All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 257: Grandmaster of Formation, Changes in Xiangyang

Tiancan Abbot and Li Zhichun were a little puzzled to see Luo Qiushui so surprised.

They all knew Luo Qiushui's personality. Since more than half of her body was mechanized, Luo Qiushui became extremely calm, and even her thinking mode gradually tended to be more like a machine. She rarely had such violent emotional fluctuations.

Li Zhichun asked softly: "Qiushui, what happened that surprised you so much."

Luo Qiushui pointed with her hand: "This sacrificial array has just been activated, and these warriors were also trapped in the sacrificial array just now."

Hearing this, Li Zhichun and Tiancan Abbot also showed surprised expressions at the same time. Due to the shielding device of the Tianji Clan before, they did not know what happened at the scene.

Luo Qiushui did not care about the surprise of the two. At this time, there was nothing else in her eyes except the dim and exhausted sacrificial array in front of her.

Countless information flowed through her mechanical eyes. This information was the analysis of the sacrificial array in front of her by the photon supercomputer in her mechanical artificial eye.

With the computing power of the photon supercomputer, Luo Qiushui can process hundreds of billions of information in one second.

This is the terrifying part of the mechanical warrior's extraordinary path.

In the Star Alliance, advanced supercomputers have computing power far beyond human imagination.

But this computing power is not equal to the computing power of the user himself.

Because the computing power and mental power of the human brain itself are limited, if it is an extraordinary person from other paths, it is absolutely impossible to fully exert the computing power of this photon supercomputer at the fifth stage.

But the extraordinary people of the mechanical warrior path are different. They can integrate man and machine, and integrate the machine into a part of their body through resonance. You have me, and I have you.

With just one glance, Luo Qiushui mastered all the information of the sacrificial array in front of him.

The sacrificial array in front of him was forcibly closed from the activated state.

This is actually nothing. If no one interferes, Luo Qiushui only needs ten minutes to calculate the way to break the array with the photon supercomputer in her eyes.

But breaking the array is breaking the array, and all she can do is just breaking the array.

Luo Qiushui had no confidence that he could ensure the survival of the sacrificed person trapped in the formation when breaking the formation.

Not to mention that he could rescue the sacrificed person unscathed while destroying the formation.

Li Zhichun asked anxiously: "Qiushui, are you telling the truth? Has this sacrificial formation really been activated just now?"

Li Zhichun knew what this meant. Once the Tianji clan's sacrificial formation was activated, there was only one way to stop it, and that was to cut off the key energy circuit in the sacrificial formation.

But it was very difficult to do this, because it meant that the breaker must have a deep attainment in the formation to find the key energy circuit in the complex formation pattern.

If the formation was broken without finding the key circuit, it would be backfired by the sacrificial formation.

This backfire was extremely terrifying, and the intercepted luck power would turn into an invisible attack.

The target of the attack of luck, an illusory energy, was naturally not an ordinary thing, but a person's fate.

Therefore, even the gods and demons were unwilling to use tough means to break the formation.

After all, the luck in the formation is enough for a Tianji clan to condense the all-knowing eye of the god and demon level. This level of luck turns into an invisible attack, and even a god and demon level strongman will find it quite difficult.

If Xu Chenzhou just cut off the energy circuit to break the sacrificial formation, it would not make Li Zhichun so anxious.

To do this, only a formation master who has some research on the formation of the Tianji clan can do it.

And there are such people in Tiancheng City. Not to mention others, for example, Luo Qiushui beside him is an evil version of the formation master.

Although Luo Qiushui's research on the formation has not reached the level of a formation master, she can take a shortcut and perform tens of millions of calculations with the high computing power of the computer. With the blessing of the computing power of the photon computer, her formation cultivation is not inferior to that of an ordinary formation master.

For example, the sacrificial formation in front of her, she can directly use the exhaustive method to violently crack it.

But the problem is that Xu Chenzhou not only broke the sacrificial formation, but also rescued all the people trapped in the formation without any harm.

If it is said that a formation master is needed to break the formation, then only a formation master can ensure the safety of everyone in the formation while breaking the formation.

Formation masters are easy to say, but formation masters are quite terrifying.

