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Chapter 258 Bullying Men and Women, the Three Realms of Martial Arts

This golden elixir warrior has some talent in hard skills. After more than ten years of hard training, he has mastered the Iron Cloth Shirt to a great level. He can't be hurt by ordinary swords and guns, and he can lift a stone millstone weighing three hundred kilograms with his physical strength. , Jianghu people sent the nickname "Iron Kasaya" to Hu Qian

Because he only knows external skills, Hu Qian is not well-known in the world of Luoyang City. After all, although his external skills are strong, they can only defend against ordinary people's swords and spears. If a master of internal skills attaches internal energy to the sword, , you can cut through his defense with just one move.

Even so, Hu Qian's life in Luoyang City is not bad. After all, he has mastered the iron cloth shirt to a great extent and is considered a good player among ordinary people.

With his martial arts skills, Hu Qian found a position as an escort in the Jinshou Escort Agency in Luoyang City, earning a small amount of money by running escorts.

Logically speaking, the identity gap between a low-level person like Hu Qian and a hero like Zhao Wushuang is as great as clouds and mud, and there shouldn't be any intersection.

But this world is so interesting. No matter how disparate the status is between two people, they can still form a deadly feud as long as they meet by chance.

Although Hu Qian is not very good at martial arts, he has a very chivalrous character. He promises a lot of money and values ​​loyalty over life and death. With his outgoing personality, he makes many friends and claims to have friends all over the world.

He has a good brother named Miao Tianpo, who is good at wielding a slender lancet and is nicknamed Po Feng Yida.

The relationship between Hu Qian and Miao Tianpo was so good that they almost cut off chicken heads and burned yellow paper to become brothers.

During an escort mission, in order to save Hu Qian, Miao Tianpo was unfortunately hacked by a bandit during the fight. Although he was rescued afterwards, his legs were necrotic due to excessive blood loss and he could no longer survive. walk.

Hu Qian was very loyal. Since his good brother was trying to save him from injury, he naturally could not abandon his good brother.

So Hu Qian made a vow that as long as he has a mouthful of food to eat in this life, Miao Tianpo will have a mouthful of food to eat. As long as he has a mouth of water to drink, Miao Tianpo will have a mouthful of water to drink. Miao Tianpo's family is his Hu Qian. Qian's family, they lived and died together from then on, and shared wealth and honor.

After Miao Tianpo lost his ability to work, Hu Qian devoted nearly half of his income to support Miao Tianpo every month.

He even spent a lot of money to go to the Western Regions to obtain medicine that could relax his muscles and activate his blood circulation for Miao Tianpo, hoping that one day his good brother would be able to stand up again.

Miao Tianpo has a daughter named Miao Qingqing. Miao Qingqing has been beautiful and lovely since she was a child. She has fascinated the hearts of young men from all over the country. She was only twenty or eight years old when the matchmaker who came to propose marriage almost killed the Hu family. The threshold has been leveled.

Hu Qian also loved Miao Qingqing from the bottom of his heart and regarded her as his goddaughter, holding her in his hands since childhood.

Among the young men who like Miao Qingqing, there is one named Zhao Tianci, who is Zhao Wushuang's most precious grandson.

Zhao Tianci is a playboy who is well-known in Luoyang City. With the power of the Zhao family, he often bullies men and dominates women and runs rampant in the countryside. He is a little bully-level figure.

Few of the girls he fell in love with could escape his clutches.

Those who are willing will be taken home, and those who are unwilling will be kidnapped. Those who dare to resist will be killed by all the men in the family. Girls of suitable age will be packed and kidnapped together. Anyway, he is not picky. Having more related people together will make it more exciting. .

And although he is a playboy, he has always been measured. All the women he chooses are from common people, and no one will stand up for them at all.

However, Zhao Tianci did not use such harsh methods against Miao Qingqing, because he really fell in love with Miao Qingqing.

This girl's appearance really touched his heart, which made Zhao Tianci, who had always lingered among flowers, have the idea of ​​​​wanting to win over her.

Therefore, Zhao Tianci not only did not use coercion this time, but instead invited a serious matchmaker to come and prepare generous gifts. He even asked his grandfather to personally hire him. He did all the etiquette and wanted to marry Miao Qingqing home. go.

However, Zhao Tianci's reputation has long been well-known in Luoyang City. Everyone knows about him as a little bully who bullies men and women, and as a bastard who does all kinds of bad things.

