All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 266 Spiritual Fruit Cultivation Plan

Yang Chan did not lie to Luo Feng. She bought these Qianyuan Huichun Dew from Jinguan Taoist of Jiejiao for Luo Feng.

When Luo Feng just entered the chat group, Yang Chan had already read his information.

For Xiao Yang Chan, the chat group members are very important.

She knew that Luo Feng needed this kind of spiritual medicine, so she wanted to provide it for Luo Feng at that time.

But she didn't have this kind of elixir and spiritual fruit at that time.

Later, after entering Sanqing Academy, Yang Chan met Jinguan Taoist through his brother Yang Jian.

This was a good friend his brother met after coming to Sanqing Academy.

In Sanqing Academy, there is not much estrangement between the disciples of the three religions, and they can make friends freely.

Yang Chan also learned from Jinguan Taoist that he could refine a healing medicine called Qianyuan Huichun Dew.

Then Yang Chan asked Jinguan Taoist to buy Qianyuan Huichun Dew.

However, Jinguan Taoist did not take Yang Chan's money.

Although he didn't know Yang Chan's true identity, he had a good relationship with Yang Chan's brother Yang Jian, and this healing medicine that could only work on cultivators below the level of True Immortal was nothing to him, so he simply gave Yang Chan three jars of Qianyuan Huichunlu.

Yang Chan accepted the gift from the Golden Crown Taoist after weighing the pros and cons.

After all, she really didn't have any circulating currency that could be used in the prehistoric world.

And most of the resources she could trade were obtained from the chat group.

Although the resources in the chat group have their own uses, Yang Chan really didn't want to trade them.

Sanqing Academy is under the eyes of the saints, and no one knows whether the saints can see some clues about the chat group through these resources from the chat group.

But this is also to blame Nuwa Saint and Tongtian Master, who did not give Yang Chan too many treasures.

The saints understand the great way, and each of them is a being with amazing wisdom, and they also know how to train disciples to become talents.

For such beings as them, accepting disciples does not mean being the disciples' nanny.

If they consider everything carefully and provide the best resources for their disciples, then the disciples they eventually cultivate will only be flowers in a greenhouse. In addition to cultivation, they also need to be tempered, so that a truly peerless person can be born.

Whether it is Nuwa Saint or Tongtian Sect Master, or other saints, the cultivation of disciples probably follows three principles.

The first point is to provide the most correct cultivation guidance. As the so-called teacher, they will naturally provide the best cultivation method for their disciples, and answer their questions and guide them to walk on the most correct path of cultivation when they encounter confusion.

This is also the biggest difference between saints and ordinary cultivators. Every disciple of the saint's Taoism can build the deepest foundation of Taoism from the beginning of cultivation. As long as they do not make mistakes, their future achievements will at least start from the level of a celestial being.

Then there are some key cultivation resources, such as the innate spiritual fruit that can help disciples improve their qualifications, and the great spiritual tea that can improve their understanding. These things are not stingy.

Especially Yang Chan, the only seedling under the saint's door, has obtained more abundant resources in this regard.

During the seven days in the Nuwa Palace, Yang Chan ate and drank treasures starting from innate spiritual fruits. Each of them was beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators, and could make countless prehistoric cultivators fight for their lives.

Some of the spiritual fruits were even obtained by Nuwa Saint at the beginning of the creation of the world, and have been treasured until now. They are so precious that even quasi-saints would be trembling with fear when they see them, and would be willing to pay any price to obtain them.

After eating such natural treasures for seven consecutive days, Yang Chan has already raised her qualifications to the limit of acquired creatures, and it is very difficult to go further.

But unfortunately, Yang Chan has been under the eyes of Nuwa Saint for those seven days, so she dare not make any small moves.

After all, the blocking function of the chat group is powerful but also has certain prerequisites.

For example, concealing cultivation and concealing the secrets of heaven are trivial matters for the chat group.

Even with the protection of the chat group, Yang Chan chatted with the saint in front of the saint using the chat group panel and the saint could not see any clues.

But if Yang Chan really sent a red envelope in front of the saint using the chat group, such an obvious move could not be blocked even by the chat group.

However, Yang Chan was also very smart. Although she couldn't intercept some spiritual fruits to share with group members, she secretly kept the cores of all the spiritual fruits.

