All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 264 Clone Trooper Act

Zhang Junbao carefully considered the feasibility of using cloning technology in the method of resurrection.

Although it is indeed a flaw that cells cannot be cloned after they are lost, it would be just right if this technology was used on people who had just died.

And if you just want to restore a little vitality to the dead body, it is much simpler than directly resurrecting the dead body into a fresh body.

Maybe the group members in the group have a way to do this.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "If you just want to restore some vitality to the dead body, it will be much easier.

In this way, there is no need for the nectar and jade dew. I have a more suitable treasure in my hand."

Speaking of this, Yang Chan uploaded a red envelope [a can of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew] to the group

"This is a pill made by a senior brother from the Jiejiao lineage who I met at Sanqing College.

This can of pill contains extremely powerful vitality, which can regenerate broken limbs and turn rotten meat into new ones. It is a first-class healing holy medicine and can definitely restore a trace of vitality to the corpse.

However, this Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew has a disadvantage, that is, it can only work for cultivators before the tribulation period. Once they have passed the tribulation and become immortals, the healing effect of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew will be greatly reduced.

And its medicinal effect can only achieve the level of regeneration of broken limbs at most, and it cannot achieve the level of flesh and bones."

Zhang Junbao clicked to receive Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew without hesitation.

This thing just meets his needs.

It is just right that it can only work for cultivators below the realm of True Immortal.

He was reluctant to use the nectar before because it was too precious.

The levels of healing pills are very strict, because the physical fitness of cultivators in each realm is very different. Some healing pills can work for cultivators in the Nascent Soul Realm, but the effect is greatly reduced on cultivators in the Spiritualization Realm, and it will not even have any effect on cultivators in the Tribulation Realm.

And the nectar is a treasure given by Nuwa to her direct disciple Yang Chan, so how can it be ordinary.

When a saint takes action, it is naturally a treasure that ordinary cultivators can only dream of.

The high level of the nectar is effective for quasi-saints.

Except for the Dao scars left by saints or innate spiritual treasures, no matter what kind of damage a quasi-saint suffers, as long as he takes a drop of Yaochi nectar, he can recover instantly.

Even the Dao scars can be relieved by Yaochi nectar, helping the injured quasi-saints to slowly recover.

That's why Zhang Junbao said before that a drop of nectar is a life, and it's not the life of an ordinary cultivator, but the life of a quasi-saint.

This level of precious medicine in the prehistoric world can definitely cause bloody storms!

If Yang Chan was not the direct disciple of the Nuwa Saint, she would definitely not be qualified to obtain this level of treasure.

Although the group chat atmosphere created by Xu Chenzhou is so good, as long as the group members in the group encounter troubles, they will generally do their best to help, and will not care about gains and losses.

But how could a person like Zhang Junbao accept someone's kindness and not repay it.

If he got the nectar from Yang Chan, Zhang Junbao would definitely find a way to compensate Yang Chan's loss from other places.

But Zhang Junbao really can't pay back a drop of nectar now, and there is no need to bear this level of favor debt for studying the resurrection method.

As for Qianyuan Huichunlu, Zhang Junbao doesn't have so many concerns. It's just a can of healing holy medicine that can only work on cultivators below the realm of True Immortal.

Although he couldn't produce any treasures to repay Yang Chan for the time being, he believed that as long as he could continue to make progress, treasures of this level would not be a big deal to him.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "With the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew and cloning technology, the physical body problem of the resurrection method can be basically solved.

But I remember that there is a flaw in the cloning technology of Academy City, which is that it cannot be quickly induced. Once various means are used to promote the rapid growth of clones, it is easy to cause genetic problems, resulting in a very short life span of the clones."

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Indeed, I have not been able to solve this problem until now.

Although I have asked the Hades Soul Chaser Doctor to help my sisters stabilize their bodies that are about to collapse, I still cannot make their life span reach the same length as that of normal people.

But now I am practicing the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist with my sisters. Once they enter the state of magnetic field rotation, they should be able to use the power of magnetic field rotation to try to adjust their own genes.

But I don't know how effective this will be for the time being. Maybe I need to find other ways to extend the life span of my sisters later."

Although Misaka Mikoto said this, she didn't take this problem too seriously.

