All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 269: Big plan, planning for all warriors

But the time has not come yet. Babata has not released the Mu Ya crystal to attract the strong men on Earth and then select the inheritor. It is very difficult to obtain the inheritance of the master of Yunmo Star!

After all, his brain width is only 21, which is outstanding among the humans on Earth, but it is nothing in the universe. It is just enough to become a disciple of Yunmo Star.

Before this, Luo Feng in that timeline had also been to Wu Island and robbed a lot of plant spirits, but he did not get Babata's recognition that time.

Later, Babata used Mu Ya crystal to attract a large number of strong men on Earth, tested the brain width of all of them, and finally selected Luo Feng, who had the highest brain width.

In other words, either he can show his special features to attract Babata to impatiently give him the inheritance, or he can only wait until the Mu Ya crystal appears in the world to participate in Babata's selection, and then obtain the inheritance of the master of Mo Star.

But it is so difficult to do the former. The owner of the Meteorite Star is not a powerful figure in the late stage of Devouring, but he is also able to rule a star field and have an equal dialogue with the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. His vision is so high that it is really difficult to show the qualifications that make his portable intelligent Babata excited.

But slowly waiting for the appearance of the Mu Ya Crystal is really a waste of time for Luo Feng.

The time node of Devouring the World is now three days before Luo Feng takes the college entrance examination.

According to the information provided by Xu Chenzhou, the time span between Luo Feng taking the college entrance examination and the appearance of the Mu Ya Crystal in the world and Babata selecting the successor is more than two years.

Luo Feng thought for a long time and opened the group chat directly.

The friends in the group have developed a good habit of asking the group owner when they are undecided.

Although Xu Chenzhou can't answer every question, he can basically provide some useful suggestions.

After seeing Luo Feng's question, Xu Chenzhou thought for a while, and then his eyes lit up.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "The question you raised is not a difficult one, but it's my fault that the information I provided was not complete."

There has always been a problem with the information provided by Xu Chenzhou in the chat group, that is, there are often some details missing.

There is nothing we can do about it.

Yangshen Taoism is powerful. After becoming a ghost fairy, Xu Chenzhou has a photographic memory. As long as he has seen it once, he can recall it in his mind no matter how long it has been.

But this is only limited to the memory after becoming a ghost fairy, and the memory of the mortal period does not have this treatment. Although Xu Chenzhou gradually remembered many details after his soul became strong, he still could not completely replicate it, so the information Xu Chenzhou uploaded to the group is still the story line, not a complete replica of the novel.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "There is something I forgot to write in the data. After all, it is just a trivial matter and I have no memory of it. If you hadn't asked this question, I wouldn't have remembered it.

In fact, you don't need to wait for the Mu Ya Jing to appear in two years. In fact, Babata is already selecting a suitable successor.

The grass and tree spirits on the fog island are actually baits he put out to attract successors. However, due to your reasons, these grass and tree spirits did not cause much movement on that timeline, and were soon taken away by the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and The HR Alliance's Bolenas family was completely harvested.

The number of warriors gathered at that time was too small, so Babata was not satisfied, and later he used Mu Ya crystal to set up another game.

So you just need to find a way to use the grass and tree spirits on the Mist Island to set up a game, try to cause a big commotion, and attract enough planetary and war god-level warriors, so that Babata can confirm that you are the person he is looking for. "

Luo Feng (Martial Arts School Apprentice): "So that's it! When you said that, I felt suddenly enlightened.

There are many treasures on the Mist Island. Although the value of the grass and tree spirits is not as high as Mu Ya crystals, it is enough to make the Earth warriors crazy.

And in addition to the grass and tree spirits on the Mist Island, there is also a Moyun vine.

This thing is very precious to the people on Earth now. Even Hong and Thunder God will definitely be tempted by it. As long as I plan carefully, I will definitely be able to attract them all to the Mist Island. "

Luo Feng couldn't help patting his thigh while typing, and the problem that had troubled him for a long time was solved just like that.

However, this is also because Xu Chenzhou's information did not explain clearly that there are such twists and turns in the matter of Barbara's super-selected inheritor. Otherwise, Luo Feng would have come up with this solution long ago with his wisdom.

