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Chapter 270 Resurrecting Hong Qigong, Huang Yaoshi's hands trembled.

As the crystal clear beads merged into the body of Little Hong Qigong on the ground, Little Hong Qigong's body, which had been motionless, began to twitch constantly.

Zhang Junbao was not surprised by this. Resurrecting the messenger was an act against heaven. How could it be so simple?

Although this corpse was a clone of Hong Qigong himself, it was much more suitable for Hong Qigong's soul than other people's bodies, but it still had an immune response.

Zhang Junbao pointed his finger and a black and white yin and yang energy flowed out of his hand, flowing along Hong Qigong's body.

With the help of the yin and yang energy, Zhang Junbao helped Hong Qigong's soul to perform the Nine Turns Resurrection Method.

As Zhang Junbao operated, Little Hong Qigong's body twitched and slowly became stable.

After a while, Hong Qigong, who was lying on the ground, slowly opened his eyes.

He sat up and looked around, muttering to himself: "Old beggar, where am I? I'm dead, why can I still feel cold!"

His memory still stayed at the moment when he hugged Ouyang Feng and died.

In fact, if it is a person who practices Taoism, even if he dies and becomes a soul, he can still retain the memory of his death.

But the problem is that although Hong Qigong's soul is tougher than that of ordinary people, it is still in the category of mortals, so after his death, his soul has completely fallen into a deep sleep. If it were not for the protection of the incense, Hong Qigong would have been dead at this time.

As he spoke, Hong Qigong felt that something was wrong with his body.

Martial arts masters like them have already achieved a near 100% control over their bodies, and can immediately detect any abnormalities.

"Why does my body seem to be getting younger?"

Hong Qigong raised his hand and looked at it, only to see that his old palms, which had been weathered by the frost, had become delicate and tender, and his forearms were also white and tender, and the flesh was as plump as a piece of white and tender lotus root just picked from the water.

This scared Hong Qigong, because his palms were originally covered with calluses, and his skin became like the bark of a dead tree due to his aging, so how could it be so delicate and tender.

This is obviously not his body.

This reminded Hong Qigong of the story of Tieguai Li among the Eight Immortals: "Could it be that I, an old beggar, have also been resurrected like the immortal Tieguai Li?"

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but laugh at Hong Qigong's doubtful look: "Are you satisfied with your new body, Mr. Hong?"

Zhang Junbao's voice scared Hong Qigong. He had been immersed in the surprise of resurrection and didn't notice that there was someone standing next to him.

Hong Qigong turned his head to look at Zhang Junbao, and saw that the young man in front of him was wearing a white Taoist robe, with a red sword on his waist, handsome face, extraordinary temperament, just like a banished immortal from heaven, people couldn't help but fall in love with him.

After all, Hong Qigong was the leader of the Beggars' Sect in his lifetime, and he had a seven-hole mind. He knew that his resurrection was mostly related to the man in front of him.

Being able to bring people back to life, what level of magical power is this? In Hong Qigong's mind, even the legendary immortals are no more than this!

"I don't know which senior immortal is in front of me. The senior has great magical powers and can actually bring Hong Qi back to life. Hong Qi is very grateful."

Hong Qigong was about to kneel down and salute Zhang Junbao.

But how could Zhang Junbao let him really kneel down? Hong Qigong was Guo Xiang's master, and Zhang Junbao wanted to marry Guo Xiang. Wouldn't this kneeling mess up the generations?

So Zhang Junbao flicked his sleeves, and an invisible force fixed Hong Qigong in place. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't kneel down.

"Why do you have to do this, Mr. Hong? There is a deep connection between you and me. I can't bear your great gift."

Zhang Junbao's words made Hong Qigong stunned. He didn't remember knowing such a banished immortal.

Zhang Junbao didn't keep it a secret and told Hong Qigong about his relationship with Guo Jing and Guo Xiang.

Knowing that there was such a relationship, Hong Qigong felt relieved.

He had always been very vigilant. After all, Hong Qigong had been in the martial arts world for many years and was used to seeing conspiracies and intrigues. Resurrection from the dead was definitely a good thing for him, but he was also afraid that there was a shocking conspiracy behind it.

