All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 274 The Jianghu is going crazy

The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms deduced by Zhang Junbao are extremely mysterious. Practitioners need to visualize a dragon soul, and then feed it with the martial artist's fist intention, which can make this dragon soul from virtual to real, and its power becomes stronger and stronger.

Until the dragon soul reaches the level that can be comparable to the real dragon soul, then this dragon soul can be taken into the body and subdued.

Once subdued, the dragon soul can blend with the practitioner, allowing him to have the power of a whole dragon soul.

This practice method undoubtedly exceeds the cognitive limit of all Yitian warriors.

Feeding the visualized dragon soul with fist intention, and then cultivating the dragon soul from virtual to real, this sounds like a myth, completely beyond the scope of martial arts.

In fact, what they thought was not wrong, because Zhang Junbao incorporated the practice knowledge of Yangshen Taoism into this book of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Whether it is the method of visualizing and condensing the dragon soul, or the technique of feeding the dragon soul with fist intention, all are the means of Yangshen Taoism.

Although this Jindan martial art is still called the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, in fact, apart from the word "dragon subduing", it has no great connection with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Zhang Junbao's deduced version of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms is not only able to subdue eighteen dragons, but it can subdue hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of dragons!

As long as Guo Jing wants, he can visualize the dragons one by one into his body and subdue them, with no limit at all.

This also led to Guo Jing's leading position in the martial arts of Xiangyang City. Once he used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, even Huang Yaoshi and Zhou Botong could not withstand fifty moves under his hands. He was invincible in Xiangyang!

However, unless someone specifically requested it, Guo Jing would not use this Jindan martial art in ordinary competitions.

He most often used the various martial arts he deduced,

because he felt that even if he won using Zhang Junbao's version of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, it would be an unfair victory!

Without this book, Guo Jing would not have absolute suppression power, and his competition with other top masters would be wins and losses.

It is worth mentioning that Guo Jing himself also deduced a Jindan martial arts version of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Unlike Zhang Junbao, he did not take the path of visualizing the dragon soul into his own body, but started from the true qi, opened up the acupoints all over his body, and put the dragon-subduing true qi into it to evolve the true body of the dragon.

Even if Guo Jing used his own deduced version of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms in the competition, he could still defeat the heroes and win more than lose, but he did not have the absolute suppression power like Zhang Junbao's version.

Everyone speculated that the reason for this was that Guo Jing's Dragon Subduing Palms referred to Zhang Junbao's Dragon Subduing Palm, so it had such power.

This also made everyone extremely jealous of the reward given by Zhang Junbao.

If Zhang Junbao could use their practice methods to deduce a Jindan martial arts that was not inferior to the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the value would be too great.

Not only can he become an invincible master at the same level as Guo Jing, but he can also use this as a reference to comprehend a little of Zhang Zhenren's martial arts true meaning and promote his own practice in the golden elixir martial arts.

This is enough to make everyone crazy.

Wang Chongyang, Ouyang Feng, and Hong Qigong looked at each other, and all three of them were determined to win the first place in this Huashan Sword Contest.

Zhou Botong, Yang Guo, Guo Jing and others were also very interested in Huashan Sword Contest. There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. No martial artist would miss this opportunity to compete with martial artists of the same level.

Even Huang Laoxie, who was eccentric and weird, seemed very excited at this time, and a fighting spirit ignited in his eyes.

Seeing the feedback caused by his words, Zhang Junbao couldn't help but nodded.

Very good, it was worth his efforts.

The most important reason why he held Huashan Sword Contest as such a large-scale event was to inspire the fighting spirit of the people in the world.

The spread of Jindan martial arts has already made the current martial arts world full of vitality, and the Huashan Sword Contest is a shot in the arm, which can make the martial arts world more prosperous.

Then Zhang Junbao planned to leave. Wang Chongyang originally wanted to stay in Chongyang Palace for a while. He hadn't seen his disciples for a long time and had many things to explain.

But what Wang Chongyang didn't expect was that Chongyang Palace was empty. Except for some servants who were still cleaning, there was almost no one to see.

After asking, he learned that except for some disciples left behind by Quanzhen Sect to look after the house, almost all other disciples had rushed to Xiangyang City, especially the Quanzhen Six Sons were all in Xiangyang City at this time.

