All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 259 Dragon Roar Iron Shirt

Hu Qian's behavior puzzled all his close friends.

He chose a simple external skill as the basis for developing his core skill instead of choosing so many peerless skills.

Why would anyone be willing to do such a thankless task?

But what no one expected was that Zhang Junbao not only did not stop Hu Qian after knowing this, but also admired his choice.

Zhang Junbao's perspective on martial arts is completely different from that of the martial artists in the Yitian world.

His eyes no longer stay on the power of martial arts.

The Nine Yang Magic Skill, the Nine Yin Manual, the Eighteen Dragon Palms, and other unique skills can certainly open up one road after another with infinite potential.

But who says that a peerless magic skill cannot be deduced based on the Iron Shirt?

Zhang Junbao has not seen anyone else walk the path that Hu Qian has taken.

Even Zhang Junbao himself has not tried to deduce the Jindan martial arts based on the horizontal training external skills.

After all, even if he has a high level of comprehension, time is still limited. The new knowledge that keeps emerging in the chat group has already involved most of his energy.

So he wants to see Hu Qian succeed in this path.

Because it can also bring him inspiration.

This is actually one of the reasons why he spreads martial arts all over the world.

His comprehension is indeed very high, but what he has to do is to open up a new path of cultivation from scratch and perfect it.

No matter how talented you are, as long as you are a person, there will always be a time when inspiration runs out.

And sometimes the sparks of other people's thinking can easily break his thinking bottleneck.

Zhang Junbao understands that it is absolutely not enough to rely on him alone to perfect the Jindan martial arts.

A wise man will make mistakes after a thousand considerations.

Only by gathering the wisdom of everyone can the Jindan martial arts be developed and perfected.

With the affirmation of Zhang Zhenren, Hu Qian moved forward on this path without hesitation.

At the beginning, he also hit a wall frequently and could not find a breakthrough.

After all, Iron Shirt is just a book of superficial external skills for physical training. Even if it is studied well, it is just to make a fuss about the flesh, which runs counter to the path of Jindan martial arts to transform spirit and condense elixir.

Just at this time, Zhang Junbao asked someone to send him a secret book, the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon.

Moreover, Zhang Junbao made detailed annotations on this book of the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, and analyzed this peerless palm method in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

The Eighteen Palms of the Dragon is one of the strongest external skills in the world of Yitian. When it is practiced to the great success level, it can cultivate the Dragon-Subduing Qi from the external to the internal.

This skill is exactly what Hu Qian needs most now. In addition, Zhang Junbao also helped him analyze the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon so simply and easily, which made Hu Qian burst out with inspiration to combine the essence of the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon with Iron Shirt, and created a book of Dragon Roar Iron Shirt.

Dragon Roar Iron Shirt is based on the Iron Shirt body training skills, and integrates the true meaning of the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon. In the process of tempering the body, it can make the body produce a series of Iron Shirt Power through hitting.

After practicing the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt to perfection, the Iron Shirt Power of these external skills can evolve into Iron Shirt Qi, forming an iron shirt on the practitioner's body, which cannot be hurt by swords and guns, water and fire cannot enter, and even the internal force can be used for defense.

But this is nothing. No matter how strong the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt is, it is still within the scope of the martial arts of the former Yitian world. It is outdated in the era of Jindan martial arts.

However, Hu Qian was not discouraged. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Since he was able to create the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt, he had the confidence to further evolve the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt into a magical skill belonging to the Jindan martial arts.

After that, Hu Qian relied on the method of spiritual transformation to integrate his martial arts will into the Iron Shirt Power. Three days after creating the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt, he directly entered the first realm of the Jindan martial arts, the Spiritual Transformation Realm.

Based on the Spiritual Transformation Realm, Hu Qian's progress in practicing the Dragon Roar Iron Shirt was rapid.

After all, after entering the spiritual realm, the inner strength and true qi in his body have become spiritual. Without his urging, they will circulate in his body at all times, and can also absorb the energy from the corresponding substances in nature to strengthen himself.

This kind of practice is of course much faster than the previous martial artists' painstaking refining of essence.

Moreover, after the martial artist consumes the essence, he needs to eat to replenish it, which is also the reason why the poor are good at literature and rich are good at martial arts.

Relying on the energy of the food eaten every day to practice internal strength, how can such efficiency be compared with absorbing the vast and infinite energy in nature.

After half a month of practice, his martial arts are no less than the five unique masters of the Central Plains before he came into contact with the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

However, under this rapid progress, Hu Qian did not indulge in practice, but temporarily left Xiangyang City and returned to Luoyang.

The reason for leaving was that Hu Qian heard a martial artist who came to Xiangyang City talk about something.

