All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 268: Brotherly Love

In fact, Luo Hua's injury does not require a whole drop of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew. With his mortal physique, only one percent of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew is enough to treat his injury, so Luo Feng can just add water to this drop of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew and divide it into 100 portions, and then give it to Luo Hua to take.

However, taking a full drop also has its benefits. The excess medicinal power in the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew will overflow, which can repair all the hidden injuries of the user and make his body free from disease and disaster from now on.

If it is for other people to use, Luo Feng will definitely divide it into 100 portions, but Luo Feng will naturally not use such a stingy approach for his younger brother.

For his own younger brother, he must use the best!

After listening to what Luo Feng said, Luo Hua's face was stunned at first, and then his face became extremely complicated. There was a hint of disbelief in his surprise, and then it immediately turned into excitement.

He suspected that he was dreaming. How could this be possible? Since he broke his leg, he has not thought about being able to stand up again for a day, but he also knew that this was destined to be a luxury.

Where in the world is there a treasure that can make people regenerate broken limbs?

He had searched the Internet constantly but had not seen any relevant information.

But this was also normal. After all, the news of treasures like the Water of Life were confidential and would never be circulated on the ordinary Internet. It was far beyond the reach of ordinary people who had not become warriors.

This was also the reason why Luo Hua was a little bit unbelievable. If someone else said this to him, even his best friend Luo Hua would doubt whether he was joking with him.

But Luo Hua knew his brother better than anyone else. Luo Feng would never joke with his most painful wound.

Luo Hua asked excitedly: "Brother, where did you get this thing? Such a heaven-defying treasure is inestimable!

Don't do anything desperate for me. Let's return this thing to the owner. I would rather not stand up in this life than see you get into trouble."

Although Luo Hua did not doubt that Luo Feng was joking, he still expressed his concerns at the first time. Even if such a heaven-defying treasure really existed, it was something that ordinary families like them could not hope for. He was afraid that Luo Feng would do something irrational in order to help him stand up again.

Luo Feng walked up and touched Luo Hua's hair: "Don't underestimate your brother!

Use it with confidence! Your brother got this thing from an upright channel.

Your brother has become a warrior now. In addition to being a warrior, your brother also has an identity called a spiritualist."

As Luo Feng pointed, the bed and table in the room floated up under the influence of his telekinesis.

Then a golden light came out from his sleeves, passing left and right in the air at a very fast speed, bringing a series of terrifying wind-breaking sounds.

Seeing this scene, Luo Hua's eyes lit up, his eyes were full of excitement: "Brother, you have become a warrior! And a spiritual master!

No wonder, no wonder, you can get such a heaven-defying treasure.

It's great, if my parents knew, they would definitely be very happy.

But then Luo Hua's expression became a little depressed: "But even if you are a spiritual master, it is not easy to get such a treasure. You didn't sign a contract with some big force for me!"

Luo Feng showed a smile on his face: "I told you, don't underestimate your brother.

I won't hide it from you, my brother's current strength has reached the level of a god of war, and a bottle of potion to restore the body is not enough. It's nothing.

There is a potion called Water of Life in America on Earth that has a similar effect to this potion.

It's not as good as the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew I gave you, but one drop is enough to regenerate your broken limbs.

A drop of Water of Life costs only 30 billion. With my current strength, I can get it by hunting dozens of beasts. It's nothing.

Although this Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew is a bit precious, your brother has his own channels to obtain it, and it doesn't cost much.

As for how I reached this strength, I can't tell you. "

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Luo Hua was shocked. What do you mean by reaching the level of God of War? What a joke!

For those of them who have lived in the base city since childhood, warriors are supreme.

The rules of the Devouring World are different from those of the Star Domain World. In the Star Domain World, the Star Domain Alliance still values ​​​​the citizens of the Alliance. Even extraordinary people cannot kill people at will. No one will investigate if they kill some secretly, but if they slaughter civilians openly, they will definitely be punished by law. Of course, even if you achieve the level of God and Demon in the Star Domain World, the effect of these legal constraints will become very ordinary. Every God and Demon level strongman is a precious treasure. Even a powerful force like the Star Domain Alliance cannot conflict with God and Demon level strongmen for some ordinary civilians.

