All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 263 Nine-turn Soul Resurrection Method

Zhang Junbao also knows that it is not a simple matter to open up reincarnation. To do this, the entire world must be radically transformed.

For example, we need to transform the world environment to make it suitable for the soul to exist for a long time, establish a mechanism to attract people from the underworld, create a reincarnation system, etc.

The advancement of all these aspects is almost equivalent to remaking the entire world.

Currently, I do not have the ability to create reincarnation. Such a large project is a bit too high for Zhang Junbao's current level of cultivation.

However, with the support of the chat group, Zhang Junbao believes that he will be able to fulfill this ambition in the future.

Putting aside the idea of ​​opening up reincarnation for the time being, Zhang Junbao focused all his attention on the research on the method of resurrection.

Opening up reincarnation is too far away, and the method of resurrection is more likely to be achieved.

However, Zhang Junbao understood that the top priority was to confirm whether the souls of Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng had not dissipated.

Although the group leader said that incense can nourish the soul, Zhang Junbao is not sure whether the power of incense in Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng can keep their souls alive for decades.

If the souls of these two people have dissipated, then the so-called resurrection is nothing more than empty talk.

Hundreds of thoughts popped up between his brows, and each thought was like a diamond in the air, shining brightly and containing infinite wisdom.

However, everyone present turned a blind eye. The warriors in Yitian World did not understand the way of the soul, so they had no way to sense these thoughts.

Zhang Junbao had already become a sixth-level ghost immortal when he was in the world of Yangshen, so his thoughts had the ability to break through the void.

These thoughts turned into a stream of light in the air, disappeared into the void, and disappeared.

His people were still sitting in the restaurant in Xiangyang City, but these thoughts had already reached the top of Huashan Mountain.

At this time, heavy snow is falling on the top of Huashan Mountain, and the entire land covered with plain white snowflakes is extremely beautiful.

Zhang Junbao's hundreds of thoughts gathered together in the void, manifesting a body that looked exactly like Zhang Junbao's body.

This is the magical power of Yangshen Taoism, which can distract the mind and turn it into thoughts, travel through the void, and aggregate into shape.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this method is tantamount to a real god.

After arriving here, Zhang Junbao used his spiritual mind to scan things within a hundred miles. Everything around him appeared in Zhang Junbao's eyes, and all the details were lifelike.

However, under the cover of heavy snow, everything on the ground was covered in snow. Even though Zhang Junbao searched carefully, he still could not find the location of the tomb.

Zhang Junbao did not hesitate. As a sixth-level ghost immortal, a heavy snowfall could not trouble him. He raised his hand slightly, and thousands of snowflakes actually floated towards the sky in the direction he raised his hand.

The thick layer of snow covering the entire earth was actually lifted up by a force in an instant. The snowflakes falling from the sky and the snowflakes floating upward collided with each other, making a series of slight noises, revealing the surface of the earth. True appearance.

This scene is simply like a miracle. If ordinary people saw this scene, they would definitely think that the gods were showing their power.

However, the top of Huashan Mountain is inaccessible, so no common people saw this scene, which also saved Zhang Junbao from having to cover up.

Without the obstruction of Xuehua, Zhang Junbao quickly found the grave that Yang Guo had set for them both.

He moved his thoughts to the tomb and explored it carefully.

Soon his face showed a hint of joy, and then he reached forward to grab it. Two faint transparent human figures appeared in the void wrapped in his thoughts.

The images of these two figures were like fetuses still in the belly of a pregnant woman, curled up tightly, with their eyes closed, without any movement, as if they had fallen into the deepest sleep.

Zhang Junbao caught the two figures in front of him and observed them carefully.

If nothing unexpected happens, these two figures should be the souls of Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng.

The group leader is right, the incense in Yitian World does have the wonderful effect of nourishing the soul. The souls of these two martial arts masters have not dissipated after twenty years of being supported by the power of incense.

With these two souls, he can begin to study the method of resurrection.

This is not to say that Zhang Junbao wants to resurrect these two people.

Although Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng were once one of the Five Ultimates of the Central Plains, what did the so-called Five Ultimates of the Central Plains mean in front of Zhang Junbao.

Especially Ouyang Feng, although he had a great enlightenment before his death, he was not really a good person.

The reason why Zhang Junbao is so eager to study the method of resurrection is mainly because Zhang Junbao is interested in the method of resurrection itself.