With these cores, combined with Han Li's Palm of Heaven Bottle, it is entirely possible to use these cores to try to cultivate new spiritual fruits.

Yang Chan also understood that many precious spiritual fruits were born by chance, and the effect of the sub-plants cultivated with the cores was definitely not as good as the original spiritual fruits.

For example, the peach spiritual roots of the Queen Mother of the West were like this. The peaches produced by the most precious peach mother tree were magical. They could be regarded as the top spiritual fruits of heaven and earth in the entire prehistoric world. Even one peach could create a celestial being and give him a lifespan of 300 million Huiyuan.

Even the Queen Mother of the West herself cherished this level of peaches very much and would not easily give them to others.

However, the effects of the peach seedlings bred from the peach kernels produced by the mother peach tree were several orders of magnitude worse and became ordinary-level elixirs. Although they were also very precious, they were nothing for a being of the level of the Queen Mother of the West. The Queen Mother of the West often took out these peaches to entertain the immortals, so much so that later large banquets in heaven were called the Peach Banquet.

But even so, these fruit cores can provide great help to the group members in the chat group. After all, these spiritual fruits are treasures taken out by Nuwa Saint. Even after the efficacy is weakened, they are still rare spiritual medicines.

Nuwa Saint naturally doesn't care about Yang Chan's little action. These spiritual fruits were originally prepared for Yang Chan. How could she care about a few fruit cores?

And Nuwa Saint herself has a hobby of planting flowers and plants, so seeing Yang Chan leave these fruit cores, she likes this disciple even more.

In addition to these two kinds of help, the saint finally gave the disciple a life-saving trump card.

This is also easy to understand. After all, every disciple who can be favored by the saint is an extremely talented existence. It's okay to hone them, but if they really fall in the hone, even the saint will feel heartbroken, so naturally there must be a life-saving trump card.

For example, Yang Chan has the Qinglian Sword given by Tongtian Patriarch. This top acquired treasure can give Yang Chan a chance to turn the tables in any desperate situation. Tongtian Patriarch even left a backup plan on it. If Yang Chan really encounters any fatal danger, the Qinglian Sword will bloom with power, save Yang Chan's true spirit, and give her a chance to start over.

But other cultivation resources besides these, the two saints did not prepare for Yang Chan.

These things are abundant in the prehistoric world, and they can be obtained, fought for, robbed, and searched for by their own means.

These experiences are a means for saints to sharpen the state of mind of disciples. Without these tempering, it is useless even if they have cultivated to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Because the heart of a flower grown in this greenhouse will definitely not be able to understand the heart of the Tao and become a quasi-saint in the catastrophe of the prehistoric heaven, let alone pass the level of beheading the three corpses.

However, Yang Chan is the only disciple of Nuwa Saint after all, so Nuwa Saint also treats Yang Chan with some preferential treatment and provides her with ten drops of nectar, which can be called a treasure.

Tongtian Sect Master was also very good to this disciple who was extremely talented in swordsmanship. He prepared a Heaven-cutting Talisman to prevent Yang Chan from being plotted against.

Apart from this, Yang Chan did not get any other benefits from the two saints.

So to some extent, Yang Chan is now very poor.

But even so, Yang Chan still did not take the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew seriously. After all, her poverty was only temporary. With the rich resources of the prehistoric world, as long as she wanted to make money, she would be able to become a small rich woman in no time.

After Luo Feng's red envelope was returned, he still wanted to return the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew to Yang Chan, but Yang Chan refused to accept it, so Luo Feng had no choice but to accept the can of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew.

This thing was also a considerable fortune for him.

Xu Chenzhou smiled when he saw Luo Feng accept Yang Chan's red envelope. We are all family members, so why should we be so polite.

Besides, Luo Feng's future is limitless. A can of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew is nothing to Luo Feng in the future.

Moreover, the cultivation path of the Devouring World is quite special, and wealth is extremely useful. This can of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew can provide great help for Luo Feng's future growth.

In the Devouring World, except for the huge levels that can change the life level, there is no bottleneck in the breakthrough of other small realms. As long as there are sufficient resources, they can be quickly passed.

The so-called levels that can cause a huge change in the life level are like ordinary apprentices breaking through the planetary level, the planetary level breaking through to the stellar level, and the stellar level breaking through to the cosmic level. Each breakthrough will make the practitioner's body undergo a qualitative change and cross the life level.

