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Chapter 273 Zhang Junbao's Reward

Hearing Wang Chongyang's surrender, Huang Yaoshi smiled and couldn't help but touch his beard with a proud look on his face.

"How's my skill, Brother Chongyang?

I'm telling you, this Falling Cherry Sword Palm can only be considered average among the Jindan martial arts I deduced.

The really powerful martial arts are too powerful to be used here, otherwise it will definitely open your eyes."

If it was in front of other people, Huang Yaoshi would never be so proud, but the person in front of him was Wang Chongyang, the middle-level supernatural power who once defeated Huang Yaoshi and became the winner of the Huashan Sword Contest. His martial arts could make this old opponent admire him, and Huang Yaoshi couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

The old naughty boy jumped up to Wang Chongyang and said, "Huang Lao Xie, you just came into contact with the Golden Core Martial Arts earlier than my senior brother. What's there to be proud of?

If we really fight now, you may not be able to beat me, let alone my senior brother.

With my senior brother's talent, after he also learns the Golden Core Martial Arts, he will still be the invincible Zhongshentong who suppresses the Central Plains martial arts."

The words of the old naughty boy made Huang Yaoshi's proud mood shudder.

Indeed, Wang Chongyang is not a simple person. In the previous era of Jianghu, Wang Chongyang was able to beat the four of them and become the leader of the Huashan Sword Contest, which is enough to show how high Wang Chongyang's talent is.

Although Huang Lao Xie thinks highly of himself, even he has to admit that Wang Chongyang has a talent for martial arts. Once Wang Chongyang comes into contact with the Golden Core Martial Arts, his future achievements will definitely be limitless.

At this moment, an eight-year-old child in black clothes came over with a cold face. It was Ouyang Feng who was reminiscing with Yang Guo.

"Hmph, old naughty boy, what are you talking about? Wang Chongyang's martial arts were just one level higher than ours.

Besides, now is the era of Jindan martial arts. What's the point of talking about past achievements? If we want to compare, let's compare who created the stronger Jindan martial arts.

I don't believe that in this new era, my Toad Kung Fu will not be able to defeat Wang Chongyang's Xiantian Kung Fu."

Ouyang Feng's words were full of domineering. He practiced the Nine Yin Manual in reverse, turning a disordered martial arts secret book into a peerless magic skill. Needless to say, his martial arts talent is naturally not worth mentioning.

Now that he has lived his life again, he has infinite pride in his heart, so how could he be willing to be inferior to others.

Except for Zhang Junbao, who is the cheater, who else can make him convinced?

"Well said, I, an old beggar, think so too. The past is all gone, and the heroes of the world are still here.

It just so happens that Huang Lao Xie, Old Poison, Master Yi Deng, Taoist Chong Yang, and I, an old beggar, are all here. Why don't we make another appointment and go to Huashan to have another sword fight."

The young version of Hong Qigong also came over with his head shaking. He also had absolute confidence in his martial arts talent. It was rare for him to live again and have a young body, so he must have a good competition with his old opponents.

Hearing this, Huang Yaoshi's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but nodded. He looked at Wang Chongyang: "Brother Chongyang, what do you think? Do you dare to have another Huashan Sword Contest with us?"

"Of course, I heard from Botong that the speed of practicing Jindan martial arts is very fast, and it only takes one or two months to catch up with our previous skills.

In this case, let's set the time for this Huashan Sword Contest one year later."

Although he also knew that Huang Yaoshi and others had been exposed to Jindan martial arts for dozens of days longer than him, he didn't take it seriously at all. Huang Yaoshi and others are confident in their talents, and he, Wang Chongyang, is even more confident in his talents. After all, he was a figure who once dominated a generation, and naturally had the belief of being invincible.

The old naughty boy couldn't help but get excited when he saw this scene. He was a child-like temperament, and he liked to join in the fun: "Me, me, me, and me, I want to participate too."