Although he is invincible, there are still many people he cares about.

In particular, Master Jue Yuan and Guo Xiang were the most important people in his heart.

With the method of resurrection, he can practice with more peace of mind. Even if something happens to someone around him due to his negligence, he can still have a way to recover.

In Zhang Junbao's eyes, Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng happened to be the most suitable research materials for studying the method of resurrection.

Zhang Junbao plans to resurrect Hong Qigong first. After all, Mr. Hong is Guo Jing's master, and he can also be regarded as Guo Xiang's master. This relationship is relatively close.

As for whether Ouyang Feng should be resurrected, Zhang Junbao has not yet decided.

He planned to wait until he confirmed that the method of resurrection was indeed feasible, and then discuss with everyone whether to resurrect him or not.

After making up his mind, Zhang Junbao observed the two souls in front of him while constantly deducing and thinking about the various details in his mind.

In the Yangshen world, the prehistoric world, and the mortal world, there are methods of seizing bodies and possessing bodies. Using these methods as a reference, Zhang Junbao's research progressed very smoothly.

Soon Zhang Junbao was not satisfied with the deduction in his mind. He directly spent the group points to enter the group training space and turned on the time acceleration function to start actual operations.

The group cultivation space has the ability to generate all things, but this ability has various limitations.

For example, only substances in the world of the group members can be generated, and this substance can only take effect in the cultivation space, and cannot be taken out of the space, nor can it be used for cultivation.

For another example, this function cannot generate real life. Although it can generate corresponding characters, it can only copy the human body, but not the human soul.

However, this function is really convenient for doing experiments, and it is especially suitable for the experiments that Zhang Junbao wants to do now.

Zhang Junbao directly stretched out his hand and created dozens of living bodies. These bodies are all residents of Yitian World.

The dozens of bodies lying on the ground looked a bit scary, but Zhang Junbao didn't care at all.

Starting the experiment, he separated out thoughts and suspended them in the void.

However, thoughts and souls are still different. Zhang Junbao's thoughts are as bright as diamonds and indestructible. Not to mention his living body, he can control even clay statues made of earth and stone.

Experimenting with such strong thoughts has no reference value.

But this was not a problem for Zhang Junbao. He could use his thoughts to simulate the characteristics of ordinary souls, and soon his thoughts evolved into transparent souls in the air.

Then Zhang Junbao put this soul into the dozens of bodies in front of him.

He began to study how to connect the soul with the body to achieve the purpose of controlling the body.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. During the practice process, Zhang Junbao felt that he had a sudden enlightenment. Many details that could not be deduced by brain were easily solved in actual operations.

Zhang Junbao studied sleepless nights in the group exercise space for a day, and finally deduced the resurrection method he wanted. And the most valuable thing is that this resurrection method has no threshold for use. It only requires that the soul remains intact and there is a fresh body. The living body can be used.

However, Zhang Junbao discovered that this method of possession and rebirth has a characteristic, that is, the closer the fit between the body and the soul, the less difficult it is to get along.

For example, one of the physical bodies created by Zhang Junbao through the function of practicing space is his own physical body.

It only took Zhang Junbao a short time for this physical body to resonate between the soul and the physical body. According to Zhang Junbao's deduction, he would be able to be intimate with this physical body in almost ten days.

The most difficult body to fit is that of a middle-aged woman. According to Zhang Junbao's estimation, it will take at least two years for this body to be perfected.

Zhang Junbao named the set of techniques he developed as the Nine Turns of Resurrection Technique, and uploaded it to the group space.

Although this method is based on the methods of seizing and possessing bodies from other worlds, it incorporates the concepts of the succession of yin and yang in Zhang Junbao’s Tai Chi. It can gradually connect the soul with the living body through the yin and yang, thus achieving Purpose of Resurrection.

It is an extremely mysterious method for regulating the relationship between body and soul, which is of great reference value.

After figuring out the method of resurrection, there is only one final difficulty left, which is to create a living body.

In addition to creating a living body, Zhang Junbao also has another option, which is to directly use a ready-made body.

In this way, there are no other disadvantages except that it is more difficult to fit, and it saves time and effort.

However, Zhang Junbao would naturally not choose this method, as it was not in line with his character.

He now has the prototype of the Immortal Silkworm Skill in his mind, but it has not been able to work yet. After all, it is only a prototype and there are still many details that have not been perfected.