The rules of the Devouring World are more barbaric. It is normal for warriors to kill people in the street. As long as the people killed are not the warriors' family members, the problem is not big.

So for ordinary people, warriors are a blatant privileged class.

Not to mention that in the Devouring World, the stronger the strength, the more privileges. A warrior at the level of God of War will not be sentenced even if he kills dozens or hundreds of people.

So a God of War is simply a legendary existence for an ordinary family like the Luo family.

Luo Hua's reason told him that his brother must be talking nonsense. How could it be true that he became a God of War level existence!

But Luo Hua's emotions told him that his brother couldn't lie to him, and what his brother said must be true.

Even Luo Hua, who had always believed in Luo Feng unconditionally, was so hesitant. It can be imagined that Luo Feng's achievement of the God of War level now had a great impact on others.

However, Luo Hua thought of the liquid medicine his brother took out, and the control method that was obviously a spiritualist, and the balance in his heart gradually tilted to believe what Luo Feng said.

In fact, no one on Earth could believe this kind of thing.

In just over a month of training time, he went from the level of a junior martial artist apprentice to the realm of being able to break through the planetary level. If other humans on Earth knew about this terrifying training speed, they would probably be scared to death.

But there are multiple factors. First of all, Luo Feng is a new member of the group. He has several achievement rewards and group points that allow him to continuously open the time acceleration function. More than a month of time is equivalent to a year.

Secondly, Luo Feng's natural mental power is extremely strong. As long as his physical fitness can keep up, he can reach the peak of a high-level God of War without any training.

Finally, Luo Feng's cultivation method is unique. He has a chat group as a backing, and he has chosen the Heaven-covering Method, which is good at developing the treasures of the human body, as a method to assist in cultivation.

You should know that the speed of improving physical fitness by the Heaven-covering Method is much faster than that of other earth warriors who slowly absorb the cosmic energy.

However, Luo Feng himself was not very proud. This cultivation speed seemed exaggerated, but the swallowed universe was too big. At this stage, there were countless lives that cultivated faster than him. There were many beings who were born at the planetary level, stellar level, or even cosmic level, not to mention that there was a kind of existence in this world called special life. They had extraordinary cultivation at birth, and had a genetic strength thousands of times that of humans. His current meager achievements were simply not worth mentioning in front of the solid foundation of those special lives.

He Luo Hua reached out and took the glass bottle on the table, his eyes were extremely excited, and he carefully dripped the drop of green medicine in the glass bottle into his mouth.

Instantly, he felt a cool and numb feeling all over his body. The two broken legs that had already grown new flesh felt a tingling sensation. A broken bone drilled out from the cross section of the thigh, piercing the flesh and growing wildly. Then, blood-red muscles surged like reptiles, and soon covered Luo Hua's newly grown white leg bones. After a while, his legs that had been lost in the car accident grew back intact.

What surprised Luo Hua even more was that the process of growing his legs was so bloody, and he was ready to suffer unbearable pain, but under the effect of the tingling sensation, he even felt that the growth of his legs was very comfortable, just like soaking in a hot spring.

Moreover, the cool and numb feeling after the legs grew out had not faded, but kept flowing all over his body. Luo Hua could feel that as this cool and numb feeling kept moving, his body became stronger and stronger. The fat that had accumulated due to long-term sitting slowly faded, revealing the lines of the muscles below, and even the six-pack abs slowly emerged.

At this moment, there was no part of Luo Hua's body that did not feel comfortable. The whole person was like a big stone that had been pressing on him was removed.

This was simply too amazing. The performance of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew was completely beyond Luo Hua's imagination. This medicine was really amazing!

Not only did it heal his broken leg, but it also strengthened his body to the current extremely strong level. Luo Hua even felt that if he wanted to use his current physical fitness, he should be able to easily pass the assessment and become a warrior.

He completely believed that his brother had become a god of war!

If he was not of this level, how could he obtain such a treasure?

Luo Feng was not surprised at all by the overwhelming effect of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew. After all, Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew was a pill from the prehistoric world. One percent of a drop could completely heal Luo Hua's injuries. The extra ninety-nine times of energy was naturally enough to transform Luo Hua's body to a state of perfection and immunity.

Luo Hua's tears flowed, and one drop after another fell down his cheek to the ground. Luo Hua, who was usually very calm, could not control his emotions at all.

