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Chapter 272 Tears of the Old

Wang Chongyang and Ouyang Feng slowly woke up, and both of them were in the same state as Hong Qigong at that time.

After waking up, Ouyang Feng felt dizzy and even his thinking speed slowed down a lot.

He also felt that something was wrong with his body at the first time, and hurriedly lowered his head to check carefully.

Until he looked at his delicate and white hands, Ouyang Feng's eyes were full of disbelief.

He murmured to himself: "Didn't I die with the old beggar? How come I am alive again and have become like this now!"

After saying that, he raised his head and glanced around, and his heart instantly sank.

He saw a group of familiar faces standing outside the hall.

Huang Yaoshi, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Zhou Botong, Master Yideng.

Ouyang Feng sighed deeply. These people in front of him wanted to kill him quickly. He was finally resurrected, but he didn't expect that it was the beginning of hell.

At this moment, Ouyang Feng wished that he had never been resurrected, so that he could suffer less torture.

At this moment, a child of about the same age as his body came out from behind him and walked in front of him.

"You, old poisoner, are really lucky. You have done many evil things in your life, but you have adopted a filial son in your old age. Otherwise, based on the evil things you have done, how could such a good thing as resurrection happen to you?"

Ouyang Feng stared at the child in front of him and couldn't help but feel that he looked very familiar.

This nose, eyes, mouth, and ears, no matter how you look at it, it looks like that old beggar.

Hong Qigong saw Ouyang Feng's eyes and naturally understood what he was thinking: "Old poisoner, don't look at it. You are not mistaken. I am still alive as an old beggar!

I have become an eight-year-old child like you. Now you are mentally balanced."

As Hong Qigong personally admitted his identity, Ouyang Feng dared to confirm that the little beggar in front of him was Hong Qigong.

Then Ouyang Feng's mind flashed. In fact, when he woke up, he had already noticed that there was a little boy of seven or eight years old sitting opposite him.

It's just that he didn't pay much attention to the boy's appearance at that time. Now thinking back, the boy's appearance is also very familiar, just like Wang Chongyang.

Could it be that Wang Chongyang was also resurrected?

This is too outrageous. Even with Ouyang Feng's experience, he was a little confused for a while.

Hong Qigong sat cross-legged opposite Ouyang Feng and slowly told Ouyang Feng what happened today.

Ouyang Feng listened with a complicated look in his eyes. He didn't know that his resurrection had gone through so many twists and turns.

Especially when Hong Qigong talked about the oath that Yang Guo made for his resurrection, Ouyang Feng's eyes actually showed a trace of tears.

After saying everything, Hong Qigong reminded Ouyang Feng again: "Your resurrection this time is all thanks to Yang Guo's face. He even made a solemn oath for you, so you, old poison, remember to behave yourself after your resurrection this time. If you do evil everywhere like before, it will definitely implicate Yang Guo."

Ouyang Feng nodded: "You don't need to say more about these, I know it in my heart.

Besides, according to what you said, Zhang Xianchang who saved me has great magical powers and profound magic power. The Jindan martial arts he created is even more unparalleled in ancient and modern times. The Nine Yin Manual that we fought for before is not even a piece of toilet paper in front of the Jindan martial arts.

With such a person in the world, how dare I, Ouyang Feng, do evil, and why do I need to do evil!"

All kinds of thoughts kept churning in his mind.

During his crazy days, he had been living a displaced life. After experiencing so much and waking up again, his whole personality has long been different from before, and he has let go of many obsessions.

In fact, he had already attained enlightenment when he died in his previous life, otherwise he would not have died in the arms of Hong Qigong, and laughed away their grudges.

Apart from his obsession with martial arts and his godson Yang Guo, everything else was no longer important to Ouyang Feng.

On the other side, Wang Chongyang also learned what happened from Zhou Botong.

At first, he was a little unconvinced, until he saw Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng, who had recovered their youth like him, and then he believed that everything Zhou Botong said was true.

Zhou Botong took Wang Chongyang out of the hall and came to the crowd, and then Ouyang Feng also came here under the leadership of Hong Qigong.

The appearance of Ouyang Feng made the atmosphere at the scene a little weird.

Everyone had no good face for him, even Guo Jing, who had always been a good man, had a cold face and was unwilling to communicate with Ouyang Feng.

And Ouyang Feng was too lazy to look at their faces, he walked straight to Yang Guo who was standing at the forefront of the crowd.

Seeing Yang Guo's vicissitudes of life, Ouyang Feng's eyes became more complicated.

He still remembered that when he died, Yang Guo was still a handsome young man. But in the blink of an eye, twenty years had passed, and this handsome young man's face was covered with stubble and had traces of time.

He walked up and hugged Yang Guo: "Guo'er, Dad is back."

The moment he saw Ouyang Feng, Yang Guo's eyes were red.

Yang Guo himself was not a particularly upright person. He was a bit good and evil. In general, Yang Guo's principle of life was a very simple sentence. He would be good to whoever was good to him, and Ouyang Feng was one of the few people who treated Yang Guo the best in his life.

