All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 265 Luo Feng's decision

All the regulations of the Star Alliance regarding clone soldiers are actually the product of the game between multiple forces.

According to the initial requirements of the three clone masters, all clones should have the right to grow naturally like ordinary natural people, and should be able to freely choose their future careers.

But it is obviously unrealistic, because the reason why the Star Alliance produces so many clones is to form a clone army.

Otherwise, the Star Alliance will not benefit from making so many clones.

The reproductive capacity of the human race is definitely one of the best in the entire universe. The natural reproduction of humans alone is enough to replenish the population consumed by the war.

Another thing is that it is impossible to let clones grow naturally. In this case, the growth cycle of clones becomes extremely long, and there is not much difference between them and natural humans. In addition, the newly born children are too noisy, and they need to be specially served by someone to eat, drink, defecate and urinate, which will generate a huge expense.

And the plan of nurturing them after they are 8 years old can barely balance the needs of both parties.

Children over the age of 8 are easier to take care of, and there is no need to spend too much money on their daily lives. Although the 9-year compulsory education takes a long time, the clone soldiers trained are no longer cannon fodder. Almost every clone can become an elite soldier.

For the three Tianzun, this result is acceptable. The 9-year compulsory education allows every clone soldier to have a childhood. Although it is not very perfect, this treatment is much better than what they had at the time.

And because the cost of the 9-year compulsory education is huge, the Star Alliance will no longer treat clone soldiers as cannon fodder that can be consumed at will, which can also meet their original intention of improving the treatment of clones.

Finally, the Star Alliance also issued a law that clone soldiers have human rights. After serving for 20 years, they can freely choose to continue to stay in the army or retire.

As time goes by, the status of these three Tianzun in the Star Alliance becomes more and more lofty, so the [New Clone Soldier Act] they set at the beginning has gradually become one of the most important basic laws of the Star Alliance.

In order to thoroughly implement this plan, all the Life Potions No. 3 stored in other places except the Central Research Institute were restricted from the genetic level to only be able to accelerate the birth of the human body to the age of 8, after which the efficacy would be lost.

Xu Chenzhou explained this past event in detail to the group members in the group chat.

After listening, the group members understood why Life Potions No. 3 had such a strange restriction.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "These three are really amazing. They were able to rise in such adversity, and after rising, they were able to properly balance the relationship between the Star Alliance and the clone group. If they had taken a wrong step at the beginning, the subsequent development would definitely not be so smooth."

Shi Hao (Overlord of the Virtual God Realm): "If you ask me, their experience is really too cruel. They were thrown into the battlefield just after they were born, and watched billions of their compatriots die on the battlefield. If I were the three Tianzun, I would have to kill all the bad guys who made these plans in the Star Alliance.

However, according to the story of the group leader, the officials who used them as cannon fodder were only dismissed from their official positions, and they didn't even pay the price of their lives."

Luo Feng (apprentice of the martial arts school): "I think if you say that the three of them have no feelings for the Star Alliance in their hearts, It is impossible to have resentment.

However, if the nest is overturned, there will be no eggs left intact.

It is not a good idea to throw oneself into the arms of aliens. After they help the aliens to destroy the Star Alliance, they will lose their usefulness.

In this case, their fate will not be much better.

This may be the main reason why they did not betray the Star Alliance. "

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "I also think that if I put myself in the perspective of the three Heavenly Lords, I am afraid that the people who make decisions in the Star Alliance will be the most hated.

If I can't give an explanation, I will definitely overthrow the Star Alliance. "

Looking at the discussion of the group members, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but smile. It didn't matter what the truth of the matter was. Anyway, the result was that the three Heavenly Lords later made many contributions to the rise of the Star Alliance, and then occupied a high position in the Star Alliance with these contributions.

Moreover, the clone force has now become a major force in the military of the Star Alliance. All the clones created will not be discriminated against in the army. They only need to complete their service missions to regain their freedom. This is a happy ending to some extent.

As for those officials who were dismissed from their posts, according to the historical records he had read, almost all of them died in accidents. No one could tell what happened.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Although Life No. 3 Potion is a military material, it is not difficult to buy due to various restrictions. Junbao, please wait a moment. I can get it in about three hours."