Now that he has figured out the solution, Luo Feng does not intend to delay any longer. After all, his current mental power has reached the peak of the high-level war god. After obtaining Babata's inheritance, he can start to break through to the planetary level.

Luo Feng can't wait to start the action, but there is one thing Luo Feng has to do first, that is, the college entrance examination in three days.

Taking the college entrance examination will not affect Luo Feng's subsequent actions.

Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. If you want to set up a trap to gather the strong people on Earth on the fog island, you need a lot of preparation and make a detailed plan. Before he breaks through to the planetary level, he must be cautious in his actions on Earth, so he just needs some time to prepare.

And although the college entrance examination results are no longer of any use to Luo Feng, he has studied hard for more than ten years after all. These more than ten years of sweat are not in vain, and he must give himself an explanation.

Not to mention that in another timeline, he had not been able to exert his full strength because of a headache, and in this timeline, he was lucky to join the chat group, so he had to make up for the regret in the other timeline.

In the Yitian world, three items were neatly placed around Zhang Junbao's thought incarnation, namely a can of green medicine, a row of crystal clear test tubes, and a huge culture chamber, and a small backup motor stood next to the culture chamber.

These three things looked out of place with Zhang Junbao's Taoist robe, and they were not in the same style at all.

But Zhang Junbao didn't notice this at all. He was carefully dripping Qianyuan Huichun Dew on a skeleton in front of him with an iron rod.

Of course, the diluted Qianyuan Huichun Dew was used here.

After all, it was just a control experiment, and there was no need to use the original concentration of Qianyuan Huichun Dew.

Although he had a large bottle of Qianyuan Huichun Dew in his hand, Zhang Junbao didn't want to waste it.

While dripping Qianyuan Huichun Dew, Zhang Junbao sighed silently.

It is too difficult to revive the vitality of these people who have been dead for too long.

A human body will start to rot after 7 to 8 days of death, and generally it will rot into bones after more than two months.

Although the temperature on the top of Mount Hua is cold, it is not cold enough to keep the body from rotting. After twenty years, the bodies of Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng have already completely rotted.

It is much easier to revive the vitality of flesh and blood than to revive the vitality of bones.

If it is those who have just died, it will be much easier. As long as there is still flesh and blood on the body, there will be much more room for operation.

However, Zhang Junbao did not give up. It is difficult to revive, so it is difficult to revive. Anyway, great efforts can make miracles. He has a large jar of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew in his hand, and he is not panicked with sufficient firepower.

After dripping Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew all over the skeleton of Hong Qigong, Zhang Junbao stopped and observed carefully.

Then Zhang Junbao found that the part of the skeleton that reacted most to Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew was the spine of the corpse.

Under the stimulation of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew, the bone tissue on the spine gradually changed from its original gray appearance to as warm as jade, as if it was about to come alive.

Zhang Junbao took out the iron rod again, took ten drops of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew and dripped them between the second and third sections of Hong Qigong's spine. As the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew dripped, Hong Qigong's spine slowly became fresh.

After the seventh drop of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew dripped, the spinal fluid like water even emerged again in Hong Qigong's spine, which had already been necrotic.

Zhang Junbao felt extremely excited. With the spinal fluid, it was enough to cultivate clones.

But he continued to drip three more drops of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew until a trace of granulation appeared in Hong Qigong's two sections of the spine, and the nerves that had been completely rotten began to grow again.

After all, this was his first time to study the method of resurrection, so he naturally had to be more cautious.

After ensuring that Hong Qigong's spine had recovered a trace of activity, he began to sample the spine that had recovered activity at lightning speed, sampling Hong Qigong's spinal granulation, cerebrospinal fluid, and spinal bone tissue, and then quickly sealed them in a sealed container and put them into the cryogenic device provided by Misaka Mikoto.

After completing this step, Zhang Junbao rubbed his hands and dragged the instrument next to him into the group practice space.

In the practice space, as long as the group points are consumed in the group practice space, the time acceleration function can be turned on, which is very suitable for cultivating clones.

In theory, the group practice space does not allow other living people except Zhang Junbao to enter, but the problem is that Zhang Junbao actually brought into the practice space only a little cell tissue and a cloning instrument.

