All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 271 All-Star Arena

After listening, some of the people's expressions turned into ecstasy, while others showed a trace of sadness.

Yinggu's head was full of gray hair, and tears kept flowing from her eyes: "My child, my child, you still left me."

After she heard that Zhang Junbao had developed the method of resurrection, her first thought was to let Zhang Junbao resurrect her and Zhou Botong's child. However, after hearing the restrictions of the method of resurrection, Yinggu knew that this was impossible.

After all, a child's soul is already weak, and since he does not have the protection of incense, his soul has long since dissipated.

Zhou Botong, on the other hand, had mixed feelings. Of course, he also thought of the child he had never met, and he also knew that his child did not meet the conditions for resurrection.

But another person who was very important to him, his senior brother Wang Chongyang, completely met the conditions for resurrection mentioned by Zhang Junbao.

Hong Qigong's soul has not dissipated even after twenty years.

And his senior brother Wang Chongyang, as the founder of the Quanzhen Sect, enjoyed the incense worship of the Quanzhen Sect. Although he died more than ten years earlier than Hong Qigong, Zhou Botong believed that his senior brother's soul should not have dissipated yet.

The mood of Huang Yaoshi on the side was different from theirs. His expression was very hesitant, and there was a rare trace of fear in his eyes.

As his wife, Feng Heng is the mistress of Peach Blossom Island, so she naturally has incense for worship.

Every year on the anniversary of her death, Huang Yaoshi would bring his servants on Peach Blossom Island to worship Balance. Logically speaking, these incense would be enough to protect Feng Heng's soul and give her the possibility of resurrection.

But the problem is that Feng Heng has never practiced martial arts, and she has been dead for a long time, so there is a high possibility that her soul has dissipated.

But no matter what, even if there is only a chance, Huang Yaoshi is not willing to miss it.

But before he could speak, Yang Guo took the lead and said, "Jun Bao, I buried Mr. Hong and my adoptive father together.

Since Mr. Hong can be resurrected, does my adoptive father also have a chance to be resurrected? "

Yang Guo is a very emotional person, otherwise he would not have stayed in the world for Xiao Longnu for sixteen years, and jumped to die for Xiao Longnu after she broke the promise.

Ouyang Feng was very kind to Yang Guo. Yang Guo, who had no father since childhood, had long regarded Ouyang Feng as his father. Although he was nominally a foster father, he always called Ouyang Feng daddy, so Ouyang Feng was in Yang Guo's heart. Status is important.

Back then, Yang Guo even knelt in front of Hong Qigong and asked him to stop for Ouyang Feng, so now that he heard that there was hope for Ouyang Feng's resurrection, Yang Guo couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Junbao nodded: "Of course. Senior Ouyang died together with Senior Hong. Their martial arts were similar, and their reputations in the world were almost the same. Moreover, Senior Ouyang's reputation in the Western Region was quite high, so he The power of incense is even greater than that of Mr. Hong."

As he spoke, Zhang Junbao flipped his palm, and a crystal clear crystal bead appeared in front of everyone. Among the crystal beads, there was an old man in black lying quietly in it.

The moment he saw the crystal bead, tears filled Yang Guo's eyes.

Men don't shed tears easily because they haven't reached the point of sadness. Even heroes like Yang Guo and Guo Jing are just as unable to control their emotions as ordinary people when faced with the life and death of their loved ones.

Then Zhang Junbao said again: "It's just that I haven't decided yet whether to resurrect Senior Ouyang. After all, Senior Ouyang did many evil things back then, and many of the people here were deeply affected by it.

Although according to what you said, Mr. Yang, Senior Ouyang had a great enlightenment and enlightenment before his death, no one knows whether he has changed specifically. "

Hearing what Zhang Junbao said, the light in Yang Guo's eyes dimmed a little. He naturally knew that his adoptive father was not a good person. His life was full of troubles, and countless innocent people died at the hands of Ouyang Feng.

And almost all the people present had something to do with Ouyang Feng, especially Guo Jing and Huang Rong, who almost died at Ouyang Feng's hands several times, not to mention that five of Guo Jing's mentors, the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan, were direct Or died indirectly at the hands of Ouyang Feng, and the hatred was as strong as a mountain or a sea.

Although he and Zhang Junbao had some advice, this relationship was far from enough to influence Zhang Junbao's thoughts.

Zhang Junbao paused and then continued: "So whether to resurrect Senior Ouyang or not, I still leave this choice to everyone here."

As soon as Zhang Junbao finished speaking, the old naughty boy stood up and said: "Resurrection, of course, the old poisonous guy's martial arts is still very interesting.