After all, if someone like this who could have the means to resurrect from the dead had any conspiracy, Hong Qigong would definitely not be able to resist it with his means.

However, even if he knew the relationship between Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang, Hong Qigong was still a little vigilant.

These relationships were learned from Zhang Junbao, and he had no way to tell whether they were true or false.

Of course, although he was vigilant in his heart, Hong Qigong did not show any on the surface, and still looked respectful.

After his mind was settled, Hong Qigong had the mind to carefully observe his new body.

Although there was no mirror, Hong Qigong quickly judged that his body was only about seven or eight years old through the bones of his arm.

This made Hong Qigong wonder how his body came about.

Was it the child who died in the disaster and was used by Zhang Junbao as a resurrection prop?

Or was it the person who looked like an immortal who killed him specifically to revive him?

Zhang Junbao also knew the doubts in Hong Qigong's heart. He pointed his finger and an ice mirror rose from the snow and stood in front of Hong Qigong.

This surface of ice was crystal clear, and through the ice mirror Hong Qigong saw what his current body looked like.

The moment he saw it, Hong Qigong was stunned. Why did the face of this body look so familiar?

Of course Hong Qigong knew his own appearance. Although his childhood appearance was already in his memory decades ago, there was no way he could not recognize it.

"Immortal, is this what I looked like when I was a child? How is this possible? Immortal, you not only brought me back to life, but you also made me a child again!"

At this time, Hong Qigong's doubts about Zhang Junbao were all gone, and only deep gratitude and reverence were left. Such magical powers were definitely not something that ordinary people could achieve.

A martial arts hero like him does take life and death very lightly, but who doesn't want to live well if he lives forever?

Zhang Junbao did not respond to Hong Qigong. He had seen too much such admiration these days and was already immune to it.

He waved his hand, and dozens of thoughts gathered in the air, turning into a crystal clear ship of thoughts.

If he had only his own thoughts, he would be able to return to Xiangyang City by traveling directly through the void, but now he still has to take Hong Qigong with him, so he can only use the thought ship to carry it with him.

The big boat took Hong Qigong to the bed in one roll, and carried them both through the air, heading towards Xiangyang City.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Xiangyang, meet your old friends, and tell you about the changes in the world over the years."

Soon the two figures arrived at Xiangyang City. At the speed of Zhang Junbao's thoughts, the distance took less than an hour.

Hong Qigong, who was flying for the first time, was so excited that his eyes lit up in the sky, looking curiously at all the things on the ground.

This experience of seeing everything from a bird's eye view was extremely novel to him.

“It’s wonderful, it’s wonderful!

I am an old beggar and I am able to see such a wonderful sight in my new life.

Alas, I did not meet Master Zhang Xian in my previous life, so my life was really in vain! "

While the thought ship was flying, Zhang Junbao had already roughly told Hong Qigong what had happened over the years.

After knowing what Zhang Junbao had done during this period, Hong Qigong regarded Zhang Junbao as a heavenly being.

Although he also knew that Zhang Junbao was his junior in terms of seniority.

Regardless of age or relationship with Guo Jing, he can be regarded as Zhang Junbao's elder.

However, Hong Qigong's open-minded nature naturally understands the principle of learning without prioritization, and Zhang Junbao's achievements are definitely worthy of his title of immortal master.

Just when the two of them arrived at Xiangyang City, everyone in the Osmanthus Tower was about to leave.

Huang Yaoshi stood up first and planned to leave: "Hahaha! Today is really fun, fun!"

Huang Yaoshi's harvest today was really great. He got a lot of inspiration while brainstorming with everyone, and he couldn't wait to go back to retreat to use these inspirations on his magical power of snapping fingers, and deduced the magical power of snapping fingers into Jindan martial arts.

"Old naughty boy, Yang Guo, with a light, let's get together when we have time later and say goodbye!"

As he spoke, Huang Yaoshi stood up and turned around to use Qinggong to leave.

At this moment, a childish voice sounded in Huang Yaoshi's ears: "Huang Laoxie, are you so unwilling to see me as a beggar? You have to leave just after I arrived?"

Hearing this voice, Huang Yaoshi was a little confused. Where did this child dare to speak to him in such a tone?