After all, in the era of Jindan martial arts, even the Nine Yin Manual and Nine Yang Magic Skills were directly disclosed by Zhang Junbao. Compared with these peerless magic skills, the ordinary martial arts of Quanzhen Sect were no different from garbage, and there was no fear of being remembered.

The greatest opportunity of this era is in Xiangyang City, so after hearing the news, Qiu Chuji immediately took all the Quanzhen disciples to Xiangyang City, and even ignored the old nest.

Unable to find the disciples, Wang Chongyang no longer had any feelings for Chongyang Palace. After all, guarding this dead thing was not as important as going to Xiangyang City to learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

After everything was done, Zhang Junbao waved his sleeves and took everyone on the big ship that he had thought about and sailed back to Xiangyang City.

Back in Xiangyang City, Zhang Junbao put everyone down and left alone. He still had one thing to solve.

After entering the retreat, Zhang Junbao reached out and took out a bead from his arms. There was a very faint shadow in the bead, so faint that it was almost invisible to the naked eye.

This shadow was a woman with a graceful figure, who looked to be in her thirties or forties. She closed her eyes and looked extremely peaceful. One could tell at a glance that she must have been a well-educated and well-mannered beauty when she was alive. Moreover, the woman's eyebrows and eyes were very similar to Guo Xiang, which made Zhang Junbao feel very kind.

The figure in the bead was naturally Guo Xiang's grandmother Feng Heng. Feng Heng died of exhaustion in order to copy the Nine Yin Manual that was stolen by Chen Xuanfeng and Mei Chaofeng for Huang Yaoshi. This incident was also a lifelong pain in Huang Yaoshi's heart.

Huang Yaoshi missed Feng Heng very much, so he would burn incense to Feng Heng at a fixed time every month, and especially on the anniversary of his late wife's death, he would organize all the servants of Peach Blossom Island to worship Feng Heng together.

It is precisely because of Huang Yaoshi's practice that Feng Heng, as an ordinary person, was able to keep this trace of soul from dissipating under the protection of the extremely strong power of incense after decades of time.

But Feng Heng's condition at this time was also very bad, and he might dissipate between heaven and earth at any time.

If Zhang Junbao let it go, Feng Heng's soul would definitely dissipate in two to three months.

A soul of this strength is completely unable to meet the conditions for resurrection.

Putting this soul that is about to dissipate into the flesh will only make her be dispersed by the blood of the living flesh at the first time. Even if Zhang Junbao barely protects Feng Heng's soul, there is no way to connect the soul with the flesh.

If it were someone else, Zhang Junbao would definitely not bother to care, but after all, the person in front of him is Guo Xiang's grandmother, so Zhang Junbao decided to try hard to see if there is any way to save her.

This is very difficult. Feng Heng's soul is really too weak, so weak that she can't even withstand the tonic.

Even in the Yangshen world, this level of injury can only be recovered by practicing the Amitabha Sutra.

But Feng Heng couldn't even wake up at this time, so how could he practice the Amitabha Sutra?

Zhang Junbao could only help Feng Heng maintain his soul, and then slowly think about the solution.

Since there is no such method in the world, can't I just create such a method to solve the problem?

Zhang Junbao had a hunch that if he could comprehend this method, it would definitely help him go further on the Yin-Yang Road!

However, Zhang Junbao was not so stubborn that he had to solve the problem by himself. When he was comprehending, he also sent the problems he encountered to the group.

Many friends in the group have the same understanding as him, and they are specialized in different fields. Maybe what he can't do is a piece of cake for other group members.

Zhang Junbao has never been a self-centered character, so he naturally does not reject teamwork.

Just when Zhang Junbao was in seclusion, the news that he was going to hold a Huashan Sword Contest for the whole world began to spread slowly in the world.

This was Zhang Junbao's arrangement before his seclusion. Since he was going to give the world a shot in the arm, he would naturally not hide it.

And in order to make this shot in the arm more powerful, he added a reward for the top ten in the Huashan Sword Contest, which was a resurrection quota.

This was a stone that caused a thousand waves, and everyone was stunned by the news.

Other things can be understood, but what is this resurrection quota? Could it be that Master Zhang is so powerful that he can even resurrect the dead!

If this news was not released by Master Zhang himself, I am afraid no one would believe it.