How could Miao Qingqing be willing to marry such a person?

However, the betrothal gift given by the Zhao family was extremely generous, enough to buy 50 acres of fertile land. Any ordinary person would be tempted by such a generous gift.

Coupled with the great power of the Zhao family, few people in the entire Luoyang City dared to disobey the Zhao family except for those official figures.

Although the Zhao family seems to be treating each other with courtesy now, if they verbally reject the Zhao family's kindness, the consequences will be disastrous.

Miao Qingqing had no choice but to cry to her father and godfather, saying bluntly that she would not marry Zhao Tianci even if she died.

Hu Qian has always been obedient to his precious goddaughter, and he is not willing to let his little cotton-padded jacket marry such a scumbag.

He has many friends and a wide network of contacts in the world. There are actually a few friends who have a slight relationship with Zhao Wushuang.

So he immediately entrusted these friends to come out to entertain Zhao Wushuang. Hu Qian made a great gesture at the banquet and even spent his life savings to ask Zhao Wushuang to let the Miao family go.

But who would have thought that Zhao Wushuang would not give him or his friends any face, and directly rejected Hu Qian's request.

If it were some trivial matter, Zhao Wushuang might indeed agree to Hu Qian's request for the sake of a few friends, but this was about his grandson's marriage. How could Zhao Wushuang, who always loved his grandson, give Hu Qian face.

He scolded Hu Qian directly to his face, "You are a third-rate person wandering around the world. If it weren't for the heroes who came forward, you couldn't even see me. How can you have the face to ask me for mercy?"

In desperation, the 1.83-meter-tall man knelt in front of Zhao Wushuang in public and begged Zhao Wushuang bitterly.

Zhao Wushuang just sneered at this: "The world is the world, what's the point of kneeling down to beg people? If you want to have a say in front of me, you must make me look up to you."

Hu Qian knelt on the ground, his forehead pressed against the ground, and just begged bitterly: "Master Zhao, Master Zhao, what do you want to do to make me look up to you? I am willing to do whatever you say."

Zhao Wushuang said coldly: "Of course, people in the world judge heroes by martial arts. I heard that you practice hard skills. In my opinion, hard skills are just inferior means, but just Even so, I will give you a chance.

My name in the martial arts world is the invincible fist. I dominate with my pair of iron fists. Anyone who can take three of my punches can be considered a master. If you can take three of my punches with your hard skills, I will agree to your request and will no longer embarrass the Miao family father and daughter. "

Hearing this, Hu Qian's eyes became slightly solemn. Although his iron shirt was practiced to the great perfection realm and was known to be invulnerable to swords and guns, he knew that this martial arts could only defend against ordinary swords and weapons, not the fists of internal strength masters.

But when the time came, Hu Qian had no choice.

He stood up and nodded, then used all his strength, and his iron clothes expanded, sticking to his body like armor.

Seeing this scene, Hu Qian's friends tried to dissuade him, because they all knew that Hu Qian's hard skills could not take the three punches of the invincible fist. Once he accepted the bet, he would be beaten to the point of losing his power, or die on the spot.

But Hu Qian had already thought about it. He had heard of Zhao Tianci's reputation. If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked. Zhao Wushuang would not be a good person if he could raise such a grandson. Since he came here today, he did not plan to leave intact.

The people around sighed and looked at Hu Qian as if he was looking at a dead person.

After three punches, Hu Qian was beaten directly from the railing of Tianxiang Tower.

His clothes were tattered, and there was a pool of blood on the ground.

Everyone thought that Hu Qian was dead.

But what everyone did not expect was that Hu Qian, who received three punches from Zhao Wushuang, did not die.

He raised his head, and there were bloodstains on his eyes, ears, mouth and nose. His originally iron tower-like body became hunched at this time, and his iron cloth body was directly beaten to pieces by the three punches of the invincible fist.

Hu Qian, who was covered in blood and looked extremely miserable, endured the pain and climbed up to the second floor of Tianxiang Tower again, and asked Zhao Wushuang to let Miao's father and daughter go and not embarrass them again.

Zhao Wushuang still cared about his reputation, so he had no choice but to agree to Hu Qian's request.

He usually didn't care about Zhao Tianci's misdeeds, because Zhao Tianci bullied the grassroots people, who had no say at all and could not affect his reputation in the world.