But Huang Yaoshi somehow felt that the child's voice sounded familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Old beggar? Could it be the old man Hong Qigong? But didn't that old man die together with Ouyang Feng?

Two years ago, he went to Huashan to pay homage to two old rivals, Ouyang Feng and Hong Qigong, and saw with his own eyes the tombstones Yang Guo erected for them.

Huang Yaoshi frowned and looked at the source of the sound, only to see a fair little boy standing there with a very childish face. And I don’t know if it’s because of poor nutrition, but this little boy’s face looks a little baby fat, and his cheeks are bulging like buns, which is very cute.

This was Zhang Junbao's fault. When he was restoring the vitality of Hong Qigong's corpse, he was cautious and added a few more drops of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew, and the energy of these Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew accumulated on Hong Qigong's spine. , and later Zhang Junbao used this segment of the spine as the original material to clone Hong Qigong.

This also caused Hong Qigong's clone to be a little too nutritious and much rounder than other clones with a balanced figure.

Looking at the little boy's appearance, Huang Yaoshi felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

He had fought with Hong Qigong for so many years, so he was naturally very familiar with the appearance of the old beggar.

Although the little Hong Qigong in front of him has not grown up yet, his facial features are 70% similar to the grown-up Hong Qigong.

Xiaohong Qigong stood upright, his hands hanging down naturally, and holding a worn-out bamboo stick picked up from somewhere. Just standing there, he looked a bit old-fashioned and respected.

No matter how you look at it, it's impossible for him to look like a seven or eight-year-old child.

Except for Huang Yaoshi, everyone else present looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Especially Yang Guo and Guo Jing, they were even more pleasantly surprised with a hint of surprise.

Guo Jing even used Qinggong to transform into a swimming dragon, rushed in front of Little Hong Qigong, and stared at Little Hong Qigong's face.

He and Hong Qigong have a very close relationship and have spent a long time together. He is very familiar with Hong Qigong.

In addition to the appearance, the posture and temperament of the person in front of him are exactly the same as Hong Qigong when he was alive. This degree of similarity is definitely not an act.

After Guo Jing confirmed Hong Qigong's identity, he was very excited, and even his eyes became slightly red: "Master, Master, I miss you so much."

Hong Qigong also showed a complicated expression on his face: "I haven't seen you for so long, why are you still pretending to be about to cry? Be happy, be happy!"

He stretched out his hand to touch Guo Jing's head, but because of his height, he couldn't reach it even if he stood on tiptoe.

But Guo Jing noticed his master's idea and immediately squatted down so that Hong Qigong could touch his head smoothly.

Yang Guo, who was standing by, was also very excited. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Junbao: "Junbao, it was you who brought Mr. Hong back to life!"

Yang Guo's mind was very meticulous, so when everyone was still confused, he guessed what was going on with Hong Qigong's resurrection.

There is absolutely no one else in the world who can have such a method except Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao saw that Yang Guo had reacted, so he nodded: "Yes, just now you were discussing how great it would be if Mr. Hong and the others were not dead and could come to the party today.

Then many inspirations came to my mind. Just now, I also split my spirit and thought and went to Huashan to do some experiments. I didn't expect that I really brought Mr. Hong back to life."

When Zhang Junbao said this, everyone present was shocked.

Master Yideng was holding a glass of water in his hand, but it fell directly to the ground, and Huang Yaoshi, who was standing by, was so excited that his hands were shaking.

Huang Yaoshi asked frantically: "Resurrection from the dead, the method of resurrection, Junbao, you actually developed such a method, how did you do it, how did you do it!!!"

After Zhang Junbao admitted that he had the method of resurrection, Hong Qigong, who was originally the focus of everyone, was instantly forgotten by everyone.

Just kidding, this is the method of resurrection. Everyone present has been in the martial arts world for so many years, and everyone has a few unforgettable pasts in their hearts. If there is a method of resurrection, wouldn't it be possible to make up for all of them?

Zhang Junbao did not keep them in suspense. These people present should be his closest people in the Yitian world except Master Jueyuan, and there is nothing to hide from them.

He carefully told everyone the principle of the method of resurrection and the limitations of the method of resurrection.

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