All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 262 The possibility of resurrection?

In his heart, Zhang Junbao is truly a god. Learning from him does make rapid progress, but it also hurts one's self-confidence. In front of him, the top masters of the Central Plains martial arts world seem like elementary school students.

After studying for a long time, one does feel that he is not smart.

Zhou Botong, who was sitting on the side, was also very happy to hear what Huang Yaoshi said, and a naughty smile appeared on his face: "Old man Huang, you are right, very happy, very happy!

Junbao's martial arts attainments are too high, and other masters are too stupid, so they still have a common language with you."

After saying this, Zhou Botong didn't know what he thought of, and his expression suddenly became a little disappointed: "But you said how good it would be if the senior brothers were still alive.

If the senior brothers were still alive, he would definitely participate in the discussion just now and put forward many constructive ideas."

Zhou Botong's words seemed to open up everyone's memories, and Yang Guo also showed a nostalgic expression on his face: "Yes, if my godfather and senior Hong were still alive, they would be able to see the golden elixir martial arts created by Zhang Zhenren. I don't know how happy they are now."

Yang Guo recalled the scene on Huashan Mountain that year, and now he can't help but sigh.

It's a pity that the two old men died. Originally, with their internal skills and physical fitness, if they were well maintained, they could have lived to this day.

Unfortunately, his adoptive father Ouyang Feng was mentally ill and had been entangled with Hong Qigong. He had begged Senior Hong to give in and not fight to the death with Ouyang Feng.

Hong Qigong had agreed to his request, but when he was about to leave Huashan, he was entangled by the mad Ouyang Feng, who refused to let him go down the mountain. In the end, the two competed in internal strength until both of them were exhausted.

However, even before death, the two seniors were still using his hands to compete and study each other. Ouyang Feng even came up with a stick technique that could break the sixth change of the 36th move of the Dog Beating Stick Method, "There is No Dog in the World". Then the two died together after exhausting their energy. Before they died, they let go of their past grudges and died in each other's arms.

Yang Guo couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If these two martial arts fanatics could live to this day, they would definitely be fascinated by Zhang Junbao's golden elixir martial arts, and then discuss martial arts like they did on the top of Huashan Mountain.

Huang Yaoshi sighed upon hearing this: "Old beggar, old poison, and brother Chongyang! What a pity, what a pity, recalling the Huashan sword fight, now there are only me and Yideng left.

If the five of us can reunite to study the golden elixir martial arts together, I don't know how much fun it would be.

It's a pity that the dead can't be resurrected!"

After sending the video of the five masters' dinner, Zhang Junbao started the live broadcast at Xu Chenzhou's request.

After all, for Xu Chenzhou, the two novels, The Return of the Condor Heroes and The Legend of the Condor Heroes, are the two books that accompanied him when he was young. From childhood to adulthood, he has read at least three versions of The Return of the Condor Heroes, not to mention that he has personally read Mr. Jin Yong's original novel.

Now he can see Yang Guo, Huang Yaoshi and others alive in the live broadcast. This experience is quite novel for Xu Chenzhou, and he will naturally not miss it.

And watching the live broadcast does not affect his cultivation at all, after all, he has thousands of thoughts.

It's just watching the live broadcast, and it's enough to divide a few thoughts at random.

Moreover, watching such high-quality martial arts discussions can also help Xu Chenzhou to learn by analogy.

At this time, listening to the discussion of the crowd in the live broadcast, Xu Chenzhou's mind flashed.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Huang Yaoshi said that the dead cannot be resurrected? I don't think so."

Luo Feng (martial arts apprentice): "Group leader, are you serious?

I remember that the information said that Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng had been dead for more than ten or twenty years, and their bodies had rotted. Could they be resurrected?"

Lu Mingfei (campus beauty killer): "Luo Feng, don't pretend. If the worlds in the group want to revive the dead, your Devouring World must be the easiest. If you reach the realm of the Lord of the Universe, you can directly rescue people from the long river of time and space."

Ying Zheng (Qin hostage): "Indeed, it is very difficult to revive the dead in my world. Only the Yin-Yang Family's supreme secret, the Yin-Yang Divination and Life-changing Chapter, can do it. There are also many restrictions. It is incredibly difficult. Not only does it require a complete body.

And reviving a dead person requires the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, and it may not be successful."