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "It's okay. I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, it will take some time for Miqin to prepare the cloning device and the backup power supply. I just want to study the effect of Qianyuan Rejuvenation Dew first."

Zhang Junbao had already dug the bones of the two people out of the tomb and was thinking about which part to revitalize in order to better exert the effect of Qianyuan Rejuvenation Dew.

Just as he was thinking, another message came from the group chat.

Luo Feng (apprentice of martial arts school) "Well, can you give me some Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew? I don't want much, just enough to restore the broken limbs of ordinary people."

When Luo Feng sent this message, his heartbeat accelerated a little.

Although he has joined the group chat for a while and has gained many benefits from the group chat, those benefits were given to him by the group members.

He, Ying Zheng and Zishou were the last three group members to join the group, and they have not made any contributions to the group chat for such a long time, so Luo Feng has never asked the group members for anything.

It's just that Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew has a special meaning to him.

This healing medicine that can regenerate broken limbs means that he can restore his brother Luo Hua to a normal person.

Seeing the message sent by Luo Feng, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help laughing. It's true that Luo Feng is worthy of being Luo Feng. He values ​​his family.

In fact, after Luo Feng joined the chat group, Xu Chenzhou once thought about getting Luo Feng some treasures that can regenerate broken limbs.

Because Xu Chenzhou knew how much Luo Feng valued his brother Luo Hua, and also knew how much pressure the broken leg incident caused Luo Hua.

However, after researching, Xu Chenzhou still gave up. The medical technology in the Star Domain World is indeed very advanced, and the regeneration of broken limbs is not a problem at all for the Star Domain Alliance's technology.

But the problem is that the Blue Water Star where Xu Chenzhou is located is just a marginal planet of the Star Domain Alliance. If you want to regenerate broken limbs on Blue Water Star, you can only use a special nutrition cabin. This kind of nutrition cabin is generally only equipped in hospitals. It doesn't cost much to go to the hospital to use the nutrition cabin, but if you want to buy a nutrition cabin with the function of regenerating broken limbs, you need a lot of money.

Moreover, Xu Chenzhou knew that there was a treasure on the Earth of the Devouring World, the Water of Life, which could regenerate Luo Hua's broken legs and limbs.

This Water of Life seems expensive, and one portion costs 30 billion.

But in fact, what is 30 billion on the Earth of the Devouring World? As long as you reach the combat power of the planetary level, what is the difference between the value of currency on Earth and waste paper.

When Luo Feng has the strength, he will naturally be able to obtain the Water of Life to treat his brother's disability, so Xu Chenzhou did not force it.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Of course, in fact, the main reason why I bought Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew from my senior brother is to give it to you."

Yang Chan sent another targeted red envelope to Luo Feng in the group, which was another can of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew.

Seeing Yang Chan's red envelope, Luo Feng clicked to receive it without hesitation.

Although he can also rely on his current strength comparable to that of a high-level war god to hunt beasts and make money in exchange for the Water of Life.

But the Water of Life is not something he can buy whenever he wants.

In order to drive up the price of the Water of Life, the American government that devours the world has limited the shipment volume and will only provide it in limited quantities at auctions.

Of course, he can also choose to fully show his strength, so that he can buy the Water of Life through other channels.

But Luo Feng didn't want to do that. He was progressing too fast. He had made great progress to the level of God of War in just over a month. Such progress would definitely arouse suspicion from those who were interested and cause all kinds of trouble.

You should know that the Earth forces that devour the world have never been monolithic. For example, Yan Hai, the fifth speaker of the God of War Council, and others are not rule-abiding people.

There is an unspoken rule among warriors, that is, the disaster will not affect the family, but in the face of great interests, there will always be people who take risks.

An opportunity that can make an ordinary high-level warrior apprentice grow into a high-level God of War within a month is enough to make everyone crazy and even break the bottom line.

And this time Luo Feng did not plan to join the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and the Thunder Martial Arts Hall. The resources in the group chat were enough for him to break through to the planetary level. There was no need to be someone's subordinate. After all, after joining the martial arts hall, many benefits had to be shared with others. Of course, Luo Feng could also secretly hide the benefits himself.