Every formation master can set up a great formation of heaven and earth. Once the formation is completed, with thousands of stars as the center of the formation, it can manipulate the energy of the universe, and its destructive power can even reach the peak of the sixth level.

There are only three people on the entire Blue Water Star who can be called formation masters, and these three are all gods and demons. They have all gone to the front line to support.

When Li Zhichun thought of a mysterious person with such terrifying abilities appearing on Blue Water Star, he couldn't help but sweat coldly, and he felt a little unwell.

He secretly thought that he must find a way to find out the identity of this person and find a way to bring him under the control of the Anguo Bureau, otherwise he would definitely be unable to sleep or eat.

Xu Chenzhou is certainly not the formation master in Li Zhichun's mind. He has not even come into contact with the formation inheritance of the star domain world.

To be honest, there are too many training items, and Xu Chenzhou has been practicing for too short a time, so he has not studied the formation seriously so far.

Most of them were learned by the way when learning other cultivation system knowledge.

But the problem is that the cultivation systems that Xu Chenzhou came into contact with are too advanced.

For example, in the formation realm of the cultivation path of the perfect world, it is necessary to engrave various killing formations in the body, even the innate formation.

After practicing Taoism in the Yangshen world to the ghost fairy realm, there are also many knowledge about formations. These formations can even condense thunder into liquid, reverse yin and yang, and create all things.

As for the formations in the prehistoric world, it is even more outrageous. As a registered disciple of Yuxu Palace before, Yang Chan is naturally qualified to learn the formation knowledge inherited by Yuxu Palace. With the family background of Yuanshi Tianzun, even if he uses it to teach his disciples to get started, it is a magical formation that ordinary prehistoric cultivators dare not even think about.

Under the high roof, Xu Chenzhou is open to all rivers. Even if he has not specialized in studying formations, his attainments in formations are already quite good.

Although he is not on the same path as the formation master of this world, if we really compare the formation ability, Xu Chenzhou may not be afraid of the formation master of this world.

For a moment, the three of them looked at each other in silence. A mysterious man with the fifth-level peak combat power and the master-level formation attainments appeared on the current Blue Water Star and was simply invincible.

Even a monk like Abbot Tiancan, who was not interested in the world, couldn't help but be curious about Xu Chenzhou's true identity at this time.

And Li Zhichun also called Feng Gonglin, the director of the Xinyazhou Anguo Bureau, after a brief hesitation, and reported all the information about the mysterious man in black in detail on the phone.

Feng Gonglin attached great importance to this information. For him, a fifth-level peak was nothing, but a formation master was incredible. After all, if a formation master wanted to cause damage, he could even set up a star-destroying formation, drill through the entire surface of the Blue Water Star, detonate the star core, and have a grand cosmic fireworks.

If such a dangerous existence is not included in the monitoring, the consequences are really unpredictable.

All of a sudden, the entire Anguo Bureau was mobilized, and a large number of people gathered in the monitoring room, carefully checking all the surveillance videos that could be found in the entire Tiancheng City today, trying to find information about the man in black.

On the other side, Xu Chenzhou had already walked into the practice room leisurely.

In addition to the Jietian Talisman, he returned all the props borrowed from the group members to them.

And it was not that he didn't want to return the Jietian Talisman, but Yang Chan insisted on leaving the Jietian Talisman with Xu Chenzhou.

According to Yang Chan, she didn't need the Jietian Talisman for the time being.

And now the Jietian Talisman is more useful in Xu Chenzhou's hands.

After all, Xu Chenzhou's environment is relatively dangerous, and the enemy happens to be the Tianji Clan who is good at deducing the secrets of the sky. Holding this Jietian Talisman will undoubtedly play a better role.

And Yang Chan herself has arrived at Sanqing College, where not only her personal master Nuwa Saint is here, but also her dry master Tongtian Jiaozhu.

Not to mention that the secrets of the prehistoric world are obscure and difficult to deduce now, even if the secrets are clear now, no one with a bad brain would risk his life to deduce the secrets of their apprentice Yang Chan in front of the two saints.

After Xu Chenzhou returned home, he found that the chat group was very lively, and the group members were all expressing their opinions enthusiastically.