After all, there are so many ways to prolong life in the chat group, whether it is the way of cultivating immortals or the genetic energy of the world, they are all very good at prolonging life.

However, practicing these methods requires a lot of resources, especially in the world of Academy City, the resources consumed by practicing these methods are even more terrifying.

Misaka Mikoto is temporarily unable to support so many sisters to practice these methods that can be called gold swallowers.

However, after the adjustment of Dr. Guatai, the sisters have been able to live for a long time, and she believes that it is enough for him to find a suitable way to let the sisters live a normal life.

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "This is not a big problem. What I want to do is to verify the feasibility of the resurrection method.

As for whether the resurrected person is an adult or a baby, it is not very important.

I can completely clone a baby version of Hong Qigong, and then let Mr. Hong start a new life directly, which may be a novel experience for him. ”

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I have a way here, but it cannot completely solve the problem.

As you know, Shuilanxing also has cloning technology, but due to moral issues, Shuilanxing's cloning technology is monopolized by the military and is not allowed to be held by private institutions.

As far as I know, the military has a potion called Life No. 3, which is used to stimulate the birth of the body and make the clone grow quickly.

The effect of this potion is very magical. It only needs to provide enough substances to make the human body grow quickly, and there are no side effects.

Life No. 3 is used to train clone soldiers, and even many military units are composed of clones.

This is because clone soldiers can be trained from a blank sheet of paper. In this way, the troops composed of soldiers who have been carefully trained since childhood are the most loyal and brave.

However, this drug also has a flaw, which is that it can only accelerate the clone to the age of 8. "

Lu Mingfei (school beauty killer): "Ah, why only accelerate the clone to 8 years old? If it is only 8 years old, I am afraid it cannot become a fighting force immediately.

If the clone is directly accelerated to 18 years old, wouldn't it be just right? At the age of 18, the body is strong and healthy, and the learning ability is not weak. Once the clone is successfully cloned, it can be put into battle immediately. This is the real golden age.

Is it because this drug is not mature enough, and once it is accelerated to over 8 years old, it will cause harm to the body of the clone? "

Seeing Lu Mingfei's question, Xu Chenzhou smiled and shook his head. The reason here is very complicated.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Not so. Life No. 3 is circulated from the central star field of the Star Field Alliance. It is one of the highest scientific research results of the Star Field Alliance. Naturally, there will be no side effects.

If there is no restriction, Life No. 3 can even accelerate a person's body to 100 years old in one day, making an ordinary person from birth to death become a real morning life and night death.

The reason for such restrictions is, on the one hand, to prevent the abuse of Life No. 3 Potion from turning into a poison that harms people, and on the other hand, because the clones in the Star Alliance also have human rights. "

When Xu Chenzhou first learned this, he felt a little incredible.

The purpose of the Star Alliance government to create these clones is to allow them to supplement their military strength. Logically, these clones should not be regarded as human beings.

After all, for those politicians who create clones, these clones are just cheap consumables.

But the law stipulates that as long as the clones have their own consciousness and are clones created through formal channels, they will automatically have the rights of Star Alliance citizens, that is, human rights.

Later, Xu Chenzhou learned that the Star Alliance did operate in this way in the distant past.

In the war with alien races, the Star Alliance kept creating clones, and each clone was born in At the most golden age, after three days of combat knowledge training, they were urgently thrown into the battlefield.

Although these clones are not extraordinary, they can play a significant role on the battlefield after being equipped with sufficient and complete weapons. The cost-effectiveness of using them as cannon fodder is simply too high. Not only is the cost cheap, but it also does not require pensions, which perfectly meets the needs of those in power.

But later, the situation changed. The Star Alliance was in a situation of being surrounded by enemies and constantly fighting various alien races.

Every year, trillions of clone soldiers are produced and put into the battlefield. With such a huge base, there will always be some clone soldiers who are lucky enough to survive.

As long as there are more people who survive, There will naturally be anomalies.

Among these surviving clone soldiers, three of them gradually emerged.

Since they are clone soldiers, the stronger the gene original is, the better, so that the cost performance can be maximized. However, the cloned soldiers cannot perfectly copy the talents of the human body. The strongest gene original can only make one clone soldier out of a thousand clone soldiers have the hope of entering the extraordinary.