I can't wait to see how interesting the martial arts skills he created during the Golden Core Martial Arts era are. "

The old naughty boy was a martial arts fanatic with an innocent heart. Although the relationship between him and Ouyang Feng was very bad, he couldn't help but be the first to propose resurrecting Ouyang Feng.

After all, with Zhang Junbao here in this era, even if Ouyang Feng and his ilk are resurrected, they won't be able to cause any big trouble.

The old naughty boy agreed, but Huang Rong did hold a negative opinion. She looked at Zhou Botong with a confused look: "Old naughty boy, what nonsense are you talking about? Have you forgotten about Ouyang Feng's attack on your senior brother?

It’s not like you don’t know the ambitions of that old poisonous creature. Once he is really resurrected, many troubles may arise. "

After Huang Rong finished speaking, she saw Yang Guo standing in front of him: "Auntie, if my adoptive father can be resurrected, I guarantee that he will never do evil things again.

If he did evil, Yang Guo was willing to pay with his life. "

Then he turned to look at Guo Jing: "Uncle Guo, I know that my adoptive father killed your five masters and the hatred between you is as deep as the sea, but now it seems that all this is not irreversible. Give me a chance."

He turned to look at Zhang Junbao: "My adoptive father killed the Four Heroes of Jiangnan, and my father killed the hero Han Baoju. Can you please try to revive the Jiangnan martial arts hero.

There are also Mei Chaofeng, the apprentice of Mr. Huang, and Tan Churui, one of the Seven Sons of Quanzhen. If they have hope of resurrection, please revive them together.

I know that it is very difficult to resurrect a person, and it is necessary to use a vitality that can stimulate vitality. Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew, this precious medicine must be very precious, and it requires all kinds of rare natural treasures.

But I, Yang Guo, swear here that no matter how precious the medicinal materials for refining Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew are, as long as Junbao is willing to help me, I will definitely return it tenfold. Even if it is difficult to find, I will go to the ends of the earth to find it for you.

And in the future, Junbao, if you have any orders, as long as it does not violate the moral principles of the martial arts world, Yang Guo will not refuse even if he dies. "

The people Yang Guo mentioned are all related to the people present, and they are all people who died at the hands of Ouyang Feng. He took everyone present into consideration. It can be seen that Yang Guo really wants Ouyang Feng to be resurrected.

Guo Xiang couldn't help but speak up to help Yang Guo: "Junbao, if you can, please help big brother."

Zhang Junbao smiled and nodded: "Of course, if the souls of the five heroes of Jiangnan have not dissipated, they are already on my resurrection list.

Mei Chaofeng and Tan Churui will not be a problem for you, hero Yang.

As for the medicinal materials for refining Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew, you don't need to worry about it, hero Yang. You can't find it even if you travel all over the world.

But I dare not guarantee that I can successfully resurrect them. After all, I am the first to create this resurrection method. I really don't know if their souls have persisted until now."

He still has a good impression of Yang Guo in his heart. If Yang Guo hadn't instructed him on Mount Hua, he would never have been able to defeat Yixi.

And based on the relationship between the five heroes of Jiangnan and Guo Jing, they are also on Zhang Junbao's resurrection list.

Originally, Guo Jing opposed Yang Guo's desire to resurrect Ouyang Feng, but he always felt that he owed Yang Guo, so he didn't speak up.

After hearing what Zhang Junbao said, Guo Jing nodded: "If the five masters can be resurrected, then Ouyang Feng can be resurrected. As long as he doesn't do evil again, I have no objection."

Guo Jing agreed, Huang Rong naturally wouldn't say much. Although she had a lot of small thoughts, she rarely refuted Guo Jing's decision openly.

Huang Yaoshi also snorted coldly: "In this case, for the sake of Yang kid, I also agree to resurrect Ouyang Feng."

In fact, if it was someone else's request, there would be absolutely no way to make these people agree to resurrect Ouyang Feng.

But the person who spoke up was Yang Guo, known as the Divine Condor Charm. Yang Guo and these masters present were either related or close friends, and he also proposed a way to make up for the regret, which made everyone present agree to resurrect Ouyang Feng.

Seeing that these people could be resurrected, the old naughty boy also jumped in front of Zhang Junbao: "Junbao, there is also my senior brother! My senior brother can definitely be resurrected!"

The relationship between the old naughty boy and Zhang Junbao is also very good. With Guo Jing as a bond, Zhang Junbao and this martial arts fanatic with a pure heart have long become friends regardless of age, so he naturally would not refuse the old naughty boy's request.

Anyway, the content of that large jar of Qianyuan Huichun Dew is enough to revive tens of thousands of people, so Zhang Junbao will naturally not be so stingy.