And the source of all this originated from a video uploaded by Zhang Junbao today.

This was shot by Zhang Junbao on a whim today.

It has been almost two months since he taught the Jindan martial arts in the Yitian world. In these two months, the entire Yitian world has been changing day by day.

As time went by, countless Jindan martial arts skills were gradually passed from Xiangyang City to the entire world, and the entire Yitian world was followed by violent turmoil.

In normal times, any magic skill can cause a round of turmoil in the world, killing people and blood flowing like a river.

For example, the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Slaying Saber later, there are at least hundreds of lives behind these two weapons.

However, this round of turmoil in the world was not accompanied by bloody storms.

After all, the source of the turmoil was a peerless ruthless man who killed 100,000 Mongolian soldiers with a single sword, and he was also a martial arts legend who could suppress the entire martial arts world with a wave of his little finger.

And all the martial artists who have been to Xiangyang City know that although Zhang Zhenren is ruthless when dealing with invaders, he is a peace-loving person in normal times and does not like to kill.

After knowing Zhang Junbao's tendency, the martial artists are very restrained.

They are just some small shrimps who practice martial arts, how dare they be presumptuous in front of Zhang Zhenren who is suspected of cultivating immortals.

People keep rushing to Xiangyang City from other places to learn Jindan martial arts.

It's just that the martial artists now have no way to listen to Zhang Zhenren's teachings all the time.

After all, there are too many martial artists gathered in Xiangyang City now, if not 10,000, there are at least 8,000, and Zhang Junbao really can't teach them all.

So he handed over the task of teaching to others, and he concentrated on comprehending the subsequent advanced route of Jindan martial arts.

If someone comes, someone will naturally leave.

Although Xiangyang City is large, it cannot accommodate so many martial artists.

In addition, some martial artists think that they are not very talented. After obtaining the entry-level method of Jindan martial arts, their cultivation progress is very slow. It is unknown how long it will take to advance to the next level.

So they simply left Xiangyang City.

Instead of practicing hard, it is better to take advantage of this good opportunity to make more money.

Although they progressed slowly in the cultivation path of Jindan martial arts, even if they only learned the basics, their strength was enough to crush some of the top masters in the old martial arts world.

However, even if these people left Xiangyang City, they would not dare to abuse their power with the magic skills they learned. At best, they would just make some money.

After all, they all knew the character of Zhang Zhenren.

If one day Zhang Zhenren knew that they were using the magic skills he taught to do evil, he might chop off their heads with a sword on a whim.

And these martial artists who left Xiangyang City also became the best propaganda machine for Jindan martial arts.

Zhang Junbao became famous with the border battle, and was even recognized by many martial artists as a martial arts legend.

However, there are still some martial arts masters who think highly of themselves and have never taken Zhang Zhenren in Xiangyang City seriously, but just regarded the stories of those storytellers as fabrications.

After all, in their opinion, Zhang Junbao's deeds are just nonsense. No matter how high the martial arts skills are, they are still afraid of kitchen knives. A person with a sword can kill 100,000 Mongolian troops. In their opinion, even gods can't do this.

There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. These masters have been praised all their lives, so they are naturally unwilling to believe such myths.

There are even many masters who make bold statements, such as Zhang Zhenren or not Zhang Zhenren. Once you hear it, you are a liar. If you have the ability, come to me and I will teach him a lesson.

For example, there is a master in Luoyang who is known as Zhao Wushuang, the invincible god fist. He has no rivals in the south of the world with his pair of iron fists.

This person is indeed something. He can be called a first-class master in the world. He was fortunate to meet Guo Jing and had a competition.

Of course, his martial arts are definitely not as good as Guo Jing, but Guo Jing is a generous person, so he showed mercy in the competition with him and defeated him after thirty moves.

This made him proud. He liked to brag that he had fought with Guo Jing for thirty moves without losing. If he had not drunk too much and was a little confused that day, he could have fought Guo Jing to a draw.

Until this person met a Jindan warrior who returned home. Before going to Xiangyang City, this Jindan warrior was just a third-rate warrior. He had not even practiced internal skills. He only knew hard Qigong, and it was not the kind of superior hard Qigong. The strongest inheritance on his body was a set of iron cloth shirt.

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