But even if it was the news that Zhang Junbao personally spread, many people still felt half-believing and half-doubting.

But soon no one questioned Zhang Junbao anymore, because they saw Wang Chongyang, Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng who were resurrected from the dead.

At the beginning, many people suspected that these three people were fake, after all, they were all eight-year-old children, but soon they found that the identities of these three people were indeed real.

Hong Qigong was served by the disciples of the Beggar Gang, and Wang Chongyang was followed by the Quanzhen Seven Sons.

As for Ouyang Feng, he was a lonely man. The White Snake Villa had been destroyed long ago, but he was also accompanied by the Condor Hero Yang Guo, and he called Ouyang Feng "Dad".

No one would doubt that the Condor Hero Yang Guo was acting, because there was no one in the world worthy of Yang Guo's acting.

Unless Zhang Junbao and these top figures in the Central Plains martial arts world joined together to deceive the world, otherwise the fact that someone died and resurrected would become a foregone conclusion.

In an instant, the entire Central Plains martial arts world began to be turbulent, and countless people were crazy about it.

Walking in the rivers and lakes, who doesn't have a few friends, or a loved one who died in an untimely death, and being able to resurrect them after death, in the eyes of some people, this is better than all the gold and silver treasures.

Even though they knew that Zhang Junbao's resurrection method was limited, countless masters still flocked to it and began to prepare for a new round of Huashan Sword Contest with great enthusiasm.

And the undercurrent in Xiangyang City was even more turbulent.

In a dilapidated house, several shirtless men sat opposite each other. Their faces were slightly sinister, but mixed with a hint of helplessness.

The tall man said: "You tell me, should we tell the Prime Minister about this matter!"

One of the short men, who was as tall as a winter melon, rolled his eyes at him: "Li Peicheng, are you stupid? We are not the only spies on the Prime Minister's line. How could we hide this information from the Prime Minister?"

The tall man smiled nonchalantly: "Wu Haochen, of course I know this, but you still want to continue like this and act like a dog to the Prime Minister to deal with Zhenren Zhang.

It’s not like you don’t know what kind of magical powers Master Zhang has, and now he has even more mysterious means of resurrecting people after death.

Helping the court to fight against Zhang Zhenren is simply asking for death. "

The short winter melon man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with some hesitation: "But after all, we are the secret agents of the imperial court. We eat the emperor's salary and worry about the emperor. We have the responsibility to share the emperor's worries.

Besides, as the emperor, he is bound to the country and nothing can happen to him. "

The tall man let out a wild laugh: "You, you, are such a fool.

The emperor is nothing in front of Zhenren Zhang.

Let me tell you, if Zhang Zhenren has such magical powers and such a compassionate heart, he must be the Jade Emperor from heaven who came down to earth to endure calamities, otherwise how could he be so defiant.

The Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven, nothing more!

In front of Zhenren Zhang's identity in heaven and earth, he is nothing but a son, and he is worthy of us working for him. "

Dwarf Winter Melon was still a little hesitant.

At this moment, the white-faced man sitting in the back shook his eyebrows: "Pei Chen is right, we are originally a knife. If Jia Xiang wants to use us to fight against Zhenren Zhang, we have to fight against Zhenren Zhang. If he wants us to go If we die, we must die.

But the problem is that if a person wants to use a knife, then he must be stronger than the knife, otherwise he will be hurt by the knife instead.

I, Yu Baimei, am not stupid. When Jia Xiang's sword is used, it will only lead to death in the end. It is not that simple to kill me.

After Zhang Zhenren came into contact with Jindan Martial Arts, we have already become our own swords. The court still wants to use us to cut Zhang Zhenren, which is simply wishful thinking.

I would say that Mr. Zhang should have known about our existence for a long time. It’s just that he is broad-minded and doesn’t care about us. But Mr. Zhang’s patience is not endless. If we keep asking for it without making some show, I’m afraid the consequences will be miserable.

Therefore, we will not spread the news this time. When the time comes, if Prime Minister Jia is questioned, we will directly rebel against him and cut ourselves off from the court. Only in this way can we have a chance to get rid of the shackles of our identity. "

Yu Baimei was obviously the leader among the three. After he decided on the next course of action, both Li Peisi and Wu Haochen stopped talking.

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