He had suffered too much in these years. A man became incomplete at his most youthful age. The psychological pressure in this was something that anyone who had not experienced it could not feel.

He cried for a while and then slowly suppressed the surging emotions in his heart, turned his head and looked at Luo Feng and said.

"Brother, I believe what you said.

But your strength must be kept secret, it's really amazing!

I remember that your previous registered identity was still a high-level warrior apprentice.

If you suddenly jump from a high-level warrior apprentice to a god of war level, it will definitely attract the attention of those who are interested.

It will definitely cause huge troubles at that time!"

At this time, Luo Hua already knew that Luo Feng must have obtained an amazing opportunity, otherwise it would be impossible to become a god of war overnight,

but he didn't ask anything.

He didn't have a trace of jealousy, he was just happy for his brother's opportunity.

Luo Feng nodded: "Of course I know this, otherwise I wouldn't have not shown my strength to the outside world until now.

I plan to show up after I become a planetary level. With my status as a spiritualist, those ordinary congressmen and the speaker will not be my opponents.

By that time, I am afraid that only Hong and Lei Shen can defeat me on the whole earth.

However, you may not be able to go out easily in the next few days. Even if you want to go out, you must disguise yourself so that others can't see that your legs have recovered.

You can't walk normally in the outside world until I break through the planetary level. "

When saying this, Luo Feng felt a little guilty. It was not easy for his brother to recover his legs, but he still couldn't walk in the outside world for various reasons.

However, this is also unavoidable. After all, how can the Luo family get the water of life with their current status? Once Luo Hua's legs are recovered, it will definitely attract the attention of those who are interested.

Luo Hua still frowned: "It's still not safe enough. Brother, you have such a great opportunity. I'm afraid even Hong and Lei Shen will be tempted.

Otherwise, brother, you should suppress your strength and slowly show it step by step. This is the safest way.

As for whether I go out or not, it doesn't matter. Anyway, my legs have recovered and I'm not in a hurry at all.

Sooner or later, I will be able to walk under the sun again. "

Luo Feng did not answer. He believed in the character of Hong and Lei Shen. The two people's state of mind cultivation was extraordinary. One of them realized the second stage of the state of mind, the unity of man and nature, and the other touched the third stage of the state of mind, the heart embraces everything.

In addition, their performance in Xu Chenzhou's information

And after he reached the planetary level, he could go to the No. 21 ruins, which had two silver guards. With the silver guards, even if Hong and Lei Shen had bad intentions, it was enough to protect the safety of his family.

Luo Hua saw that Luo Feng did not answer and knew Luo Feng's decision in his heart. He would only give Luo Feng suggestions and had no intention of interfering with Luo Feng's choice.

Luo Hua continued: "But I can hide the recovery of my legs from others but not from my parents. Brother, have you thought about how to tell my parents?"

Luo Feng smiled again: "I didn't hide it from you, and naturally I didn't plan to hide it from my parents. I told my parents the truth, but I also had to tell them not to expose my affairs. "

Luo Feng chatted with Luo Hua for a while, calmed his brother's emotions, and then returned to the room.

As for his parents, he did not plan to alarm them now. If the two old people knew his strength and the two heavy news that his brother had recovered his legs, they would definitely not want to sleep tonight, so Luo Feng was not in a hurry, and he would wait until his parents woke up tomorrow to tell them the good news.

After returning to the room, Luo Feng began to think about his next move. He had been silent for too long, and his strength had accumulated to a certain extent. It was time to start obtaining opportunities on Earth.

In fact, his current mental power has reached a high level. At the level of war god, if he can successfully obtain the inheritance of the master of the Meteorite Star, then he can start to break through to the planetary level through telekinesis.

As for the ancient ruins of the Meteorite Star Monitoring Base, Luo Feng has completely given up.

To obtain the inheritance in that ruin, one must pass the test.

The test is not difficult, but it takes a lot of time to pass the test in the monitoring base.

In the original timeline, Luo Feng took a full year and three months to get the status of the entry disciple of the Meteorite Star, which was really unnecessary.

The inheritance of the master of the Meteorite Star is in front of Luo Feng, so why bother to waste time to obtain a lower-level inheritance first?

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