Before coming to Xiangyang City, he had invited the invincible Zhao Wushuang to go to Xiangyang together, but after hearing Zhang Junbao's name, Zhao Wushuang directly scolded Zhang Junbao in Tianxiang Tower as a hypocritical liar and rejected his invitation.

Hearing this news, Hu Qian was both angry and somewhat relieved.

The fact that Zhao Wushuang would scold Zhang Junbao in public shows that he has definitely not been exposed to the Jindan martial arts.

After all, although Zhao Wushuang is not a good guy, his internal strength is not diluted.

Originally, the higher the martial arts cultivation, the greater the progress of the person who is exposed to the Jindan martial arts.

If Zhao Wushuang had been exposed to the Jindan martial arts, Hu Qian would not have the confidence to take Zhao Wushuang down.

But now, it can only be said that Zhao Wushuang is seeking death himself.

For the soldiers guarding Xiangyang City, Zhang Junbao is a god. How could Hu Qian bear to hear someone scolding the god in his heart, and it was his old enemy.

Of course, he rushed back for another purpose, which was to pick up the Miao family father and daughter to go to Xiangyang City together.

Today's Jindan martial arts are developing rapidly. He has only been exposed to Jindan martial arts for two months and has seen such a big change. Hu Qian believes that Xiangyang City will definitely have an opportunity to help his good brother Miao Putian stand up again.

After entering the spiritual transformation realm, Hu Qian's internal force has also undergone some wonderful changes. Because the internal force has spirit, Hu Qian can manipulate the internal force with ease. Not only can he drive the internal force to break out of the body, but he can also attach it to other things to produce various wonderful uses.

When leaving Xiangyang, he attached the iron armor force to the fast horse he was riding. In an instant, the height of the fast horse under him rose two feet out of thin air, and the muscles all over his body bulged, becoming tall and mighty.

It was as if this horse was not an ordinary horse, but a horse demon who had practiced horizontal training external skills since childhood.

This is the wonderful use of the spiritual transformation realm. Because the internal force is spiritual, the iron armor force will not cause any damage to the horse's body after entering the horse's body. Instead, it can make the horse seem to have really practiced the Dragon Roar Iron Cloth Shirt with the corresponding blessing.

The slender hooves of the fast horse under Hu Qian are now as thick as a bowl. The four hooves are swinging and can no longer be seen by the naked eye. It is like walking on the wind and traveling a thousand miles a day.

Under the blessing of this divine horse, Hu Qian quickly returned to Luoyang City.

After getting off the horse, Hu Qian retracted the iron armor force.

After removing the iron armor force, the horse's body gradually returned to its original appearance, but it can still be seen that the horse's body is much stronger than before.

This is also one of the wonderful uses of the spiritual internal force in the spiritual transformation realm. After removing the blessing of the internal force, it will not cause harm to the host's body, but will subtly strengthen the host's body.

Hu Qian returned to Luoyang City. Walking on the streets of the city, he was soon recognized by a sturdy escort.

This person was Chang Weihe, the boss he followed in the Jinshou Escort Agency.

The moment he saw Hu Qian, Chang Weihe's face changed drastically. He walked quickly to Hu Qian's side and pulled Hu Qian's sleeve.

"Ah Hu, why are you back? How dare you come back!

Don't you know that Zhao Tianci has always wanted to make trouble for you?

Forget it, it's my bad luck to meet you. Come with me, I'll find a way to send you out of the city."

Hu Qian naturally knew what Chang Weihe said.

At the beginning, he made Zhao Wushuang promise not to embarrass the Miao family father and daughter from now on.

For his own face in the world, Zhao Wushuang was forced to keep his promise and even strictly forbade Zhao Tianci to go to the Miao family father and daughter.

This was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Zhao Tianci, after all, Zhao Tianci really liked Miao Qingqing.

However, although Zhao Tianci is a jerk, he is a jerk with brains. He knows that everything he has comes from the protection of Zhao Wushuang, so for the image in his grandfather's mind, Zhao Tianci gave up Miao Qingqing in tears, although he was reluctant.

This also led him to blame all the reasons on Hu Qian. In addition, the promise that Hu Qian asked Zhao Wushuang to agree to only included the Miao family father and daughter, not himself, which also made Zhao Tianci want to make trouble for Hu Qian.

When Hu Qian left Luoyang to join the army in Xiangyang, a small part of the reason was because of Zhao Tianci.

But at this time, Hu Qian was not afraid of Zhao Wushuang, so how could he be afraid of Zhao Tianci? He patted Chang Weihe's hand.

"Boss, I appreciate your kindness, but I have something else to do when I return to Luoyang this time."

Chang Weihe's face showed a trace of anxiety: "Ah Hu Ni is confused, what can be more important than your own life, listen to my advice, come with me quickly.