But the problem is that the number of clone soldiers produced at that time was too large, and there were always some mutants.

These three people are the strongest mutants among them. They not only have the talent to enter the extraordinary, but also are the strongest geniuses even among the trillions of human beings.

In the bloody battlefield, the progress of these three people was very fast. , in just ten years, they all stepped into the God-Devil level.

Once they achieve the God-Devil level, it is extraordinary. At that time, God-Devil-level strongmen were far more precious than now.

Even in the discriminatory environment of clones at that time, these three clone soldiers immediately broke free from the constraints of their original identities.

The three of them officially joined the Star Alliance and became official citizens of the Star Alliance, and enjoyed all the rights that God-Devil-level strongmen could enjoy.

After becoming official members of the Star Alliance, these three clone soldiers not only did not give up their clone compatriots, but also kept cultivating the talents they valued among the clone soldiers.

Soon, more and more clone soldiers broke through to the God-Devil level under their training, and gradually became a huge force in the army.

And these three people also made breakthroughs in the bloody battles, not only making great contributions to mankind, but also becoming the existence of the Heavenly Venerable level.

They are Fang Ziming, the Bloody Battle Lord, Lv Fenghua, the Silver Spear God of War, and Xu Peisheng, the Dark Lord.

After becoming the existence of the Heavenly Venerable level, these three Heavenly Venerables no longer swallowed their anger and started to overturn the table directly.

After all, the life of clone soldiers is too hard. Only one in a thousand clone soldiers may become a transcendent, and only one in ten million clone soldiers who may become transcendent may appear.

As for those clone soldiers who did not become the powerful gods and demons, their fate was only one, that is, to die in bloody battles one after another.

They were born as clones, so they naturally regarded all clones as family members. If it were not for the ideas instilled in them by the Star Domain Alliance when they were just born, which made them feel very identified with the Star Domain Alliance, and if it were not for the fact that the Star Domain Alliance treated them well after they achieved the God and Demon level, they would have rebelled at this time.

They brought the clone officers they trained to directly oppose the Clone Soldier Act, claiming that if the Clone Soldier Act continued to be implemented and the Star Alliance did not treat the cloned soldiers as human beings, then they had no reason to continue fighting for the Star Alliance and continue to regard themselves as a member of the Star Alliance.

This was a shocking move. The extraordinary people at the level of Tianzun were very important in the current Star Alliance, not to mention the war period when the Star Alliance was still weak.

Each Tianzun was an extremely precious force and there must not be any loss.

Because sometimes the difference in the number of Tianzun may cause the failure of a racial war.

Not to mention that if the request of the three clone Tianzun was rejected, they might directly join the alien race. In this case, one plus one minus would be a difference of six Tianzun-level strongmen, which would greatly lead to the complete defeat of the Star Alliance in the war.

Under helplessness, the top leaders of the Star Alliance compromised, and even the senior officials who proposed the Clone Soldier Act and used clone soldiers as cannon fodder were all stripped of their official positions.

Then, under the strong promotion of these three people, ordinary clones of the Star Alliance also have civil human rights.

Among the basic rights enjoyed by citizens of the Star Alliance is the right to education. The law stipulates that all citizens of the Alliance over the age of eight must be forced to go to school to study.

This provision ignores the wishes of the guardians and even the wishes of the citizens themselves.

Citizens are not allowed to choose to continue school or start working according to their own will until they complete nine years of compulsory education, that is, junior high school education.

This is also the reason why the original owner temporarily dropped out of school after finishing junior high school.

Otherwise, according to the original owner's personality, in order to protect the family martial arts school, he would have dropped out of school and practiced martial arts at home.

This is also the reason why these clone soldiers in the army are limited to eight years old. Once they are eight years old, they must send these clone soldiers to school to study, and they are not allowed to officially join the army until they complete nine years of compulsory education.

These clone soldiers are almost all sent to clone military schools specially for them to go to school after they are born, learning various military skills and instilling the idea of ​​loyalty to the Star Alliance.

Of course, some clone soldiers who are particularly talented in the extraordinary path will also be taken away by the extraordinary people for special training.

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