Luo Feng (martial arts apprentice): "That's what I said, but it is so difficult to become the Lord of the Universe. There are not many Lords of the Universe in the entire Devouring World. Lord, how can it be said to be simple? "

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "In my opinion, whether there is a way to revive the dead is still related to the world.

For example, in the Devouring World, all the dead will be engraved in time, and as long as they can withstand the backlash of time, they can revive the dead.

In the world system of Xiao Shihao and Xiao Nannan, it is very difficult to revive the dead. Unless they are the ancient strongmen who have left a backhand, other people are really dead when they die. Even if thousands of generations have passed, they can only bloom similar flowers in reincarnation.

As for the prehistoric world, it is another situation. There are reincarnation and the underworld that can preserve souls. All the dead can be reborn through reincarnation, and it is also very convenient to revive the dead.

So to put it bluntly, whether you can be resurrected depends on the rules of the world. If the rules of the world allow resurrection, it will be very convenient. If the rules of the world do not allow it, it will be very difficult, or even impossible. "

Xu Chenzhou looked at Hong Yi's speech and nodded. What Hong Yi said got to the heart of the problem.

Whether or not a person can be resurrected, to put it bluntly, depends on the world.

In some worlds, after a person dies, even his soul does not exist, leaving only a trace of regret, and the time rules are as solid as a rock. This kind of world is the most difficult to resurrect.

For example, the world of the Heaven-shaking World is like this. If you want to reverse time and revive the dead, you can only do it by achieving the sacrificial path and controlling the entire world.

In a world with a reincarnation system in the underworld or the Devouring Starry Sky, where the long river of time can be manipulated at will, resurrection will become very simple.

In other words, whether a dead person can be resurrected depends mainly on whether the world gives this face.

In theory, the world of the Heaven-defying Heaven belongs to the former.

After all, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the world of the Heaven-defying Heaven is thin, and there is no underworld and six reincarnations. In such a world, after a person dies, his soul immediately dissipates in the air, and even a trace of regret is difficult to retain.

But the world of the Heaven-defying Heaven is different. Xu Chenzhou knows that there is another force in the world of the Heaven-defying Heaven, and that is the power of incense.

Xu Chenzhou once went to the world of the Heaven-defying Heaven in person to feel the strong incense and wish power in the Shaolin Temple.

This is also the first pot of gold for the chat group members.

It is with the power of incense and vows of Shaolin Temple that everyone can practice Yangshen Taoism to the realm of ghost immortals so quickly.

Xu Chenzhou once received a secret book [Seven Mysterious Nine Stars Refining True Spirit Yuanshu] in the rewards of the chat group. This is a secret method of practicing incense to become a god.

Although Xu Chenzhou did not practice this practice method with only a single secret book because there were too many cultivation paths at hand, he still knew the knowledge recorded in [Seven Mysterious Nine Stars Refining True Spirit Yuanshu].

There are many functions of the power of incense, one of the main functions is to nourish the soul.

The so-called soul nourisher, to put it bluntly, can play a role in protecting and warming the soul.

If there is enough incense to support, a soul can even last for a thousand years.

And there is incense and vows in the world of Yitian, which means that the souls of Hong Qigong and others are likely not dissipated.

If the soul has not dissipated, then resurrection is not a difficult task.

For group members with more than a dozen cultivation systems, there are too many solutions.

In other words, if the incense power of the Yitian world can keep the souls of Hong Qigong and others from dispersing, then Xu Chenzhou has too many ways to bring these masters back to life.

Xu Chenzhou posted his thoughts in the group chat, which aroused more heated discussions among the group members.

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Legend): "According to what you said, it seems that there is indeed room for operation.

Hong Qigong is the former leader of the Beggars' Sect, Chongyang Zhenren is the head of the Quanzhen Sect, and Ouyang Feng, the West Poison, also enjoys a terrifying prestige in the Western Regions.

Although these three people are dead, they should all enjoy incense and sacrifices based on their status and position.

If the incense of the Yitian world really has the effect of soothing the soul as recorded in the Qixuan Jiuyao Refining True Spirit Yuanshu, then their souls may really not dissipate."

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "If the soul has not dissipated, it will be easy to deal with. The Taoism of the Yangshen World specializes in the soul, and the exotic treasures and Taoism that can nourish the soul, There are countless elixirs.

