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Chapter 260 The times have changed for adults

Then, an incredible scene appeared. The eighteen black and shiny long sticks were suspended in the air before they hit Hu Qian, as if there was a thick air wall on Hu Qian's body blocking these sticks.

Hu Qian did not even move, standing there leisurely. The eighteen aggressive servants did not even touch the corner of Hu Qian's clothes with their full strength.

Even though the servants' faces had turned red and the veins on their forearms were bulging, they could not break through the air wall with such full strength.

Then, a low roar came from the void, like a giant dragon awakening from hibernation.

The tone of this dragon roar went from low to high, and soon broke through the sky, shaking the four fields and eight wastelands. The ears of people within a radius of ten miles were filled with this loud dragon roar.

As the dragon roared, the eighteen servants were shaken off Hu Qian's body like rag dolls by an invisible force, and they fell to the ground one by one, their lives or deaths unknown.

The onlookers cried out in surprise when they saw this scene, and some superstitious people even knelt on the spot, thinking that Hu Qian in front of them was a god descending to earth.

Zhao Tianci was frightened and at a loss, and he couldn't understand what was happening in front of him.

Zhao Tianci was born in a martial arts family. Although his martial arts talent was average, he had been influenced by it since he was a child, and he had a good understanding of martial arts.

He knew too well what Hu Qian's performance just now showed.

The servant's stick was stopped before it even touched Hu Qian's body, which showed that Hu Qian had the best internal strength, and could even release his internal strength to hurt people from a distance, and he even used his internal strength to directly shake off the eighteen vigorous servants.

According to his knowledge, those who can do this are all top masters in the world.

But Hu Qian was obviously a poor man, and the only martial arts he knew was the common iron shirt, and even the power of the iron shirt was abolished by his grandfather not long ago. How could such a useless person become a top master in just three months?

After shaking off 18 servants, Hu Qian walked directly to Zhao Tianci without hesitation, grabbed his collar with his left hand and lifted him up.

Hu Qian stared into his eyes and said lightly: "Didn't you say that you wanted me to know what the fate of bad people's marriage is?

Come, let me see the methods of your Zhao family's eldest young master?"

This scene scared Zhao Tianci pale, he didn't care where Hu Qian's top internal skills came from, the most urgent thing was to save his life.

"Hero, spare my life, hero, spare my life, it's my fault that I didn't recognize the great man."

But before he finished speaking, Hu Qian's iron fist hit his forehead.

With a bang, Zhao Tianci was stunned by the punch. The power of Hu Qian's punch made him feel that his brain was about to be beaten out.

He opened his mouth and wanted to beg for mercy.

But Hu Qian didn't give him the chance at all, and hit him on the head again.

With a loud bang, blood began to flow out of Zhao Tianci's seven orifices.

Then there was another punch, one punch, and one punch.

The loud noise of each punch was like hammering iron. Hu Qian's punch was heavier than the last, and he hit Zhao Tianci's head seven times in a row.

After being hit seven times, Zhao Tianci was extremely miserable. A pair of eyeballs were blown out by this extremely terrifying punch. White brain matter flowed out of his eye sockets and nostrils, and flowed down along his clothes.

Hu Qian knew very well what kind of person Zhao Tianci was. Killing the whole family and raping other people's wives and daughters were commonplace for him. Such a beast would naturally be killed directly in his hands.

Zhang Zhenren only didn't allow them to use the Jindan martial arts to do evil, but he didn't say that they were not allowed to be chivalrous.

Seeing this scene, the crowd was stunned at first, and then they cheered loudly.

Zhao Tianci, the scum, is finally dead!

A middle-aged man on the side couldn't help kneeling on the ground, covering his eyes with his hands and making a whimpering sound.

His daughter was favored by Zhao Tianci at the beginning, and then she was abducted by the servants of the Zhao Mansion to be insulted. Then Zhao Tianci, the crazy scum, actually felt that this was not exciting enough, and sent people to capture his wife and sister-in-law to the Zhao Mansion for Zhao Tianci to enjoy together.

Afterwards, his wife, daughter and sister-in-law all chose to commit suicide because they couldn't stand this humiliation.

The middle-aged man thought about using his life to die with Zhao Tianci, but he was just an ordinary person, as weak as a chicken in front of Zhao Tianci who knew martial arts.

He also thought about committing suicide and leaving this world with his wife and daughter.

But he still has a 70-year-old mother to support. In this case, if he commits suicide, it will be the same as forcing his mother to death.