He turned and looked at Yang Guo: "In this case, let's start with the Five Heroes of Jiangnan. If they can be resurrected successfully, I will start to resurrect your adoptive father."

Guo Xiang quickly raised her hand and said: "Junbao, take me with you. I want to see how you resurrect people."

Guo Xiang has always been very interested in such strange things. She couldn't wait to pull Zhang Junbao's sleeve. Looking at her pitiful eyes, Zhang Junbao certainly couldn't refuse.

In addition to Guo Xiang, other people were also very interested in the resurrection method, and they all asked to go together, so Zhang Junbao simply took everyone with him.

Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand and countless thoughts gathered in the air and then turned into a colorful light, taking everyone present to fly into the sky.

The first stop was Peach Blossom Island, where the Jiangnan martial arts heroes were buried.

Fortunately, because Guo Jing has maintained the habit of worshipping the five heroes of Jiangnan every year over the years, and often brings his disciples to worship together, plus he is in a high position and has high martial arts, the incense power generated is particularly sufficient, so it is miraculous that the souls of the five heroes of Jiangnan were preserved.

With the soul, everything is easy.

Zhang Junbao operated for a while, and a few drops of Qianyuan Huichun Dew dripped down, and the bodies of the five heroes regained their activity.

Zhang Junbao followed the method and successfully experimented with the cloning operation. With his understanding, it was naturally not difficult to replicate the previous operation.

Everyone was very interested in this machine that could clone people. They kept studying it around the incubator, and everyone was amazed.

This machine from the scientific world was really new to the characters in the martial arts world.

As time passed slowly, Zhang Junbao successfully resurrected the Five Monsters of Jiangnan.

Seeing that the five masters actually came back to life, Guo Jing knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

In excitement, he even wanted to kowtow to Zhang Junbao.

This frightened Zhang Junbao. The consequences of Guo Jing kowtowing to him were much more serious than the consequences of Hong Qigong kowtowing to him. How could he bear it? He was so frightened that he jumped aside and then used his magical power to pull Guo Jing away. got up.

Ke Zhen'e, who was beside him, burst into tears and burst into tears, holding his five newly resurrected brothers and sisters in his arms.

If it weren't for the fact that Ke Zhen'e's body had become much tougher than before after practicing Jindan Martial Arts, Zhang Junbao would have been worried that he wouldn't be able to bear it. When the happy event turned into a funeral, there would be one more person he wanted to resurrect.

At the same time, Zhang Junbao also had an idea and flew to the tomb of Zhang Asheng, the first of the seven Jiangnan monsters to die, to search for his soul.

But it is a pity that Zhang Asheng has been dead for a long time, and his martial arts are mediocre and his soul is not very strong, so even with Guo Jing's sacrifice, his soul has long since dissipated.

After placing the Six Jiangnan Monsters on Peach Blossom Island, Zhang Junbao took everyone to Niujia Village.

This is the burial place of Mei Chaofeng and Tan Churui.

Mei Chaofeng's soul had long since dissipated because there was no one to offer sacrifices to him, while Tan Churui, as one of the Seven Quanzhen Sons, had sacrifices from the Quanzhen Sect, so his soul still remained.

For the sake of Guo Jing, Yang Guo and the old naughty boy, Zhang Junbao spent a few more drops of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew to revive Tan Churui.

He was also surprised after being resurrected. As a Taoist, he knew the difficulty of resurrection better than anyone else, which only made him regard Zhang Junbao who resurrected himself as a heavenly being descending to earth, and worshiped him extremely.

Next, Zhang Junbao took everyone to the Quanzhen Sect, where Zhou Botong's senior brother Wang Chongyang was buried.

The process of resurrecting Wang Chongyang went smoothly, with the entire Quanzhen Sect offering incense and sacrifices. Wang Chongyang's soul is the best preserved among all the resurrected people today.

Full of energy, very full.

According to Zhang Junbao's observation, Wang Chongyang's soul even showed signs of waking up after being nourished by enough incense power.

Once the soul awakens, it will be very remarkable. This means that Wang Chongyang may become a Yin God by relying on the power of incense and telepathy, and then walk on a different path than ordinary warriors.

It is a pity that even a figure like Wang Chongyang, the founder of Taoism, still cannot cross the line between life and death, so although there is a possibility of awakening, he has never been able to break through this layer of confusion.

Zhang Junbao followed suit and began to clone Wang Chongyang's body.

Because of Zhang Junbao's bad taste, after completing the cultivation of Wang Chongyang's body, Zhang Junbao also completed the cultivation of Ouyang Feng's body, and then injected the two souls into their bodies.

Under his guidance, the bodies and souls of the two men quickly reconciled, and they quickly recovered.

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