For the group practice space, only those with souls and wills will be attributed to living things, so this does not violate the rules of the chat group practice space at all.

In fact, the almost non-stop accelerated practice during this period has directly reduced Zhang Junbao's group points. In addition, the consumption of localized skills is also a huge expense, but Zhang Junbao still has a daily check-in guarantee, so he can still afford the consumption of opening the group practice space this time.

It would be safer to do experiments like this in the group practice space. As long as he spends another 100 group points to open the time imprint function, he can experiment continuously without worrying about any problems.

After entering the group practice space, Zhang Junbao couldn't wait to start operating.

The cloning device provided by Misaka Mikoto is not a fool-proof operation. After collecting cell samples, he still has to go through various treatments before he can start cloning.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Junbao has used the group practice space. He has also studied the knowledge of the science book to a certain extent, but he has never played with this kind of high-end technology, and he must be familiar with it.

He first put the spinal bone tissue into the cloning instrument and tried to start the operation. As expected, he soon encountered failure.

The reasons for failure are varied. Either the cell sample cannot be used due to operational errors, or there is a problem with the instrument itself.

However, with Zhang Junbao's comprehension, even though he had never really done any scientific experiments, he quickly mastered the trick, and the instrument finally started to clone Hong Qigong's body.

But this was nothing, the real problem was still to come.

That is how to suppress Hong Qigong's body so that he does not give birth to a soul during his growth.

You should know that whether it is the clones in the Star Domain world or the cloned sisters in the Academy City world, they all have their own will.

Having self-will actually means having a soul, and Zhang Junbao's goal is not to create clones, but to create a spare body, so he naturally has to suppress this cloned body so that it does not produce a soul.

Otherwise, the resurrection method he studied is equivalent to killing one person to save one person, killing the clone to save the dead soul, which is unacceptable to Zhang Junbao.

So Zhang Junbao chose to suppress it directly before the soul was born, blocking the process of soul birth from the source.

As long as it is not born, there is no need to kill.

But this is still somewhat difficult. Every time the clone's body begins to take shape, Zhang Junbao can feel that the will in his body is gradually awakening. Once the will awakens, this body will begin to condense the soul.

Zhang Junbao tried many times, and every time the clone's body was close to awakening the will, Zhang Junbao would roll back without hesitation.

After many experiments, Zhang Junbao finally mastered the trick. He used the Yin and Yang Qi to drain the Yin and Yang Five Elements energy outside the cultivation chamber, making the cultivation chamber completely in a chaotic environment. In this environment, there was neither the Five Elements circulation nor the Yin and Yang circulation, so that the cultivation chamber where the cloned body was located completely lost the environment for the birth of the soul.

After completing these two steps, the third step became very simple. Zhang Junbao directly inserted the medicine given to him by Xu Chenzhou into the cultivation chamber next to it.

Under the stimulation of Life No. 3 medicine, Hong Qigong's body quickly began to grow rapidly from a small embryo, and the growth speed was so fast that it could be seen with the naked eye, and soon became the size of a baby.

This little baby did not cry, but grew rapidly under the promotion of the medicine like a sculpture. In a short while, he grew into a teenager of about eight years old, looking pink and tender and very cute.

Zhang Junbao did not care about Hong Qigong's appearance in his childhood. No matter what he looked like, he could be used for resurrection research.

After perfectly replicating Hong Qigong's body, he immediately stopped the acceleration of the group practice space.

The acceleration of the group practice space can be paused. If it is not used up at one time, it can be used again later when there is time. This is quite humane.

Then Zhang Junbao slowly walked out of the practice space with the eight-year-old replica of Hong Qigong in one hand.

After carefully placing the body of the little Hong Qigong on the ground, Zhang Junbao reached into the inside of his Taoist robe and grabbed a thumb-sized white crystal glass bead.

The bead was filled with a very strong incense power, as if countless beggars were worshipping in it, and there was a looming soul in the center of the bead.

Zhang Junbao flicked the bead hard and it flew to the body of the little Hong Qigong on the ground. With a snap, it merged into it like a stone thrown into the water.

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