He has no choice but to live in this world to fulfill his filial piety, but he is extremely painful every day of his life and wishes he could die immediately.

There are many people who have suffered the same fate as the middle-aged man. Many people in the surrounding crowd have been bullied by Zhao Tianci.

Several people flew to Zhao Tianci's body and grabbed his flesh and blood with both hands.

They hated this man so much that they wanted to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin.

But before they could get close, Hu Qian waved his hand and pushed everyone out with an invisible force.

The real boss has not appeared yet. Hu Qian doesn't want these people to get too close, for fear that they will accidentally hurt them later.

Sure enough, just when Hu Qian was driving the people away, a roar came.

"Ci'er, my Ci'er, how dare you? How dare you!

When I spared you a lifeless life, it doesn't matter if you are ungrateful, but you still dare to kill my dear grandson! "

A figure galloped from the gate of Zhao Mansion, as fast as a flying horse, and rushed in front of Hu Qian in a moment.

I saw an old man standing in front of Hu Qian with an ashen complexion, his beard and hair spread out, and his eyes full of murderous intent.

This person is none other than Zhao Wushuang, the Invincible Divine Fist, a martial arts master known for his boxing skills. Due to years of boxing practice, his knuckles are covered with calluses. A thick layer of calluses covers this person like scales. hands.

He clenched his hands tightly, and due to too much force, his knuckles made a popping sound when they rubbed together.

The scene that was still cheering suddenly became silent, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

As the overlord of Luoyang City, Zhao Wushuang certainly has the power to suppress the entire crowd.

Hu Qian just showed a sneer: "Grateful? You actually have the nerve to say this.

If Zhao Tianci hadn't been eyeing my goddaughter and wanted to get her by any means necessary, why would I have been punched three times by You for no reason?

The co-author only allows ordinary people like us to be bullied, and does not allow us to stand up and resist?

Besides, it’s not just because of this that I came to you today.

I heard someone said that you said that Master Zhang was a liar in Tianxiang Tower a month ago, and you even kept insulting Master Zhang in front of other people. I ask you if this happened?

If you dare to insult Mr. Zhang behind his back, I think you are really fed up with your heart and courage. You are simply tired of living. "

Zhao Wushuang was extremely angry when he heard Hu Qian's words: "Beast, shut up!

How can our Zhao family be sorry for you? My dear grandson wanted to marry a matchmaker. Your goddaughter is just a farmer's son. Being able to marry into my Zhao family is a blessing he has cultivated for eight lifetimes. You don't know how to refuse, so forget it. He came back to bite my Zhao family. He is really like a dog.

What about Mr. Zhang? It's none of your business if I scold him!

That's just a liar. What's wrong with what I said?

Why am I insulting him from behind? If he dares to appear in front of me, I will scold him bloody. "

Behind Zhao Wushuang also walked out two old men, both famous in Luoyang City's martial arts world, Xu Jiangxue, the withered bamboo man, and Tao Yuanhan, the lone fisherman.

These two are both masters of the Qi Sect. One is good at using bamboo sticks, and the other is good at using fish hooks. They are quite prestigious in the martial arts world of Luoyang City.

The two men also had angry faces and stared at Hu Qian with displeasure.

They were guests in the Zhao Mansion today, and they were more or less half-hosts.

Hu Qian chose this time to come and beat Zhao Tianci to death, which was undoubtedly equivalent to not giving them face.

"Where are you from? The invincible Master Zhao is in front of you. Why don't you just surrender and capture him?"

With a bamboo stick in his hand, Kuzhu Weng slowly walked up to Hu Qian and pointed his bamboo stick at his chest, as if he would take action at any time.

The lone fisherman also walked forward slowly, the line of the fishing rod in his hand dancing in the wind, with a threatening look on his face.

Zhao Wushuang did not let the two of them take action but instead held them back: "Thank you both for your kindness, but this person is just a low-level martial artist who practices outer martial arts.

I can suppress it with one hand, so I don’t have to bother two people to take action. "

After finishing speaking, Zhao Wushuang turned to look at Hu Qian: "Since my grandson was beaten to death by you with your fists, then I will also beat you to death with my fists. After I beat you to death, I will go to the Miao family." Father and daughter were beaten to death together.

Only in this way can I comfort my grandson’s spirit in heaven. "

The atmosphere between the two was very tense and on the verge of breaking out, as if a fight could break out at any time.

Chang Weihe, who was hiding in the crowd at this time, looked at this scene with his eyes almost bulging out in surprise.