This is why he went against all odds and asked Zhang Junbao to resurrect Ouyang Feng.

He also hugged Ouyang Feng with his backhand, and the father and son hugged each other. For a moment, the scene was very warm.

Zhang Junbao was conducting group live broadcast throughout the whole process. After seeing Wang Chongyang and Ouyang Feng being resurrected together, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but sigh.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Reversing yin and yang, reincarnation of life and death, if you can do this, Junbao, you have obtained the essence of yin and yang."

Although Zhang Junbao's operation seems very simple, every step is actually very difficult.

In particular, the Nine Turns of Resurrection Art created by Zhang Junbao exhausts the mystery of the changes in the Yin and Yang Tao, otherwise it would be impossible for people to be resurrected from the dead.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Awesome! If the old five skills of the Condor and the new five skills of the Divine Condor live in this world at the same time, wouldn't it be possible to have a super plus version of Huashan Sword Theory? I'm really looking forward to it! "

Jin Yong also exists in the dragon world. Lu Mingfei is also familiar with the two books of Shooting Condor and Divine Condor, so he is also very excited at this time.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Why don't you, Junbao, organize a new era of Huashan Swordsmanship? I really want to see what the style of Huashan Swordsmanship will be like after you open up Jindan Martial Arts."

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): “It’s not impossible, but it’s a bit too early to engage in the Huashan Swordsmanship. Ouyang Feng, Wang Chongyang, and Hong Qigong have just been resurrected, so we need to give them some time.

And I feel that even if I don’t say anything, this group of martial arts idiots will organize a new Huashan sword debate. "

Sure enough, when Zhang Junbao sent the message, everyone in the venue was already chatting.

First, Huang Yaoshi walked up to Wang Chongyang: "Brother Chongyang, I didn't expect you to survive this day. The circumstances in this world are really magical."

Although Wang Chongyang looks like a child, his master's demeanor makes people feel inscrutable just standing there.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that I could live another life.

Unfortunately, after my resurrection, my body returned to the state of eight years old, and all my innate skills and internal strength also disappeared. I don’t know how much hard work it will take to recover again. "

Hearing Wang Chongyang's words, Huang Yaoshi laughed loudly: "Brother Chongyang, your martial arts skills will be gone if they are gone. The tricks you know have long been out of date and are already worthless.

Being able to return to the body of an eight-year-old is not a bad thing, I tell you. "

After hearing Huang Yaoshi's words, Wang Chongyang's eyes narrowed.

He had already learned about the power of the Golden Pill Martial Arts created by Zhang Junbao from Zhou Botong, but after all, Xiantian Kung Fu was his life's work. At this time, he was actually said to be worthless by Huang Yaoshi and could not keep up with the times. This Wang Chongyang's eyes couldn't help but become a little sharper.

"Brother Yao, the Golden Pill Martial Arts created by Master Zhang Xian is indeed miraculous, but my innate skills are not that bad.

When we were discussing swordsmanship on the top of Mount Huashan, I relied on my pure innate martial arts and internal strength to come out on top. "

Huang Yaoshi saw that there was still a bit of stubbornness in Wang Chongyang's eyes, and couldn't help laughing again: "This time, that time, Brother Chongyang, times have changed."

As he spoke, Huang Yaoshi casually waved his sleeves and began to swing his fingers into the air with his sword.

His movements were very casual, just gliding left and right, but his movements were as graceful as dancing.

In an instant, streaks of cherry-pink sword energy crisscrossed the air. Each sword energy was several meters long and extremely solid. Wherever the sword energy passed, nothing could stop it.

The sword energy filled the entire Taoist palace, and the pink sword energy reflected the sunlight. Countless petals fell down, like falling flowers all over the sky.

What Huang Yaoshi used was the Luoying Divine Sword Palm that he had deduced into the Golden Core Martial Arts. This set of martial arts was like a god and demon when used in his hands. The sword energy was 300 meters long and horizontal, and every sword energy was cutting. Iron is like mud, nothing can withstand it. If he thinks about it, everything within the range of the sword energy will be torn into pieces by the fierce sword energy. It can be called the supreme killing skill.

Under this level of sword energy, let alone Wang Chongyang, who is now eight years old, even Wang Chongyang, who had supernatural powers in his heyday, is like paper. No matter how strong his innate skills and internal strength are, he can't resist it. Hold on to these iron-like sword energy slashes.

Huang Yaoshi was not serious at all, he just used his fingers as swords to use them casually. It was so terrifying. This is the power of the Golden Pill Martial Arts developed by Zhang Junbao!

Wang Chongyang couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "It really opened my eyes to me, Wang Chongyang, to have such magical skills.

I was sitting in a well looking at the sky before. Sure enough, there are people outside the world and there are mountains outside the mountains. The immortal who can master the method of resurrection is indeed not an ordinary person. "

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