However, the few friends who invited him to the banquet this time had some status in the world, and it was nothing for the people in the world to be fierce and aggressive. But the most unacceptable thing to do is to go back on one's word, which is the most discrediting thing in the world. Once someone spreads this matter, his reputation of being invincible will be tarnished.

Although Hu Qian saved his adopted daughter Miao Qingqing, he also paid a painful price for it. All his skills were scattered, and the hard skills he had practiced for decades were directly broken up, leaving only a handful of strength.

Since then, the feud between Zhao Wushuang and Hu Qian has been formed.

However, Hu Qian also understood that he had no hope of revenge in this life. Zhao Wushuang had practiced Taoist internal skills since he was a child and had decades of pure skills. In addition, he had superb boxing skills, which made him a first-class master in the world.

But now he was just a useless person with his skills scattered. He couldn't even practice martial arts again. Now he couldn't even make a living, so how could he take revenge.

Disheartened, Hu Qian left all his money to the Miao family, and then joined the army alone.

He was a man. Since there was no hope in this life, it would be better to join the army than to die at home.

With this broken body to protect our Chinese land, it would be no loss to kill one Mongolian, and it would be a blood profit to kill two Mongolians. He, Hu Qian, was a Han man who wanted to die gloriously even if he died.

As a martial artist, Hu Qian had always heard of the reputation of Guo Jing and admired him very much, so he decided to join the army and rushed to Xiangyang to join the army led by Guo Jing.

As a result, less than three months after joining the army, Hu Qian met a person who changed his three views.

Young sword fairy, martial arts legend, unparalleled, the best in the world Zhang Zhenren.

Unlike other Jindan warriors who left Xiangyang City, Hu Qian is not a warrior without talent.

The Jindan martial arts developed by Zhang Junbao is divided into two parts, one is called the art of transformation, and the other is called the Zhenwu Dan method.

The art of transformation is a method created by Zhang Junbao by integrating the Yangshen worldview method. It requires the warrior to visualize his martial arts will in his mind, and then give the inner force spirituality, and then use this spirituality to absorb the energy attached to various things in the world to strengthen the inner force.

The Zhenwu Dan Condensation Method is a further step in martial arts practice. After condensing the internal force into a golden elixir through the Zhenwu Dan Condensation Method, one can truly enter the gate of the golden elixir martial arts.

These two stages are subdivided into three realms by Zhang Junbao, namely, transformation of spirit, pregnancy of strength, and condensation of elixir.

Most of the warriors in Xiangyang City can't even touch the edge of the spiritual transformation realm. Although this realm is the entry level of the golden elixir martial arts, it is not easy to cultivate this realm.

The most basic requirement of the spiritual transformation realm is to condense one's own martial arts will, which is very difficult.

Martial arts will is simple to say, and everyone can have it, but if you want to materialize martial arts will into a certain form, you must be firm in your heart, understand your beliefs, and perfectly integrate the martial arts you practice with martial arts will.

This is undoubtedly difficult to do. Most warriors go with the flow throughout their lives. Without their own persistence, how can they easily understand their own martial arts will.

However, this level is nothing to Hu Qian. He has been displaced throughout his life. He has had moments of glory, and he has fallen into a trough. He has risen from the trough and burned his life to fight against the Mongols.

Such an experience, but he has long understood his heart and beliefs.

For others, the will of martial arts is very illusory, but for Hu Qian, the will of martial arts is something that is clearly there.

So Hu Qian practiced very quickly, and completed the practice of the spiritual transformation realm in just one month.

There is no fixed method for the golden elixir martial arts. Zhang Junbao rarely teaches students martial arts. What he teaches is a broader practice framework, how to step from nothing to the spiritual transformation realm step by step, and how to absorb these energy objects through spiritual resonance in nature through specific techniques, and then how to combine his own martial arts will to condense it into a golden elixir after nurturing and strengthening the internal force.

It can be said that Zhang Junbao teaches a high-level theory, but how to put these theories into practice depends on the martial artist's own understanding.

Hu Qian is undoubtedly a very understanding martial artist.

Many once peerless martial arts in Xiangyang City have now been directly made public, including the Nine Yang Manual, the Nine Yin Manual, the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing, etc.

Anyone who wants to learn can learn freely, and can also create their own Jindan martial arts based on these peerless martial arts.

But Hu Qian did not do so. He gave up these magical skills that everyone dreamed of, and chose to develop his own Jindan martial arts based on the iron shirt that accompanied him throughout his life.

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