Behind Zhao Tianci is Zhao Wushuang, you were not Zhao Wushuang's opponent when you were still in the Iron Shirt, let alone now, there is still a green mountain, there is no need to worry about firewood."

Hu Qian's expression was calm and composed: "Boss, don't worry, I know what to do, you follow me, I will take you to see a good show."

As he said, Hu Qian grabbed Chang Weihe with his backhand and led him forward.

The more Chang Weihe walked, the more wrong his face looked, because the route Hu Qian took made him panic, and this route would lead to Zhao Fu a little further ahead.

"Ah Hu, don't do anything stupid. I know you're upset, but there's really no need to.

Although you don't have martial arts, there are many people in this world who don't have martial arts, and they can live a good life anywhere.

I still have 20 taels of silver here, which is the private money I have saved over the years. You should leave quickly. Take this money and find a remote countryside to live a good life. There's really no need to fight to the death with the Zhao Mansion."

Chang Weihe even used his shallow internal force to forcefully drag Hu Qian away.

But he felt as if he had dragged a mountain, which was completely unshakable. Instead, he was dragged by Hu Qian towards the Zhao Mansion involuntarily.

This great force made Chang Weihe a little dumbfounded. Didn't Hu Qian lose all his martial arts and become a useless person? How could he still have such great strength?

In just this moment of daze, Hu Qian had already arrived at the door of the Zhao Mansion.

He knocked on the door of the Zhao Mansion very politely.

There was a knock on the door, and an old man with a mustache poked his head out from the vermilion door. It was the doorman of the Zhao Mansion.

The old man had an impatient expression on his face and was still mumbling a few curse words with a Luoyang accent.

Until he saw Hu Qian, the look on his face instantly changed from anger to uncontrollable excitement.

“How dare you, a murderer of a thousand swords, come back, and even dare to knock on the door of my Zhao residence.

OK OK! really good.

There is really no way I can stop the wealth and wealth that is being sent to me. The thirty taels that the young master has offered as a reward will belong to me, Lao Yang, today! "

After saying that, the old man with the mustache ignored Hu Qian and directly closed the door and ran towards the house.

He was not afraid of Hu Qian running away at all. Zhao Mansion covered the sky with one hand in Luoyang City. As long as Hu Qian returned to Luoyang, it would not be so easy to run away.

After a while, the door of Zhao Mansion suddenly opened again.

A young master wearing a brocade robe, a Pixiu jade pendant on his waist, and a golden folding fan walked out of the Zhao mansion.

And behind him were eighteen servants.

Each servant's body is extremely strong, with bulging muscles. They hold an ebony stick in their hands, and there are many calluses on the edges of their palms.

A servant with this kind of aura looks like the kind of elite soldier that only a wealthy family can afford. He has extremely strong physical fitness, and has also practiced some basic internal skills. He can fight against ordinary soldiers one by one.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, Mr. Folding Fan laughed loudly: "If there is a road to heaven, you will not take it. If there is no door to hell, you will come to it on your own. Hu Qian, Hu Qian, I have been looking for you for three months, but I didn't expect you to show up to me on your own."

Okay, okay, today I will let you know what will happen if a bad person gets married! "

After finishing speaking, Mr. Folding Fan waved his hand, and the eighteen servants filed out, as fast as the wind, and surrounded Hu Qian in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene and feeling the surging energy and blood in the eighteen servants beside him, Chang Weihe's face turned ashen.

He really believed in Hu Qian's evil deeds, so he accompanied him to the Zhao Mansion to seek death.

It's okay now, Hu Qian can't run away, and he is probably in trouble.

He also understood Zhao Tianci's temperament. If he and Hu Qian appeared in front of Zhao Tianci so closely, Zhao Tianci would definitely not let him go.

"Ahu, you really hurt me this time, that's all, let's just consider it my retribution for drinking the wine you hid in the escort agency every day for more than ten years.

I'll find a way to stop them. Run quickly and don't look back. "

Chang Weihe looked at death with an expression on his face. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the spear behind his back in his hand.

He was just an ordinary bodyguard, and it was okay for him to beat eighteen bandits. As for these servants, he was no match.

"Boss, you have nothing to do to show off your strength. I will be responsible for whatever happened to me."

There was a sigh in his ears, and then Chang Weihe felt a strong force coming from his left chest.

Chang Weihe was pushed backwards by this force and fell to a position about ten meters outside the encirclement.

Chang Weihe found it strange that he didn't feel any pain after landing. It seemed that there was a force in his body that blocked him from the damage caused by the landing.

He raised his eyes and looked into the field, and saw that the eighteen servants had already raised the black wooden sticks in their hands. There were waves of energy lingering on the wooden sticks, like swimming dragons, fiercely attacking Hu Qian. Hit him.

But Hu Qian just stood there, his clothes rustling, being held up by invisible force and turned into an iron coat.

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