The deduction of the Nine Turns of Resurrection method can be so smooth, mainly because there is a method of seizing the body for reference, and he himself has a deep research on the way of yin and yang.

The Immortal Silkworm Art is different. If you want to perfect this martial arts, you need to combine the essence of the three cultivation systems: human immortal martial arts, star realm martial arts and golden elixir martial arts. Even he can't do it in a short time. Completed within time.

Although he can't do it for the time being, it won't be difficult for Zhang Junbao. He has a back-up, so it's time to call on his almighty group of friends.

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): “I have already researched the method of resurrection, and now the last difficulty remains, which is how to restore the body of the deceased.

This matter is a bit difficult for me now.

So (monkey rubs his hands.jpg)

Brothers, please help! "

Yang Chan (disciple of Nuwa Palace): "This is simple, just use fine wine and jade dew. This thing is a treasure. Not to mention the body rotting, even if the body is crushed and ashes are thrown away, just one drop can restore it to its original state."

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "Although the nectar and jade dew are good, they are too precious. I remember that the empress only gave you nine drops of nectar and jade dew. It would be too wasteful to use them here."

This thing is too precious. As long as the soul persists, it can survive even after death. This is a gold medal to avoid death.

At present, Yang Chan has no way to obtain more nectar and jade dew. If it were for Guo Xiang, Zhang Junbao would definitely use it without hesitation, but for Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng, Zhang Junbao would be reluctant to part with it.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): ".This is what I researched! You did it before I even finished two classes.

How could you be so perverted!

But I do have some idea of ​​how to restore the body of the deceased. "

Lu Mingfei was a little confused. These group friends were too good. They had just finished the discussion and completed the research on the back. In comparison, the progress of his research on dragon blood was like a tortoise crawling.

However, he had a solution to the problem Zhang Junbao raised.

As we all know, Dragon King-level beings are indestructible, and even if they are killed, they will be resurrected in their cocoons.

Lu Mingfei was particularly interested in this point when he was studying the dragon bloodline, and he also gained some gains after this period of research.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "I can provide a potion. As long as the body is not burned to ashes, after using this potion, a blood cocoon can be formed, and the body can be restored after a period of time.

However, my potion has two shortcomings. The first is that the restored body has no original consciousness and only retains human instinct. But this shortcoming should not be a big deal to you, Junbao. After all, what you want is an unconscious body.

What is more uncomfortable is the second disadvantage, which is that the person who recovers will become a hybrid. After all, this potion is developed based on dragon blood. Once this potion is used, the human body will be mixed with dragon blood, and There is also a certain chance that he will become Deadpool. "

This potion, Lu Mingfei, was also researched through experiments in the cultivation space. Because of the function of the void creation in the cultivation space, he has done many case studies and is well aware of the various shortcomings of the potion.

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but nodded after listening to what Lu Mingfei said. The plan provided by Xiaolu was actually quite good. Although there was a possibility of becoming a hybrid, these were trivial matters for resurrection.

However, Zhang Junbao has no intention of adopting Xiaolu's plan. It's okay for a person to become a hybrid, but the problem is that this thing can be inherited and passed down from ten to ten.

And according to Lu Mingfei's current relationship network, there is a high probability that the blood source of this potion is himself.

This guy's bloodline level is too high, who knows what level of hybrids will be born.

Zhang Junbao doesn't want another hybrid force to appear in the Yitian world in the future.

Moreover, Zhang Junbao knew that the omnipotent group of friends must have a more suitable plan than Xiaolu's plan.

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "I do have a plan here. Academy City has the technology to create clones. They used this technology to create the sisters. After destroying their base, I also Make a copy of these techniques.

However, there is a prerequisite for using human cloning technology, which is that there must be active cells so that they can be cultured and replicated.

Someone who has been dead for too long may not be a good candidate for this technique. "

Originally, according to Misaka Mikoto's character, she would definitely not collect cloning technology. After all, she herself is a victim of cloning technology.

However, after joining the chat group, Misaka Mikoto also understood under the influence of the group chat atmosphere that knowledge is not sinful. Some knowledge that seems to be used for evil can benefit all living beings from another angle.

Zhang Junbao nodded again. Cloning technology is indeed good, but its shortcomings are also obvious, that is, a backup must be left first. Once the cells lose their activity, they become dead, and it becomes very difficult to clone again.

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