Not to mention the souls of ordinary people, even if the souls of ghost immortals are weak, they can be replenished, so there is no need to worry.

As long as their souls are not completely dissipated, I have many ways to nourish the souls.

As for the body, it is even simpler.

It is not easy to bring back the dead, but it is not easy to turn the bones into flesh. There are too many solutions, such as the jade dew and nectar of the prehistoric world and the cloning technology of the Academy City. "

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Legend): "Indeed, turning the bones into flesh is not a difficult task. It does not require the practice system of other worlds. It can be done with the golden elixir martial arts."

Zhang Junbao's mind flashed with inspiration while he was speaking.

The knowledge in his mind is so rich, and there is a vast amount of knowledge about the body, spanning several worlds!

For example, the human immortal martial arts can be cultivated to a realm of ever-changing and flesh-derived realms, which shows how profound the research on the human body is.

And the star domain warrior system also has a deep research on the human body and can transform organs at will.

With the blessing of this knowledge, it only took a short while for him to come up with an idea to create a martial arts secret that can create the body.

After a brief thought, Zhang Junbao named this martial arts secret that was still in its infancy [Immortal God Silkworm Skill].

In his imagination, this Immortal God Silkworm Skill, after practicing it, can not only enhance its own recovery ability with the true qi of the silkworm, but also attach the true qi of the silkworm to other objects to make them have this recovery rate. Its power is so strong that it only needs to be practiced to a small success to easily make bones grow flesh,

Xu Chenzhou's research topic made Zhang Junbao very excited. He has a great interest in the resurrection messenger.

If it is really possible to resurrect the dead, it would be so cool.

And this method of resurrecting the dead is also a double insurance for Zhang Junbao.

Although he is already invincible in the world of Yitian, due to the acceleration of time, he often enters the group practice space.

After entering the cultivation space, his connection with the outside world became much weaker, although his mirror body left in the outside world would ask for help from his original body when encountering danger.

But this kind of help is delayed after all. If something irreversible happens when he enters the group practice space, the resurrection method can make up for it.

Although Zhang Junbao hopes that the people around him will never use the resurrection method, it does not mean that he can do without it.

Zishou (the descendant of Xuanniao): "So in this way, only famous and prestigious people can have the possibility of resurrection in the world of Brother Junbao. The rules of this world are too unfair!"

Zishou is the most sensitive person in the group to the plight of the people.

Because he was born in a slave society and witnessed many injustices since he was a child, when the group members were still busy thinking about the means of resurrection, Zishou had already keenly noticed the drawbacks of the incense and soul-raising resurrection system.

That is, if you want to use this method to resurrect, the deceased must be very famous during his lifetime, so that after his death, there will always be people who miss him and provide incense and thought power to his soul.

You should know that if you want to provide incense and spiritual power, the longing between ordinary relatives is never enough. You must have a strong admiration to generate incense and spiritual power.

This also leads to the fact that once the method of resurrection is studied by Zhang Junbao, the noble will become more noble, and the humble will become more humble.

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Legend): "Although ordinary people are unlikely to get the chance to resurrect, this way of resurrection is indeed a bit unfair.

But it doesn't matter. Since the rules of the world are unreasonable, I will change it.

At present, the most fair resurrection method in the group should be reincarnation and the underworld.

It can completely preserve the soul of a person. Even if it is not resurrected in this way, you can get the opportunity to reincarnate after death.

In this case, there is no underworld and reincarnation, so I will open it up."

When Zhang Junbao typed this, his eyes flashed with a firm light.

Although Zhang Junbao's cultivation philosophy is more inclined to Taoism, and he only wants to do it in this life and not in the next life, but Zhang Junbao also understands that there are countless people in this world, just like the nobles crossing the river, and there are countless people. How can everyone be as detached as he is?

Some time ago, when he accompanied Guo Xiang to travel the rivers and lakes, Zhang Junbao personally experienced how miserable the people at the bottom were.

They lived such a hard life all their lives, and when they were about to die, they had no chance to turn over at all. They could only scatter their souls and turn into stars in the universe. Just thinking about it, Zhang Junbao felt that this kind of life was too hopeless.

So Zhang Junbao wanted to let all people in the world, no matter how noble or humble, have a chance to reincarnate, and wish in this life and repay in the next life.

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