But to be honest, since he could be self-reliant, there was no need to go through this process. He might as well be a lone ranger in this life.

This would also result in his family being left without protection, making it easy for others to attack them.

Luo Feng was not afraid of these troubles, but for the sake of his family, he decided to expose his strength only after reaching the planetary level.

Once he reached the planetary level, with his strength, except for Hong and Lei Shen, no one on the entire earth could be his opponent.

Luo Feng also knew about Hong and Lei Shen. According to the description in the group owner's information, their state of mind had improved, and they were upright. Seeing that a master who could rival them had emerged on Earth, they would never have any jealousy, but would only applaud.

But this did not mean that Luo Feng did not want to heal his brother's legs quickly. After reading the information given to him by the group owner, Luo Feng also understood how much of a blow the broken legs were to his brother.

Even later, his brother was despised by his girlfriend's family because of his disability, and once jumped into the lake to commit suicide.

If his brother could recover his normal body one day earlier, Luo Feng would not want to wait a second.

If it was something else, Luo Feng would definitely not want to trouble the group members, but he was willing to owe a favor for his brother.

Moreover, Luo Feng had also read the information and knew that there were many treasures hidden on the earth. Whether it was the herbal spirits on the Mist Island or the inheritance of the owner of the Meteorite Star, they were all very valuable.

As long as his strength improves a little more, he can try to obtain these treasures, and then he will be able to repay the efforts of his group members.

The next second, a jar of jade that looked like jade appeared in Luo Feng's hand.

This jar was about the same size as a super-large bottle of mineral water. According to Luo Feng's visual estimation, it should have a capacity of about five liters.

He carefully placed this huge jade jar in front of the table, and then gently opened the lid. He saw that the jar was full of emerald green liquid medicine, and a fragrance emanated from the liquid medicine.

Luo Feng's nose twitched slightly, and he felt that he smelled a special herbal fragrance that was a blend of hundreds of medicinal materials.

The moment he took the medicine in his hand, Luo Feng exclaimed: "How can it be such a big jar!"

In fact, Luo Feng had already seen that the red envelopes sent by Yang Chan in the group chat were in jars.

But in Luo Feng's imagination, although jars were used as units, the container of this precious medicine should not be too big, at most a little bigger than an ordinary small jade bottle.

But he didn't expect that what appeared in front of him was such a huge jar, which was comparable to a smaller bucket.

Luo Feng carefully checked the instructions for the use of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew, and the more he read, the more amazed he was.

According to the instructions, ten drops of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew can restore all injuries of a cultivator in the Tribulation Period. The lower the cultivation level, the less Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew is consumed. If it is an ordinary mortal, even only one percent of the medicinal power of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew is needed to restore the damaged body.

Luo Feng (apprentice of the martial arts school): "Yang Chan, the amount of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew in this jar is too large. I will only take one drop, and I will give the rest back to you."

Luo Feng did not hesitate to send the large jar of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew back to Yang Chan's hand.

Of course, before sending the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew back to the group chat, Luo Feng carefully took out a drop from it and put it in the prepared glass bottle.

Although he was willing to owe a favor for his brother, such a large jar of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew probably had as many as 30,000 drops.

You should know that one drop of water of life is worth 30 billion, and tens of thousands of drops of water of life are directly worth 300 trillion. Moreover, Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew can work on cultivators in the Crossing Tribulation Period. Obviously, it is much more valuable than the water of life. If you calculate it this way, it is simply too precious.

Of course, no matter how expensive this healing medicine is, there is a limit, after all, the market is saturated.

Especially on Earth, the market is too small, so the overall value of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew is far from reaching such a terrifying level, but Luo Feng still did not intend to take such a valuable thing from the group members for no reason.

But what Luo Feng did not expect was that Yang Chan directly returned the red envelope he sent.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Oh, why are you being polite to me? Just take it if I give it to you. I asked for this thing for you.

And you see, I gave Junbao a big jar, and he was not polite to me.

If you treat me as a friend, just accept it."

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