And the small realms in these realms have no bottlenecks. With sufficient energy supply and demand, it is completely possible to practice from the first level of the planetary level to the ninth level of the planetary level in a very short time.

For example, after Luo Feng joined the Virtual Universe Company, he could apply for the use of nutrition cabins and nutrient solution every time he broke through a large realm. It only took dozens of days to lie in it and quickly break through to the peak of the current realm.

If ordinary warriors do not have sufficient resources, they must rely on practice to slowly absorb the energy of the universe, which takes more than ten thousand times the time of the nutrition cabin, and they may even get stuck at a certain stage and cannot break through.

Whether there is resource support has a huge impact on Luo Feng.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I think you should stop being polite to Xiao Yangchan. You can just return it to her when you become rich in the future.

You are the future galactic lord, the greatest existence of the human race. Why bother with such a small thing?

And I think this thing will be of great value to you.

The cultivation levels of various worlds vary greatly, and there is no regularity.

Sometimes a certain cultivation system spans three or four small realms, but in another cultivation system, the gap may only be one realm.

But if you look closely, there are traces.

According to my speculation, the gap between the Devouring World and the Primordial World The level difference should not be big, although there should be differences in strength, but generally speaking, they are still at the same level.

The cultivation levels of the Devouring World are divided into apprentice level, planetary level, star level, universe level, domain master level, realm master level, immortal gods, universe venerable, master of the universe, true god, void true god, eternal true god, chaos master, god king, and the highest level that cannot be described.

Although the cultivation system is very different, it can be divided into three stages to some extent. The first is the stage before the immortal gods, the second is the stage before the true gods, and the third is after the true gods are achieved.

In my opinion, since Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew can work on cultivators below the level of True Immortal, its medicinal effect should also have the same effect on cultivators before the Immortal Gods of the Devouring World.

In other words, even the existence of the Realm Master level will be eager to obtain Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew.

In this case, the value of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew in the Devouring World is very high, enough to allow you to obtain a large amount of cultivation resources in the early stage, allowing you to quickly pass the most difficult time in the early stage after entering the universe.

Of course, you are still on Earth now, and you can't use Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew for the time being, but it will definitely not be wrong to keep it in your hand. "

What Xu Chenzhou said has not been verified. After all, he has never come into contact with either the immortal spirits of the Devouring World or the real immortals of the Primordial World. As for who is stronger and who is weaker, and whether they are of the same level, it will be verified by Luo Feng and Yang Chan in the future.

But no matter what, what Xu Chenzhou said makes sense. Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew is of great help to Luo Feng.

Especially since he has a five-star account in the Cosmic Bank, it is very convenient to sell resources without any risk.

After hearing what Xu Chenzhou said, Luo Feng, who was still a little hesitant, stopped struggling and carefully put the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew in the bottle. Received in the Xumi ring given by Han Li.

What the group leader said does make sense. Although he will inherit Hu Yanbo's legacy in the near future, he will not complain about his own cultivation resources. Moreover, Luo Feng knows that his faster growth will also be beneficial to the group members. He believes that with his ability, he will definitely be able to provide treasures in the future to repay Yang Chan's help.

The people in the group were still chatting, and they talked about the fruit cores that Yang Chan secretly intercepted before.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Han Li, how are you cultivating the fruit cores that Yang Chan gave you now? Have you cultivated them successfully?"

Han Li (Seven Mysterious Doctor): "It's difficult! The spiritual energy in the mortal world is too thin.

Although the environment between my world and the prehistoric world is very similar, the concentration of spiritual energy in the prehistoric world is so terrifying, not to mention that these spiritual fruits are rare, and many of them grow in special environments.

It's not easy to cultivate these spiritual fruits with my current means.

Yang Chan gave me more than a hundred kinds of spiritual fruit cores, but only three kinds of cores had a weak reaction and could bear fruit. "

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "The spiritual fruits of the prehistoric world must be cultivated in the prehistoric world."

Yang Chan (Nuwa Palace disciple): "I have no choice! I also want to cultivate them in the prehistoric world.

But if I cultivate them in the prehistoric world, how dare I use the Cantian Creation Dew.

I am now in Sanqing Academy, under the eyes of the saints!

The magical powers of the two masters are not comparable to Uncle Yuding. Once they find out, how can I explain it then?"

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