the director of the National Security Bureau. What he dislikes most is such unstable factors appearing in his sphere of influence.

Li Zhichun also knows that there are also hidden Level 5 combat forces in some large companies, but he knows these combat forces in his heart.

Through data comparison, he has long ruled out the suspicion of these people.

The man in black cannot be these people.

This makes Li Zhichun want to find out the true identity of the man in black. Only by bringing such unstable factors under his control can he feel at ease.

Luo Qiushui disagreed with Li Zhichun's point of view: "Director Li, aren't you a little extreme? Judging from the results, this man has already contributed to the country.

If it weren't for him, you would have been invited to have tea by Shouzhang.

In this case, maybe I can change a new leader in two days."

Luo Qiushui also belongs to the organization of the Anguo Bureau, which means that she is Li Zhichun's subordinate, but she is not afraid of Li Zhichun at all.

After all, she is the only fifth-level combat force in the Anguo Bureau. If she doesn't want to stay in the Anguo Bureau, there are plenty of places to choose.

Not to mention contradicting Li Zhichun, to a certain extent, even if she beats Li Zhichun in public, Li Zhichun can't do anything to her.

Although he was choked by Luo Qiushui, Li Zhichun didn't dare to talk back.

He knew too well what kind of character this subordinate was. He seemed cold as ice, but when he really mocked people, his little mouth was like honey. He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't talk, so he naturally wouldn't make himself unhappy.

The car drove very fast and arrived at the destination in a blink of an eye.

After getting off the bus, the first thing everyone saw was the broken sacrificial array on the ground.

Looking at the array on the ground, Luo Qiushui's eyes flashed with a strange light.

No one noticed that countless information fell like rain in her silver-white pupils.

Then she exclaimed: "How is this possible? How did he do it!"

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