The plot changed too quickly. When he went out today, he just wanted to buy a bottle of wine. How did he develop into this after meeting Hu Qian?

However, Chang Weihe couldn't help but sweat for Hu Qian. Although Hu Qian's method of dealing with eighteen servants just made him stunned, Chang Weihe didn't understand the value of Hu Qian's methods, so Not much confidence in him.

After all, the reputation of Zhao Wushuang, the Invincible Divine Fist, was not picked up, but was earned by relying on his pair of iron fists in the world.

Anyone who can live to be over sixty years old with the word "invincible" in his nickname is not a ruthless person.

"Nine strikes with divine fists can destroy ghosts and gods."

With a loud roar, Zhao Wushuang's fists struck out in succession like the wind, leaving afterimages in the air.

With the violent punches, his strength even shook the bluestone tiles under his feet into pieces.

The golden crow chases the sun, the sea flows to the west, the great river flows to the east, comes and goes in the morning and evening, holds stones in its mouth to fill the sea, the end of the world is so close.

Zhao Wushuang's boxing skills are very exquisite, and the energy in his fists is also extremely strong. He can break open monuments and crack rocks with ease. Even iron weapons cannot stop his iron fists.

But faced with such sharp punches, Hu Qian just clasped his hands together and stood there with an indifferent expression.

There was an invisible dragon-shaped energy around his body that kept moving around, making dragon roars one after another. As the energy moved, it resolved Zhao Wushuang's punches one by one.

There seemed to be no conflict between the two bodies, but sounds like metal collisions were heard in the air.

This is exactly the Dragon's Yin Iron Cloth Shirt, the ultimate external skill that Hu Qian realized after referring to the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

With the blessing of the Golden Core Martial Arts Transformation Spiritual Realm, his dragon-shaped energy possesses spirituality and moves and dances like a real living dragon.

Facing this scene, Zhao Wushuang became more and more panicked as he fought, because he had never encountered such an opponent, and had never had such a fight.

The enemy didn't move, and he didn't even fight back, but he broke all the punches he was proud of.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through the invisible defense.

Even during the fight, his bones were shaken by the invisible energy and he felt a heartbreaking pain.

Even when he fought against Guo Jing, he wasn't so aggrieved.

The more Zhao Wushuang fought, the more desperate he became. He was about to fall before the opponent even made a move!

He knew that this time he might really be doomed.

Zhao Wushuang's face was full of horror: "Yafa, what kind of monster are you?

How could there be such martial arts in this world! "

Feeling that Zhao Wushuang's fist was getting weaker and weaker, Hu Qian burst into laughter.


This is not a magic method, this is the golden elixir martial arts passed down by Master Zhang.

Zhang Zhenren's martial arts shocked the past and the present. He drove away the Tartars with a single sword, restored China, and made great achievements!

I am just an ordinary student under Master Zhang, and I can beat you to pieces.

Even a loser like you dares to call Mr. Zhang a liar. You are really looking for death. "

Hu Qian's words shocked Zhao Wushuang: "You mean, the stories told by those storytellers are all true? How is this possible!"

Zhao Wushuang still didn't want to believe that this world actually had such immortal and Buddha-like characters as in the story.

But Hu Qian's strange martial arts in front of him was an ironclad proof, and no matter how reluctant he was to believe it, he couldn't help but feel a little shaken in his heart.

Hu Qian didn't give him time to think about it.

He ran all the way back to Luoyang from Xiangyang just to kill Zhao Wushuang.

Sure enough, Zhao Wushuang, who had no chance to learn Jindan Martial Arts, had fallen behind.

This once top-notch master was already a remnant of the old era, and was vulnerable to him, a golden elixir warrior who had entered the spirit transformation realm.

Compared with the previous traditional martial arts, Jindan Martial Arts is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

Sir, times have changed!

Hu Qian gathered the Iron Clothes Strength in his right hand, forming an illusory dragon claw, then grabbed Zhao Wushuang's fists, squeezed them hard, and heard a harsh sound like a rusty saw cutting wood. , Zhao Wushuang's fists were crushed alive by Hu Qian, and lumps of bone residue mixed with blood flowed down the gaps in Zhao Wushuang's inner dragon claws.

Hu Qian looked at the wailing Zhao Wushuang and said coldly: "I used my body to receive you three punches in exchange for your willingness to agree to let the Miao family go.

And I just received more than 300 punches from you, which should be enough to exchange for your life. "

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