For Zhou Botong's proposal, Huang Yaoshi and others would naturally not refuse.

Zhou Botong has a pure heart and is extremely devout to martial arts. Especially after he came into contact with the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, Zhou Botong's martial arts has made great progress and he is firmly in the first echelon below Zhang Junbao. He is definitely the strongest master in the world.

Even Guo Xiang was very excited. She liked this lively scene the most.

"Grandpa, you and Mr. Hong are the old five masters, and big brother and daddy are the new five masters. If there are only five of you in this Huashan Sword Contest, it would be too boring. It is better to let big brother and others participate together, so that we can choose who is the best master in the world."

Guo Xiang's words made Huang Rong, who was standing aside, couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh: "You, this little girl just wants to watch the fun.

How can the Huashan Sword Contest choose the best master in the world? If your Junbao doesn't participate, who dares to say that he is the best in the world? If your Junbao participates, who can beat him?"

Huang Rong's words made Guo Xiang blush. She ran to her mother and gently patted her mother's shoulders with her hands.

"Mom, what are you talking about? There are so many seniors here."

Everyone looked at the playfulness of the mother and daughter, and couldn't help but smile. Everyone present was a master, and no one could fail to see the ambiguous relationship between Guo Xiang and Zhang Junbao.

However, despite this, Guo Xiang's suggestion was still unanimously recognized by everyone, especially Wang Chongyang, who was very interested in Guo Jing and Yang Guo, two younger masters who rose after his death.

Zhang Junbao looked at the lively scene and smiled and said: "Since so many masters have gathered, why not make this round of Huashan Sword Contest more grand.

Just let me host it, and the participants are not limited to the old and new Five Arts, as long as they are masters of Jindan Martial Arts, they can participate. "

As he spoke, Zhang Junbao pondered for a while: "Since it is a large-scale competition, there must be rewards. Well, if you can break into the top three, you can get a magic weapon presented by me.

The person who can win the first place in Huashan Sword Theory will be rewarded with a martial arts book.

This martial arts technique can be the unique skills that I created myself, or I can choose to let me deduce it based on the martial arts he has practiced. "

As soon as Zhang Junbao said this, the eyes of everyone present lit up, and there was a look of desire in their eyes.

Forget it, the rewards for the top three are just a magic weapon, nothing more than a foreign object.

The reward for the first place in the Huashan Sword Forum is really attractive.

Although Zhang Junbao spreads Jindan Martial Arts in Xiangyang City, his philosophy in teaching his disciples is that it is better to teach people to fish than to teach them how to fish.

Therefore, what he taught in Xiangyang City were the fundamental principles of Jindan Martial Arts, understanding of realms, methods of breakthrough, etc.

In addition to this, he only taught the most upright and peaceful Jindan Peiyuan Kung Fu. This Kung Fu is upright and peaceful, and can cultivate the foundation of practitioners, and can almost seamlessly transfer to other martial arts.

But the shortcoming is exactly the same. Because it is too neutral and peaceful, the power of this martial arts is very ordinary.

Apart from this, he has almost never taught any other martial arts secrets to others.

Zhang Junbao did this just to create a world where a hundred flowers bloom.

If he teaches the Jindan martial arts derived by him to others, it will stifle the creativity of martial artists in the world. At that time, people in the world will only practice the martial arts he created, and will not find ways to use their own subjective initiative to create interesting martial arts.

Of course, the martial arts created by these martial arts people naturally have various loopholes and imprecision, but this is not important. What Zhang Junbao values ​​most is the ingenuity of the warriors. Only such a martial arts environment can prepare him for his future practice. Provide enough food.

However, Zhang Junbao was not an exception. When he first came to Xiangyang City, he performed the Golden Elixir Martial Arts version of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms for Guo Jing.

But who is Guo Jing? Not only is he Guo Xiang's father, but he also shoulders the responsibility of guarding Xiangyang, so he is naturally different from others.

And except for Guo Jing, no one else can have this kind of treatment.

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